How to convert netmask to network prefix length? - c

I am doing some programming, I wanna convert the netmask to network prefix length.
For example ----> 24.
Finally I write some code to do so.
const char *network = "";
int n = inet_addr(netowrk);
int i = 0;
while (n > 0) {
n = n << 1;
i will be the network count

You should first try to compile your code, it can help you a lot. There are compilations errors because you mistyped variable name "netowrk"
To calculate prefix instead to left shift you should try with right shift and instead of using inet_addr try inet_pton().
For more details go through the post IPv4 to decimal different values?
Here you can check the code:
int main()
const char *network = "";
int n;
inet_pton(AF_INET, network, &n);
int i = 0;
while (n > 0) {
n = n >> 1;
printf("network = %s, suffix = %d\n", network, i);

I cannot add comments, but be aware that Jaymin's answer is dependent on the host byte order. You should use ntohl(3) to convert the address returned by inet_pton to host byte order, and then left shift, right shift, or bit-count to get the prefix length.
For that matter, you really ought to be passing a struct sockaddr_in into inet_pton...

As for netmask, we know that the value is always a continuous series of set bits followed by zero bits. there are no zero bits in between.
So given that we know that max set bits could be only 32, counting the number of zero bits makes a smaller loop count to calculate the prefix len.
unsigned int n = 0xFFFFFE00; // ( => 23 bits
int zerobits = 0;
while ((n & 0x1) == 0) {
n = n >> 1;
return (32 - zerobits);
So here , the loop count is only for the number of zero bits (9 in this case).

This works for IPv4 networks.
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <iostream>
int main() {
// const char *network = "";
// const char *network = "";
// const char *network = "";
const char *network = "";
int ret;
int count_ones = 0;
std::uint8_t byte;
std::uint8_t buf[sizeof(struct in_addr)];
ret = inet_pton(AF_INET, network, &buf);
// assert(ret > 0);
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(struct in_addr); i++) {
// std::cout << int(buf[i]) << std::endl;
byte = buf[i];
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
count_ones += (byte & 1);
byte >>= 1;
std::cout << "network: " << network << ", suffix: " << count_ones << std::endl;


How to write only 12 bits to a char array in C?

I'm trying to implement a FAT12 file system in which there's a FAT table data structure which is an unsigned char array. I need to write a function which given an array index would write a value to the next 12 bits (because it's FAT12) which is quite tricky because part of the value needs to go to one byte and the other part needs to go the half of the second byte.
This is the get value function I came up with:
//FAT is the unsigned char array
int GetFatEntry(int FATindex, unsigned char * FAT) {
unsigned int FATEntryCode; // The return value
// Calculate the offset of the WORD to get
int FatOffset = ((FATindex * 3) / 2);
if (FATindex % 2 == 1){ // If the index is odd
FATEntryCode = ((unsigned char)(&FAT[FatOffset])[0] + (((unsigned char)(&FAT[FatOffset])[1]) << 8));
FATEntryCode >>= 4; // Extract the high-order 12 bits
else{ // If the index is even
FATEntryCode = ((unsigned char)(&FAT[FatOffset])[0] + (((unsigned char)(&FAT[FatOffset])[1]) << 8));
FATEntryCode &= 0x0fff; // Extract the low-order 12 bits
return FATEntryCode;
I'm struggling to come up with the function which would set a value given a FATindex. I would appreciate any suggestions.
This seems to work. The data that should be written should be in the first 12 bits of data
void WriteFatEntry(int FATindex, unsigned char * FAT, unsigned char data[2]) {
// Calculate the offset of the WORD to get
int FatOffset = ((FATindex * 3) / 2);
unsigned char d;
if (FATindex % 2 != 0){ // If the index is odd
// Copy from data to d and e, and shift everything so that second half of
// e contains first half of data[1], and first half of e contains second
// half of data[0], while second half of d contains first half of data[0].
// First half of d contains a copy of first four bits in FAT[FatOffset]
// so that nothing changes when it gets written
unsigned char e=data[1];
e|=(d<<4) & 0b11110000;
d |= FAT[FatOffset] & 0b11110000;
FAT[FatOffset+1] = e;
else{ // If the index is even
d = data[1] & 0b11110000;
d |= FAT[FatOffset+1] & 0b00001111;
FAT[FatOffset] = data[0];
FAT[FatOffset+1] = d;
#include <stdio.h>
#if 1 /* assuming MSB first */
#define MSB (idx)
#define LSB (idx+1)
#else /* assuming LSB first */
#define MSB (idx+1)
#define LSB (idx)
unsigned fat_getval(unsigned char * tab, unsigned num)
unsigned idx;
unsigned val;
idx = num + num/2;
val = (tab[MSB] <<8 ) + (tab[idx+1] ) ;
if (num %2 ==0) val >>= 4;
return val & 0xfff;
void fat_putval(unsigned char * tab, unsigned slot, unsigned val)
unsigned idx;
idx = slot + slot/2;
if (slot %2 ==0) { /* xyz_ */
val <<= 4;
val |= tab[LSB] & 0xf;
else { /* _xyz */
val |= (tab[MSB] & 0xf0) << 8;
tab[MSB] = val >>8;
tab[LSB] = val &0xff;
#undef MSB
#undef LSB
unsigned char fattable[] = "\x01\x23\x45\x67\x89\xab"; // 12 nibbles
int main(void)
unsigned idx, ret;
for (idx = 0; idx < 6; idx++) { // 6 bytes -> 12 nibbles */
printf(" %02x", fattable[idx] );
fat_putval(fattable, 0, 0xabc);
for (idx = 0; idx < 6; idx++) {
printf(" %02x", fattable[idx] );
fat_putval(fattable, 3, 0xdef);
for (idx = 0; idx < 6; idx++) {
printf(" %02x", fattable[idx] );
printf("Get(0 to 4):\n");
for (idx = 0; idx < 4; idx++) { // 12 / 3 ~> 4 * 12bit entries
ret = fat_getval( fattable, idx);
printf("%u := %x\n", idx, ret );
return 0;

Converting a hex-string into two different context of decimal num. in C

I have a string say:
char *hexstring = "08fc0021";
this is a concatenation of two information each two bytes long.
The first two bytes of this string, ie.: 08fc corresponds to 2300 in dec.
the last 4 bytes, ie., 0021 -> 33.
My problem is to convert this string into two different variables, say:
int varA, varB;
here varA will have the number 2300, and varB = 33.
normally I would have used sscanf to convert the string into a decimal num.
but now i have this problem of a concatenated string with two different info.
any idea suggestion how to nail this ?
thx in advance
Bitwise AND to the Rescue!
So, doing what you require can be done using the bitwise AND opperator on the resulting 32bit number (int?) you get from sscanf.
You first get the number from the string:
char* hexstring = "0x08fc0021";
int num = 0;
sscanf(hexstring, "%x", &num); //put the number into num.
Then you get the bits you want using &:
int varA=0, varB=0;
varA = num & 0xFFFF; //will get the second half.
varB = num & 0xFFFF0000;
varB = varB >> 16; // now you have the first half as well.
And there you have it.
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
char *hexstring = "08fc0021";
unsigned long hexnumber = 0u;
unsigned short a = 0u;
unsigned short b = 0u;
/* Use sscanf() to convert the string to integer */
sscanf(hexstring, "%x", &hexnumber);
/* Use bitwise and to filter out the two higher bytes *
* and shift it 16 bits right */
a = ((hexnumber & 0xFFFF0000u) >> 16u);
/* Use bitwise AND to filter out the two lower bytes */
b = (hexnumber & 0x0000FFFFu);
printf("0x%X 0x%X\n",a,b);
return 0;
You can use this approach (bit operations):
char *hexstring = "08fc0021";
int aux;
sscanf(hexstring, "%x", &aux);
printf("aux = 0x%x = %d\n", aux, aux);
int varA = (aux & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16, varB = aux & 0x0000FFFF;
printf("varA = 0x%x = %d\n", varA, varA);
printf("varB = 0x%x = %d\n", varB, varB);
aux = 0x8fc0021 = 150732833
varA = 0x8fc = 2300
varB = 0x21 = 33
Or this approach (string manipulation):
// requires a hexstring length of 8 or more sophisticated logic
char *hexstring = "08fc0021";
int len = strlen(hexstring);
char varA[5], varB[5];
for(int i = 0; i<len; i++)
if(i < 4) varA[i] = hexstring[i];
else varB[i-4] = hexstring[i];
varA[4] = varB[4] = '\0';
int varAi, varBi;
sscanf(varA, "%x", &varAi);
sscanf(varB, "%x", &varBi);
printf("varAi = 0x%x = %d\n", varAi, varAi);
printf("varBi = 0x%x = %d\n", varBi, varBi);
Same result:
varAi = 0x8fc = 2300
varBi = 0x21 = 33

Error in Program to implement cyclic redundancy check

I have tried to implement crc in c.My logic is not very good.What I have tried is to copy the message(msg) in a temp variable and at the end I have appended number of zeros 1 less than the number of bits in crc's divisor div.
for ex:
then temp becomes:
div= 10110000000000000
finding xor of temp and div and storing it in temp
gives temp=01100011101100000 counting number of zeros appearing before the first '1' of temp and shifting the characters of div right to that number and then repeating the same process until decimal value of temp becomes less than decimal value of div. Which gives the remainder.
My problem is when I append zeros at the end of temp it stores 0's along with some special characters like this:
and when I debugged I got error
Floating point:Stack Underflow
here is my code:
void main() {
char msg[100],div[100],temp[100];
int i,j=0,k=0,l=0,msglen,divlen,newdivlen,ct=0,divdec=0,tempdec=0;
printf("Enter the message\n");
printf("\nEnter the divisor\n");
printf("\nModified Temp:");
printf("\nModified div:");
and this part of the code :
gives error Floating Point:Stack Underflow
The problem is that you wrote a 0 over the NUL terminator, and didn't put another NUL terminator on the string. So printf gets confused and prints garbage. Which is to say that this code
printf("\nModified Temp:");
should be
temp[i] = '\0'; // <--- NUL terminate the string
printf("\nModified Temp:");
You have to do this with integers
int CRC(unsigned int n);
int CRC_fast(unsigned int n);
void printbinary(unsigned int n);
unsigned int msb(register unsigned int n);
int main()
char buf[5];
strcpy(buf, "ABCD");
//convert string to number,
//this is like 1234 = 1*1000 + 2*100 + 3*10 + 4, but with hexadecimal
unsigned int n = buf[3] * 0x1000000 + buf[2] * 0x10000 + buf[1] * 0x100 + buf[3];
- "ABCD" becomes just a number
- Any string of text can become a sequence of numbers
- you can work directly with numbers and bits
- shift the bits left and right using '<<' and '>>' operator
- use bitwise operators & | ^
- use basic math with numbers
//finding CRC, from Wikipedia example:
n = 13548; // 11010011101100 in binary (14 bits long), 13548 in decimal
//padding by 3 bits: left shift by 3 bits:
n <<= 3; //11010011101100000 (now it's 17 bits long)
//17 is "sort of" the length of integer, can be obtained from 1 + most significant bit of n
int m = msb(n) + 1;
printf("len(%d) = %d\n", n, m);
int divisor = 11; //1011 in binary (4 bits)
divisor <<= (17 - 4);
//lets see the bits:
unsigned int result = n ^ divisor;// XOR operator
//put this in function:
n = CRC(13548);
n = CRC_fast(13548);
return 0;
void printbinary(unsigned int n)
char buf[33];
memset(buf, 0, 33);
unsigned int mask = 1 << 31;
//result in binary: 1 followed by 31 zero
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
buf[i] = (n & mask) ? '1' : '0';
//shift the mask by 1 bit to the right
mask >>= 1;
mask will be shifted like this:
100000... first
010000... second
001000... third
printf("%s\n", buf);
//find most significant bit
unsigned int msb(register unsigned int n)
unsigned i = 0;
while (n >>= 1)
return i;
int CRC(unsigned int n)
printf("\nCRC(%d)\n", n);
unsigned int polynomial = 11;
unsigned int plen = msb(polynomial);
unsigned int divisor;
n <<= 3;
for (;;)
int shift = msb(n) - plen;
if (shift < 0) break;
divisor = polynomial << shift;
n ^= divisor;
printf("result: %d\n\n", n);
return n;
int CRC_fast(unsigned int n)
printf("\nCRC_fast(%d)\n", n);
unsigned int polynomial = 11;
unsigned int plen = msb(polynomial);
unsigned int divisor;
n <<= 3;
for (;;)
int shift = msb(n) - plen;
if (shift < 0) break;
n ^= (polynomial << shift);
printf("result: %d\n\n", n);
return n;
Previous problems with string method:
This is infinite loop:
while (temp[i] != '1')
Previous problems with string method:
This one is too confusing:
for (i = newdivlen + ct; i > ct; i--)
div[i] = div[i - ct];
I don't know what ct is. The for loops are all going backward, this makes the code faster sometimes (maybe 1 nanosecond faster), but it makes it very confusing.
There is another while loop,
while (tempdec > divdec)
This may go on forever if you don't get the expected result. It makes it very hard to debug the code.

masking most significant bit

I wrote this function to remove the most significant bit in every byte. But this function doesn't seem to be working the way I wanted it to be.
The output file size is always '0', I don't understand why nothing's been written to the output file. Is there a better and simple way to remove the most significant bit in every byte??
In relation to shift operators, section 6.5.7 of the C standard says:
If the value of the right operand is negative or is greater than or
equal to the width of the promoted left operand, the behavior is
So firstly, remove nBuffer << 8;. Even if it were well defined, it wouldn't be an assignment operator.
As people have mentioned, you'd be better off using CHAR_BIT than 8. I'm pretty sure, instead of 0x7f you mean UCHAR_MAX >> 1 and instead of 7 you meant CHAR_BIT - 1.
Let's just focus on nBuffer and bit_count, here. I shall comment out anything that doesn't use either of these.
bit_count += 7;
if (bit_count == 7*8)
*out_buf++ = nBuffer;
/*if((write(out_fd, bit_buf, sizeof(char))) == -1)
oops("Cannot write on the file", "");*/
nBuffer << 8;
bit_count -= 8;
nBuffer = 0;
bit_count = 0;
At the end of this code, what is the value of nBuffer? What about bit_count? What impact would that have on your second loop? while (bit_count > 0)
Now let's focus on the commented out code:
if((write(out_fd, bit_buf, sizeof(char))) == -1)
oops("Cannot write on the file", "");
Where are you assigning a value to bit_buf? Using an uninitialised variable is undefined behaviour.
Instead of going through all of the bits to find the high one, this goes through only the 1 bits. high() returns the high bit of the argument, or zero if the argument is zero.
inline int high(int n)
int k;
do {
k = n ^ (n - 1);
n &= ~k;
} while (n);
return (k + 1) >> 1;
inline int drop_high(int n)
return n ^ high(n);
unsigned char remove_most_significant_bit(unsigned char b)
int bit;
for(bit = 0; bit < 8; bit++)
unsigned char mask = (0x80 >> bit);
if( mask & b) return b & ~mask;
return b;
void remove_most_significant_bit_from_buffer(unsigned char* b, int length)
int i;
for(i=0; i<length;i++)
b[i] = remove_most_significant_bit(b[i]);
void test_it()
unsigned char data[8];
int i;
for(i = 0; i < 8; i++)
data[i] = (1 << i) + i;
for(i = 0; i < 8; i++)
printf("%d\r\n", data[i]);
remove_most_significant_bit_from_buffer(data, 8);
for(i = 0; i < 8; i++)
printf("%d\r\n", data[i]);
I won't go through your entire answer to provide your reworked code, but removing the most significant bit is easy. This comes from the fact that the most significant bit can easily be found by using log base 2 converted to an integer.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int RemoveMSB(int a)
return a ^ (1 << (int)log2(a));
int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
int a = 4387;
printf("MSB of %d is %d\n", a, (int)log2(a));
a = RemoveMSB(a);
printf("MSB of %d is %d\n", a, (int)log2(a));
return 0;
MSB of 4387 is 12
MSB of 291 is 8
As such, 4387 in binary is 1000100100011 with a most significant bit at 12.
Likewise, 291 in binary is 0000100100011 with a most significant bit at 8.

How can I store variable length codes sequentially in memory?

Say I have a two dimensional array where each entry contains a length and a value:
int array[4][2] = { /* {length, value}, */
{5, 3},
{6, 7},
{1, 0},
{8, 15},
I want to store them sequentially into memory with leading zeros to make each field the appropriate length. The example above would be:
00011 000111 0 00001111
The first block is five bits long and stores decimal 3. The second block is six bits long and stores decimal seven. The third block is one bit long and stores decimal 0, and the last block is eight bits long and stores decimal 15.
I can do it with some bitwise manipulation but I thought I would ask to see if there is an easier way.
I am coding in C for a Tensilica 32-bit RISC processor.
The purpose is to write a sequence of Exponential-Golomb codes.
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
unsigned int i = 0, j = 0;
unsigned char bit = 0;
unsigned int bit_num = 0;
unsigned int field_length_bits = 0;
unsigned int field_length_bytes = 0;
unsigned int field_array_length = 0;
unsigned int field_list[NUM_FIELDS][2] = {
/*{Length, Value},*/
{4, 3},
{5, 5},
{6, 9},
{7, 11},
{8, 13},
{9, 15},
{10, 17},
unsigned char *seq_array;
// Find total length of field list in bits
for (i = 0; i < NUM_FIELDS; i++)
field_length_bits += field_list[i][LENGTH];
// Number of bytes needed to store FIELD parameters
for (i = 0; i < (field_length_bits + i) % 8 != 0; i++) ;
field_length_bytes = (field_length_bits + i) / 8;
// Size of array we need to allocate (multiple of 4 bytes)
for (i = 0; (field_length_bytes + i) % 4 != 0; i++) ;
field_array_length = (field_length_bytes + i);
// Allocate memory
seq_array = (unsigned char *) calloc(field_array_length, sizeof(unsigned char));
// Traverse source and set destination
for(i = 0; i < NUM_FIELDS; i++)
for(j = 0; j < field_list[i][LENGTH]; j++)
bit = 0x01 & (field_list[i][VALUE] >> (field_list[i][LENGTH] - j - 1));
if (bit)
setBit(seq_array, field_array_length, bit_num, 1);
setBit(seq_array, field_array_length, bit_num, 0);
return 0;
void setBit(unsigned char *array, unsigned int array_len, unsigned int bit_num, unsigned int bit_value)
unsigned int byte_location = 0;
unsigned int bit_location = 0;
byte_location = bit_num / 8;
if(byte_location > array_len - 1)
printf("setBit(): Unauthorized memory access");
bit_location = bit_num % 8;
array[byte_location] |= (1 << (7-bit_location));
array[byte_location] &= ~(1 << (7-bit_location));
You can use a bitstream library:
Highly recommended bitstream library:
Because this bitstream library seems to be very self-contained, and doesn't seem to require external includes. - C library, but using windows WORD, DWORD types (you can still typedef to use this library) - includes quite a few other include files to use the bitstream library
If you just want exponential golomb codes, there are open-source C implementations:
Or you can use bit manipulation techniques.
For example:
unsigned int array[4][2] = ???
unsigned int mem[100] = {};
int index=0,bit=0;
for (int i=0;i<4;i++) {
int shift = (32 - array[i][0] - bit);
if (shift>0) mem[index] &= array[i][1] << shift;
else {
mem[index] &= array[i][1] >> -shift;
mem[index+1] &= array[i][1] << (32+shift);
bit += array[i][1];
if (bit>=32) {
The code only works if your computer byte-order is little endian, and the result will actually be little-endian within each 4-byte boundary, and big-endian across 4-byte boundaries. If you convert mem from int type to char, and replace the constants 32 to 8, you will get a big-endian representation of your bit-array.
It also assumes that the length is less than 32. Obviously, the code you actually want will depend on the bounds of valid input, and what you want in terms of byte-ordering.
Do you mean something like a bit field?
struct myBF
unsigned int v1 : 5;
unsigned int v2 : 5;
unsigned int v3 : 1;
unsigned int v4 : 8;
struct myBF b = { 3, 7, 0, 15 };
I may be misunderstanding your requirements entirely. Please comment if that's the case.
Update: Suppose you want to do this dynamically. Let's make a function that accepts an array of pairs, like in your example, and an output buffer:
/* Fill dst with bits.
* Returns one plus the number of bytes used or 0 on error.
size_t bitstream(int (*arr)[2], size_t arrlen,
unsigned char * dst, size_t dstlen)
size_t total_bits = 0, bits_so_far = 0;
/* Check if there's enough space */
for (size_t i = 0; i != arrlen; ++i) { total_bits += arr[i][0]; }
if (dst == NULL || total_bits > CHAR_BIT * dstlen) { return 0; }
/* Set the output range to all zero */
memset(dst, 0, dstlen);
/* Populate the output range */
for (size_t i = 0; i != arrlen; ++i)
for (size_t bits_to_spend = arr[i][0], value = arr[i][1];
bits_to_spend != 0; /* no increment */ )
size_t const bit_offset = bits_so_far % CHAR_BIT;
size_t const byte_index = bits_so_far / CHAR_BIT;
size_t const cur_byte_capacity = CHAR_BIT - bit_offset;
/* Debug: Watch it work! */
printf("Need to store %zu, %zu bits to spend, capacity %zu.\n",
value, bits_to_spend, cur_byte_capacity);
dst[byte_index] |= (value << bit_offset);
if (cur_byte_capacity < bits_to_spend)
value >>= cur_byte_capacity;
bits_so_far += cur_byte_capacity;
bits_to_spend -= cur_byte_capacity;
bits_so_far += bits_to_spend;
bits_to_spend = 0;
return (bits_so_far + CHAR_BIT - 1) / CHAR_BIT;
If the number arr[i][1] does not fit into arr[i][0] bits, only the residue modulo 2arr[i][0] is stored.
To be perfectly correct, the array type should be unsigned as well, otherwise the initialization size_t value = arr[i][1] may be undefined behaviour.
You can modify the error handling behaviour. For example, you could forgo transactionality and move the length check into the main loop. Also, instead of returning 0, you could return the numĀ­ber of required bytes, so that the user can figure out how big the destination array needs to be (like snptrintf does).
unsigned char dst[N];
size_t n = bitstream(array, sizeof array / sizeof *array, dst, sizeof dst);
for (size_t i = 0; i != n; ++i) { printf("0x%02X ", dst[n - i - 1]); }
For your example, this will produce 0x00 0xF0 0xE3, which is:
0x00 0xF0 0xE3
00000000 11110000 11100011
0000 00001111 0 000111 00011
padd 15 0 7 3
In standard C there's no way to access anything smaller than a char by any way other than the 'bitwise manipulation` you mention. I'm afraid you're out of luck, unless you come across a library somewhere out there that can help you.
