Problems with django app DATABASES setting for heroku deployment - database

When I change my setting of Database according to the official guide as
DATABASES['default'] = dj_database_url.config()
It has
NameError: name 'DATABASES' is not defined
when building.
When I change the syntax of database settings to
'default': dj_database_url.config()
it has
settings.DATABASES is improperly configured. Please supply the ENGINE value. Check settings documentation for more details. when opening the app locally.
and it has
Internal Server Error: The server encountered an unexpected internal server error (generated by waitress)
when launching from heroku.
Notice, this way worked once. But when i merge my code with my friends, it has problem again. I roughly located it was database problem. So i delete the database on heroku and wanted to sync again. But when I sync the database, it has Import error: No module named events.
When I change the setting back to the original way:
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3',
'NAME': os.path.join(PROJECT_PATH, 'db.sqlite3'),
It can work locally(of course), but can't in the heroku, with the error of Import error: No module named events too when syncing the database.
1, I made sure that Heroku installed all the requirements I need to run the app, especially i triple checked all the files: models, views, urls, etc.
2, I use waitress as the server instead of gunicorn recommended by the Heroku official guide.
How can I fix it?

You need a DATABASE_URL environment variable that dj_database_url will read.
To set it, run heroku config: set DATABASE_URL=<your database url> from your terminal.


React App doesn't make proxy calls after deployed to azure

Simple setup:
React App created with create-react-app
ASP.NET Core web API - a couple of controllers (currently no security until I make it work)
Both the API and Application are deployed to Azure.
When I run the app locally with configured proxy (I contact the deployed API on Azure) it works correctly makes the calls.
If I try the API directly from my machine it works too (PostMan for example)
When I open the deployed React APP - The application loads correctly but the call to the API doesn't get proxy(ed). What I mean it's not returning 404, 403 - it returns status 200, but makes the call to the app itself instead of proxy the request to the API.
I've tried both using "proxy" configuration in package.json as well as using "http-proxy-middleware". Both cases work with locally running app, but not deployed. Here is the configuration of the proxy:
module.exports = function (app) {
target: '',
changeOrigin: true,
I suppose it's something related to the configuration of the node server used when I deploy to azure, but I don't have a clue what.
I've used the following tutorial for deployment:
But as seen from content there is no proxy part in it.
After long troubleshooting I realize the issue was due to wrong understanding of the proxy configuration.
So I was not realizing the proxy configuration is respected only in debug mode and totally ignored into prod build. And of course while debugging the issue I was not realizing the Azure Deployment pipe was doing production build. So the resolution was to detect the production/dev on application layer and inject correct URL.
Here I hit another issue - process.env.NODE_ENV, which I was using to distinguish between development and production was undefined into my index.tsx - it was available in App.tsx and all its children, but not in index.tsx where my dependency container was initialized.
What resolved my issue is package called dotenv. Then I've just imported it into index.tsx and the process.env was available.
import * as dotenv from 'dotenv';

React CRA: When adding subdomain on localhost it says: The development server has disconnected

I am on a project with create-react-app without ejecting.
I wanted to have subdomains on localhost or a fake host for development.
When I added my host in windows hosts file it said invalid host header even if I add DANGEROUSLY_DISABLE_HOST_CHECK=true in .env file.
I couldn't make it work without using third party apps so I used Fiddler and it worked as expected now the sites comes up but instantly says:
The development server has disconnected.
Refresh the page if necessary.
The problem is that the fast refresh doesn't work now and I have to refresh the site every time I make a change. Is there anything that I'm doing wrong here? Should I even use something like Fiddler here?
I ended up using react-app-rewired and in config-overrides.js I added the subdomain to allowed host. The final config looks like this:
module.exports = {
webpack: (config, env) => {
return config;
devServer: (configFunction) => (proxy, allowedHost) => {
const devServerConfig = configFunction(proxy, allowedHost);
devServerConfig.allowedHosts = ["subdomain.localhost"];
return devServerConfig;
I thing you can do that from your operating system to point your local domain to your react server, meaning that can create a local domain that points to the app server (host:port).
here's a guideline that may help:
Relevant answers:
How can I develop locally using a domain name instead of 'localhost:3000' in the url with create-react-app?

Typeorm + Firebase functions: "No connection options were found in any orm configuration files" after deployed

Folder structure:
Everything worked when developing in local environment. After deployed to firebase functions, No connection options were found in any orm configuration files shows up.
What might be the cause?
I'll update with more information if needed.
Below is the folder structure of deployed codes. (Cloud functions can't show more than 50 files so I downloaded the source code from GCP)
As you can see the ormconfig.json does exist in the root, but somehow it cannot be located. I have to create connection manually with typeorm.createConnection({type: "postgres",...}) to make the code work.
This is likely being caused by a known bug with app-root-path (which TypeORM uses for config file resolution) when used in conjunction with Google Cloud Functions.
The workaround / fix that worked for me was to set the environment variable APP_ROOT_PATH to /workspace when I deployed my Google Cloud Function (app-root-path will short-circuit when it sees that variable).

Cannot GET index.html Azure Linux Web App

We created a Linux Web App in Microsoft Azure. The application is static written with React (html and Javascript).
We copied the code into the wwwroot folder, but the application only showing only hostingstart.html and when we try to get page index.html we have this error:
Cannot GET /index.html
We tried with a sample of Azure in GitHub ( but the error is the same.
The url is this:
Last week the application was running correctly.
We forget to do something?
MAY 2020 - You don't have to add any javascript files or config files anywhere. Let me explain.
I was facing this exact same issue and wasted 6 hours trying everything including the most popular answer to this question. While the accepted answer is a nice workaround (but requires more work than just adding the index.js file), there's something a simpler than that.
You see, when you just deploy an Azure Web App (or App Service as it is also called), two things happen:
The web app by default points to opt/startup/hostingstart.html
It also puts a hostingstart.html in home/site/wwwroot
When you deploy your code, it replaces hostingstart.html in home/site/wwwroot but the app is still pointing to opt/startup/hostingstart.html. If you want to verify this, try deleting opt/startup/hostingstart.html file and your web app will throw a "CANNOT GET/" error.
So how to change the default pointer? It's simpler than it looks:
Go to Configuration tab on your web app and add the following code to startup script:
pm2 serve /home/site/wwwroot --no-daemon
If this web app is a client-side single-page-app and you're having issues with routing, then add --spa to the above command as follows:
pm2 serve /home/site/wwwroot --no-daemon --spa
This will tell the web app to serve wwwroot folder. And that's it.
Image for reference:
Screenshot explaination
PS: If you only set the startup script without deploying your code, it will still show the hostingstart.html because by default that file lies in the wwwroot folder.
Ok you are gonna love this. This happened to me today also. Same exact thing.
I am pretty sure the azure team flipped a switch somewhere and we fell through a crack.
I found this obscure answer with no votes and it did the trick (with a little extra finagling)
BONUS! this also fixed my router issues I was having only on the deployed site (not local):
Credit: #stormwild: Default documents not serving on node web app hosted on Azure
From #stormwild's post see here:
Go to your azure portal, select your app service and launch ssh
In ssh terminal, navigate via command line to /home/site/wwwroot
create index.js there with the following code:
var express = require('express');
var server = express();
var options = {
index: 'index.html'
server.use('/', express.static('/home/site/wwwroot', options));
NOTE: Be sure to run npm install --save express also in this folder else your app service will crash on startup
Be sure to restart your app service if it doesn't do so automagically
A workaround, I changed the webapp stack to PHP 7
Another solution would be to add a file called ecoysystem.config.js right next to your index.html file.
module.exports = {
apps: [
script: "npx serve -s"
This will tell pm2 to associate all requests to index.html as your app service starts up.
Very helpful information here:

Invalid Credentials accessing Big Query tables from App Engine application

Could someone help me access Big Query from an App Engine application ?
I have completed the following steps -
Created an App Engine project.
Installed google-api-client, oauth2client dependencies (etc) into /lib.
Enabled the Big Query API for the App Engine project via the cloud console.
Created some 'Application Default Credentials' (a 'Service Account Key') [JSON] and saved it/them to the root of the App Engine application.
Created a 'Big Query Service Resource' as per the following -
def get_bigquery_service():
from googleapiclient.discovery import build
from oauth2client.client import GoogleCredentials
bigquery_service=build('bigquery', 'v2', credentials=credentials)
return bigquery_service
Verified that the resource exists -
<googleapiclient.discovery.Resource object at 0x7fe758496090>
Tried to query the resource with the following (ProjectId is the short name of the App Engine application) -
Returns the following -
<HttpError 401 when requesting{ProjectId}/datasets/#{DatasetId}/tables?alt=json returned "Invalid Credentials">
Any ideas as to steps I might have wrong or be missing here ? The whole auth process seems a nightmare, quite at odds with the App Engine/PaaS ease-of-use ethos :-(
Thank you.
OK so despite being a Google Cloud fan in general, this is definitely the worst thing I have been unfortunate enough to have to work on in a while. Poor/inconsistent/nonexistent documentation, complexity, bugs etc. Avoid if you can!
1) Ensure your App Engine 'Default Service Account' exists
You get the option to create the Default Service Account only if it doesn't already exist. If you've deleted it by accident you will need a new project; you can't recreate it.
How to recover Google App Engine's "default service account"
You should probably create the default set of JSON credentials, but you won't need to include them as part of your project.
You shouldn't need to create any other Service Accounts, for Big Query or otherwise.
2) Install google-api-python-client and apply fix
pip install -t lib google-api-python-client
Assuming this installs oath2client 3.0.x, then on testing you'll get the following complaint:
File "~/oauth2client/", line 1392, in _get_well_known_file
default_config_dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'),
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 268, in expanduser
import pwd
File "~/google_appengine-1.9.40/google/appengine/tools/devappserver2/python/", line 963, in load_module
raise ImportError('No module named %s' % fullname)
ImportError: No module named pwd
which you can fix by changing ~/oauth2client/ [line 1392] from:
and adding the following to app.yaml:
HOME: '/tmp'
Ugly but works.
3) Download GCloud SDK and login from console
gcloud auth login
The issue here is that App Engine's doesn't include any Big Query replication (natch); so when you're interacting with Big Query tables it's the production data you're playing with; you need to login to get access.
Obvious in retrospect, but poorly documented.
4) Enable Big Query API in App Engine console; create a Big Query ProjectID
5) Test
from oauth2client.client import GoogleCredentials
from googleapiclient.discovery import build
bigquery=build('bigquery', 'v2', credentials=credentials)
print bigquery.datasets().list(projectId=#{ProjectId}).execute()
[or similar]
Good luck!
