Angular Form Validation not working at all - angularjs

I have been trying to get form validation to work in my web app for a while now without any luck. So I tried to create a JSFiddle that works so I can then copy the code directly back to my app. However, I copied the code directly from the AngularJS Forms page into the JSFiddle and it does not work... I have included the newest angular.min.js file into the fiddle. Can someone please let me know what I am doing wrong?
<div ng-controller="Controller">
<form name="form" class="css-form" novalidate>
<input type="text" ng-model="" name="uName" required /><br />
<input type="email" ng-model="" name="uEmail" required/><br />
<div ng-show="form.uEmail.$dirty && form.uEmail.$invalid">Invalid:
<span ng-show="form.uEmail.$error.required">Tell us your email.</span>
<span ng-show="form.uEmail.$">This is not a valid email.</span>
Gender: <input type="radio" ng-model="user.gender" value="male" />male
<input type="radio" ng-model="user.gender" value="female" />female<br />
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="user.agree" name="userAgree" required />
I agree: <input ng-show="user.agree" type="text" ng-model="user.agreeSign"
required /><br />
<div ng-show="!user.agree || !user.agreeSign">Please agree and sign.</div>
<button ng-click="reset()" ng-disabled="isUnchanged(user)">RESET</button>
<button ng-click="update(user)"
ng-disabled="form.$invalid || isUnchanged(user)">SAVE</button>
var app = angular.module('myapp', []);
function Controller($scope) {
$scope.master = {};
$scope.update = function(user) {
$scope.master = angular.copy(user);
$scope.reset = function() {
$scope.user = angular.copy($scope.master);
$scope.isUnchanged = function(user) {
return angular.equals(user, $scope.master);

Looks like you are missing ng-app="myapp"

I cannot get this to work in JSFiddle either, but in my test app (VS 2013 with Angular 1.2.18) it works with this small change:
app.controller('Controller', function($scope) {
$scope.master = {};
$scope.update = function(user) {
$scope.master = angular.copy(user);
$scope.reset = function() {
$scope.user = angular.copy($scope.master);
$scope.isUnchanged = function(user) {
return angular.equals(user, $scope.master);

Fixed it without having to change your controller code or anything else. There are some issues with including the right library and taking the basic steps to run an Angular app, which makes this a good lesson in environment checking.
Namely: You forgot to include the Angular library in the jsfiddle and, I suppose, in your own environment. If you include it and add add in a ng-app="myapp" wrapper for Angular to find, it works just fine.
Here's the updated, working jsfiddle
Problems like these can be really frustrating—I understand and have been in a situation many times where the logic of my code seems to work perfectly and I find out some library wasn't being included or that a basic need wasn't being filled. I would recommend always double checking your 'surroundings', or the environment that your code exists in. Make sure libraries are being served, there aren't any CDN issues, and that there aren't any typos throwing the inclusions off.
Hope this helps!
PS: when copying example code from a really big and well-developed project like angular, the first thought you should have if it doesn't work is that there's something in your environment that's throwing it off, since the team behind Angular and projects like it is extremely unlikely to have put faulty example code out. It happens, but it's more unlikely than there being a problem with the local environment.


Why is my AngularJS module never loaded?

I am an AngularJS newbie, and am having difficulty getting an AngularJS form to work correctly. Chrome Dev Tools tells me my module is not being loaded.
Below is my html; it is a div within a Wordpress template:
<div ng-app="contact" style="float: left;">
<form method="post" name="form" role="form" ng-controller="ContactFormController" ng-submit="form.$valid && sendMessage(input)" novalidate>
<p ng-show="success">Thanks for getting in touch!</p>
<p ng-show="error">Something wrong happened!, please try again.</p>
<label for="name">Name:</label>
<input type="text" id="name" name="name" ng-model="" required>
<label for="email">Email:</label>
<input type="email" id="email" name="email" ng-model="" required>
<label for="messsage">Message:</label>
<textarea id="messsage" name="message" ng-model="input.message" required></textarea>
<label for="honeypot">I promise I'm not a bot</label>
<input type="text" id="honeypot" name="honeypot" ng-model="input.honeyPot">
<button type="submit" name="submit" value="submit">Submit</button>
This is my angular code:
angular.module("contact", [])
.controller("ContactFormController", ['$scope', '$http', function($scope, $http) {
$scope.success = false;
$scope.error = false;
$scope.sendMessage = function( input ) {
method: 'POST',
url: '',
data: input,
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }
.success( function(data) {
if ( data.success ) {
$scope.success = true;
} else {
$scope.error = true;
} );
The code is adapted from a tutorial. Can anyone help me out with what I am doing wrong?
There's nothing wrong with your code in terms of the problem you are having. The problem is the order in which you are loading the scripts.
The order should be:
1- angular.js
2- any-angular-dependency.js
3- your-angular-app.js
this is a working copy of your code
I'm not including the form because is just to show you that it doesn't find your angular module because either you are not including it or is not loading correctly from cdn, you might want to download it to have it locally and include the <script src="angular.js"></script> tag
In order to add a new module you need to make sure that:
The JS file is properly loaded on your page together with the other modules and angular.js
The module is properly declared for example: angular.module('myModule').directive(....) is not a module declaration, because doesn't have the dependencies array like this: angular.module('myModule',[]).directive(....)
Add the dependency on the declaration of your app, or add the module as dependency of other which already is a dependency of your app:
Here I have a full example of a working application using angular-ui-route (I recommend you this routeProvider instead of the default provider, it's more expressive and robust), I hope it works for you, it has 2 states each one with different views, and several modules for directives and factories:
Images Gallery with AngularJS
Images Gallery with AngularJS Live
PS: ignore the web.js file, it's only for deploy the dist folder using Node.JS
I hope this solve your issue, please update the question with the plunker

Angular Form HTML from API with ng-model not binding

So I'm generating form HTML on the server and serving it up via an API for angular to use. The reason for this is that the forms need to be generated by server-side plugins. This may not be the best way do to it for Angular, but I'm asking whether it will be possible...
<div ng-bind-html="form"></div>
<button ng-click="save"></button>
directive.js (abridged)
extension_id: $,
configuration_id: || null
}).$promise.then(function(data) {
$scope.form = $sce.trustAsHtml(data['form']);
$scope.configuration =;
The code above binds successfully into the div and I can see the form as I expect.
Example markup:
<label for="id_name">Name:</label>
<input id="id_name" name="name" ng-model="" type="text" />
I have a save event that passes the scope.configuration into a controller which I then console out the values.
However is always blank, I expect because angular hasn't registered the binding of the inserted markup.
Is there a way to essentially give Angular a nudge?
As #originof suggested, and a colleague almost beat him to it, the $compile module is the key to this:
extension_id: $,
configuration_id: || null
}).$promise.then(function(data) {
var form_element = $element.find('div[role="form"]');
$scope.configuration =;

Referencing the element that is calling a controller function Angularjs ( ng-change / ng-blur / ng-* ? )

The original question asked about how to determine which element called the controllers blurr function, but I didn't clarify that I was not specifically asking about ng-blur, but ng-* (ng-change, ng-focus, ng-mouseover, ng-*) in general. So, with that in mind:
How do I determine which element input is calling the blurr() and/or check() functions?
<body ng-app="test">
<div ng-controller="Cntrlr as cntrlr">
<form name="meta_test">
<input type="text" name='inpt' ng-model="cntrlr.inpt" ng-blur="cntrlr.blurr()" ng-change="cntrlr.check()" />
<input type="text" name='second' ng-model="cntrlr.second" ng-blur="cntrlr.blurr()" ng-change="cntrlr.check()" />
var app = angular.module("test", []);
app.controller("Cntrlr", ["$scope", function($scope){
this.blurr = function(){
alert("which input am I?");
alert("this is so meta.");
// ?
this.check = function(){
alert("this is how meta I am:");
$scope.Cntrlr = this; // see: (reference)
return $scope.Cntrlr;
You may be asking yourself "why would he want to do this?"
There are 2 reasons:
because I want to call:
$scope.user_form[meta_test.[(whatever this element]].$setValidity('spike', false);
because I'm curious. There has to be a simple way to do this.
controller as syntax
Use this -
<input type="text" name='inpt' ng-model="cntrlr.inpt" ng-blur="cntrlr.blurr($event)" ng-change="cntrlr.check()" />
This returns the jQuery lite version of the event that causes the blurr function. Once you receive this element in your controller, you can pretty much do whatever you want with it.
The .target attribute of the event will give you the required element.
Should work
Try this:
<form name="meta_test">
<input type="text" name='inpt' ng-model="cntrlr.inpt" ng-blur="cntrlr.blurr()"
ng-change="cntrlr.check('One')" />
<input type="text" name='second' ng-model="cntrlr.second"
ng-blur="cntrlr.blurr()" ng-change="cntrlr.check('Two')" />
In JS,
this.check = function(Type){
if(Type == "One"){
//Then it is the first text box.
}else if(Type == "Two"){
//Then it is the second text box.

Have AngularJs update {{binding}} as the user types in input[email]

Angular only updates the model from an input[email] after the user has entered a valid email address. How can I add a {{binding}} somewhere on the page that will update with the email value as the user types -- even before the user has typed in a valid email address?
Here's what I've tried so far:
<div ng-app>
<div ng-controller="MyCtrl">
<form name="MyForm" novalidate>
Name: <input type="text" name="name" ng-model="" /><br/>
Name as you type: {{}}<br/>
Email: <input type="email" name="email" ng-model="" /><br/>
Email as you type: {{}} (doesn't work)<br/>
Also doesn't work: {{$}}
function MyCtrl($scope) {
$ = {};
The name updates in real-time like I want, but the email doesn't.
I'd like to leave the email validation enabled. I just need some way to bind the un-validated input[email] text, so it updates as the user types.
Update 2014/7/8
I'd like to add an explicit requirement that the type="email" remains unchanged. I do not want to change the semantics of the markup to workaround a limitation of the framework. If need be, I'd rather pull in a complementary dependency (such as jQuery) to shim in the needed functionality.
I'm not opposed to handling validation in the controller — as suggested by rageandqq and charlietfl — if it could be done easily. Looking around though, it looks like it could be tricky (given my requirements).
That is how angularjs works. If you use <input type="email" /> angular is not going to bind your input till input will be valid in this case value must be a proper e-mail address.
please read more here :
The workaround I've come up with so far is to use jQuery to listen for the input change and update an object on $scope that I've called formRaw. It works. Still, I'm hoping someone will come along and show me a better way.
The updated example:
<div ng-app>
<div ng-controller="MyCtrl">
<form name="MyForm" novalidate>
Name: <input type="text" name="name" ng-model="" /><br/>
Name as you type: {{}}<br/>
Email: <input type="email" name="email" ng-model="" /><br/>
Email Model: {{}}<br/>
Email Form: {{}}
And controller:
function MyCtrl($scope) {
$ = {};
$scope.formRaw = {};
$('input[type=email]').on('keyup change', function () {
var input = $(this);
$scope.formRaw[input.attr('name')] = input.val();
$scope.$digest(); // FIXME: there's got to be a better way
The type="email" attribute on your E-mail input is what is causing the DOM binding to mess up.
Changing it to type="text" works allows your {{}} to display correctly.
Edited JSFiddle.

AngularJS: ngModel with ngSwitch, cannot watch?

I'm trying to make a very simple signup form, which is supposed to work in 2 steps.
I ask the user for his email in the first step
in the second step, I ask the user for the other details (step == 2).
The template is simple;
<div class="input-group layout-container" ng-switch on="step">
<!-- Login -->
<img src="images/yeoman.png">
<form name="signup">
<input type="text" class="form-control login" placeholder="firstname" ng-model="firstname" ng-switch-when="2">
<input type="text" class="form-control login" placeholder="lastname"ng-model="lastname" ng-switch-when="2">
<input type="email" class="form-control login" placeholder="email" ng-model="email" ng-switch-when="1" required>
<span class="error" ng-show="signup.input.$error.required">Cannot be blank</span>
<span class="error" ng-show="signup.input.$">Not a valid email</span>
<input type="password" class="form-control login" placeholder="password" ng-model="pass" ng-switch-when="2"> <br/><br/>
<div class="btn-container">
<button class="btn btn-primary" ng-click="next()">Next</button>
As you can see, there's some basic validation going on as well, and I assign the value of the email to a model I call email.
And the controller goes like this:
.controller('SignupCtrl', function ($scope) {
$scope.msg = "First, your email";
$scope.step = 1;
$ = ''; // this still doesn't help
$scope.$watch('email', function (now, then, scope) {
console.log('email change', now, then);
$ = function () {
$scope.step = Math.min($scope.step + 1, 2);
The problem is this: the $watch on 'email' doesn't ever trigger at all. Where's this going wrong?
I agree with #miqid, that ng-switch creates a new scope implicitly. All the value changes of <input> are actually happened in this isolated child scope. Its parent, where you are doing $watch, will NOT be notified. That's the reason why you cannot watch the variable changes. This is a common pitfall to angular users.
LT;DR simply change any ng-model="foo" to ng-model="$" in your ng-switch block.
Here is a working jsfiddle (of just the part you have a problem with): demo
function ctrl($scope) {
$scope.items = ['one','two'];
$scope.selection = 'two';
$ = {email:''};
$scope.$watch('', function (now, then, scope) {
console.log('email change', now, then);
Note that it will only trigger the watch if the email is valid if the input is type="email".
Edit: updated for use with ng-switch.
Explanation: As noted by miqid, when you use primitives, child scopes have no access to parent scope variables, but when they're objects angular creates a reference in the child scopes.
