Command Line Copy on Windows XP Embedded - batch-file

For work I have to write a simple batch file to backup a directory as part of a maintenance routine. The PCs that need to have their directories backed up are running Windows XP Embedded 2002 SP2. These tools do not have the following command line utilities:
Is there any method of command line copy that is currently on XPe, if not, is there a 3rd party solution and how would I implement this?
Thank you in advance.

I'm not really sure why, if you can put new files on this machine running an embedded OS, why you wouldn't have just copied xcopy.exe over to it... Anyway, the program you want and is the best for copying large amounts of files/backups is XXCOPY. Check out


It's possible to make a Batch program that backup a folder files from my external hd to pc hdd, anytime I add or change a file?

I'm a graphic designer and I use my external hd frequently to move psd/jpeg/png/tiff files from my laptop at home to my Work PC and vice versa. But as a precaution before modifying or adding a file I copy it to a folder. It's possible to make it automatically? And it's easy to make on Batch?
Thanks for help!
Robocopy is your friend; google it and have a look. It's a very powerful program by sysinternals (owned by Microsoft). Alternatively, if you want a nice GUI to go with it use SyncToy ( which can be run with a batch file (including arguments) or made into a scheduled task.

Migrate Printers using the command line

Im looking to copy the printers from the users old workstation to the new workstation
I have tried the built in printbrm.exe but I need something that will work reliably and simply.
Are there any command line solutions that can do this or a sol;ution that that can be run from a batch file?
Thanks for reading

how to make installer (exe) file in windows

I have created a WPF application. I want to make installer file (exe) for this application.
This application also uses some other 3rd party files (bat files); which i have zipped.
I want to unzip this file while installing and set the path of unzipped dir in Path variable also.
I got a link
which tells how to create a installer file.
How to achieve unzipped part and setting environment vairable while making installer?
Take a look at wix from Microsoft.
It can be run standalone, but is great run from within visual studio. You write a small xml file detailing what you want installed, and it does the rest.
To run a zip command, use a CustomAction.
Search for Install-shield. It is old tool but having good scripting capability like what you are expecting (i.e) Unzipping the folder and dealing with path environment variable
Use Inno Setup ( or NSIS (
Both are free (open source) installation systems with many possibilities and huge community around (even here on SO).
They are really easy to use (especially Inno) and they are powerful so it is easy to achieve your required functionality.
Take a look at Stall:
It's an OSS project that lets you install your app from the command line, no configuration required.
Example Usage:
stall path/to/YourApp -e YourApp.exe -i YourApp.exe
This installs your app straight to the user's computer without having to make an intermediary MSI.
If you have to unzip files as well, you may want to just consider a simple batch files that downloads the binaries + unzips the contents + runs Stall.

making .exe from .bat file tools and solution with dependencies

I have got a solution that uses a .bat file to start. I need to make it a .exe. I have used different tools like [BATch to EXE], [Bat_to_exe_converter], Bat to Exe Converter from [f2ko] which was the most modern one. I need help on the last one which is more sensible to work. or any other solution that makes a working .exe file. Right now, after converting the file to exe according to dependencies the start-up process will not complete. I should mention that the bat file is the Pentaho start-up file.
I have also used IEXPRESS from windows but the error after running the result exe is:
"Error creating process . Reason: The system cannot find the file specified."
Sounds like you need Carte. Carte is a web service that allows remote execution of jobs and transforms.
Carte User Doumentation
You'll probably also need to see this:
Carte as a Windows Service

Winzip hanging up in scheduled task batch file

I have a simple batch file as seen below that should extract a zip file to the root of E:. The zip file is valid and I can run the batch file from the command line just fine.
Instead of completing the task, it continues to inform me that the Status is "Running". The problem is, it is not running and the file never gets unzipped.
The task is running as a Domain Admin that has been specifically added as an Admin on the box.
Are there any known problems with using zip files in Scheduled Tasks. I actually have this same problem on 3 out of the 12 boxes this task runs on, but there is no rhyme nor reason as to why some servers work, and others don't.
Any ideas on how to debug what is going on, or a solution would be very helpful.
Here is the batch file I'm attempting to run.
SET RootPath=E:
SET WinzipLocation=E:\Program Files\WinZip
"%WinzipLocation%\winzip32" -e -o %CD%\ %RootPath%
Try to use the WinZip Command Line Support Add-on.
what if you use 7-zip in command line?
I realized after posting that the "bad" servers were all 64-bit. I was running the 32-bit version of winzip. Since the company I work for doesn't see the benefit in purchasing any software, I had no other option but to starting using 7-zip. I have not tested for any performance increases or hits, but I do not that it works, regardless of the environment.
Thanks for the answers, but it looks like without the 64-bit version of winzip....i have no other options.
