Accessing toolbar from extjs Grid - extjs

I have a requirement where I have a number instances of a custom Grid (called PackageGrid).
This Grid has a default Toolbar with a couple of buttons. However for each instance of the Grid that I create, some additional widgets can be added to the toolbar using the insert method on the toolbar like so :
tBar.insert(0, {xtype:'button'})
My first approach was to define a custom toolbar and assign it to a variable, and then add that variable to my Grid, like so :
var tb = Ext.create('js.grid.Toolbar') //my custom toolbar
Ext.define('js.grid.PackageGrid', {
referenceToToolbar: tb,
extend: 'Ext.grid.Panel',
tbar: tb //this.toolbar
I hold a reference to the toolbar called referenceToToolbar. I then later grab this toolbar reference and add my widgets.
this.packageGrid = Ext.create('js.grid.PackageGrid')
var tBar = this.packageGrid.referenceToToolbar;
tBar.insert(0, {....})
The problem with this approach is that when I add widgets using tBar.insert(..) to my grid instances, ALL of my grids isntances get the same widgets... because, while the Grids are seperate instances, there is only one toolbar instance shared across all grids (tb).
I have tried playing around with the initComponent method to create an instance of the toolbar.
Basically I need ONE instance of a toolbar for ONE instance of my grid. And then be able to get a reference to that toolbar (before render time), and add some more widgets.
Can that be done?

You can pass additional toolbar item as configuration into grid. Then in grid's initComponent method you can create grid's tbar with merged items (shared and additional).
So your grid definition could be like this:
Ext.define('js.grid.PackageGrid', {
extend: 'Ext.grid.Panel',
initComponent: function() {
var me = this;
initTbar: function() {
var me = this;
var tbarItems = [{
xtype: 'button',
text: 'Shared Button'
if (me.aditionalTbarItems && me.aditionalTbarItems.length) {
tbarItems = me.aditionalTbarItems.concat(tbarItems);
me.tbar = tbarItems;
Then you can pass additional toolbar items in configuration when you are creating instance of your grid:
var grid1 = Ext.create('js.grid.PackageGrid', {
title: 'Grid 1',
aditionalTbarItems: [{
xtype: 'button',
text: 'Grid 1 Button'
renderTo: Ext.getBody()
Fiddle with example:


ExtJS6: Binding store to panel items

Does ExtJS6 allows a store binding to simple panel items, such that it plucks specified columns and display them as item
xtype: 'panel',
id: 'master_list',
title: 'MasterList',
defaultType: 'button',
bind: {
store: '{zones}'
Atm in extJS 6, the item config on a panel is not a bindable item, mostly due to the fact that there is no getItem() and setItems() method found on the panel. You could always override panel and add that functionality and it would look something like this:
Ext.define("Ext.panel.StoreButtonPanel", {
/* extend a panel so you get same base functionality of a panel */
extend: 'Ext.panel.Panel',
/* other configs and overrides you might want */
// function to bind the store to panel
// function to get store from panel
setItems: fuunction(){
var me = this,
myStore = me.getStore();
// loop through store and add items.
// create the items that you want from teh store via loop and using
// storeItem
Ext.create('Ext.button.Button', {
text: storeItem.get('text'),
/* other things here if needed */
init: function(){
var me = this;
// call method to create items if a store is found.
You can add store parameter to your panel. Extjs will load the store directly.
store: Ext.Create(''),

grid.bindStore() does not allow Infinite Scrolling - Ext JS

I'm using a buffered store/infinite scrolling on a grid I defined in my view folder without defining a store.
var grid = Ext.define('MyApp.view.metadata.ResultGrid' ,{
extend : 'Ext.grid.Panel',
alias : 'widget.resultgrid',
id : 'mygrid',
//columns, etc.
I then instantiate it on Ext.application with
{ xtype: 'resultgrid', width: '85%', hidden: true}
Then, in my controller I create my store...
var store = Ext.create('', {
storeId : 'resultsetstore',
model : model,
buffered : true,
pageSize : itemsPerPage, //50
autoLoad : true,
leadingBufferZone : 100,
remoteSort : true,
...then reconfigure my store to the grid within that controller:
With this method, the records get loaded to my grid, but those records get limited to the pageSize and I lose the infinite scrolling ability.
Everything works fine if I create a random grid right after I create my store within the Controller. However, I want to keep my grid defined in it's own folder and use xtype to create it in a specific location in my app (between a mess of panels/components).
This works:
var grid = Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
title : 'Test Data',
loadMask : true,
store : store,
This doesn't:
var grid = Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
title : 'Test Data',
loadMask : true,
I can't use the first method within my grid definition because the store isn't defined until a User submits a search form.
Is there a way to keep my grid defined in it's own folder, use my store, and keep infinite scrolling functionality without putting everything into one giant file?
I instantiated my grid right after my store, then added it to the panel I wanted it in.
var app = Ext.getCmp('my_container');
xtype: 'resultgrid', width: '85%', region: 'center', height: 400, collapsible: false, store: store

customizing sencha yes no combo within a specific panel without affecting parent combo box

I need to customize the yes no combo within a specific panel, local to the panel without affecting the parent yesnocombo box configuration. Is there a way to do this?
I am referring to the form I posted earlier in another thread in the Sencha forums, but no one has answered. The url is:
I tried this:
var myNewStore =[
"", "Yes", "Revoke"];
if(comp.getVelue() == "" || comp.getVale() ==="&nbsp")
but this broke the format of the form.
Is there a way to create a local combo with custom variables like this:
var UserForm_BlahBlahBlah=Ext.create('YesNoCombo', {
values:" Yes" "Revoke",
I tried this but it will not work. But you get the idea- It is just creating a local extension within a specific panel with new values.
Is this possible? Or is there a better way that sencha implements customizing the combo box with out affecting the parent class?
umbre gachoong
You can easily extend Ext.form.ComboBox class and create your own combo box class. Then you can use your combobox in forms.
In the exmaple I create custom combobox by using its xtype which I defined by alias: 'widget.yesNoCombo'. You can also create instance of custom combobox by var combo = Ext.create('YesNoCombo');
alias: 'widget.yesNoCombo',
store: ["No", "Yes", "Revoke"],
Ext.create('Ext.form.Panel', {
renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
xtype: 'yesNoCombo',
fieldLabel:'Yes No Label',
name: 'combo',
xtype: 'textfield',
fieldLabel: 'Another field',
name: 'anotherField',
See this fiddle

ExtJS extend grid RowEditor plugin (to edit array)

I've been using the ExtJS grid row editing plugin pretty liberally for CRUD operations in web applications. Now, I have a requirement to allow a database record to be edited along with a related collection/array (from another datastore) using this row editing plugin.
To do this I want to insert drag-n-drop grids inside of a row that has been selected for editing, one grid showing the available (unused) collection items on the left and another grid to hold the defined collection items on the right.
To illustrate what I am trying to do, here is the normal row editing plugin with a row selected for editing:
I am trying to do this (drag-n-drop grids inside of row editor div):
To do this I have been trying to simply run something like Ext.getCmp(???).add(myDnDGridPanel); but I haven't found the right thing to attach this to (what to put in the question marks).
It seems reasonable enough to use this plugin to edit the related collection/array along with the database record. Does anyone know a simple way to add items to this row editor div?
Or... will I have to hack/extend the plugin to accomplish this?
Below is example RowEditing plugin modification which allows to add additional components. In this demo this is only a button, but it should be easy to customize.
var rowEditing = Ext.create('Ext.grid.plugin.RowEditing', {
clicksToMoveEditor: 1,
autoCancel: false,
listeners: {
beforeedit: function(editor, e, eOpts) {
var body = this.editor.body;
var container = body.down('.container-for-extra-content');
if (!container) {
container = Ext.core.DomHelper.insertAfter(body.last(), '<div class="container-for-extra-content"></div>', true);
this.editor.getEl().setHeight(this.editor.getEl().getHeight() + this.extraHeight);
this.editor.body.setHeight(this.editor.body.getHeight() + this.extraHeight);
var panelConfig = {
renderTo: container,
items: [this.extraComponent]
Ext.create('Ext.Panel', panelConfig);
delay: 1
extraHeight: 100,
extraComponent: {
xtype: 'panel',
items: [
{ xtype: 'button', text: 'Aloha!' }
Here is working sample:

Gridpanel auto resize on window resize

I'm using the array-grid extjs example to try and fit a gridpanel into a container window. The problem is on resizing the container window, the gridpanel doesn't automatically fit the new size. As I understand it that's how it's supposed to work.
Here's the link to the example:
What I've done is changed the following..
// Added to gridpanel config
layout: 'fit',
viewConfig: {
forceFit: true
// Window container
var gridWindow = new Ext.Window({
items: [
// Instead of grid.render, use;;
layout: 'fit',
should go into the gridWindow configuration! The layout manager arranges the children of a panel, but the grid is the child.
I'm using the following workaround:
Ext.onReady(function () {
var grid = ... //define your grid here
Ext.EventManager.onWindowResize(function () {
grid.setSize(undefined, undefined);
Extjs v4.0.7
I solved this by wrapping my gridpanel into an Ext.Panel, with a layout property set to 'fit'.
The grid panel (with a viewConfig also containing forceFit: 'true' now is resized automatically when the window is resized
I think you need to use EventManager class. Please read it in following blog
Using ExtJS 6, this is what worked for me (doesn't need a Ext.Viewport as parent container):
var grid = //...
Ext.on('resize', function(w, h){
