grid.bindStore() does not allow Infinite Scrolling - Ext JS - extjs

I'm using a buffered store/infinite scrolling on a grid I defined in my view folder without defining a store.
var grid = Ext.define('MyApp.view.metadata.ResultGrid' ,{
extend : 'Ext.grid.Panel',
alias : 'widget.resultgrid',
id : 'mygrid',
//columns, etc.
I then instantiate it on Ext.application with
{ xtype: 'resultgrid', width: '85%', hidden: true}
Then, in my controller I create my store...
var store = Ext.create('', {
storeId : 'resultsetstore',
model : model,
buffered : true,
pageSize : itemsPerPage, //50
autoLoad : true,
leadingBufferZone : 100,
remoteSort : true,
...then reconfigure my store to the grid within that controller:
With this method, the records get loaded to my grid, but those records get limited to the pageSize and I lose the infinite scrolling ability.
Everything works fine if I create a random grid right after I create my store within the Controller. However, I want to keep my grid defined in it's own folder and use xtype to create it in a specific location in my app (between a mess of panels/components).
This works:
var grid = Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
title : 'Test Data',
loadMask : true,
store : store,
This doesn't:
var grid = Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
title : 'Test Data',
loadMask : true,
I can't use the first method within my grid definition because the store isn't defined until a User submits a search form.
Is there a way to keep my grid defined in it's own folder, use my store, and keep infinite scrolling functionality without putting everything into one giant file?

I instantiated my grid right after my store, then added it to the panel I wanted it in.
var app = Ext.getCmp('my_container');
xtype: 'resultgrid', width: '85%', region: 'center', height: 400, collapsible: false, store: store


Accessing toolbar from extjs Grid

I have a requirement where I have a number instances of a custom Grid (called PackageGrid).
This Grid has a default Toolbar with a couple of buttons. However for each instance of the Grid that I create, some additional widgets can be added to the toolbar using the insert method on the toolbar like so :
tBar.insert(0, {xtype:'button'})
My first approach was to define a custom toolbar and assign it to a variable, and then add that variable to my Grid, like so :
var tb = Ext.create('js.grid.Toolbar') //my custom toolbar
Ext.define('js.grid.PackageGrid', {
referenceToToolbar: tb,
extend: 'Ext.grid.Panel',
tbar: tb //this.toolbar
I hold a reference to the toolbar called referenceToToolbar. I then later grab this toolbar reference and add my widgets.
this.packageGrid = Ext.create('js.grid.PackageGrid')
var tBar = this.packageGrid.referenceToToolbar;
tBar.insert(0, {....})
The problem with this approach is that when I add widgets using tBar.insert(..) to my grid instances, ALL of my grids isntances get the same widgets... because, while the Grids are seperate instances, there is only one toolbar instance shared across all grids (tb).
I have tried playing around with the initComponent method to create an instance of the toolbar.
Basically I need ONE instance of a toolbar for ONE instance of my grid. And then be able to get a reference to that toolbar (before render time), and add some more widgets.
Can that be done?
You can pass additional toolbar item as configuration into grid. Then in grid's initComponent method you can create grid's tbar with merged items (shared and additional).
So your grid definition could be like this:
Ext.define('js.grid.PackageGrid', {
extend: 'Ext.grid.Panel',
initComponent: function() {
var me = this;
initTbar: function() {
var me = this;
var tbarItems = [{
xtype: 'button',
text: 'Shared Button'
if (me.aditionalTbarItems && me.aditionalTbarItems.length) {
tbarItems = me.aditionalTbarItems.concat(tbarItems);
me.tbar = tbarItems;
Then you can pass additional toolbar items in configuration when you are creating instance of your grid:
var grid1 = Ext.create('js.grid.PackageGrid', {
title: 'Grid 1',
aditionalTbarItems: [{
xtype: 'button',
text: 'Grid 1 Button'
renderTo: Ext.getBody()
Fiddle with example:

Scroll release to top automatically when list is pulled down in sencha touch

I am creating a panel and adding a list in it. On a service response the store is set for the list. Here's the code.
Ext.define('PACP.view.PriceChecker', {
extend : 'Ext.Panel',
requires: ['Ext.dataview.List'],
xtype : 'pricechecker',
config : {
// fullscreen: true,
layout: 'fit',
items: [
// flex: 1,
xtype: 'list',
id: 'categoriespanel',
cls: 'usersList',
storeId: 'categoriesStore',
emptyText: '</pre>' +
'<div class="notes-list-empty-text">No User Found.</div>' +
itemTpl: Ext
Now, the scroller is causing problem. When I drag down to see the records and release my thumb, scroller automatically gets to the top position. How can I resolve this issue?
I have checked vbox layout with flex as well but no success. On a painted event, if I load the data, it works but after painted or at a webservice response, it doesn't work. Or If I navigate to child view and then get to this view, then scroller works fine.
try after set list confing "scrollToTopOnRefresh: false"

How to get all xtype values from a window

Let's say I have a window which are several combobox's and texfield's. What I want to do, getting all selected and filled values from this window to be able to post server side.
I used to ComponentQuery but only getting specified type of field. Is there any solution to get any kind of xtype values, like combobox, checkbox, textfield etc?
The solution is to use an Ext.form.Panel, it contains functionality to manage groups of fields:
var win = new Ext.window.Window({
layout: 'fit',
items: {
border: false,
xtype: 'form',
items: [] // your fields here
// Later

ExtJS Pop-up Window Form data loading

I use Grid panel. When I select the row in the grid I get the following results:
If I render the Form in 'document.body' everything is OK, and form
fields are filled.
If I, same Form start in Window panel, Form fields are empty.
When I use both, Form which is rendered in the 'document.body' is
closed, and Form fields in Window are filled.
Where I make mistake.
// Grip panel part
sm: new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel({
singleSelect: true,
listeners: {
rowselect: function(sm, index, record) {;}
// End Grid panel part
var myForm = new Ext.form.FormPanel({
title:"Basic Form",
items: [
new Ext.form.TextField({
blankText:"Please enter a to address",
readOnly: true
new Ext.form.TextField({
blankText:"Please enter a subject address",
readOnly: true
buttons: [
var deleteWindow = new Ext.Window({
id: 'id_deleteWindow',
title: 'Delete',
width: 750,
height: 380,
layout: 'fit',
items: myForm
var id_test = 2; // This is only for this problem
//myForm.render(document.body); // When using this code everything is ok, and form fields are filled
id: id_test
JSON data
I would suggest the following changes to the code:
In place of using the id property on the TextField (say, id: 'subject'), use name property (name: 'subject')
Just curious....since you are handling the rowselect event on the grid, you might want to load the selected record in the form panel rather than loading it again. If this is the case, then you may call the loadRecord() method on the form panel and pass the record object to it and then call the show() method on the window
I figured out that when load is called on form, ExtJS tries to access form dom element to determine form method. I've found 2 solutions:
Add method to the form config
Load data to form after window is showed
Here is code for second solution:
var deleteWindow = new Ext.Window({
id: 'id_deleteWindow',
title: 'Delete',
width: 750,
height: 380,
layout: 'fit',
items: myForm,
listeners: {
show: function() {
var form = this.items.get(0);
id: id_test

How to apply seriesStyles to piechart in ExtJs dynamically

Am trying to set 'seriesstyles' to piechart dynamically from the JSON data. When the 'oneWeekStore' loads the JSON data, I wish to iterate through the 'color' of each record and setSeriesStyles dynamically to PieChart. Below is the snippet.
var oneWeekStore = new{
fields: ['appCount','appName'],
autoLoad: true,
root: 'rows',
listeners: {load: {
fn:function(store,records,options) {
/*I wish iterate through each record,fetch 'color'
and setSeriesStyles. I tried passing sample arrays
as paramater to setSeriesStyles like
**colors= new Array('0x08E3FE','0x448991','0x054D56');
But FF throws error "this.swf is undefined". Could
you please let me know the right format to pass as
parameter. */
var panel = new Ext.Panel{
id: '1week', title:'1 week',
items : [
{ id:'test12',
xtype : 'piechart',
store : oneWeekStore,
dataField : 'appCount',
categoryField : 'appName',
extraStyle : {
display : 'right',
padding : 5,
spacing: 2, font :color:0x000000,family:
'Arial', size:9},
border:{size :1,color :0x999999},
background:{color: 0xd6e1cc}
} } } ] }
My JSON data looks below:
Your guidance is highly appreciated
You have a classic race condition there - your setting an event in motion that relies on a Component who's status is unknown.
The event your setting off is the loading of the data Store, when that has finished loading it is trying to interact with the Panel, but at that point we don't know if the Panel has been rendered yet.
Your best bet is to make one of those things happen in reaction to the other, for example:
1 ) load the store
2 ) on load event fired, create the panel
var oneWeekStore = new{
listeners: {
load:function(store,records,options) {
var panel = new Ext.Panel({
seriesStyles: colors,
1 ) create the panel (chart)
2 ) on render event of the panel, load the store (remove autoLoad:true)
var panel = new Ext.Panel({
id: '1week',
listeners: {
render: function(pnl){
Hope that helps.
