Read from any ram address directly? - c

Im doing some debugging on hardware with a Linux OS.
Now there no way for me to know if any of it works unless I can check the allocated ram that I asked it to write to.
Is there some way that I can check what is in that block or RAM from an external program running in the same OS?
If I could write a little program in C to do that how will I go about it since I cant just go and assign pointers custom addresses ?

I think the best way to do what you are asking for is to use a debugger. And you cannot read another programme's memory unless you execute your code in a privileged space (i.e. the kernel), and privileged from the point of view of the CPU. And this because each programme is running in its own virtual memory space (for security concerns) and even the kernel is running in a virtual memory space but it has the privilege to map any physical memory block inside the virtual memory space it is current running. Anyway, I will not explain more in depth how an modern OS manage memory with the underneath hardware, it would be long.
You should really look at using a debugger. Once you environment with your debugger is ready, you should put a break after that memory block allocation so the debugger will stop the programme there and so you can inspect that freshly allocated memory block as you wish. Depending on whether you use an IDE or not, it can be very easy to use a debugger ;)

/dev/mem could come to use. It is a device file that is an image of the physical memory (including non-RAM memory). It's generally used to read/write memory of peripheral devices.
By mmap()ing to it, you could access physical memory.
See this linux documentation project page

memedit is a handy utility to display and change memory content for testing purposes.
It's main purpose is to display SoC hardware registers but it could be used to display RAM. It is based on mmap() mechanism. It could be good starting point to write custom application.


why OS create the virtual memory for running process

when a program started the OS will create a virtual memory, which divided into stack, heap, data, text to run a process on it.I know that each segment is used for specification purpose such as text saves the binary code of program, data saves static and global variable. My question is why the OS need to create the virtual memory and divide it into the segments ? How about if OS just use the physical memory and the process run directly on the physical memory. I think maybe the answer is related with running many process at the same time, sharing memory between process but i am not sure. It is kind if you give me an example about the benefit of creating virtual memory and dividing it into the segments.
In an environment with memory protection via a memory mapping unit, all memory is virtual (mapped via the MMU). It's possible to simply map each virtual address linearly to physical addresses, while still using the protection capabilities of the MMU, but doing that makes no sense. There are many reasons to prefer that memory not be directly mappped, such as being able to share program instructions and shared library code between instances of the same program or different programs, being able to fork, etc.

How does kernel restrict processes to their own memory pool?

This is purely academical question not related to any OS
We have x86 CPU and operating memory, this memory resembles some memory pool, that consist of addressable memory units that can be read or written to, using their address by MOV instruction of CPU (we can move memory from / to this memory pool).
Given that our program is the kernel, we have a full access to whole this memory pool. However if our program is not running directly on hardware, the kernel creates some "virtual" memory pool which lies somewhere inside the physical memory pool, our process consider it just as the physical memory pool and can write to it, read from it, or change its size usually by calling something like sbrk or brk (on Linux).
My question is, how is this virtual pool implemented? I know I can read whole linux source code and maybe one year I find it, but I can also ask here :)
I suppose that one of these 3 potential solutions is being used:
Interpret the instructions of program (very ineffective and unlikely): the kernel would just read the byte code of program and interpret each instruction individually, eg. if it saw a request to access memory the process isn't allowed to access it wouldn't let it.
Create some OS level API that would need to be used in order to read / write to memory and disallow access to raw memory, which is probably just as ineffective.
Hardware feature (probably best, but have no idea how that works): the kernel would say "dear CPU, now I will send you instructions from some unprivileged process, please restrict your instructions to memory area 0x00ABC023 - 0xDEADBEEF" the CPU wouldn't let the user process do anything wrong with the memory, except for that range approved by kernel.
The reason why am I asking, is to understand if there is any overhead in running program unprivileged behind the kernel (let's not consider overhead caused by multithreading implemented by kernel itself) or while running program natively on CPU (with no OS), as well as overhead in memory access caused by computer virtualization which probably uses similar technique.
You're on the right track when you mention a hardware feature. This is a feature known as protected mode and was introduced to x86 by Intel on the 80286 model. That evolved and changed over time, and currently x86 has 4 modes.
Processors start running in real mode and later a privileged software (ring0, your kernel for example) can switch between these modes.
The virtual addressing is implemented and enforced using the paging mechanism (How does x86 paging work?) supported by the processor.
On a normal system, memory protection is enforced at the MMU, or memory management unit, which is a hardware block that configurably maps virtual to physical addresses. Only the kernel is allowed to directly configure it, and operations which are illegal or go to unmapped pages raise exceptions to the kernel, which can then discipline the offending process or fetch the missing page from disk as appropriate.
A virtual machine typically uses CPU hardware features to trap and emulate privileged operations or those which would too literally interact with hardware state, while allowing ordinary operations to run directly and thus with moderate overall speed penalty. If those are unavailable, the whole thing must be emulated, which is indeed slow.

Access Register physical address from User Space

I'm new in Linux world, and would like to ask a question for this forum:
If I want to access physical address from user space, and I don't have any Kernel driver implementation for this specific hardware device - Can I do it?
I know this is not the "right" way to do so, just want to know if there is a way.
Thanks in advanced!
You cannot in general access physical addresses (from user-space program) on Linux.
However, you might perhaps want to mmap(2) the /dev/mem device (see mem(4) for details).
You'll still use virtual memory with virtual addresses, but you'll happen to see part of the physical RAM.
Read Advanced Linux Programming.
No it is not possible to access an arbitrary physical address from application without a system call. (That means you need an existing driver or you need to write a kernel space driver to do map required register for you)
Mmap also work on virtual address. So if your physical addresses maps to a logical address then only you can get a mapping of the wanted physical address and access it.
Depending on your hardware architecture you might not be able to directly access the address of a register because of the memory protection mechanics and because memory addresses "seen" by the kernel are different from the one seen from a user space process.
You will need some kernel space code that will map back and forth the register address to a memory address that makes sense for your user speca process. Try reading about memory mapping and mmap () related syscalls

When running a program in Windows, what dictates the allowable memory for that program?

If I were to write a program in C and run it in Windows, is there something in the Win API that dictates whether or not a certain block of memory can be accessed by the program? If I want to be able to have the program access any block of memory that I want, is there something I have to disable? I realize that this is risky and can result in damaging the operating system.
In modern Windows (Windows with NT Kernel) the operating systems controls the way memory is accessed. So, the answer is: NO. There is nothing you can do about it. You won't be able to get your process to access ANY block of memory you want.
You could have done it in Win 3.0, Win 3.11, Win 95, Win 98, Win ME.
Yes, that's possible with VirtualAlloc(), the low level function that allocates virtual memory pages. The flProtect argument specifies how the memory can be accessed by the process, specifying PAGE_NOACCESS is possible, albeit that it is not exactly used very often.
If you are actually talking about RAM then no, a user mode program never has direct access to physical memory on a protected mode operating system like Windows. It can only ever address virtual memory, the mapping to RAM is performed by the OS kernel. Only code that runs in ring 0 has the capability. Denying access to certain physical addresses only makes sense for a memory-mapped I/O device. Which would already have a driver that reserves the address space.
You cannot/will not/must not access kernel memory. Modern operating systems except in kernel mode don't allow to allocate from those memory regions.

Is there a way to dump all the physical memory value?

I understand that each user process is given a virtual address space, and that can be dumped. But is there a way to dump the Physical Address Space? Suppose I have 32-bit system with 4GB memory, can i write a program to print each physical memory location.
I understand it violates memory protection etc. but if its possible how can convert this into a kernel process or lower level process to allow me access to the entire memory..?
I'd like to know how to write such code (if possible) on Windows/Linux platform( or kernel).. OR in case I've to use Assembly or something like that, how to shift to that privilege level.
In Linux, you can open and map the device file /dev/mem (if you have read permission to it). This corresponds to physical memory.
can i write a program to print each physical memory location.
I think no operating system gives the user access to physical memory location. So, you cann't. What ever, you are seeing are virtual addresses produced by the Operating System.
It is possible, on Windows, to access physical memory directly. Some of the things you can do:
Use the Device\PhysicalMemory object -- you can't access all physical memory, and user-mode access to it is restricted starting from Windows Server 2003 SP1.
Use Address Windowing Extensions -- you can control your own virtual-to-physical address mappings, so in a sense you are accessing physical memory directly, although still through page tables.
Write a kernel-mode driver -- there are kernel-mode APIs to access physical memory directly, to allocate physical memory pages, etc. One reason for that is DMA (Direct Memory Access).
None of these methods will give you easy, unrestricted access to any physical memory location.
If I may ask, what are you trying to accomplish?
I'm thinking you could probably do it with a kernel mode driver, but the result would be gibberish as what is in the user section of RAM at the time you grabbed it would be what the OS had paged in, it may be part of one application or a mish mash of a whole bunch. This previous SO question may also be helpful: How does a Windows Kernel mode Driver, access paged memory ?
