Manually create modules and their dependencies with angularjs - angularjs

We do a modular application where the UI is divided in components/modules like billing area, staff management, real time charts, shipment etc... The customer pays for this component/module and only the modules he paid for shall be loaded on client side. I name these paid modules "main modules" on client side because every main module is route/button to sub content where user with different claims can do different things.
What I would like to do now is before angular is initialized I would like to manually create the modules basing on the array of licensed module names. Those modules who are not licensed are not created.
Here I have an understanding problem and can not find any similar case in google.
1.) How can I tell angularjs to load a specific module with all its attached controllers/services and their depending modules?
2.) What happens with the common javascript includes which will cause an immediate creation of the angularjs modules?

User #mpm put me on the right track. Its the best if all the files belonging to a angular module are copied over to the index.html before the body tag before the Index.html is initially sent to the client side. That way the client does not know about how the modules are loaded. It just gets the modules... Only the server knows and is doing still more stuff about the modules to be licenced like loading only the module depending endpoints/ApiController`s.
To second this answer as a recommend approach, you can watch this video:
from the angular conference where they recommend the same approach :-)


Lazy load angular modules on demand and with permission

Take a SaaS company that wants to pack all its services into a single, uhm.. Single Page Application using Angular (1). Now there is a public area (landing page, etc.) and an internal area. There are various layers of protection in the backend. There are different user groups with different privileges.
If the complete app is compiled into a single javascript file, hints for all routes can be found in the JS file quite easily. Then, there are services / $resources for interacting with the API, which again contain quite essential information on the functionality of the application.
Now the question: How could someone put modules on a certain non-binary protection level, and only load this particular module when the user is authorized to see it, all while not reloading the page?
I can find a way to lazily add modules to an angular application. I can also protect single files server sided and only send them to authorized users. But that seems like an unscalable hassle when there are more and more user groups.
Do you know any generic libraries for that purpose, ideally in sync with koa, which do not create a vast overhead? Do you know of some grunt / gulp / whatever processes, which help with that?
You can use latest ui.router which allows you to lazy load routes.
Also you can use web pack and use multiple entry points to create seperate bundles.
By following above steps you can optimise the app but I don't think that this will add any protection to the web assets. You can minify to make life bit difficult to understand what your JS code is doing.

What is the optimal architecture combining Scala-Play and AngularJS?

I have recently worked in a pure Scala-Play application and later in a pure AngularJS application. I'm very impressed with both and I'm wondering what is the sweet spot of combining the two frameworks together. Since the two frameworks can be complementary but also overlapping in different areas e.g. MVC and page routing, as far as I know these are some of the possibilities:
Single Page design, use AngularJS MVC-only and use Scala-Play as "dull" service layer backend with no full page refreshes.
Allow page reloads and each page reload becomes a different AngularJS root application. This seems quite flexible e.g. the client side is not bloatted with so much data for larger applications but better partitioned for the different use-cases. The downside is that I'd need different AngularJS MVC applications and I'm not even sure how to organize it as a project. Are there examples of this?
Typical server side Web App, use Play MVC-only and AngularJS for handling UI models for each separate page.
My choice of IDE for these types of architecture would of course be WebStorm but unfortunately I can't have all client-side (AngularJS and JavaScripts) and sever-side (Scala-Play) codes in a single project.
I believe that there is no the ultimate optimal architecture for combining Play and Angular. It depends on the specificity of the project, team etc.
The decision to develop UI part with Angular and the server side back-end with Play is very reasonable. Technically it may be done as following:
Both parts are developed as detached projects with the preferable IDE.
The client should have some entry point HTML page. It is reasonable to name it index.html, but is may be any other name.
For client-server integration do on the Play side as following:
Select a sub-folder under the play application root, which will serve as the "home" for the client files. The default solution is to use the folder public, since all files under it are automatically deployed.
All client files should be copied under the public folder. The files may be organized in any structure.
Add a route for the default URL as a route to the index.html. The argument path in the route should be the full path of the index.html relatively to the application root.
If index.html is directly in the public folder, the route is like this:
GET /defaultUrl"/public", file ="index.html")
Add routing to the client files:
GET /*file"/public", file)
Now the distribution package will include all the client files.
Putting of the client files into the public folder should be done automatically, for example by organizing the client directory structure and appropriate configuration of the client IDE.
You can find more examples in this post.

How do I load angular modules, that are common and dynamic between pages?

I have a site that is developed by multiple developers that has multiple pages. Each "page" initializes angular by calling angular.module(etc).
My question is, all pages share some modules, and some pages use specific modules. What is the best practice to achieve this? Do I trust that developers will insert the correct modules that will be needed across the site (i.e. Google Analytics) or do I create one call that is shared my all pages that loads ALL the modules. And is there a way to do both? Such as, initilize the modules that are needed across all the pages and then, load specific modules dynamically on their respective pages.
I would make one global module that is loaded by each individual app, much like modules like 'ngAnimate' are loaded... the global module could then initialize functionality common to all pages, such as Google analytics.
This requires some policing on all developers involved, but this is a good practice via code reviews, etc.
example page:
angular.module('individualPage', [
// etc
global module:
angular.module('globalModule', [
// etc
I have a site that is developed by multiple developers that has multiple pages. Each "page" initializes angular by calling angular.module(etc).
My question is:
All pages share some modules, and some pages use specific modules. What is the best practice to achieve this?
I do not know the best practice when dealing with multiple pages.
IMHO, creating multiple pages is a BAD practice nowadays. I think of
web applications(SPAs) that have different views and states not web
sites with disjointed pages. So if you choose to go the
SPA(single page application) way, you can load all you core/common
modules before the application bootstraps. Views/pages that need
specific modules can lazy load them using something like
Do I trust that developers will insert the correct modules that will be needed across the site (i.e. Google Analytics) or do I create one call that is shared my all pages that loads ALL the modules.
I can't say much about the question of trust as I do not know your
developers well enough. In general, developers are never to be
trusted, they will do anything that seems to work, high five
themselves and call it a day. The idea is to "Trust but verify", you
don't have to wire tap their phones or read their emails but never
ever take your eyes off the main git or svn repository. Anywhere, If
you were to use oclazyload as I suggested above for a SPA, you would
only need to worry about dynamically loading 'view/page' specific
modules which the developers can configure themselves.
And is there a way to do both? Such as, initilize the modules that are needed across all the pages and then, load specific modules dynamically on their respective pages.
Yes, yes, there is ... SPA approach that I have already outlined
above. I would also recommend using angular-ui-router for the
states and views approach. The idea is to design your application
whilst thinking of it as a desktop or mobile thick client that has
state transitions and so forth.
I have a site that is developed by multiple developers that has multiple pages.
Each "page" initialises angular by calling angular.module(etc).
My question is, all pages share some modules, and some pages use specific modules.
What is the best practice to achieve this?
Do I trust that developers will insert the correct modules that will be needed across the site (i.e. Google Analytics)
or do I create one call that is shared my all pages that loads ALL the modules.
And is there a way to do both?
Such as, initialise the modules that are needed across all the pages and then, load specific modules dynamically on their respective pages.
I would start off by defining what a page is.
Are you talking about a SPA or a more traditional setup a la client transitions between pages with a regular <a href="/page"> and
the server serves the client a piece of HTML?
If the latter is true, then I would urge you to reconsider your underlying approach to your Angular application.
The best (or rather, preferred) way of doing things would be to serve the client a single piece of HTML, and then
transition between pages (from now on I will refer to them as states), by using either ngRoute, angular router (2), or
better yet - ui-router.
For the remainder of my answer I am going to assume that you are in fact working with a SPA.
What is the best practice to achieve this?
As it stands, I would go out on a limb and say that there is no best practice defined for the case you present.
There are a ton of ways to do it, none of which have been officially recommended by the core development team / community standard as far as I'm concerned.
You could go with webpack-angularjs-lazyload, requirejs (angular-requirejs-seed), requirejs (angularAMD), SystemJS among others. Pick your poison of preference!
Do I trust that developers will insert the correct modules that will be needed across the site (i.e. Google Analytics)
or do I create one call that is shared my all pages that loads ALL the modules.
If code contained in an angular.module is required across the site, I would attach it to the main application module.
Such as:
/** Define core functionality that _is_ essential to the application running as expected **/
angular.module('core-module', [ 'route-definitions', 'http-interceptors', 'google-analytics' ]);
/** Inject the core functionality into a bundle module **/
angular.module('main-bundle-module', [ 'core-module' ]);
/** Bootstrap the bundle module as your application **/
angular.bootstrap(/* DOM element */, ['main-bundle-module']);
Now, whenever someone creates a new module for a specific state, they will need to inject said module into the main-bundle-module (barring lazy loaded modules).
As such, the core functionality will always be supplied and available, in your case Google Analytics. In a sense, you just tore down
the trust barrier.
Taking a step back, lets for a moment assume that you are not working with a SPA - and you are in fact re-initialising the
angular application on each page transition (bad move). How would you ensure that the required functionality is always present?
Decorating the angular.module method.
Note: This is not officially supported, be wary of what you are doing. Also it defeats the purpose of modularisation in my opinion, but I'll
showcase the way(s) of doing it.
You could go two ways here I reckon:
Kill the execution of JS if the required module is not a part of the developers module definition.
"Bad cop."
This would catch the 'untrusted developer' in his/her tracks during development, so as to ensure they are following the project standard.
Assist the 'untrusted developer' by automating the task of requiring the module.
"Good cop." (well, sort of...)
This would ensure that the required module is always present, albeit in every module.
"Good Cop"
(function(angular) {
// The always required module(s).
var ALWAYS_REQUIRED = ['cs.core'];
// Keep a reference to the original angular.module function.
var originalFn = angular.module;
// Keep track of registered modules.
var registered = {};
angular.module = function (name, dependencies, configFunction) {
var loaded;
// Ensure that we are always working with an array of dependencies.
dependencies = dependencies || [];
// If the module has not already been registered
if (!registered[name]) {
// Ensure that the required modules are available.
ALWAYS_REQUIRED.forEach(function (required) {
if (dependencies.indexOf(required) === -1) {
// Register the module and store it in the registered object for future reference.
loaded = registered[name] = original(name, dependencies, configFunction);
} else {
// Do not re-register the module, simply load it as per 'angular.module('name_of_module')';
loaded = original(name);
// Return the loaded module.
return loaded;
"Bad Cop"
(function(angular) {
var ALWAYS_REQUIRED = ['cs.core'];
var originalFn = angular.module;
angular.module = function (name, dependencies, configFunction) {
ALWAYS_REQUIRED.forEach(function (required) {
if (dependencies.indexOf(required) === -1) {
throw new Error('You need to add ' + required + ' to ' + name + '\'s module dependencies!');
return originalFn(name, dependencies, configFunction);
That's two ways of killing the trust issue, but in doing so we've introduced code that;
Is not very pretty.
Is definitely not very well tested / battle proven.
Kills modularisation to boot.
And is there a way to do both?
Such as, initialise the modules that are needed across all the pages and then, load specific modules dynamically on their respective pages.
I would say the best way to do so is to:
Take the steps necessary to convert to a SPA.
Write some documentation for all your developers so as to bring them up to speed on the requirements of the project.
Create a standalone module containing the required core functionality and attach it to your ng-app/angular.bootstrap module.
Get ui-router, ui-router-extras and ocLazyLoad to allow for lazy loaded module/state/component definitions.
Have a look at some of the following links for inspiration/ideas on what fits your specific project:
ocLazyLoad-SystemJS-Router by #lookfirst
ng-jspm-seed#futureStateConfig by #kasperlewau
ocLazyLoad+requirejs plunker
webpack vs browserify #stackoverflow
angular + webpack slides
Convert to a SPA.
Bootstrap the application with core functionality supplied.
Write some documentation for untrusted developers.
Better yet, build trust. :)
Lazy load state-specific modules when needed.
You can try browserify to load and build your javascript in single file.
With this you can easy minify the javascript code, and also you can load nodejs modules like events and more, but this is not your question about.

When to use module vs. controller

I'm new on angluarjs and trying to build an example-application.
This application is divided into 3 parts/sections:
A.) map
B.) "received"-area
C.) "send"-area
Every section has its own layout/view-area, not visible at the same time.
In part B.) you can load information from server by click or automatically, which will be displayed in part "B.)" as text and in section "A.)" as map-marker.
Additionally you can click inside section "A.)" to set a new marker.
In section "C.)" there is a send button to take the new marker from "A.)" in order to send this to the server.
Currently: all of the sections (A,B,C) are angular modules/own apps.
But I don't know, if that is the right way/best practice.
An other way could be a single module for the whole page an 3 controllers (A,B,C) which handle the logic for sections A,B and C.
What is the right way in angularjs?
From your description, I recommend designing it as a single AngularJS app with separate controllers for each view. It sounds like you would benefit from using an angular service to handle the client-side business logic and cache any shared data/models that could be used by the views. It is a best-practice in Angular to keep the controllers pretty lean and focused just on the view setup/binding and orchestrating the access to the services.
After searching the way to get some inspiration, i decided to realize the following think:
For all the self-made code, I use one module for the whole application and for all the external things, bundled with external plugins and services, I take a different module. This means: pne module for each "service-plugin bundle" (like google API & angular-google-maps plugin)
So I can switch the module, if the external service does not work, etc.
Looking at my example in the question this means:
Application part A: the map and all the map-specific things (set new marker, draw circle, etc) are insight a map-module. If I decide to use open street map instead of google maps i will plug in an new maps module
Application part A and B: this is my "main" app module with different controllers.

EntryPoint Classes & Modules in GWT

GWT code structure is really getting hard for me to follow :(.
As per my understandings,
Modules references Entry Point classes.
When a module is loaded entry point classes referenced on it get initiated, and onModuleLoad() of corresponding classes will get executed
HTML host pages need to include a nocache.js file (only if it needs to work with entry point classes)
If my understandings are correct,
In standard web development platforms like asp .net an aspx page refer to a servlet. Here mulitple html pages can refer to a single entry point class.Why?(and this is much complicated?)
When I can expect a module to load? If multiple modules & html pages are there, how we can assign modules to html pages, so that a particular module will load when user requests an html page?
I have an Async service call implemented at onModuleLoad(). And want to call this only for index.html page. But How can I identify the html page at onModuleLoad()?
Why Google proposes GWT for GAE app development?
I am newbie in GWT. I want to follow a good programmig structure for GAE app development. Corrections and suggestions are expecting...
Pls see this to understand how a GWT project is organized:
(Bootstrap is also described there, how application loads from the html page)
I think the main thing is that everything compiles to one javascript file.
The app runs in a single page.
In .gwt.xml you define the entry-point of your app.
Also you specify what other modules you inherit.
This is very similar to java or .net applications where you specify what other packages you need. The modules are like libraries. For example if you needed to use JSON you would inherit the json module. Also I don't think to you are obliged to use GWT on the front
