If in Yii 1.1.x there is some extension, to create valid file system(linux) name from object title with unique name, like a slug, but with unique name in given directory ?
I mean I want to save file on disk with name based on title of object.
Actually I would like a bit more :
1) In title of object all illigel chars(for Linux/windows OS) and space must be converted to '-'
2) if there is such file add valid counter for it , like "_45"
Maybe that not yii extension, but some php function.
The simplest way - you can add object id to prefix of file. Then your file names always be uniqueness. For example:
you can use php own uniqueid() to generate unique ids!
$title = uniqid('wp_'); // have wp_ prefixed for title
I wonder how to convert a dm3 file into .jpg/jpeg images? there is test annotation and scale bar on the image. I setup a script but it always show that "the format cannot contain the data to be saved". This can be done via file/batch convert function. So how to realize the same function in script? Thanks
image test:=IntegerImage("test",2,1,100,100)
image frontimage:=GetFrontImage()
string filename=getname(frontimage)
imagedisplay disp = frontImage.ImageGetImageDisplay(0)
ImageDocument frontDoc = GetFrontImageDocument()
string directoryname, pathname
number length
if(!SaveAsDialog("","Do Not Change Me",directoryname)) exit(0)
frontDoc.ImageDocumentSaveToFile( "JPG Format", pathname )
To convert to jpg you have to use "JPEG/JFIF Format" as the handler (=format).
It has to be exactly this string in the ImageDocument.ImageDocumentSaveToFile() function. Other formats are mentioned in the help (F1 > Scripting > Objects > Document Object Model > ImageDocument Object > ImageDocumentSaveToFile() function). Those are (for example):
'Gatan Format'
'Gatan 3 Format'
'GIF Format'
'BMP Format'
'JPEG/JFIF Format'
'Enhanced Metafile Format'
In your code you are using the SaveAsDialog() to get a directory. This is not necessary. You can use GetDirectoryDialog() to get a directory. This saves you the name operation for the directoryname and avoids problems when users do change your filename.
Also for concatinating paths I prefer using PathConcatenate(). On the first hand this makes your code a lot more readable since its name tells what you are doing. On the other hand this also takes care of the directory ending with \ or not and other path related things.
The following code is what I think you need:
Image test := IntegerImage("test", 2, 1, 100, 100);
Image frontimage := GetFrontImage();
ImageDisplay disp = frontImage.ImageGetImageDisplay(0);
ImageDocument frontDoc = GetFrontImageDocument();
string directoryname;
if(!GetDirectoryDialog("Select directory", "C:\\\\", directoryname)){
// ↑
// You can of course use something else as the start point for selection here
string filename = GetName(frontimage);
string pathname = directoryname.PathConcatenate(filename);
frontDoc.ImageDocumentSaveToFile("JPEG/JFIF Format", pathname);
This answer is correct and should be accepted. Your problem is the wrong file-type string. You want to use "JPEG/JFIF Format"
A bit more general information on image file saving in DigitalMicrograph.
One doesn't save images but always imageDocuments that can contain one, more, or even zero image objects in them. Script-commands that save an image like SaveAsGatan() really just call things like: ImageGetOrCreateImageDocument().ImageDocumentSaveToFile()
The difference doesn't really matter for simple one-image-in-document type images, but it can make a difference when there are multiple images in a document, or when a single image is displayed multiple times simultaneously (which can be done.) So it is always good to know what "really" goes on.
ImageDocuments contain some properties relating to saving:
A save format (“Gatan Format”, “TIFF Format”, …)
Default value: What it was opened with, or last used save-format in case of creation
Script commands: ImageDocumentGetCurrentFileSaveFormat() ImageDocumentSetCurrentFileSaveFormat()
A current file path:
Default value: What it was opened from, or empty
Script commands: ImageDocumentGetCurrentFile() ImageDocumentSetCurrentFile()
A dirty-state:
Default value: clean when opened, dirty when created
Script commands: ImageDocumentIsDirty() ImageDocumentClean()
A linked-to-file state:
Default value: true when opened, false when created
Script commands: ImageDocumentIsLinkedToFile()
There are two ways of saving an imageDocument:
Saving the current document itself to disc:
void ImageDocumentSave( ImageDocument imgDoc, Number save_style ) This utilizes the current properties of the imageDocument to save it to current path in current format, marking it clean in the process. The save_style parameter determines how the program deals with missing info:
0 = never ask for path
1 = ask if not linked (or empty path)
2 = always ask
Saving a copy of the current document to disc:
void ImageDocumentSaveToFile( ImageDocument imgDoc, String handler, String fileName ) This makes a copy and save the file under provided path in the provided format. The imageDocument in memory does not change its properties. Most noticeable: It does not become clean, and it is not linked to the provided file on disc. The filename parameter specifies the saving location including the filename. If a file extension is provided, it has to match the file-format, but it can be left out. The handler parameter specified the file-format and can be anything GMS currently supports, such as:
Gatan Format
Gatan 3 Format
GIF Format
BMP Format
Enhanced Metafile Format
In short:
To save the currently opened imageDocument with a different format, you would want to do:
imageDocument doc = GetFrontImageDocument()
doc.ImageDocumentSetCurrentFileSaveFormat("TIFF Format")
While to just save a copy of the current state you would use:
imageDocument doc = GetFrontImageDocument()
string path = doc.ImageDocumentGetCurrentFile() // full path including extension!
path = PathExtractDirectory(path,0) + PathExtractBaseName(path,0) // path without file extension
doc.ImageDocumentSaveToFile("TIFF Format", path )
I'm tinkering with blogdown and would like to create figures and table with non-English caption headers. The following chunk
```{r label1, echo=FALSE, fig.cap="Fancy caption", fig.fullwidth=TRUE}
produces the plot and a caption that reads
Figure 1: Fancy caption
I'd like to be able to change the label such that, say, "Figure" becomes "Plot". I thought I could fix it in the same way as for bookdown: In the _bookdown.yml file I could have
chapter_name: "Chap "
appendix_name: "App "
fig: 'Plot '
tab: 'Fancy table '
but I'm not sure how to do something similar with a Hugo-based setup from blogdown. How can I add the above information to, say, the config.toml file or set it somewhere else?
First, store the _bookdown.yml file you described in the same folder as the blog post source .Rmd file, e.g. content/post/_bookdown.yml if your file is at content/post/my_post.Rmd.
Then, add _bookdown.yml to the list of ignoreFiles in your config.toml so that Hugo doesn't move _bookdown.yml to the public directory.
This works because blogdown::html_page() is based on bookdown::html_document2(), which will pick up the _bookdown.yml in the same directory of the source Rmd. I don't think it's possible to set this globally from your blogdown root dir, but if you store all your posts in content/post it's basically the same thing.
In my scenario I'm using the image capture screen for taking photos of specific machines.
In the replies the name of the images is 1427726930.jpg
Can this name be changed I'd like to have a prefix like:
It is possible to override the auto generated name in the image capture screen, by calling setAnswerValue on the Answer that contains the image after capturing.
For your scenario this can look as follows:
<question key="#1" type="10" title="">
<answer key="#1_1" nextQuestionKey="END"/>
init = getAnswerValue($answer:'#1_1');
renamed = conCat('ID', getUserId(), '-', init);
setAnswerValue($answer:'#1_1', renamed);
newName = getAnswerValue($answer:'#1_1');
calling getAnswerValue returns the auto generated name which is a numeric timestamp followed by the file extension. This is practically the part of your pattern after the TS. So all you have to do is to retrieve the participant ID and to concatenate everything in the right order.
I was wondering if, in Xcode, it was possible to find and change all references to the name of a header file, and chage it with something else and still have it work, what I mean is find a name like this: , and have it find all references to it like this: , and this: and replace them with the new name. Thank you
You can rename a class with the "Refactor" function in Xcode:
Select the class name "BlueJaysViewController" in "#implementation BlueJaysViewController".
Choose Edit -> Refactor -> Rename ...
Enter the new class name and select "Rename related files"
I would like to get all the files that a sub-folder holds in a string array.
So, I have tried something like the following:
var IOstore = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication();
string searchpath = System.IO.Path.Combine("product", ProductName);
string filesInSubDirs[] = IOstore.GetFileNames(searchpath);
But I got all the files in the "product" folder. I have also tried with "productname" only as the parameter.
Thanks for your help.
The search pattern for a sub-folder needs to include "*.*" at the end to pattern match any file, which would make your code something like the following:
var IOstore = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication();
string searchpath = System.IO.Path.Combine("product", ProductName);
searchpath = string.Format("{0}\\*.*", searchpath);
string filesInSubDirs[] = IOstore.GetFileNames(searchpath);
Something you might want to try. (this is sort of a left field answer, sorry). In my dropbox client http://sharpdropbox.codeplex.com/) I have a set of facades for System.IO.File, System.IO.FileInfo, System.IO.Directory, and System.IO.DirectoryInfo. They work pretty good and I have tested them.
Basically, you add a Using or Import for System.IO.IsolatedStorage and then PSFile, PSDirectory, PSFileInfo, or PSDirectoryInfo. It's saved me from having to remember all the nuances... for instance if you are querying a directory, it knows to add a slash, etc. BTW, the "PS" prefix stands for "Persisted Storage" which is what IsolatedStorage is sometimes called (starting them with an "I" implies they are interfaces.. and having no prefix makes things even more confusing).
Anyway, you can grab the code from source or I believe the last release had the DLLs for them (it's called something like "IsolatedStorageFacade-WP7")