converting dynamic web project with maven to a Google Web Application project - google-app-engine

I have a dynamic web project which is also a maven project and I´d like to upload it to a cloud service. my teacher reccomended me the Google App Engine, but I´m finding it quite difficult to convert this maven dynamic web project into a Google Web Application Project. Does anyone have a tutorial that helps me or maybe give me a hint? I like to use eclipse for development.

I think this article is a great starting point.
It includes the way to install the App Engine plugin which you'll need for Eclipse, as well as importing a Maven project and some sample code to get started.
I hope this helps, let me know if you have any other questions.


Best way to create Cloud Endpoints 2.0 app with Objectify now that Android Studio 3 doesn't have endpoints modules

Back in Android Studio 2.0 you could just add a Cloud Endpoints 1.0 backend module and it would generate for you a sample project that used Objectify. It was very convenient.
However, Android Studio 3.0 no longer has this feature and Cloud Endpoints 2.0 requires you use IntelliJ Ultimate edition to generate a App Engine Standard Environment project. However... IntelliJ Ultimate edition costs $500 and it doesn't appear a sample project with Objectify is created... Sigh...
So my question is, what is the best way to create a sample Cloud Endpoints project that uses Objectify? Because as of right now there appears to be no clear way from reading the documentation unless you want to shell out $500 for IntelliJ Ultimate edition.
Am I missing something??
I would suggest using the sample app as a start. You can import it as a Gradle project to Android Studio. Adding Objectify manually shouldn't be too difficult from there.
In addition to what is commented in the previous answer, if there are any doubts regarding how to use Objectify with App Engine, you can check out this code for integrating Objectify on a Java application.
You can run it using Maven as this:
mvn clean package
mvn appengine:run
After running it locally, you can deploy the app and check it works correctly:
mvn appengine:deploy
Once you check it works and understand the code, you can integrate it with the sample app indicated in the previous answer and combine them to create your Endpoints project with Objectify.

How to deploy the project on Google App Engine by preserving the changes of other developers?

Till now I was working alone on a project on Google App Engine. So I had to write the code and upload it on App Engine using gcloud app deploy project-path/app.yaml.
But now a bigger project has arrived. So a team has to work on it and everyone has their own systems. I simply want to ask how can we deploy project from different devices still preserving the changes made by other developers? As everyone has to deploy their code on cloud for the same project. I searched over the web but found nothing. Is it even possible?
maybe this article will help you. It describes how to deploy from Gitlab to Google App Engine

Uploading mirror Java Quickstart to App Engine

Question about getting the Java starter project booted up on Google App Engine
In that quickstart when configuring Eclipse it says
Uncheck the Use Google App Engine checkbox and save.
However if I follow the instructions on the above page - including Eclipse with the Google plugin - I get a project which can be run on localhost. If I try to upload the App Engine it says this is not a App Engine project and won't upload.
So then if I make it one (go under the Google->App Engine settings) the Eclipse project complains about the jars under
and still won't upload. If I delete them then I get a project that doesn't compile either. So what do I need to do specifically to get this to load to the cloud?
Related to this is that I'm confused about the relationship between Maven and Eclipse - the two seem to be a cross purposes as Maven populates the lib directory but I keep wrangling with Eclipse over it too. The App Engine plugin seems to want to use it's jars, while the app-engine code I downloaded per the instructions (to get the bin utils app-cfg) want to be used too by Maven AFAIK.
Deploy to App Engine from the command line using
Getting many IDEs and App Engine to all work in the same project has led to some compromises due to differing assumptions made by each of the tools involved. For example, the Eclipse App Engine plugin makes different assumptions about the structure of projects than other IDEs. The compromise was to fall back to the official command line tools since they seem the most tolerant of variation and are always available.
Maven is part of the project to handle dependency management.
If you'd like to use Eclipse for your deployment too, you'll probably want to create a new Eclipse App Engine project and copy the libraries and code into that project.

Google App Engine Tutorial example not working

I deployed the Web Application "Google App Engine Tutorial example 1" ( to GAE at the site . I can access the site but the application is not saving the Product and Item values in the DataStore. The same is happening when I try on my local. It there a known fix for it? Or could you assist me with a Tutorial example with code that writes to the DataStore? Thank you.
Are you sure you made all the required modifications to the code provided as outlined in Step 4? When I migrated from Google App Engine for Python to Java, the Getting Started guide was very useful; it covers all the basic concepts starting from creating the Eclipse project while presenting the code in a easier way to understand (in my opinion) than the Code Labs which seem slighly outdated (broken links, etc).
Getting Started
Datastore Overview within Getting Started

Can Google App Engine / GWT plugin work with multi-module projects?

The getting started tutorial for Google App Engine / GWT describes a very simple application using a single eclipse project (module). I'm porting a JPA / Hibernate based project to GAE and have a service layer module. It all compiles but when I attempt to run as a web-app from eclipse, obviously it doesn't have access to the service layer.
How do I get Eclipse to build a Jar, and include it (with the src) in the GWT project module - i.e. deployed to the WEB-INF/lib directory?
I can't believe that Google are not addressing this and seem to have just skimmed over this gaping hole.
You should use Ant and setup an Ant Builder that executes when you save your java classes to create the Jar
This should accomplish what you are looking for.
