ImpressPages 4_0_16, 404 errors for all other pages then index.php - http-status-code-404

i moved my installation from a local place to a new host. the index.php works but other links dont. researched errors for older impresspages versions tell to modify the ip_config.php and change the base url. in the new version there is not such file and the base url gets updated over the admin settings which i did. over phpinfo i could determine that rewrite module is present. there was one idea to add a leadding "/" before index.php?%{QUERY_STRING} [L] into the .htaccess file but this also didnt helped.
My phpinfo:
Many thanks for answers.

Nevertheless mod_rewrite module exists it can be turned off for your particular domain. I suggest to contact hosting provider. If you host on your own, add "AllowOverride All" directive to your virtual host.

If you can login to the admin area, go to System menu and click a link that suggests to update links.


How to set URl in ADF application....?

I have only one page in adf application, the page is called result.jspx. My requirement is - the url needs to be invoked like but when I create ear and deploy it in the weblogic server it is displaying like in the url. I am unable to get faces and jspx page. please let me know how to add in the url.
Check the contents of your EAR archive, see if result.jspx is part of it.
If is not, try to recreate deployment profile.
You can always stick an index.html file at the root that does a redirect to where you need it to go.
For example -

white page in cakePhp to run page

I am new in CakePhp I download a project for a server to my local,
But when I run the project see a white page in the browser
I change the connection to DataBase, I have a AllowOverride All in my httpd.conf,
I have Configure::write('debug', 2); in the Core.php, but dont show me any error
But still I see a white page, any idea, I forgot something!
Check whether rewrite module is enabled or not in Apache. If not then enable it so that CSS could become visible. Try this and see if it works.

DNN 7 Can No Longer Edit Page

One of my DNN 7 sites has lost its ability to edit any of the pages. It now alway displays the Modules, Edit and Pages menu regardless if admin is logged in or not. When I try to edit a page, a window appears and then quickly goes away. There is nothing of use in the event log and I have tried different skins with no luck. I have another DNN website on the same computer and it works fine.
I have found that I am losing permissions to ToggleUserMode after I recompile a custom module that I'm developing has been installed on a test page and then recompiled in debug mode.
I'm wondering if this can be related to the fact that when I install DNN I blank out the default installation option of creating a dotnetnuke application. I leave that option blank and create the installation in the root of my website.
P.S I tried the amended module tag suggested on SO without any luck.
I finally figured this out. I had originally bound to my default website but later created a new site for Apparently most of the requests were going to my new site, but the request for authorization for page editing was going to my old site which resulted in the 401 error. I rebooted my computer and disabled my default website and all is well.

Problem accessing admin zone drupal 7

I recently install a drupal for the first time.
Up to now all was pretty good.
But now i can't go on the admin zone.
When I want to go on any section I have a link to Dashboard display on each page.
Moreover when i want to logout I've an Internal Server Error
Have you an idea to resolve this problem ?
I'm not completely sure what problem you have, if you are logged out and do not have a login block, you can go to /?q=user or /user and then go to /?q=admin or /admin. If this is not the problem, in general with these kind of issue you can try the following:
Disable any themes you might have activated ([drupalroot]/sites/all/themes/). Just rename the directory of the theme (mv yourtheme/ yourdisabledtheme/) and see if that solves things.
Disable the .htaccess file in the root of your Drupal install (it's hidden, so you need to do an ls -la to see it) by renaming it (mv .htaccess .htaccessdisabled) and see if this enables you to get into admin.
of course, rename them back afterwards. Good luck!

Change favicon in DotNetNuke portal

I'm managing several DotNetNuke portals (as well as the main hosting itself). All of the portals have the default DNN icon in the address and when they're bookmarked. I want to have a custom favicon.!
It's the icon on the left side of this:
I've tried clobbering the default favicon.ico file in the root directory (where the web.config file is located). I've deleted, I've replaced, I've restarted the browser, I've bounced IIS. None of that works.
Has anyone come across a solution for the wonky favicon problem in DNN?
Times have changed in the DotNetNuke world since this question was answered. Now, the favicon is much easier to change.
Go to Site Settings underneath the Admin menu, and scroll down to Appearance. There should be an option to upload a new icon, or use one currently on your site.
You need to place the favicon in each portal's own folder (Portals/0/favicon.ico). Make sure you delete the icon in the root of your website, as that will (supposedly) override any portal-specific favicons and apply to all portals.
Have a look here as well:
Favicons are notorious for being very aggressively cached by the browser. Sometimes even clearing the cache doesn't even do the trick, it can drive you mad. Clear cache, shift-refresh etc etc...
Have you tried clearing your browser cache? Or try using a browser on a different machine or just a different browser (FF versus IE for isntance). The favicon will cache and drive you crazy when it actually has changed.
The other thing to check is to see if you have more than one portal running on your DNN instance. If you have more than one portal, you can do a different favicon for each portal by putting the favicon in portal root and not the main web root.
Worth reading for performance purposes.
