Problem accessing admin zone drupal 7 - drupal-7

I recently install a drupal for the first time.
Up to now all was pretty good.
But now i can't go on the admin zone.
When I want to go on any section I have a link to Dashboard display on each page.
Moreover when i want to logout I've an Internal Server Error
Have you an idea to resolve this problem ?

I'm not completely sure what problem you have, if you are logged out and do not have a login block, you can go to /?q=user or /user and then go to /?q=admin or /admin. If this is not the problem, in general with these kind of issue you can try the following:
Disable any themes you might have activated ([drupalroot]/sites/all/themes/). Just rename the directory of the theme (mv yourtheme/ yourdisabledtheme/) and see if that solves things.
Disable the .htaccess file in the root of your Drupal install (it's hidden, so you need to do an ls -la to see it) by renaming it (mv .htaccess .htaccessdisabled) and see if this enables you to get into admin.
of course, rename them back afterwards. Good luck!


Unable to add a new page in DNN9 (dotnetnuke version 9)

I installed dnn version 9. When I want to add a new page I go to the contents-> Pages-> Add page. an empty white page appears without any options to add a new page or event to cancel.
This is caused by a problem with your templates folder, either missing, or bad permissions. I'm guessing when you installed you chose the blank template?
I've got a blog post on things to try to resolve
"If you are having problems adding Pages in DNN 9, read this blog post.
I recently upgraded all of my sites to DNN 9, the most recent one being upgraded last night. This morning I wake up to an email from a client of mine reporting a problem with adding pages in one of their sites that they also upgraded to DNN recently. I read through their email, and decide that I’ll look into their issue a bit later, have an itch to scratch on one of my own websites, so I’ll get to them later (sorry client).
Working on this site that I upgrade last night, I decided I wanted to add another page to the site, low and behold, I was unable to do so.
To add a page in DNN9 you click on the “Content” option in the persona bar, and then the Pages option. There you will be presented with a view similar to this:
When I clicked on Add Page there, the screen went blank, like so:
That’s not very useful, actually that is as far from useful as possible. Once that happens, you can’t actually “do” anything from an Admin perspective. You have to “leave” this page, go somewhere else (click on manage/users for example, then you might need to click BACK in your browser a bunch of times) then you can click on Content/Pages again to get back into the Page listing for a site.
So why is the persona bar page blank? This error is the cause:
GET https://SOMEPORTALALIASHERE/API/PersonaBar/Pages/GetDefaultSettings? 500 (Internal Server Error)
If you dig into the DNN Error Log (Admin Logs) a bit you might find a more detailed error, something along the lines of
Message:Value cannot be null. Parameter name: source
at System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[TSource](IEnumerable1 source, Func2 predicate) at Dnn.PersonaBar.Pages.Components.TemplateController.GetDefaultTemplateId(IEnumerable`1 templates) at Dnn.PersonaBar.Pages.Components.PagesControllerImpl.GetDefaultSettings() at Dnn.PersonaBar.Pages.Services.PagesController.GetDefaultSettings() at lambda_method(Closure , Object , Object[] ) at
So what does that message tell you? Well something is happening with your DNN Install trying to get a list of “page templates”. In digging further, on my site, I found the issue to be the File Permissions on the Templates folder in the portals/0/ directory. For some reason on the site that I upgraded last night, my permissions were set to ALL USERS DENY on the “Browse Files in Folder” and “Open Files in Folder” check boxes.
Unchecking those, clicking SAVE resolved my “pages” persona bar issues. How did those permissions get set? Who knows, this DNN site has been around since 2008 or earlier, and that never caused a problem.
There are definitely some “kinks” to be worked out of DNN9, but so far I am digging the new experience.
Regarding my “client”’s site, they had a similar, but different issue. In their case, the TEMPLATES folder didn’t exist in the Portal that they were trying to use. Simply creating a new Templates folder in their File Manager fixed that problem for their site."
I tried out many solutions but finally I figure it out by reinstalling and add Object Qualifier. because it is optional field I leave it without any value in my first installation
This error was fixed in DNN 9.0.1

ImpressPages 4_0_16, 404 errors for all other pages then index.php

i moved my installation from a local place to a new host. the index.php works but other links dont. researched errors for older impresspages versions tell to modify the ip_config.php and change the base url. in the new version there is not such file and the base url gets updated over the admin settings which i did. over phpinfo i could determine that rewrite module is present. there was one idea to add a leadding "/" before index.php?%{QUERY_STRING} [L] into the .htaccess file but this also didnt helped.
My phpinfo:
Many thanks for answers.
Nevertheless mod_rewrite module exists it can be turned off for your particular domain. I suggest to contact hosting provider. If you host on your own, add "AllowOverride All" directive to your virtual host.
If you can login to the admin area, go to System menu and click a link that suggests to update links.

Edit content at URL in Drupal 7

I'm a complete COMPLETE noob at Drupal.
I've been handed a large very customized Drupal 7 site after our admin quit. I have tons of WP experience, but zilch in Drupal.
I've been asked to edit a page that exists at:[page]
The page functions only to redirect to:
But, I need to change part of the way it redirects. Normally (as in, the one other time I did it) to edit a Drupal page, I just go to the page logged in as an admin and click "edit". Since this is a redirect page, I can't really do this. The /admin/content section has 83 pages of 25 items each with no way for me to search on anything and no way to tell from what the guy called the page as to what page actually does this redirect. I'll be a monkey's uncle if I'm going to click on every darn one of them and then click the "URL path settings" tab at the bottom to see which one of these suckers is the page I'm after.
Surely this is simple for even a typical Drupal novice... like I said though, complete noob.
Any ideas? Thanks!
There are a few modules that can handle redirection or even simple editing of a path.
You can look at pathauto
On that page you should find other recommendations such as the Global Redirect & Redirect modules. I'm pretty sure some of these modules will simplify your task. You should be able to take an existing path and redirect it to wherever you wish, without having to dig in each URL alias on the node edit page.
It's always difficult to give specific advice without knowing more, but , for instance, Pathauto can help you change the path of a specific content type to a specific pattern. That can come very handy if you need to change a bunch of pages with a similar structure.

DNN 7 Can No Longer Edit Page

One of my DNN 7 sites has lost its ability to edit any of the pages. It now alway displays the Modules, Edit and Pages menu regardless if admin is logged in or not. When I try to edit a page, a window appears and then quickly goes away. There is nothing of use in the event log and I have tried different skins with no luck. I have another DNN website on the same computer and it works fine.
I have found that I am losing permissions to ToggleUserMode after I recompile a custom module that I'm developing has been installed on a test page and then recompiled in debug mode.
I'm wondering if this can be related to the fact that when I install DNN I blank out the default installation option of creating a dotnetnuke application. I leave that option blank and create the installation in the root of my website.
P.S I tried the amended module tag suggested on SO without any luck.
I finally figured this out. I had originally bound to my default website but later created a new site for Apparently most of the requests were going to my new site, but the request for authorization for page editing was going to my old site which resulted in the 401 error. I rebooted my computer and disabled my default website and all is well.

Dotnetnuke 6 Ribbonbar Admin and dropdown gone

Above is the ribbonbar after I have logged in as a super user. The Admin option next to Host is completely gone
The site is running DNN6, the skin is only in the site portal folder, and it seems that all admin modules and options have gone away. Even the header, which I set in Site Settings (under Admin), went away!
Has anyone else had their admin options completely disappear on them? Is it possible that the skin is messing it up (all other sites use the same _default menu files and they work fine)?
Thanks for any replies.
We've recently had this exact situation occur in one of our DNN sites. It turn out that one of the site's administrators had accidentally renamed the Admin page from within the "Page Management" section (it's easy to see how that could happen). The fix was to go directly to /Admin/Pages.aspx and change the "Page Name" back to "Admin" ... and it will show up in the ribbon bar again.
As a suggestion to DNN developers, I would recommend making the Admin page and its subpages impossible to rename....
Can you check the database to see if those pages exist? What if you try to navigate to http://website/admin.aspx do you see the admin page and all the child pages there?
