What is the recommended way to package many photos in Codename One? - codenameone

I'm developing an app that'll show a catalog of hundreds of products, each with a photo. In thinking how to deploy those images in Codename One, I found two options:
1) I can insert them in the resources file and fetch them with fetchResourceFile().getImage(). The downside is that, because they're so many, and because there's no folder system in the resources file gui, it'll make it hard to find icons and other images in the mix.
2) Copy them to the root folder and fetch them with Image.createImage(). I find this preferable because I can leverage the OS's applications to find/replace/rename them directly; but like before, it'll mix them up with other files that share the same requirement, like the resources file, xml files and others.
My question is, is there a better way of packaging them in a way that will keep them separate from other resources and keep things organized?

You can't rename or change anything about images that you place in the SRC directory since they will be packaged in the jar or .app bundle both of which are unmodifiable. There is a platform dependent size limit for bundles so if your app grows too much it just won't install in the various OS's.
The best way is to include a subset of the images in the resource file and then as the app is launched start downloading the rest in the background to avoid a big application overhead.


What is the best way to add translation.json file to a React app running inside docke

I am working on a react web application, which may require multi language support. I am using i18n-next which internally loads the required configuration file from specific directory based on the language selected by user.
The word or scentences that needs to be translated may increase based the screens that user going to add and also if use adds new folder, we will loading those languages into our application.
What is the best way (I mean Scallable, Easy to configure, platform provided...) to satisfy the requirement?
( :( All I can think of is mounting an external locales folder to the folder inside container.. Is that the only way.. or something else is there..)
Note: kubernetes and rancher is there to manage. Plase provide solution/suggestion around that.
If you can add the files from the Storage bucket to Ci/CD & add files to the docker image and manage inside it that would be one way.
Following this way might be helpful during scaling up the application and need to manage the external locales folder and anything worried.
By external local folder mean you want to use the Host path of the node what if your node is changing by Kubernetes during maintenance how will you add the files to the node each time or manage it?
If you will use the PVC you might face the issue of readwriteonce if you are scaling the replicas you require the readwritemany. Make try to create stateless containers as much as possible.
If you can create and add the directory inside the docker image and directly use it that would be perfect or else you might could use the NFS like minio or glusterFS which support the readwritemany also.

How can I create an add folder functionality to my React CMS application?

Click here to see a picture of what I mean
I haven't tried anything yet because I'm not sure how to even approach this problem. I'm not even sure what to Google. I do, however, have a pretty good handle on React. Thanks!
Update: The folders will not be storing files, just hyperlinks.
You need to model the problem space first. i.e. models for folders, and files. Each having properties (name, etc.) and associations (folders can have many files and subfolders).
To store the physical files you can use a third-party service like Amazon S3.
This would get you started at least.

Reading data organised in folders with Codename one

I've got data generated by a desktop application. These data are organized in a 2-levels folders system : each folder is a physical representation of one object, with an image file, a property file and different text files. There is no way I can change this structure.
I'm willing to show these data with a mobile application. I started something with Intel XDK, but I feel more comfortable with java. So I'm building a POC with Codename One. The final goal is to get these data on the mobile device with a DropBox integration. But for now (in dev phase), I'm going to manually download the data in a user folder on the device.
In netbeans, I put a sample of these data in the src/ folder, but when I try to read them, I've got an error telling me that nested directories are not allowed:
ERROR: resources cannont be nested in directories in Codename One! Invalid resource: /00002/page.properties
Any suggestion on how I can move on with the development, using with static folders ?
Resource files must be placed in the root of the src directory to be packaged and can't be deeper. The reasoning is that we don't generate a JAR but rather a native package where hierarchies are pretty different.
If you need this exact structure just extract them into the FileSystemStorage on the first activation then you can use the hierarchy that's available there.

How do I load an alternative font for PIL ImageFont on App Engine?

I have successfully ported some Python code to App Engine that uses PIL's ImageFont and ImageDraw to generate a dynamic image. The only remaining problem is that the original code loads a TrueType font using a call like this:
titlefont = ImageFont.truetype("Verdana Bold.ttf", titlefontsize)
I can't just upload the font file and access it directly in GAE (at least I don't think I can?!). I guess it might be possible somehow to dump font data in a datastore blob, load that and feed it into PIL, but this seems less than elegant, and quite wasteful if everybody who uses PIL for image generation does the same thing. Currently I'm stuck with ImageFont.load_default() though, which gives pretty horrendous looking results.
Is there some clever way of working with alternative fonts in GAE PIL? Some additional API I'm missing that will return usable font objects?
Any file in your applications directory will be uploaded along with your application when you deploy it.
So yes, you should be able to "just" access any file you need by keeping it in or under your application directory, moving it there if necessary.
If you want to serve those files, that's something different. https://developers.google.com/appengine/docs/python/gettingstarted/staticfiles
But try including your .ttf file where your app can locate it and it should just work.

What are your recommendations for reducing the number of resources (JavaScript and CSS) that DotNetNuke loads?

The home page for DotNetNuke 5.2 is around 252.6KB. It uses 15 JavaScripts and 8 CSS files. The number of resources DotNetNuke uses seems excessive to me. I am looking for best practices creating DotNetNuke skins that limit the JavaScript and CSS resources.
You can use the Unload CSS Skin Object to remove links to some of the CSS files loaded by the framework (like Default.css, portal.css & any module-specific CSS files). You can then move all of those styles into the skin (or portal stylesheet, whichever is your preference), so that there's only one stylesheet that gets loaded.
I don't know of any solutions for combining JavaScript resources or reducing the number of scripts that DNN requires.
From 6.1 onward, the Client Resource Management component is the solution for this. It automatically combines all your files, cleaning them up, removing comments, and minifying if desired.
It takes a little getting used to, but the control is quite nice. You can decide which order they'll go in, you can group the files in bunches if you don't want one big single file - maybe you want certain bunches of scripts together but not all.
One thing to remember is that when you're doing development (as noted by the comment below, which I've since edited this post), you should always use debug=true in the web.config, otherwise if you are using Resource Mgmt and change your source files, you'll constantly need to regenerate the combined files by going into Site Settings, Client Resource Management, and increment the version. It's kind of a protection to keep anything from altering your clients' browser caches without intent (that's the message box that pops up to let you know when you do it). I'm sure if you have a zillion users this might make a difference.
Part of that is just the dynamic nature of DNN - there are some good resources that R2i has published about combining javascript and CSS
One concrete suggestion is to combine all your skin and contianer css in one file and if you have full control of the site to combine the css from the modules you use into that same file.
I know with the addition of the Telerik controls there is some abilities to combine resource files
Another thing that helps is to combine graphics into a single file and use CSS (the sprite technique) to cut down number of files loaded and calls to the sever
Like it was stated above, it's the nature of the beast. Each module will have at least 1 css file included. You can check out PageBlaster from snapsis.com, I believe it will do what you are looking for.
