How do I load an alternative font for PIL ImageFont on App Engine? - google-app-engine

I have successfully ported some Python code to App Engine that uses PIL's ImageFont and ImageDraw to generate a dynamic image. The only remaining problem is that the original code loads a TrueType font using a call like this:
titlefont = ImageFont.truetype("Verdana Bold.ttf", titlefontsize)
I can't just upload the font file and access it directly in GAE (at least I don't think I can?!). I guess it might be possible somehow to dump font data in a datastore blob, load that and feed it into PIL, but this seems less than elegant, and quite wasteful if everybody who uses PIL for image generation does the same thing. Currently I'm stuck with ImageFont.load_default() though, which gives pretty horrendous looking results.
Is there some clever way of working with alternative fonts in GAE PIL? Some additional API I'm missing that will return usable font objects?

Any file in your applications directory will be uploaded along with your application when you deploy it.
So yes, you should be able to "just" access any file you need by keeping it in or under your application directory, moving it there if necessary.
If you want to serve those files, that's something different.
But try including your .ttf file where your app can locate it and it should just work.


How should I go about streaming large local video files in React?

I've recently taken up leaning some more JS and started working on a video player using React.But I am stumped on this issue I am having; I can not import files larger than 2gb and I cannot find any information on streaming the files from local directories, every doc I find either uses smaller than 2gb files, or uses remote files, like a link.
How should I go about streaming said files. Should I be using HLS, DASH, or something else?
As an example:
import video from './content/filename.mp4';
This will throw the error saying:
RangeError [ERR_FS_FILE_TOO_LARGE]: File size (filesize) is greater
than 2 GB
Making it impossible for me to playback in the default video player or something like video-react or videojs. The one solution I can think up is splitting the files into chunks, but I can't seem to find any reliable ways to do that.
In normal html and js, the same files load normally (I dynamically load the src based on the query parameters) and play in the default video player, so I assume this is a Webpack limit to avoid crashing the browser.
Thanks in advance!

GreatMaps ( Offline Files...To Download?

I'm trying to create a map viewer for an existing C# WinForms application. I've installed and hooked up the GreatMaps ( controls no problem and that's all working fine. The quirk in this is that it needs to work offline (as it's an application that gets used by users who aren't always in locations where there's a mobile signal).
The offline cache mode works fine for GMap but, we've got to build the cache beforehand which we can do but, as we need the whole of the UK, will be a pain (especially as we have to go down to street level).
Does anybody know if there any existing cache files that we can download and use? I've looked at downloading OSM files but haven't got the faintest idea how to use them, convert them (into the gmdb format that GMap seems to use).
Any ideas?
Check out VectorTileRenderer ( which has a demo for All you need is an MBTiles file which you can download for free at (

How can I edit compressed JS files

I have had a developer create a website or app in React. This is already on a webserver and does what it should do. Now I want to develop the frontend myself, which would be no problem if I knew how to edit the code.
On the server I have an index.html, some stuff like favicon and a folder. This folder contains the folders "css", "js" & "media" and I don't understand their content. In the folder "css" are for example the files "main.12345.chunk.css" and "" Both look very cryptic.
Now I found out after some research that this is probably a compressed representation. Possibly compressed with Webpack?
But how can I edit these files in a meaningful way and understand what was coded there in the first place? Normally I would just download the file to be changed with Filezilla and edit it with an editor or Visual Studio code, but in this case I have no idea.
Those "cryptic" files are probably minified. Minification is a process where the original code is minified using several approaches, making it much smaller in size and also sometimes better performing. This is done by Webpack with a build process.
Those files are not meant to be develop with (or even read for that matter). Their sole purpose is to be optimized and be run in a production environment. It's very hard or even impossible to understand those, you would basically have to reverse-engineer them to understand what's going on. Many websites actually use minification for this additional bonus of protection of their application logic, because minimization basically obfuscates client side code. For example, the WhatsApp web client written in React is heavily obfuscated, in order to not allow anyone to write a WhatsApp client (there are efforts for this particular example, but it takes lots of time).
TL;DR: You have to get the original source files in order to edit them.
But how can I edit these files in a meaningful way and understand what was coded there in the first place?
They really are not designed for editing.
Edit the original source code to the application, then run its build script and deploy the output from it.

Will CodenameOne ever support saving images and / or files to a place users can access outside the app?

I've read a few threads where this is discussed. Shai's response has always been that files can only be read, but not written into shared locations
Perhaps saving other type of files isn't so simple but shouldn't there be an option for saving pictures in CN1?
I haven't seen the Whatsapp Clone code, but if it truly is a clone shouldn't it have the option to share pictures (and possibly files). Or is it a simple text chat that perhaps shares pictures that can never be saved outside the app?
I also read somewhere (6 months ago) that Shai said that this should be a feature of CameraKit. Does this mean that this feature is in development? If so, that would be great. But having an ETA would also be great to align with our own devs
If it isn't being developed, can I at least know if this is something I can develop natively within CN1?
We expose the full file system so you can write to any place the native App can write to. Native apps don't have write access to the gallery directory and need to explicitly request it to put a file there. This can be accomplished easily in any external cn1lib (e.g. we could do it in camera kit) but haven't done it for camera kit or the whatsapp clone.
AFAIK there's no RFE open on this feature so I can't even tell you if it's assigned to a specific milestone.

What is the recommended way to package many photos in Codename One?

I'm developing an app that'll show a catalog of hundreds of products, each with a photo. In thinking how to deploy those images in Codename One, I found two options:
1) I can insert them in the resources file and fetch them with fetchResourceFile().getImage(). The downside is that, because they're so many, and because there's no folder system in the resources file gui, it'll make it hard to find icons and other images in the mix.
2) Copy them to the root folder and fetch them with Image.createImage(). I find this preferable because I can leverage the OS's applications to find/replace/rename them directly; but like before, it'll mix them up with other files that share the same requirement, like the resources file, xml files and others.
My question is, is there a better way of packaging them in a way that will keep them separate from other resources and keep things organized?
You can't rename or change anything about images that you place in the SRC directory since they will be packaged in the jar or .app bundle both of which are unmodifiable. There is a platform dependent size limit for bundles so if your app grows too much it just won't install in the various OS's.
The best way is to include a subset of the images in the resource file and then as the app is launched start downloading the rest in the background to avoid a big application overhead.
