Live Network Streaming in Windows Form Application - winforms

I am trying to pass as url for live streaming to AxWindowsMediaPlayer.
here is the IP and 2000 is port of the machine on which I have started the live streaming.
When I pass this URL directly to Windows Media Player streaming works fine.
But when I pass it to AxWindowsMediaPlayer through my C# code streaming does not work.
I want streaming to occur through my code.
Thanks in advance.


How to enable flink job manager web GUI when REST API is working but not the WEB Interface

I am trying to follow the flink cdc example according to . I have followed it all the way up to the end and can see the data getting to elastic search and kibana can see the index being created. But I cannot get the web ui on the flink job manager to work? I just end up with localhost didn’t send any data. . The REST API to the same port works just fine
Any ideas on what may have gone wrong?
I've just checked it, but for me the Web UI does come up on port 8081. Are you sure you've tried to access http://localhost:8081/ ? If you still can't access it, it's most likely that you have another application already running on that port or your firewall is preventing you from accessing it.

connect to local host with my android phone but dont the full angular site

I am using tomcat server and angularJS to build a site that uses an API to bring data from the server by using an HTTP requests. when running on local machine tomcat is on ,i can see the full functionality of the site but when i'm connecting to my localhost from my phone (through WiFi) the site i see is not really functioning ,as if the HTTP requests can't be sent. is there a way to make the site work fully when viewed from my phone ?
note: my site basically uses the API to send a GET request and update a table on screen with the data, and POST/DELETE requests to update,delete,create data and of course dynamically update the table.
i'm working with Windows 7 if it matters.
another note: i used this answer to be able to connect with my phone. maybe i should use another way ?
why not use to tunnel your localhost to an private url.
(this is just for mobile testing right?)

uploading file from Access 2010

I have a Access 2010 frontend database + MySQL as backend. So far it is working fine. I would like to upload document and decided to save on the server rather than on the Database. My first question is, how do I upload file from access frontend to the remote server/location?
I was thinking, maybe store the data on the database and use some kind of triggers or script which reads the blob file from database and saves on the server as well as fills the file path into another column.
is there any easier way to upload files from access frontend to a remote server? I am using MySQL server as backend.
thank you in advance
SFTP with Putty
This might help you - it's a great example using Putty on the Windows machine to communicate over SFTP with the Linux server using VBA: SFTP upload with VBA
You would need to install putty on each Windows machine that uses Access and ensure that the appropriate rights are in place on the Linux server.
Custom Add-In
You could use .NET to create an add-in for access to transfer the file to the server over sockets, but this would require you to write a server-side application to listen for requests. You would have complete freedom over how you implement it at the cost of added complexity for yourself as the developer.
You would need to:
Create an add-in using Visual Studio (or other .NET IDE)
Add this into your Access application and use the API you've built.
Create a server-side application to listen to it (this could be a simple Python application)
SMTP Approach
If you want to be creative you could email the file to your own mock SMTP server using Access' CDO functionality: Sending emails with Access
Again, you would have to create a handler application to handle the SMTP protocol, but I'm sure there are some great examples out there.
HTTP Approach
You could even encode the file and send it over HTTP to a simple PHP server in a simple POST request: Example web request with Access You would need to encode the file to base64 or something or file a way of handling file uploads.
As you can see, the easiest approach by far is using Putty, but there are some interesting custom approaches you could take.
I'd say using either SMTP or HTTP would be suitable but that depends how easily you could set up the server-side handler. There may be existing SMTP emulators out there that you could use to handle receiving and managing files.
this might help someone.
I have used Chilkat FTP activeX component and its working fine. Chilkat provides prewritten code just copied from his website and everything is fine. Although I could not find how to show the transferring progress.

IIS and WPF video streaming

I need someone to point to right direction in both silverlight in WPF video streaming.
I have two projects, one is a Silverlight web page and the other is a WPF project. The goal is, on the WPF application the user is able to upload a video to the server, and the Silverlight web page streams it using a any web protocol (most likely http).
I'm using Expression Encoder SDK to build the code that re-encodes the video files (since the original video files will be very big, over 1gb each), and so far I think I've got it right, but now I need to stream it on the web, and I'm not being able to do so.
The silverlight web page is hosted on a Windows Server 2008 R2 with IIS 7.0.
I've been reading about IIS streaming, but everything I find points that every time the user wants to add a video, it must go to IIS interface and add it manually, and that cannot be the only way, since the user knows nothing about IIS.
If possible I would like some code examples on how to achieve streaming through IIS, and some pointer on what I could do, or am doing wrong...
I dont see why user have to manually do it everytime in IIS. From your WPF app, make it store your video in a specific location inside your IIS. Also do a one time configuration in your IIS to deliver the video extension you are uploading, if its mp4 or wmv, give it the MIME type, "application/octet-stream", so when a user requests it, it will be delivered by IIS.
No, configure your silverlight app to read the file from your IIS directory (you must be knowing the filename it got saved in IIS in the first place.)
If you need to have a "streaming" experience, IIS won't be enough, you will have to use a streaming server like windows media server or flash media server.
Hope this helps.

How to setup Adobe Flash Media Server 4.5 with external Apache

I'm trying to setup Flash Media Server with an external Apache in order to stream some vod content in a HTML5 video Player in chrome browser.
I've followed the instructions Adobe Help but that doesn't help much. I can see FMS and FMSHttpd services running in the services list.
Normal html pages display fine, however, the video is not streaming.
I don't want to use the Apache that comes in the same package.
I'm streaming it to a html5 video element and the code goes like this in html
<video controls="controls" autoplay="autoplay"
src="http://localhost/vod/sample2_1000kbps.f4v" width="480" height="352">Video Tag not supported</video>
The FMS and Apache both are in a windows machine, but in different locations.
The video plays fine when I use the Apache of the FMS Package.
I know i might have made a mistake in several places in this complex setup, however, any help will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance
Make sure you are attempting to use Apache (even one you install yourself). Using another web server like IIS will not work.
Can you request the URL directly? http://localhost/vod/sample2_1000kbps.f4v. You will need to make sure that the manually installed Apache is configured to look at the correct location on disk, where the file is actually located.
That URL looks like you are trying to progressive download the file. FMS is not involved in this at all. Can you explain what you are trying to achieve in more detail.
If you are not using the Apache installed by FMS you should not even see FMFShhtp in the list of services.
Stop fmshttpd. in your manual Apache httpd.conf make sure that DocumentRoot is pointing to the correct location where the vod/sample2_1000kbps.f4v file is located. Start the manual Apache. Request the file. What is in the Apache access/error logs?
Why do you not want to use the Apache shipped with FMS?
i guess i have figured that out. built in apache was listening to port 8134 instead of default 80. so when i put the URL as computername:8134 it all worked fine.
