How to hide backgrid column? - backgrid

Hi friends. I'm using backgrid in my project. I want to hide Id column from backgrid. Here is my code.
var columns = [
{ name: "id", label: "Id", cell: "integer", editable: false },
{ name: "payment_date", label: "Payment Date", cell: "date" ,editable: false },
{ name: "number_of_task", label: "Total Task", cell: "integer" ,editable: false },
{ name: "amount", label: "Amount", cell: "integer" ,editable: false }

add a renderable: false attribute. See renderable here!/api/Backgrid.Column

Simply remove the column definition. You don't need a column definition for each addribute in your data; you only need the column definition of attributes you want visible in the table.
var columns = [
{ name: "payment_date", label: "Payment Date", cell: "date" ,editable: false },
{ name: "number_of_task", label: "Total Task", cell: "integer" ,editable: false },
{ name: "amount", label: "Amount", cell: "integer" ,editable: false }];

The attribute renderable:false didn't work for me hence used below as workaround
var HideCell = Backgrid.HideCell = Backgrid.Cell.extend({
/** #property */
className: "hide-cell",
initialize: function () {
Backgrid.Cell.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
render: function () {
return this;
use in column as cell "hide"
var columns = [
{ name: "id", label: "Id", cell: HideCell, editable: false }


Adding serial number to the react bootstrap table

I am using a React-bootstrap table in my project, I want to add a column in my table with a serial number but am unable to generate the serial number so kindly guide me on how to do it.
Currently am writing the below code to generate serial number but not getting the numbers in the columns.
const columns = [
{ text: 'Sn',
cell: (row, index) => index + 1 ,
headerAttrs: { width: "50px" }
text: "Customer Id",
dataField: "customerId",
classes: "alignment"
text: "Email",
dataField: "email",
classes: "alignment",
headerAttrs: { width: "200px" }
text: "Role",
dataField: "role"
text: "Date Created",
dataField: "dateCreated",
formatter: dateFormatter
text: "Customer Type",
dataField: "plan"
You can use the following formatter property to get the respective serial number.
dataField: '',
text: 'Sl no.',
formatter: (cell, row, rowIndex, formatExtraData) => {
return rowIndex + 1;
sort: true,
👎The counter restarts in the next page.

How to use React Router <Link > with an id from antd table column

In my project, I have an antd table. In that table, I'm listing athletes. When I click on the athlete's name, I should be navigated to the athlete profile page.
Route for athlete profile /athletes/{id}
But with the table, I can't get any value for this id.
Here is my data source
email: "",
firstName: "X",
id: 402,
lastName: "X"
email: "",
firstName: "Y",
id: 403,
lastName: "Y"
email: "",
firstName: "Z",
id: 404,
lastName: "Z"
And following is the code for the column object
const columns = [
title: "First Name",
dataIndex: "firstName",
className: "col-first-name",
render: (text) => (
<Link to={"/athletes/" + ???}>{text}</Link>
title: "Last Name",
dataIndex: "lastName",
className: "col-last-name"
title: "Email",
dataIndex: "email",
className: "col-email",
(I have added "???" where the id should be, in the above code)
Is there any way to add the id property into the ? Can anyone help me with this?
react-router version - "^5.1.2"
antd version - ^3.25.3
You need to pass another parameter inside render which is record which contains all data about that specific row. Something like this:
const columns = [
title: "First Name",
dataIndex: "firstName",
className: "col-first-name",
render: (text,record) => (
<Link to={"/athletes/" +}>{text}</Link>
title: "Last Name",
dataIndex: "lastName",
className: "col-last-name"
title: "Email",
dataIndex: "email",
className: "col-email",
I created this demo for reference:
The render function receive three parameters: first one is retrieved using the dataIndex, second one is the complete record and last one is the index.
You can use:
const columns = [{
title: "First Name",
dataIndex: "firstName",
className: "col-first-name",
render: (text, record) => (
<Link to={`/athletes/${}`}>{text}</Link>
}, {
title: "Last Name",
dataIndex: "lastName",
className: "col-last-name"
}, {
title: "Email",
dataIndex: "email",
className: "col-email",

How to disable checkbox of a row in kendo grid using javascript function

I have a kendo grid where columns are defined and 2 columns are checkbox type. based on some validation in the comments row data, I want to disable the checkbox of that particular row in the grid.
I have a separate javascript function that I am using for validation but I am not able to disable the checkbox of that row. I am adding both the kendo grid code and the javascript function.
Kendo Grid:
createGrid: function (data) {
dataSource: {
data: tableData
columns: [
{ field: "Accept", tilte: commonLib.readMessageByUserLanguage(COLUMNTITLENAME.Accept), "template": "<input type=\"checkbox\" />" },
{ field: "Decline", tilte: commonLib.readMessageByUserLanguage(COLUMNTITLENAME.Decline), "template": "<input type=\"checkbox\" />" },
{ field: "Item", tilte: commonLib.readMessageByUserLanguage(COLUMNTITLENAME.Item) },
{ field: "PartID", title: commonLib.readMessageByUserLanguage(COLUMNTITLENAME.PartID) },
{ field: "Description", title: commonLib.readMessageByUserLanguage(COLUMNTITLENAME.Description), width:'300px' },
{ field: "SubPart", title: commonLib.readMessageByUserLanguage(COLUMNTITLENAME.SubPart) },
{ field: "SubPartDescription", title: commonLib.readMessageByUserLanguage(COLUMNTITLENAME.SubPartDescription) },
{ field: "BusinessPartner", title: commonLib.readMessageByUserLanguage(COLUMNTITLENAME.BusinessPartner) },
{ field: "ReqDelTM", title: commonLib.readMessageByUserLanguage(COLUMNTITLENAME.ReqDelTM) },
{ field: "EarDelTM", title: commonLib.readMessageByUserLanguage(COLUMNTITLENAME.EarDelTM) },
{ field: "EarDelDate", title: "Ear Del Date", hidden: true },
{ field: "Comments", title: commonLib.readMessageByUserLanguage(COLUMNTITLENAME.Comments) },
JS Function:
checkComments: function () {
var productGrid = $("#ProductGrid").data("kendoGrid");
var productGridData = productGrid.dataSource;
var noofproduct =;
var dataList =;
for (var i = 0; i < noofproduct; i++)
if (dataList[i].Comments == "Date not met")
You can use kendo templates to disable your checkboxes by condition.
var data = [
{disabled: false},
{disabled: true},
{disabled: false}
dataSource: data,
columns: [{
title: "checkbox",
template: function (item){
return "<input type='checkbox' " + (item.disabled ? 'disabled': '') + ">"}
You can try this solution here

Angularjs UI Grid Totals per Row inside the row

{{ HelloWorld }}
I'm trying to access the values from other columns in the same row in angular-ui-grid. I have two question that are related.
How can I add the values from several columns in the same row to get a Total?
How can I use the row index to pass it as a parameter and remove the current row?
As you can see in the above image, the Totals that I'm looking for are only related to the integer values and not the initial string.
Also the Button with an X should delete the row when clicked. The rows are included in the grid dynamically.
I've gone through the UI Grid Tutorial but the examples don't show how to accomplish either of my questions.
My footer is working fine. It's configure to give a total but by column in the entire set of rows:
Here's a little bit of my code with what I've found so far:
var removeTemplate = '<button type="button" class="grid-remove btn btn-default btn-sm"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove" aria-hidden="true" ng-click="removeRow($event, row.entity)"></span></button>';
$scope.gridAccountableHours = {
enableCellEditOnFocus: true,
showColumnFooter: true
$scope.gridAccountableHours.columnDefs = [
{ name: "contractCode", displayName: ""},
{ name: "hours1", displayName: "1", type: "number" },
{ name: "hours2", displayName: "2", type: "number", aggregationType: uiGridConstants.aggregationTypes.sum },
{ name: "hours3", displayName: "3", type: "number", aggregationType: uiGridConstants.aggregationTypes.sum },
{ name: "hours4", displayName: "4", type: "number", aggregationType: uiGridConstants.aggregationTypes.sum },
{ name: "hours5", displayName: "5", type: "number", aggregationType: uiGridConstants.aggregationTypes.sum },
{ name: "hours6", displayName: "6", type: "number", aggregationType: uiGridConstants.aggregationTypes.sum },
{ name: "hours7", displayName: "7", type: "number", aggregationType: uiGridConstants.aggregationTypes.sum },
{ name: "hours8", displayName: "8", type: "number", aggregationType: uiGridConstants.aggregationTypes.sum },
{ name: "hours9", displayName: "9", type: "number", aggregationType: uiGridConstants.aggregationTypes.sum },
{ name: "hours10", displayName: "10", type: "number", aggregationType: uiGridConstants.aggregationTypes.sum },
{ name: "hours11", displayName: "11", type: "number", aggregationType: uiGridConstants.aggregationTypes.sum },
{ name: "hours12", displayName: "12", type: "number", aggregationType: uiGridConstants.aggregationTypes.sum },
{ name: "hours13", displayName: "13", type: "number", aggregationType: uiGridConstants.aggregationTypes.sum },
{ name: "hours14", displayName: "14", type: "number", aggregationType: uiGridConstants.aggregationTypes.sum },
{ name: "hours15", displayName: "15", type: "number", aggregationType: uiGridConstants.aggregationTypes.sum },
{ name: "total", displayName: "Total" },
{ name: "remove", displayName: "", cellTemplate: removeTemplate }
$scope.removeRow = function ($event, entity) {
$$, 1);
I appreciate your time.
Totalling across the grid you could do with a function on the gridRow.
$scope.gridAccountableHours.forEach(function(rowEntity) { = function() {
var total = 0;
for( var 1 = 1; i++; i<=15 ){
total += this['hours'+i];
Your total column def should automatically bind to this total function. Refer
For the delete button, you're missing the appScope, refer
Your template ng-click should be:
ng-click="grid.appScope.removeRow($event, row.entity)"

Backgrid unable to render columns

I am just learning the basics of backgrid.js. So when I attempt to replicate the code on the main page Backgrid.js, I am unable to render a grid due to a particular error when passing in an array of objects for the columns. I believe I am using proper format
var columns = [
{ name: "name", label: "Name", cell: "string" },
{ name: "address", label: "Address", cell: "string" },
{ name: "tel", label: "Phone", cell: "integer" },
{ name: "email", label: "Email", cell: "string" },
{ name: "type", label: "Contact Type", cell: "string" }
The error Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'listenTo' occurs in the process of initializing the grid at this step:
var grid = new Backgrid.Grid({
columns: columns,
collection: this.collection
Is there an issue with how I am initializing the grid?
The issue was with the version of backbone.js I was using. I reccommend using the proper version of libraries.
Backgrid.js depends on 3 libraries to function:
jquery >= 1.7.0, underscore.js ~ 1.4.0, and backbone.js ~ 0.9.10.
Here's a simple structure on how to use it.
<div id="container"></div>
/** Columns definition */
var columns = [
{ name: "name", label: "Name", cell: "string" },
{ name: "address", label: "Address", cell: "string" },
{ name: "tel", label: "Phone", cell: "integer" },
{ name: "email", label: "Email", cell: "string" },
{ name: "type", label: "Contact Type", cell: "string" }
/** Model instance */
var mdl = Backbone.Model.extend({});
/** Collection instance */
var col = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: mdl
/** Test array of JSON (usually coming from a server) */
var json = [
{"name": "Goose", "address": "a 1st address", "tel": 25500100, "email": "","type": 1},
{"name": "Ducky", "address": "a 2nd address", "tel": 25500123, "email": "","type": 2}
/** Create the Grid */
var grid = new Backgrid.Grid({
columns: columns,
collection: new col(json)
/** Add the Grid to the container */
