How to identify whether browser is supporting angularjs or not? - angularjs

I need to identify if a browser supports the AngularJS.
Based on the result, I need to execute logic to call web pages. Old browsers like IE6 and IE7 do not support AngularJS. So one way to identify if a browser supports it, is by detecting the browser version/type, but I am looking for a more generic way to check support.

From angular's FAQ page
What browsers does Angular work with? We run our extensive test suite
against the following browsers: Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, IE8,
IE9 and mobile browsers (Android, Chrome Mobile, iOS Safari). See
Internet Explorer Compatibility for more details in supporting legacy
IE browsers.
And the IE specifics cab be found here
If you'r looking for a angular.is_this_browser_supported() function, i doubt you'll find any.


Web Test framework for Mobile as well as Server browsers

Is there any framework available where I can write single set of test code for both Server browsers as well as Mobile browsers.
eg. runs with Chrome on Android as well as Windows
I am planning to use browserstack for my testing until I figure out the infrastructure handling is possible with browserstack or not.
Please help me figure out a way for deciding over the infrastructure as well.
You can try TestCafe. It's an open source project.
TestCafe allows to run tests on desktop and mobile browsers without any additional installations and plugins.
Here you can see how easy to run tests on a mobile phone with TestCafe:
Also it's easy to setup testing on mobile browsers in a cloud service (like BrowserStack or Saucelabs). For example you can find the "testcafe-browser-provider-saucelabs" plugin on GitHub to run tests on Saucelabs out-of-the box.
Selenium + Appium should be able to cover what you need to be done. To share code however, you'll need use a mobile browser (Chrome or Safari) or have an app that uses webviews that are the same as the browser version.
The Selenium bindings will handle driving the automation for the browsers. By itself, you could test the desktop browser with a normal size screen, as well as a mobile size, and test various browsers as well (Chrome, Firefox, etc).
Appium will allow you to open the browser (or app) on the mobile device or simulator, and if the web view is the same as the browser, the same locator strategies you used with the desktop browsers and Selenium will work with Appium as well (Appium extends the Selenium spec with browser capabilities).
If you code the framework using the Selenium Grid, you can then almost drop replace a remote managed grid setup (via Saucelabs or Browserstack) to run the browsers for you (otherwise you'd need to setup a local grid or run the tests with a local Selenium server set up)
All this is quite possible
framework available where I can write single set of test code for both Server browsers as well as Mobile browsers
We have build it in our company, since we have a vast diversity of different platforms and browsers to support.
We use combination of Selenium based frameworks on NodeJS
... etc.
The main concept we try to follow is JAVA's WORA. To achieve all this you need a good understanding of DSLs, Application driver layer and design patterns (e.g. Strategy).
It is not that hard to put all this together, since Selenium supports pretty much every binding you need. Just pick the language you are most comfortable with and use it.

Angularjs vs IE 8 vs IE 11

I'm trying to make my web application based on Angularjs work in IE8 and IE11.
After a lot of search, i am asking my question here: is it possible to make an Angularjs application work in IE11? and into IE11 ?
Thanks for advice
I had a problem while loading a angularjs file on IE. It worked perfeclty as expected on Chrome and Firefox but was giving error as angular not defined and what not. After searching on Internet I applied following fix to my code
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1" />
and now it displays the page.
It should work and how you achieve that will depend on the application you are writing. Basically, you have to add extra codes to handle IE8. The AngularJS guide on IE should be a good place to start.
However, there could be situations where you run into problems. For example, when you want to use the "X-UA-Compatible" meta tag. An option could be to use the Google Frame plugin but Google has stopped updates on it from January 2014.
I think your question needs to be more precise about What is wrong with IE11?
I have personally created angularjs applications that works from IE8+ and on all other browsers like chrome, safari, firefox, opera. With all these browsers angular worked just fine.
It is important to mentioned that Microsoft broke the "Internet Explorer" inheritance meaning that internally IE11 is completely different from all other previous versions of IE but being the most advance version of Internet Explorer Angular does not need any particular "adaptation" to work with this browser.
If there is anything you should be worry it is IE8 :) and I am not saying this because of angular but because of IE8 itself.

EXtJS 4.2 and Android browser

I have a bunch of components that I am calling setValue on, everything is working fine in all browsers except the Android web browser and google chrome for android. Has anyone seen this behavior or knows how to solve it? I don't know where to really begin.
Ok you have to enable Javascipt for the Web View as android disables JS by default due to security reasons
That should so the trick
if your app has secure data you probably don't want 3rd party software running JS in your app
Hope this helps

How to debug application in extjs in internet explorer and Google chrome browser

Can anybody tell How to debug application in extjs in internet explorer and google chrome Browser? is it possible using Breakpoints to debug to check the values?
There is a good article provided by sencha. check the section for internet explorer,
I have been forced to use IE8 in an application which works in Chrome and Firefox but fails often in IE8.
Debugging ExtJS in IE8 is nearly impossible if the problem is in the framework. IE8's developer tools hangs loading ext-all-dev.js
Also you can't get stack trace as in Chrome.
I had to put alert() calls in suspect lines and the whole process is a nightmare.
If you can avoid IE, do it.
Else be VERY VERY patient...
You can use the Developer Tools for your browsers. I don't use IE but I use Chrome's Developer Tools all the time! And yes you can do breakpoints, check values, etc..

Bootstrap carousel not working on mobile devices

I am trying to build a carousel feature using the twitter bootstrap library. My code is based off of the simple example provided at
The carousel works fine on desktop browsers chrome and firefox, but when I try the same page on the mobile version of chrome or safari for iOS, the carousel does not render.
I am including bootstrap.css and bootstrap-carousel.js.
What could be the issue here. Also, how do you even go about debugging issues with mobile browsers, as you don't have development tools that are included in the desktop browsers.
Please ignore this question. I had missed a trivial issue that had nothing to do with the library.
