Bootstrap carousel not working on mobile devices - mobile

I am trying to build a carousel feature using the twitter bootstrap library. My code is based off of the simple example provided at
The carousel works fine on desktop browsers chrome and firefox, but when I try the same page on the mobile version of chrome or safari for iOS, the carousel does not render.
I am including bootstrap.css and bootstrap-carousel.js.
What could be the issue here. Also, how do you even go about debugging issues with mobile browsers, as you don't have development tools that are included in the desktop browsers.

Please ignore this question. I had missed a trivial issue that had nothing to do with the library.


React app doesn't load onsenui css files on chromium

I've got a really weird bug in a create-react-app application. Onsenui is used as a css framework. But when I try to run the app, either in production or on localhost on a chromium based browser, the framework doesn't get loaded. Both css and js aren't loaded. (Only the OnsenUI ones, other css and js is loaded correclty) I then have to refresh the page multiple times to make it work. It loads correctly on Firefox and Safari.
The problem persists on both my MacBook and my Windows PC. I'm not the original creator of the repo and it's already a few years old. I have however updated onsenui, react-onsenui, react to the newest version.
Unfortunately, I can't share the link to the page.
So, in the end, it's been all because of a pop-up blocking extension I had installed. I can't believe I haven't thought of it and I've been refreshing the page multiple times/had to use other browsers just because of this.
So if anyone ever sees this is the future with a similar problem, double check all your active extensions.

Materializecss mobile version

I'm using and angularjs for my website. The problem is quite interesting:
When i use Chrome and resize my website, everything stays responsive (not perfectly tough). But when i use the Chrome Emulation tool (with Apple iPhone 6) its not responsive anymore.
Have a look at the screenshots:
So you can see the different scale.
You can have a look at it at
Any ideas?
The description of your problem sounds like it's been answered here previously at Stackoverflow here, where it works in the device emulator in Chrome but not on the actual device itself.
Why CSS Media Query doesn't work on mobile device but yes on Google Chrome device emulator?
Have you checked your Viewport meta tag settings, in particular the width attribute?

How to identify whether browser is supporting angularjs or not?

I need to identify if a browser supports the AngularJS.
Based on the result, I need to execute logic to call web pages. Old browsers like IE6 and IE7 do not support AngularJS. So one way to identify if a browser supports it, is by detecting the browser version/type, but I am looking for a more generic way to check support.
From angular's FAQ page
What browsers does Angular work with? We run our extensive test suite
against the following browsers: Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, IE8,
IE9 and mobile browsers (Android, Chrome Mobile, iOS Safari). See
Internet Explorer Compatibility for more details in supporting legacy
IE browsers.
And the IE specifics cab be found here
If you'r looking for a angular.is_this_browser_supported() function, i doubt you'll find any.

Debugging VoiceOver application using Angular JS

I have this huge Web Application using Angular JS. This application run in almost every platform and browser configuration like WIn7/IE10, MAC, iPad iOS5,7 and many more.
But this application does not work well when VoiceOver is ON for accessibility and test on iPad iOS 7. The application turn blank on double tap. How to debug this application and anyone who face similar issue can guide, it will be helpful.

Custom Fonts on Opera Mobile Emulator

I am working on a Responsive Coming Soon page. It looks quite fine on several devices like iPad or iPhone, but to test them on multiple platform I am using Opera Mobile Emulator.
It is not detecting the Custom Font retrieved from Google Font API used in CSS. It's rather showing the fallback font come as default given within CSS. Problem is within emulator I can not see if the font has been loaded or not using the resources timeline.
Was testing the Emulator for Samsung Galazy Nexus.
What might be the reason behind this? Can anyone help? Thanks in advance.
From what I can tell from this page: Opera mini doesn't support custom fonts, specifically:
setting font-family will have no effect
