Integrating GeoExt 2.0 with Sencha Architect 3 - extjs

Does anyone know the best way to go about integrating GeoExt 2.0 into Sencha Architect 3?
It seems like it is possible but there is not a very clear way to do it based on some of the documentation I have looked at.
A forum post here(GeoExt Inside Sencha Architect) on Sencha's forums mentions adding GeoExt as an external resource then instantianting classes inside Sencha architect from the resource. I followed the links in the post and it takes you Sencha's user guide for using resources.
Based on this information here I should be able to do the following.
Add GeoExt Map Panel as a resource
Place a panel in my view
Set the extend property on the panel I just placed to be GeoExtMapPanel.
However, I am not finding an extend property.
The other option I have looked into is possibly creating Architect Extension definitions for GeoExt components that I want to use. This option does seem more involved. There is a guide on creating a user extension here(Creating an Architect Extension).

If you want to use the extend property you'll need to create a Class not a Panel.


How can I link custom community visualization to other pages in a report?

I built a community visualization with various fields. One field that I'm adding is a URL, composed as the documentation suggests, that links to a filter in another page.
While the URL is fine and working, I cannot use it in a normal link or a form because the iframe in which the community visualization is embedded is sandboxed to allow only scripts.
Is there another way to change the top frame navigation, or switch to another page from within the visualization? Maybe through a javascript call?
Community Visualizations do not allow links to external resources, so there's no way to make the visualization act as a link to a filter on another page.

Dot Net Nuke: How to add DNN's Captcha Control in .cshtml (Razor Host Module)

Is there a way to add DNN's Captcha Control in a .cshtml file (Razor Host Module)?
I found a variety of examples in ascx files, but not a single one using .cshtml.
ASCX example:
Is it possible to do that?
Thanks in advance.
In the same blog post you shared above, there is a comment by the author that suggests that you cannot use the DNN Captcha control in an MVC/SPA/WebAPI context, as it is a deprecated Telerik WebForms based control.
Since you are using Razor, I'm assuming you are developing an SPA/WebAPI module.
Have you considered using Google's ReCaptcha instead, as Mitchell Sellers suggested in his comment?

Creating Sencha touch 2 app dashboard

I am developing a sencha touch 2 app. My app should authenticate a user and load a dynamic dashboard according to user authorization (could be different menu icons for different users).
My question: which sencha touch 2 component is more suitable for dynamic dashboard (menu) creation? I guess my dashboard look like as shown in the following picture:
Can anyone help me? Thanks
This is very much like thumbnail gallery/list shown in Touch Style example bundled with Sencha touch library in examples folder. As #TDeBailleul said this can be done with DataView but if you feel that is little tricky or touch you can use template approach easily.

Silverlight with Extjs

I haven't worked with extJS and Silverlight. Considering a requirement that I have to look into - is there a way to host Silverlight applications in extJS.
I checked out the Sencha forums, but did not find any direction.
Hope any one of you might have dealt with this issue earlier ?
Ext-JS is a JavaScript framework that allows you to create HTML pages dynamically. Silverlight is a plugin that embeds interactive content, packaged as a XAP, within an HTML document. This embedding is achieved via the HTML object tag.
You can certainly use Ext-JS to dynamically add object tags to pages and dynamically load XAP files. So I would say the answer is, yes, you can host Silverlight content using ExtJS.

Best looking administration panels for web applications

Please post a couple links to screenshots or demos to best looking administration interfaces for web applications and why do you think so.
Personally, I like what 37signals produces, also extJS based panels, though they tend to be rather slow.
lipsiadmin is what you're lookin' for I guess
Lipsiadmin is a new revolutionary admin for your projects.Lipsiadmin is based on Ext Js 2.0. framework (with prototype adapter) and is ready for Rails 2.0. This admin is for newbie developper but also for experts, is not entirely written in javascript because the aim of developper wose build in a agile way web/site apps so we use extjs in a new intelligent way a mixin of 'old' html and new ajax functions, for example ext manage the layout of page, grids, tree and errors, but form are in html code.
