how to get CPU load from VxWorks programmatically? - c

I have a device that runs on VxWorks, and I would like to know, how to retrieve the total CPU load? I know the "spyLib", but unfortunately, it is not supported on my system.
is there any way to measure/calculate/retrieve the total load on my single-core CPU?

It depends on your system and what its design is.
One way is to create a task at the lowest priority that is nothing more than an idle loop.
You could then use taskSwitchHookAdd to detect whenever you switched in and out of this idle task and calculate the time delta between switching in and out.
The problem with this is that now, you CPU is NEVER idle since the task at priority 255 is consuming all the spare CPU cycles. This might or might not be an issue for your system.


Running user task on a core and minimally interrupted / preempted

I would like to run a long term task on a dedicated core and would like that task to be minimally interrupted / preempted. I can see 2 solutions. Which one is better or any other solution?
1) Set affinity and isolate core using isolcpus
2) Make the thread real time using SCHED_FIFO and set the priority high
- if this is the better choice how high the priority should be? Can I set it to 99?
What I am concerned about is being preempted by kernel threads, IPIs ...
Regarding the first solution you mentioned, by adding parameter isolcpus = [CPU no.] during boot will instruct Linux scheduler to not run any task on that CPU unless requested by user using CPU Affinity. But this CPU may receive interrupts and that can also be avoided by setting IRQ Affinity, so that the isolated CPU doesn’t receive any interrupt. Finally in your code of the task you set the Affinity to the isolated CPU and you are good to go.
But Even if you follow these steps, kernel tasks are executed on the isolated CPU core if you are not using a real-time kernel from RP_PREEMPT, hence it might not be possible to completely isolate a CPU core unless you are using RT kernel.
Refer -
The second solution about using SCHED_FIFO scheduling policy and using a high priority value will still not prevent the kernel threads, Timer tick interrupts, IPIs etc., from pre-empting your task. Because the scheduling policies and priority is for kernel to schedule all other User-space processes and threads and does not apply to kernel threads or processes.
So by setting high priority to your task does not mean you will get 100% CPU dedicated to your task. Also the alternative, manually setting the CPU mask of your task to a CPUSET in the system, can cause problems and suboptimal load balancer performance. Your task will still get interrupted from time to time by Linux code, including other tasks - such as the timer tick interrupt and the scheduler code, IPIs from other CPUs and stuff like work queue kernel threads, although the interruption should be quite minimal if you have don’t have much activity going on in your other cores.
But the cleanest way to achieve this should come from Kernel tweak which I found from this link,2. Though I haven’t tried this personally, I think it’s worth giving a look at this article as well before you decide upon the method you will use.

CPU timer internal details

A timer is used for CPU protection. What mechanism is the timer used to compute actual current time in the PC?
Almost all modern computers have a built-in real-time clock, which keeps rough track of the time even while the computer is off. The computer can simply read from the RTC to get the current time.

Whole one core dedicated to single process

Is there any way in Linux to assign one CPU core to a particular given process and there should not be any other processes or interrupt handlers to be scheduled on this core?
I have read about process affinity in Linux Binding Processes to CPUs using the taskset utility but that's not solving my problem because it just try to affine the given process to that core but it is possible that other processes may be scheduled on this core and this is what I want to avoid.
Should we change the kernel code for scheduling?
Yes there is. In fact, there are two separate ways to do it :-)
Right now, the best way to accomplish what you want is to do the following:
Add the parameter isolcpus=[cpu_number] to the Linux kernel command line from the boot loader during boot. This will instruct the Linux scheduler not to run any regular tasks on that CPU unless specifically requested using cpu affinity.
Use IRQ affinity to set other CPUs to handle all interrupts so that your isolated CPU will not receive any interrupts.
Use CPU affinity to fix your specific task to the isolated CPU.
This will give you the best that Linux can provide with regard to CPU isolation without out-of-tree and in-development patches.
Your task will still get interrupted from time to time by Linux code, including other tasks - such as the timer tick interrupt and the scheduler code, IPIs from other CPUs and stuff like work queue kernel threads, although the interruption should be quite minimal.
For an (almost) complete list of interruption sources, check out my page at
The alternative method is to use cpusets which is way more elegant and dynamic but suffers from some weaknesses at this point in time (no migration of timers for example) which makes me recommend the old, crude but effective isolcpus parameter.
Note that work is currently being done by the Linux community to address all these issues and more to give even better isolation.
There is Redhat article talking about it. It modifies the boot parameter isolcpus.
And an old article written by Robert Love. And there is solution in that article.
All of a process' children receive the same CPU affinity mask as their
Then, all we need to do is have init bind itself to one processor.
All other processes, by nature of init being the root of the process
tree and thus the superparent of all processes, are then likewise
bound to the one processor.
Dedicate a Whole CPU Core to a Particular Program
While taskset allows a particular program to be assigned to certain CPUs, that does not mean that no other programs or processes will be scheduled on those CPUs. If you want to prevent this and dedicate a whole CPU core to a particular program, you can use "isolcpus" kernel parameter, which allows you to reserve the CPU core during boot.
Add the kernel parameter "isolcpus=" to the boot loader during boot or GRUB configuration file. Then the Linux scheduler will not schedule any regular process on the reserved CPU core(s), unless specifically requested with taskset. For example, to reserve CPU cores 0 and 1, add "isolcpus=0,1" kernel parameter. Upon boot, then use taskset to safely assign the reserved CPU cores to your program.
Even if you follow the steps in gby's answer, kernel tasks are executed on the isolated CPU core. Work is underway in the linux RT_PREEMPT real time project to improve this. So if you are not using a bleeding edge real time kernel from RP_PREEMPT, it might not be possible to completely isolate a CPU core.
As per documentation
The Linux scheduler will honor the given CPU affinity and the process will not run on any other CPUs.
There is no mention that specific processor will be given to process exclusively.

Nanosecond timing across kernel?

I am planning to write some software direct to an FPGA network card, to catch incoming customised network packets.
Eventually I believe I will send the data obtained either to the kernel or to a user application. This is for a latency-critical trading research project.
What kind of nanosecond timing instruments could I use due to the accuracy required and also the fact that I am timing the duration between reception at the PCI-E network card and receivership in the kernel?
This will be on Linux, with "driver" code (I may put the user application at this level to cut latency) written in C.
On linux access to the CPU clock tick is through the tsc equivalent to the Windows QueryPerformanceCOunter
clock_gettime uses HPET if available, which is simple and as good and as reliable as you can get.
If HPET is not available, you have no reliable timer at that scale anyway, so unluckily the resolution of clock_gettime will be worse, but that's just what it is, and there's not much you can do about it.
Any other source, including tsc, is either lower resolution or unreliable or both.
In software every thing happens on multiples of system clock. I think you can use any time measurement function that returns the number of elapsed clock ticks, clock() for example should give you enough accuracy.

real time intervals in C/C++

It is possible to make real time intervals in not Real-Time Linux application in C/C++?
I'm writing a ADC simulator. This is an application that generates packages with certain frequency. It is important that the frequency of package generation as closely as possible corresponded to the sampling rate of ADC. Why I don't want to use sleep() and usleep() to set package generation time intervals.
It is possible to make real time intervals in not Real-Time Linux application in C/C++?
No... if it were, it would be a Real-Time Linux system.
That said, you can probably get very close, so it depends on your intervals and tolerances. Your only serious option for sub-timeslice precision is to nail the sending thread to a core and let it spin, while keeping other processing off that core, but that's very wasteful of hardware....
If you can afford to have latencies long enough for your sending code to be re-scheduled then you can look at setting up alarms & signal handlers, but that's potentially massively higher latency, perhaps only on relatively rare occasions where the cores have all been otherwise utilised. To assess how well this works, you've got to do real measurements under realistic system loads.
The packet generator shouldn't be with the packet sender.
If you want the packets to be sent on time, you should create the packets before hand, and send them to the packer sender.
So you need a thread with a work queue, and use a sleep on that thread to send the packets on time. (you can look a boost's sleep())
