How to pass variables between pthreads? - c

I have two types of threads, one student the other librarian. Also I have a list of struct which holds the basic info like book name, ISBN, publishing year regarding to each books.(which is a shared resource between threads) I want to pass the pointer of a certain book in a student thread/routine to a librarian thread using condition variables. (so that a librarian could reserve the book for the student by means of signaling) How can I accomplish this is or is this even the right way to go about it?

The easiest way is to use pipes man 2 pipe.
Performance wise faster, but far more complicated ways are to use a virtual ring buffer man 3 vrb (userland pipe) or any other message passing middleware.

If these are threads (using pthread library) in the same process, you can share data since the address space is common to them. However, be aware of synchronization issues.
A common way to do that is to use a mutex for every (read or write) access to that common data. Perhaps also use condition variables for synchronization (i.e. thread A needing to tell thread B that something significant changed).
Read a good pthread tutorial (and this perhaps also).

is this even the right way to go about it?
Your example is very artificial... the only reason why you would use threads and some strange local variable list for this, is because some teacher tells you to do so. So no, this is not the right way to implement a program to be used in the real world.
In the real world, things like these would almost certainly be implemented through a database, where the DBMS handles the accessing of individual posts. Most likely in some kind of client/server system, where there is a client used by the librarian. I don't see why the student would even be part of the system, except as a data post over who borrowed the book.


Ensure that UID/GID check in system call is executed in RCU-critical section

I have a small kernel module I wrote for my RaspBerry Pi 2 which implements an additional system call for generating power consumption metrics. I would like to modify the system call so that it only gets invoked if a special user (such as "root" or user "pi") issues it. Otherwise, the call just skips the bulk of its body and returns success.
Background Work
I've read into the issue at length, and I've found a similar question on SO, but there are numerous problems with it, from my perspective (noted below).
The linked question notes that struct task_struct contains a pointer element to struct cred, as defined in linux/sched.h and linux/cred.h. The latter of the two headers doesn't exist on my system(s), and the former doesn't show any declaration of a pointer to a struct cred element. Does this make sense?
Silly mistake. This is present in its entirety in the kernel headers (ie: /usr/src/linux-headers-$(uname -r)/include/linux/cred.h), I was searching in gcc-build headers in /usr/include/linux.
Even if the above worked, it doesn't mention if I would be getting the the real, effective, or saved UID for the process. Is it even possible to get each of these three values from within the system call?
cred.h already contains all of these.
Is there a safe way in the kernel module to quickly determine which groups the user belongs to without parsing /etc/group?
cred.h already contains all of these.
So, the only valid question remaining is the following:
Note, that iterating through processes and reading process's
credentials should be done under RCU-critical section.
... how do I ensure my check is run in this critical section? Are there any working examples of how to accomplish this? I've found some existing kernel documentation that instructs readers to wrap the relevant code with rcu_read_lock() and rcu_read_unlock(). Do I just need to wrap an read operations against the struct cred and/or struct task_struct data structures?
First, adding a new system call is rarely the right way to do things. It's best to do things via the existing mechanisms because you'll benefit from already-existing tools on both sides: existing utility functions in the kernel, existing libc and high-level language support in userland. Files are a central concept in Linux (like other Unix systems) and most data is exchanged via files, either device files or special filesystems such as proc and sysfs.
I would like to modify the system call so that it only gets invoked if a special user (such as "root" or user "pi") issues it.
You can't do this in the kernel. Not only is it wrong from a design point of view, but it isn't even possible. The kernel knows nothing about user names. The only knowledge about users in the kernel in that some privileged actions are reserved to user 0 in the root namespace (don't forget that last part! And if that's new to you it's a sign that you shouldn't be doing advanced things like adding system calls). (Many actions actually look for a capability rather than being root.)
What you want to use is sysfs. Read the kernel documentation and look for non-ancient online tutorials or existing kernel code (code that uses sysfs is typically pretty clean nowadays). With sysfs, you expose information through files under /sys. Access control is up to userland — have a sane default in the kernel and do things like calling chgrp, chmod or setfacl in the boot scripts. That's one of the many wheels that you don't need to reinvent on the user side when using the existing mechanisms.
The sysfs show method automatically takes a lock around the file, so only one kernel thread can be executing it at a time. That's one of the many wheels that you don't need to reinvent on the kernel side when using the existing mechanisms.
The linked question concerns a fundamentally different issue. To quote:
Please note that the uid that I want to get is NOT of the current process.
Clearly, a thread which is not the currently executing thread can in principle exit at any point or change credentials. Measures need to be taken to ensure the stability of whatever we are fiddling with. RCU is often the right answer. The answer provided there is somewhat wrong in the sense that there are other ways as well.
Meanwhile, if you want to operate on the thread executing the very code, you can know it wont exit (because it is executing your code as opposed to an exit path). A question arises what about the stability of credentials -- good news, they are also guaranteed to be there and can be accessed with no preparation whatsoever. This can be easily verified by checking the code doing credential switching.
We are left with the question what primitives can be used to do the access. To that end one can use make_kuid, uid_eq and similar primitives.
The real question is why is this a syscall as opposed to just a /proc file.
See this blogpost for somewhat elaborated description of credential handling:

Erlang NIF from single process storing structs in memory

Im writing an Erlang C NIF that will only be used by one Erlang process. I want to create a struct that will hold an array of pointers. I need this to exist in between the process' calls to the NIF.
What I need insight to is the proper way to do this approach from the Erlang NIF side of things. Im thinking of writing a struct outside of all the functions so its accessible to all. When I create it in one call to the NIF, and then come back and use it with another call to the NIF, it seems to work just fine.
Im worried that this could be because the process is staying local to the scheduling thread and therefore does not have to move the struct and underlying array in memory.
Should I be using erlang:memalloc from within a function and avoiding globals all together or, staying as is with global structs?
Possibly return a pointer to a single array containing all my data?
You could certainly return a pointer to a single array containing your data; to do that, look at ErlNifResourceType. You would pass this back to the calling erlang process, and it in turn would pass it back to you on subsequent NIF calls. This would ensure that only one thread was operating on your data at a time (assuming only one process had a copy of the resource; it's not something you want to share, especially if it contains pointers).
You could also encode it as an erlang list, but that would probably be very inefficient.
That being said, you can use shared memory from a NIF. For example, here's an ets-like database implemented as a NIF using shared data.
You just have to keep in mind that you're accessing shared resources. The NIF API provides thread creation, thread specific data, mutexes, conditions, and read/write locks. You can even send a message to an erlang process from a NIF-created thread (in the event of a long-running NIF call, this is actually how you'd want to implement it to prevent scheduling problems).
Given your requirements, you're probably better off using the ErlNifResource type rather than messing with multithreading and shared resource controls. Technically if you're only using one erlang process you could leave it as a global variable (read: shared resource) without any harmful side effects. That being said, things change, and you don't want to be the cause of someone's headache down the road when they try to use your code from multiple processes. Whichever method you wind up using, make sure it's thread safe.

Reader-Writer using semaphores and shared memory in C

I'm trying to make a simple reader/writer program using POSIX named semaphores, its working, but on some systems, it halts immediately on the first semaphore and thats it ... I'm really desperate by now. Can anyone help please? Its working fine on my system, so i can't track the problem by ltrace. (sorry for the comments, I'm from czech republic)
POSIX semaphores are not well suited for application code since they are interruptible. Basically any sort of IO to your processes will mess up your signalling. Please have a look at this post.
So you'd have to be really careful to interpret all error returns from the sem_ functions properly. In the code that you posted there is no such thing.
If your implementation of POSIX supports them, just use rwlocks, they are made for this, are much higher level and don't encounter that difficulty.
In computer science, the readers-writers problems are examples of a common computing problem in concurrency. There are at least three variations of the problems, which deal with situations in which many threads try to access the same shared memory at one time. Some threads may read and some may write, with the constraint that no process may access the share for either reading or writing, while another process is in the act of writing to it. (In particular, it is allowed for two or more readers to access the share at the same time.) A readers-writer lock is a data structure that solves one or more of the readers-writers problems.

Tips to write thread-safe UNIX code?

What are the guidelines to write thread-safe UNIX code in C and C++?
I know only a few:
Don't use globals
Don't use static local storage
What others are there?
The simple thing to do is read a little. The following list contains some stuff to look at and research.
Spend time reading the Open Group Base Specification particularly the General Information section and the subsection on threads. This is the basis information for multithreading under most UN*X-alike systems.
Learn the difference between a mutex and a semaphore
Realize that everything that is shared MUST be protected. This applies to global variables, static variables, and any shared dynamically allocated memory.
Replace global state flags with condition variables. These are implemented using pthread_cond_init and related functions.
Once you understand the basics, learn about the common problems so that you can identify them when they occur:
Lock inversion deadlocks
Priority inversion - if you are interested in a real life scenario, then read this snippet about the Mars Pathfinder
It really comes down to shared state, globals and static local are examples of shared state. If you don't share state, you won't have a problem. Other examples of shared state include multiple threads writing to a file or socket.
Any shared resource will need to be managed properly - that might mean making something mutex protected, opening another file, or intelligently serializing requests.
If two threads are reading and writing from the same struct, you'll need to handle that case.
Beware of the sem_t functions, they may return uncompleted on interrupts, IO, SIGCHLD etc. If you need them, be sure to allways capture that case.
pthread_mut_t and pthread_cond_t functions are safe with respect to EINTR.
A good open book about concurrency in general can be found here: Little Book of Semaphores
It presents various problems that are solved step-by step and include solutions to common concurrency issues like starvation, race conditions etc.
It is not language-specific but contains short chapters about implementing the solutions in C with the Pthread-Library or Python.

Reading Critical Section Data using pthreads

I have a multi-threaded application, I'm using pthreads with the pthread_mutex_lock function. The only data I need to protect is in one data structure. Is it safe if I apply the lock only when I write to the data structure? Or should I apply the lock whenever I read or write?
I found a question similar to this, but it was for Windows, from that question it would that the answer to mine would be that it is ok. Just want to make sure though.
follow up: So I want to pass in a command line argument and on read from it (from different threads). Do I still have to use pthread_mutex_lock?
You could use a pthreads_rwlock_t to allow "one-writer OR N-readers" concurrency. But if you stick with the general pthread_mutex_lock, it needs to be acquired for ANY access to the shared data structure it's protecting, so you're cutting things down to "one reader-or-writer" concurrency.
It is necessary to apply the lock when you read as well unless you can guarantee atomic writes (at which point you don't even need to lock on write). The problem arises from writes that take more than 1 cycle.
Imagine you write 8 bytes as two 4 byte writes. If the other thread kicks off after it has half been written then the read will read invalid data. Its veyr ucommon that this happens but when it does its a hell of a bug to track down.
Yes, you need to be locked for reads as well as writes.
Compilers and CPUs do not necessarily write to a field in a structure atomically. In addition your code may not write atomically, and the structure may at certain points be out of sync with regards to itself.
If all you need to share is a single integer value, you might choose to use atomic integers. GCC has atomic attributes you can use. This is not as portable as using pthreads locks.
