Looking at resources and documentation online, I have found out that you can access metadata annotations from classes or fields (How do I access metadata annotations from a class? or How to get the value from metadata, in Dart?, for instance).
But I would like to know how to see, after a variable has been annotated with a metadata annotation (such as #Persist), if that variable has been accessed or changed. That I wasn't able to find how to do it.
The application I have in mind for this is to be able to make a variable to transparently persist to a database (whenever the variable is accessed or mutated) by means of annotating that variable. Many thanks!
I think the observable package does what you want
see How to share data structures with Polymer on both client and server for an example
I am trying to represent environment variables in the Salesforce codebase and came across Custom Metadata Types. So based on which Sandbox I am in, I want to vary the baseURL of an external service that I am hitting from my apex class. I want to avoid hard coding anything in the class, and hence trying to find out an environment variable like solution.
How would you represent the URL as a custom metadata type? Also, how can I access it in the class? What happens when a qa sandbox is refreshed from prod? Do they custom metadata type records get overridden?
How are you calling that external service? If it's truly a base url you might be better of using "named credential" for it. It'll abstract the base url away for you, include authentication or certificate if you have to present any...
Failing that - custom metadata might be a poor choice. They're kind of dictionary objects, you can add more (but not from apex) but if you deploy stuff using Git/Ant/SFDX CLI rather than changesets it'd become bit pain, you'd need different custom metadata value for sandbox vs prod. Kinda defeats the purpose.
You might be better off using custom setting instead (hierarchy is enabled by default, list you'd have to flip a checkbox in setup. List is useful if you need key-value kind of pairs, similar to custom metadata): https://salesforce.stackexchange.com/questions/74049/what-is-the-difference-between-custom-settings-and-custom-metadata-types
And you can modify them with Apex too. Which means that in ideal world you could have a "postcopy" class running as soon as sandbox is refreshed that overwrites the custom setting with the non-prod value. For named credential I don't think you can pull it off, you'd need a mini deployment that changes it or manual step (have you seen https://salesforce.stackexchange.com/q/955/799 ?)
I'm part of a team building an API wrapper in Apex. Our service responses use snake case, but we wanted to follow style conventions and use camel case for our Apex variables. If the names don't match, however, the properties won't get set correctly upon deserialization of the response.
Does anyone know of a way to specify a particular name to use for serialization? In Java, we used Gson's SerializedName annotation (https://google.github.io/gson/apidocs/com/google/gson/annotations/SerializedName.html). I wasn't able to find anything similar for Apex, though.
So, I have a project where I get data from a dozen different sources, some are database objects, most often the data is in different JSON formats, or often XML formats. So, I need to take this disparate data and pull it into one single clean managed object that we control.
I have seen dozens of different posts on various tools to do object to object mapping. Orika being one of them, etc. But the problem is that Orika, like many of these still need solid classes defined to do the mapping. If there is a change to the mapping, then I have to change my class, re-commit it, then do a build and deploy new code ... BTW, testing would also have to be done like any code change. So, maybe some of these tools aren't a great solution for me.
Then I was looking to do some sort of database-driven mapping, where I have a source, a field, and then the new field or function I would like to take it to. So, with a database-driven tool, I could modify the fields in the database, and everything would keep working as it should. I could always create a front-end to modify this tool.
So, with that ... I am asking if there is any database-driven tool where I can map field to field, or fields to functions type of mapping? Drools was my first choice, but I don't know if it is my best choice? Maybe it is overkill for my needs? So, I was looking for advice on what might be the best tool to do my mapping.
Please let me know if you need any more information from me, and thanks for all the help!
Actually Orika can handle dynamic Data source like that, there is even an example on how to convert from XML Element (DOM API) or even JsonObject.
You can use an XML parser to convert your data into Element object, or Jackson to get JsonObject
Then define you class map between your "Canonical" Java Class and these dynamic "Classes"
http://orika-mapper.github.io/orika-docs/advanced-mappings.html Customizing the PropertyResolverStrategy
Here is an example of Orika mapping to MongoDB DBObject to Java Bean
However converting JSON is more straightforward than XML (the semantic of Attributes/Childs/Custom tags do not match with JavaBeans)
I have been working on C-based Native Client module for Google Chrome. Many of the module functions that are called by the NaCl system have a parameter of PP_Instance which uniquely identifies the module instance.
My question: Is there any way to associate user data with this instance handle?
The C API specifies that it is an opaque handle. It provides no functions for linking user data to the handle. Right now, I have to use a bunch of global variables within the module to share state among the functions. It doesn't feel like the right solution. I'm not sure if more than one instance will ever share the process space but I'm not making any assumptions here.
I suppose I could implement some sort of look up table to map instances to unique contexts that happen to live in the global scope. But that also seems like it should be unnecessary for a C-based API. The C++ API avoids this by virtue of its classes.
PP_Instance should be used as a key to lookup state / object associated with the plugin instance. More than one plugin instance may be instantiated in a module as per the API, when, for example, multiple embed tags are present in the containing frame. Currently the NaCl implementation of Pepper does not do this -- instead, multiple processes each containing a single module each instantiating a single pepper plugin instance is created. However, this is an implementation detail (or maybe bug?) that is subject to change, and it would be better to defensively program and be able to handle multiple DidCreate events.
Of course, if your NaCl module is guaranteed to never be used by anyone else and you know you won't ever have two embeds of the same module, then it might be okay to assume singleton instance and use global state, but doing things the "right" way isn't that hard, so why not?
See native-client-discuss thread for more discussion on this topic.
in tutorials such as this http://akrabat.com/zend-framework-tutorial/, the database parameters for the application are stored in the application.ini config file. Reading through the docs for zend_db and other database interaction tutorials, it suggests that the database object is created from parameters hard coded into php code. Whats confusing is that there doesnt appear to be any explicit initialisation of the database object in tutorials such as the one above. So my natural conclusion to this is that the database object is automatically generated from the parameters provided in the application.ini config file?
So my natural conclusion to this is
that the database object is
automatically generated from the
parameters provided in the
application.ini config file?
Kind of, in fact, there are a few step before your database get initialized.
Your application is bootstraped
It reads the config file
When a resource.* is found, check if the according resource class exists
The resource class initialize an object with the given parameter
Zend_Db_Table has a static method setDefaultAdapter($db) which takes the newly created Zend_Db object, now every Zend_Db_table object can use the Db object you set in your configuration.
Return the newly created object
Go back to 3.
Router, Controller, Layout, View, etc.
This "behavior" is recent, it's why you may found some old tutorial which shows you how to bootstrap your Zend_Db object manually, sometimes, it's just to show you how Zend_Db works.