Is there any similar module like context other than panels in drupal? - drupal-7

Please help me in this , I need to configure my blocks in different pages in different regions. So i need a contributed module in drupal other than context and panels.
Krijesh PV

Why can't you or don't you want to use context?
The only alternative I know is to do it in a custom module implementing the "hook_page_alter" hook.


Does 2sxc module have ability to contain external module object similarly to inserting App/Content into wysiwyg editor?

I know that DNN doesn't support inserting of one module inside another one. But I wonder if 2sxc module has workaround for it and just like you can, lets say, insert gallery application in blog post content, is there a way to insert there external module object?
The short answer is no. 2sxc doesn't have this functionality built in.
BUT: DNN does have some APIs to do this - there were modules that did this kind of stuff. So I would continue in the DNN APIs to figure out how to do this.
I believe that the answer is yes, and that you should take a look at I think that you should be looking at CmsBlock.
Some other references:
I've never done anything like this, and I'm not really familiar with the content on this page. Perhaps Daniel and give us both some pointers.

React,Redux drag selection

everyone. How can I implement such thing(jQUery Selectable) in my react&redux app? I need to know what items were selected and change my store respectively. I have read about D&D but have no idea, how to do it in react&redux way. Thank you.
You can use the following library , i've used it couple of times, it served the purpose
check the article React DnD Intro for the Redux developer
for built in drag&drop functionality
or you can include some good library to do the task they are many that you can find check or

how to migrate to angular rc6 ngModules

I'm going from RC4 to RC6. I'm trying to read's website, and some of the instructions are not clear for me.
I have a couple of basic questions, that I'm hoping for more clear answers to:
If I have 15 components, what tells me that I need to split them among multiple ngModules?
in RC4, I have directives, how do I know when to push them into either imports or declarations?
Thanks much
You don't necessarily have to turn each component into it's own module. If two components are closely related I would turn them into a module.
imports are used to include other modules in the current module.
declarations are used to declare all the components of the module.
Use the official angular migration from RC4 to RC5 before ;)

Why angular-ui/bootstrap directives placed in separated modules?

I'm developing some reusable components with AngularJS, I checked angular-ui/bootstrap to steal some ideas and best practices and I was surprised that they create one module per Bootstrap component.
Can anyone explain this? Should I follow this pattern in my project?
Because some people might need just one component, and not necessarily all of them.
If your project is going to be an open-source set of components, you can consider that approach. Otherwise, there's probably no need for it.
The recommended way of structuring a "normal", larger application would be to group things that share a view into a module. So you might have an admin module, messages module... each with its components.

Creating help page on DotNetNuke

My goal is creating help section like on with cascade menu folding on DotNetNuke. Should I use DNN standard tools or special module?
Thank you in advance.
There are a number of ways of doing this, however, the management overhead is really going to dictate how to do this.
One option would be to simply create individual pages for each section, then create a skin with the proper menu style to handle the left side process. Honestly, this is the "easiest" way of doing it. But if you have a lot of documentation this could take a while.
Another option would be to see if there is a way to re-purpose another module to help with this. News Articles from Ventrian with Categories could help, but you would need a fair bit of work to get the "Tree" style behavior to the left.
I would probably start by looking at the News Articles module from Ventrian for a project like that.
