Enable/Disable stored procedures - sql-server

I am working with a large group of stored procedures (~300) in SQL Server 2012 Web Edition and I need to enable/disable some of the stored procedures at various times.
Is there a way to create a sub-folder under "Programmability" in SQL Server Management Studio to place inactive stored procedures in? If not, is there an option to enable/disable a specific stored procedure without removing it from the database? Since I frequently need to enable/disable I would rather not remove the procedure and then re-script it when it is needed?

Create those stored procedure in a separate schema (use CREATE SCHEMA) and then GRANT or REVOKE execution right on all stored procedures in that schema for the users in charge.

As a suggestion, you can have contract in naming for example spTest is enables and spTest_Disabled is the same one which is disabled, so you can write another storedprocedue with this sugnature spChangeSpStatus(spName,state) this sp uses sp_rename to rename the procedure to new one,(I mean adding _disabled to its name or remove _disabled form the name)
I hope this helps

You can't create a subfolder, but can create another schema. Name it whatever you like (say inactive) and set permissions on it appropriately.
Then write a script to move objects from the working schema (say dbo) to inactive:
alter schema inactive transfer dbo.proc

There is an inexpensive tool called SQLTreeo that allows you to create folders in the Object Explorer. If I remember correctly, there are two modes of operation, one that allows each user with the tool to have their individual folder structure, and another that imposes a common folder structure appear on all machines that have SQLTreeo installed.

Create a new table to manage your SP, and in each SP just add an IF that always ask for the table created dbo.ManagerSP if that sp is Active=true, if true the SP runs,,,if not,,,not runs,,
And with that for control all your SP just need run an UPDATE of active status in dbo.ManagerSP


How to prevent users from creating new tables/stored procedures or modifying existing procedures. SQL Server 2017

Is there a way to lock down (preferably at the server level but DB level is also fine) tables and stored procedures? I don't want specific users creating new procedures or tables, but want them to be able to write to tables (via some Excel macros we have in place) and execute existing procedures. I would not want this to be a blanket policy, I'd prefer to specify which users this applies to.
Do you have individual ms SQL server logins for every user? Then you can set the access rights of these to Datareader and datawriter only in the security section or on database level.
If everyone uses the same login, you will have to create trigger on the data definition level. E.g. a trigger on CREATE TABLE that aborts any action.
Edit: I suggest you create a new login specifically for those excel macros.

Access table indirectly, while still allowing to update the table

I plan to pass exam 'Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2012'. I would like to better understand one question.
Question is:
How would you accomplish this task?
You work as a database developer
at ABC.com. ABC.com has a SQL Server 2012 database named SalesDB with
a table named Invoices. Application developers are developing several
in-house applications that will access the Invoices table. You need to
develop a solution that will allow the applications to access the
table indirectly while still allowing them to update the Invoice
table. How would you accomplish this task?
possible answers are.
A. You should create a view on the Invoices table.
B. You should create a columnstore index on all columns used by the
C. You should allow the applications access to the Invoices table via
stored procedures.
D. You should drop and recreate the Invoices table as a partitioned
table. Possible answers are
This is source: How would you accomplish this task?
They say that correct answer is C, but I don't know why? I think that correct is A, because view works 'indirectly' with data.
Thank for help.
The commented ownership-chaining of stored procs only come into place when the stored proc and the used tables have the same owner.
So I would like to point out another argument.
You can EXECUTE a stored proc AS another user. That means you could create a user without a login and grant UPDATE permissions. Let's say the name of the user is UPDATEInvoices. When you create a stored proc you can define that it has to execute as the comtext of the user.
So, when you give the user who wants to call the stored proc EXECUTE permissions he can UPDATE rows in the table because it runs with other permissions.

Determing if stored procedure can execute based on AD login

I have a stored procedure that updates data in a table for a specific record. I have several users who will be making use of this stored procedure however I only want to them to be able to update records that are assigned to them.
Each record that is to be updated by the stored procedure has a field named "UserID" which define who has control over the record. I also have a mapping table that maps active directory logins to the UserID's.
I am using Active Directory so SQL Server knows who is attempting to execute the stored procedure. Is there a way within the stored procedure to look-up the users active directory login in another table and then determine if they have access to the records attempting to be updated?
You can find out who the current user is in the proc by calling SYSTEM_USER and incorporating that into the query that updates the rows.
Does this article help? Granting Row-Level Permissions in SQL Server
It recommends the following steps
Create the table, adding an additional column to store the name.
Create a view that has a WHERE clause based on the user name column. This will restrict the rows returned to those with the specified value. Use one of the built-in functions to specify a database user or login name. This eliminates the need to create different views for different users.
Create stored procedures to select, insert, update, and delete data based on the view, not the base tables. The view provides a filter that restricts the rows returned or modified.
For stored procedures that insert data, capture the user name using the same function specified in the WHERE clause of the view and insert that value into the UserName column.
Deny all permissions on the tables and views to the public role. Users will not be able to inherit permissions from other database roles, because the WHERE clause is based on user or login names, not on roles.
Grant EXECUTE on the stored procedures to database roles. Users can only access data through the stored procedures provided.
I'm no application designer but on the surface, your solution sounds unnecessarily complicated to me.
That said, you can issue the following query to get the Windows AD Login name of the user currently executing the stored procedure. You can use this information to cross reference with your mapping table to determine if the AD account has the required privileges to perform the operation.
Do keep in mind that this returns the name of the currently executing context, so keep in mind that this can be explicitly changed using the "Execute As" statement.
I wonder if perhaps a view could be used to limit the data visible to a given AD account. The Stored Procedure logic could then focus on the data modification aspect, rather than security implementation. Controlling your data access using views would also ensure that a consistent security access method is used across multiple stored procedures if required, as opposed to having to implement security checking within each.
Since writing this, the link provided by Martin Smith, details how this solution can be implemented:
Granting Row-Level Permissions in SQL Server
In conclusion, a combination of both is how Microsoft suggest you implement the solution to your problem.

SSIS - Log to table other than SYSSSISLOG

SSIS seems to insist on logging to the system table SYSSSISLOG. Is there a way to make it use a different table?
I want each package to log to a different table.
Quick answer is the same as John Sansom's answer: When logging is used, it creates a table and a stored proc (name varies with version between 2005 and 2008) The stored proc can be modified to do whatever you want. If the stored proc is removed Sql server re-creates it, but if the stored proc is there, Sql server assumes it is OK and leaves it alone. This allows you to modify the stored proc to write to whatever table/tables you want.
Well, you can query that huge-ass log table with something like this:
--first, we identify the packages
;with DetectedPackages as (
select source, s.executionid
from dbo.sysssislog as s
where event = 'PackageStart'
group by source, s.executionid
--then we use those executionids to display results
select * from dbo.sysssislog as s
join DetectedPackages dp on s.executionid = dp.executionid
where dp.source = 'PackageName'
And if you want to encapsulate every package in a view, now you know how to do that.
Take a look at the following article over on SQL Server Central, you may need to register but it's free to do so and you will find the site to be excellent SQL Server resource.
The article details how to implement a custom Log Provider that redirects the SSIS log output to another table. Using this implementation as your framework you could extend it to meet your requirements.
SSIS Custom Logging the Easy Way
The above is quite correct however not written well. When you specify your logging in SSIS you can log to a specific data provider IE SSIS Log provider for SQL Server. When you point this to a specific database it will create a [dbo].[sysssislog] table under the System Tables folder in your database. If you navigate in SSMS to your database and programmability -> Stored Procedures there will be a procedure called [dbo].[sp_ssis_addlogentry] this will insert log entries from SSIS. You can repoint this stored procedure to point to the table you want to log to instead of the one generated by SSIS within your database.

Creating a New Database from Within a Stored Procedure

Due to an employee quitting, I've been given a project that is outside my area of expertise.
I have a product where each customer will have their own copy of a database. The UI for creating the database (licensing, basic info collection, etc) is being outsourced, so I was hoping to just have a single stored procedure they can call, providing a few parameters, and have the SP create the database. I have a script for creating the database, but I'm not sure the best way to actually execute the script.
From what I've found, this seems to be outside the scope of what a SP easily can do. Is there any sort of "best practice" for handling this sort of program flow?
Generally speaking, SQL scripts - both DML and DDL - are what you use for database creation and population. SQL Server has a command line interface called SQLCMD that these scripts can be run through - here's a link to the MSDN tutorial.
Assuming there's no customization to the tables or columns involved, you could get away with using either attach/reattach or backup/restore. These would require that a baseline database exist - no customer data. Then you use either of the methods mentioned to capture the database as-is. Backup/restore is preferrable because attach/reattach requires the database to be offline. But users need to be sync'd before they can access the database.
If you got the script to create database, it is easy for them to use it within their program. Do you have any specific pre-requisite to create the database & set permissions accordingly, you can wrap up all the scripts within 1 script file to execute.
