Cannot start the recorder in silk4j - silktest

I'm just stepping into the automation testing tool Silk4J.
I followed the guide to start to record a test. However, every time I click the "Silk4J test", I get the same error:
Failed to start recorder.
Reason:Failed to start /recorder/Silk Recorder.exe after 180 seconds
I searched for it for a long time but got nothing valuable.
I hope someone can help me.

Try to run only silk test recorder from start programs menu to see of the recorder is fine.
Alternatively you can make sure if firewall exceptions are added for open agent and for may be recorder as well


Transform Classes With Dex For Debug is making Windows crash

I'm building a React Native app. Everything was working fine but now when I try to run on Android it gets to the task :app:transformClassesWithDexForDebug, it hangs for 30-60 seconds and then Windows shuts down.
I tried to setup multidex as mentioned here: but the result is the same.
I'm not getting any error message, the computer just shuts down abruptly and I have to turn it on again.
Any advice is much appreciated.
In the end, it was two problems mixed:
I was using the new Windows Terminal which is still in beta so I guess the shutdown problem was something to do with it, because I changed to normal good ol' cmd and the shutdown problem disappeared.
The actual error in the compilation process was actually the setup of multidex. I was not extending the MultiDexApplication class.
Thank you all.

Why my react native debugger is not working?

The react-native debugger was working perfectly fine for the very first time. But later on, when I opened my pc and tried to run my current project, the debugger was not working. I tried everything on my own up to the extent but was totally frustrated with this issue. Cleared my node modules for several times, thought that the error was with the version of node and installed several old versions of node but all my efforts went on vain. At last, I am here seeking help from all the react-native experts out there. Hope you will resolve my problem.
Make sure it is enabled JS debugging on the device is enabled.
Close the app on the phone but make sure the local server is running.
Manually open Chrome and go to link: http://localhost:19001/debugger-ui
Be sure to change the port to the correct one for you.
Once the debugger opens, open the app on the device.
I had a same issue yesterday and this fixed it for me. Just had to open the debugger first then run the app.
Fistly check if you have enabled the debugging mode in your app, if not then ctrl+m and enable 'remote JS debugging'. If your app is in debugging mode and still you cant find the debugger check all the tabs of your browser is open, it must be open somewhere (this happens in mac).
Try to turn off and then turn on again wifi on your computer

Protractor application get paused when system sleeps

I am working in a large project. There are about minimum 160 specs to be executed with protractor, and it consumes more than one hour to finish automation testing. But issue is my system get sleeps in between it when no action is performed. Is there any way to make system alive until protractor finishes its execution.
So that I could run it without system sleep. I cant increase my sleep time because it had to be run in many sytem. Please let me know how could I handle it ?
I am using chrome for running the automation.
Would it be possible to let me know what OS you are using? So that I can give step by step information. For example: if you are using windows machine then
Goto --> Control Panel\Hardware and Sound\Power Options --> Change the Sleep settings make it to "Never"
It will remain open for your lifetime till you switchoff your computer.
By the way there is no relation this question to Protractor.

Internet Explorer11 working too slow with protractor

I need to run my test cases in internet explorer 11 using protractor.When I execute test case,s it is consume much time when compare to Firefox and Chrome.
Even to enter the "Hello" text in text box it is taking 20 secs approximately.
Is there anyway to increase the execution speed in internet explorer 11?
Following are my protractor details:
Selenium standalone server-2.47.1
Node JS-0.12.7
IE driverversion-IEDriverServer_x64_2.45.0
Please provide the details and links if we have something to increase the speed.
Thanks much.
Try to use x32 version of the driver. It may help.

command line support for KIF for running tests on real device

I am using KIF to test my application. I want to start my tests from command line, I looked into the tool WaxSim, looks like it's for running the tests on a simulator. But is there a way to use KIF tests in continous Integration with the real device. It would be helpful if I can invoke the tests from command line which run in a real device.
I know it is possible to do this with apple UI automation on ios5 beta version, but let me know if there is a way to do this in ios4.
Your help will be much appreciated.
From the KIF google group
Right now, no, there isn't. Are there any particular device-only needs you have, or is it just on general principle? We're looking in to a way of doing device tests in CI, but it's a tough nut to crack. All of the frameworks for controlling devices are private.
