SQL Server Analysis Services Account Name is missing - sql-server

I'm trying to install SQL Server 2012 on Windows Server 2012, but when I get to:
The SQL Server Analysis Services are empty so I can't continue instalation proces. Any idea what Account Name should be there? And how to add it?

Not sure why a default is missing, but this is a service account, so as with any other service account, best practice is to create a user in AD for this purpose only and to assign this user account (making sure it has sufficient permissions on the local machine where SSAS is running) to the SSAS service on installation.

The MSA(Managed Service Account) must be created in the Active Directory by the domain administrator before SQL Server setup can use it for SQL Server services.
Check here ~ Configure Windows Service Accounts and Permissions


DNN8 and SQL Server 2014 connection issue

I have SQL Server 2014 installed as a default instance MSSQLSERVER. My computer's name is DHAVAL-PC.
So I used to connect SQL Server database engine with DHAVAL-PC.
Coming to DNN 8 Installation, I used to type my server name as DHAVAL-PC and the empty database that I have created. But I am getting the following error:
None of the server names worked.
My best guess is that DNN 8 service is not running with your identity (account). This identity can not login to the database server.
So figure out under which identity does this process/service run and then add this service account to the database, configure access rights too.
... or just create an SQL server account, with username/password and then set security to "User defined".
What identity is your site running under? Assuming you are using IIS look at the identity field of your application pool. If it is an application pool identity make sure you have granted owner permission on the database to that application pool.
To do that, add IIS APPPOOL\<application_pool_name> as a user/logon in sql server

Attempt to migrate SQL Server database to Azure fails with login failed

In SSMS, I'm trying to use the "Deploy Database to SQL Azure Database" utility.
I'm moving a small local database in SQL Server 2012 to Azure for hosting. But after entering the host database server connection parameters I always get a "Login Failed for user,...." error, referencing the name of the local database to be created on the server.
Why this would fail is unclear, since the database does not exist on the cloud server yet. Here is what I have done:
Set up a firewall exception for my local IP address.
Confirmed my server administrator user name and password
So now I am left guessing... Locally I use Windows Authentication. If a database is to be moved to the server, does it have to have SQL Server authentication, as is required on Azure host?
You need to have the SQL server Authentication enabled in order to be able to login to your database when you move it to Azure.
Once, you login through SQL server authentication, you can create your users then and have different logins for different users.
Hope this helps!

How does SQL Server Agent read SSIS Package Connection?

I have SSIS packages that have connections that use project params(only database and server), the actual login is set to windows authentication.
So when a SQL Server Agent runs that job step(package) how does it connect with windows authentication? Does it use it's own service account? If so as long as the service account has the same permissions as my windows account it shouldn't have issues right? All the objects in the SSIS packages are tables stored in that same server instance.
If I had external objects that use tables on different servers and such would it encounter issues then?
If the job owner is sysadmin and different server are in same domain it should be straight foward.
The secure way is to create a proxy on sql and give the Windows auth credentials. Then configured the package to run as "proxy defined".

Service Account Types Supported for SQL Server Agent and SQL Server Analysis

I am taking a Windows Azure introductory course and one of the prerrequisites for it is to have installed SQL Server 2008 R2 on my machine.
When I'm installing SQL Server in the Server Configuration section it asks for 2 users: one for the SQL Server Agent and other one for the SQL Server Analysis.
I am a begginer, so that's why I'm asking you to recommend me wich users should I use. And also, is it possible to change the users after installation?
Thanks in advance.
Yes, you can change the user after you install those services. The services will run using those accounts and therefore the services will have the same rights as the accounts.
For DEV/test you can use the local system account.
For production you should create a dedicated domain account for those services.
The best account to use in this instance would be The Network Service Account.
Be aware that the Local Service account is not supported for the SQL Server or SQL Server Agent services.
The Network Service account is a built-in account that has more access to resources and objects than members of the Users group. Services that run as the Network Service account access network resources by using the credentials of the computer account. The actual name of the account is "NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE".
Network Service Account is the only account which is supported by SQL Server and SQL Server Agent Services, allows for network file system access i.e. SSMS DBA tasks, and yet still avoids using a Local System Account.
To change which account the service runs under, do so in the same GUI that you are currently using inside SQL Server Configuration Manager

SharePoint Service Account and Remote SQL Server

Our custom SharePoint site uses a standard connection string (in web.config) to a remote sql server using a sql server authentication. I need to know if it is possible to change this connection to use a SharePoint service account instead of a sql server account. If so, how do specify the service account in the connection string and how do you create a login and user for an sp service account when that user does not exist on the sql server machine and nor is it available on Active Directory.
I think I need to use integrated security in the connection string and run db calls within SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges block. If i use this as a delegate, what sp account will the code be executed under and how do i assign a sql server login to a sharepoint account on a remote machine. Any links to sample code or articles explaining this process would be helpful.
From the SQL Server side, you should create a domain account for Sharepoint in AD. Then you log in to SQL Server via Management Studio (SQL2005 or later), on the left hand side click on security tab, and add a new login - you'll enter the domain Sharepoint service account, and give it the relevant permissions to the databases it needs to access.
For the Sharepoint side, you probably can edit web.config but there must be a Sharepoint admin tool to take care of this properly.
