How to stop animation flickering - codenameone

Are there some generic techniques for stopping the display flickering? I'm guessing that I have two layout animations that are fighting over the controls or something - this seems to happen in a few places in my app (hence the general question).
I'll try and be more specific too:
I have a Box Layout Y Container which contains a list of MultiButtons. The MultiButtons are my own class which inherits MultiButton. It (all the buttons) flicks when I come back to the Form from another form. In the beforeForm function I do this:
for (my loop)
MultiButton mb = new MultiButton();
...init code for mb, like setTextLine1();
lastMb = mb;

The beforeForm method is invoked before the form is shown so there is no need to revalidate at that stage (show implicitly does that).
What's scrollToComponent? If you remove it does it flicker?
To scroll to a component without an animation do:


GWT LayoutPanel children events not working

Hi I have an issue with GWT client side where events not being received by widgets when their parent, somewhere along the tree, is using GWT LayoutPanel or any of the Layout containers.
Here is a demonstration with simplified code.
This code works:
LayoutPanel layoutPanel = new LayoutPanel();
layoutPanel.add(new SimplePanel());
layoutPanel.add(new Button("Button1"));
The button is highlighted on hover, and attached ClickHandler receives events.
However the code below does not. Only change was reverse the add() to layoutPanel order:
LayoutPanel layoutPanel = new LayoutPanel();
layoutPanel.add(new Button("Button1"));
layoutPanel.add(new SimplePanel());
The button is drawn, but no events are dispatched, not even the ':hover' events are getting through. Inspection of the generated HTML shows the 'button' tag is being generated.
I am using GWT 2.8.2, Google Appengine 1.9.66 and Java 8 (appengine-web.xml configured for version 2 and Java8 JRE).
I have a much more complicated GUI that is having the same issue, I just boiled it down to the above example to demonstrate the problem.
Because you don't specify any layout option to the added widgets, you're actually overlaying them on top of one another, so in the second case the button is behind the simple panel, which is transparent so I doesn't visually hide the button.

Hidden material UI still rendering element

I am trying to conditionally hide a material ui component.
My first thought was that I'd simply not render the element at all (given I'm not purely hiding it due to 'breakpoint' reasons)... but according to the documentation for the mateiral UI Hidden element here:
This has the benefit of not rendering any content at all unless the
breakpoint is met.
Score, that sounds great. I could say the Hidden element applied when larger than xs and smaller than lg and it'd have the effect of always hiding the component when applied.
However, when I wrap a component in a hidden element using this code:
let withPaper = <Paper>{this.buildQuestion()}</Paper>;
let withToolTip = withPaper;
if (tooltip != null) {
withToolTip = <Tooltip title={tooltip} enterDelay={500} leaveDelay={200}>{withPaper}</Tooltip>
let withHidden = withToolTip;
if (this.props.hidden) {
withHidden = <Hidden xsUp xlDown>{withToolTip}</Hidden>
return withHidden;
only the visibility appears to change. It still takes up space on the screen. Look at the following two screenshots. You will notice that the "Station Number" text field shows up when the Hidden is not included and it's invisible when it is included... however, the component is still taking up space in the material-ui Grid.
(ignore the messed up vertical alignment)
Without the Hidden component on the station number:
With the Hidden component:
Based on the documentation, this doesn't appear to be the normal/correct behavior.
How can I get the wrapped component to completely not impact anything on the screen (hopefully while still being able to access it's values and props?)?
Turns out my component was sitting in a grid item ( so, while the Text Field wasn't actually rendering... an empty grid items was.

Angular Material Design Animation

I'm currently developing a mobile web application with AngularJS, ngAnimate, Angular-Material and UI-Router. I'm following Google Material Design specifications for the UI/UX part.
I'd like to animate a state change 'the Angular way' and especially this 'Parent to child' animation
I've no idea on how to achieve this 'lift & expand' animation.
Thanks for your help !
You have to do it yourself, I guess.
Angular-material is not a magic wand that replicates the animation guidelines of Material Design. Material Design guidelines are simply guidelines, and are loose enough to be hacked — or strictly followed, in the case of Google's Android apps (in-house or not).
My feeling is the angular material team is already pushing like maniacs to bring this awesome tool to 1.0, and will take advantage of the new routing system in Angular 2 to provide some animations like the one you wish to attain out of the box.
But it's the bleeding edge of the bleeding edge, at least for the time being.
Good news seem to be that routes will have their own viewports and sibling viewports.
AngularJS somewhat starts to embrace Polymer's web components concept.
Scroll to "Show me the magic!" on this page, and check these demos. Polymer's ecosystem provides a lot of already-made components to build your app with. It's quite large, and makes you wonder why Polymer doesn't get the same momentum as AngularJS. But I digress...
Option 1
create a custom-made function that gets triggered on a list element being clicked/tapped, to place in your controller (or directive).
Once the user clicks/taps the list element, it triggers the function (console test).
The function should :
retrieve the id of the clicked/tapped item (pass it to the function)
animate : here you have several choices, but here's one : use a ui-router absolute named view (#view_name), and wrap it in a div container with overflow:hidden, that has inital dimensions corresponding to the dimensions of a list item.
Detect the x-y position of the list element that has been clicked (an example, assuming you use AngularJS with jQuery), and you pass it to the "item detail" route (see above), so the rectangle grows with origins corresponding exactly to where the UI is a the moment of the click/tap. The animation shown in the video seems pretty complex: the "item detail page" grows slower on the bottom and faster on the top, when the bottom item is clicked.
Why an absolute named view? Because it will allow, with z-indexing, for the list to stay underneath the "item detail" view, so when the user closes/leaves it, you can roll back your animation, and the rectangle will shrink back to exactly the dimensions and position of the list item. Finally, you transition the opacity:0 and leave the route.
Option 2
Here's a rough mockup of a technique stretching/scrolling an ion-item. It would require to detect the y position of the item, and use ionicScrollDelegate to scroll to it. Also, you would freeze the main scroll so the user get "stucked", until he closes the "detail view", which then releases the scroll.
$scope.toggleStretchedMode = function(itemID) {
$scope.stretched = $scope.stretched === false ? true: false;
A very basic JSFiddle, which needs to be refined (clicked item should scroll to the middle of the screen, then expand).
Note that the JSFiddle only blocks the mousewheel scroll. If seems to block the first swipe, but then the ng-click releases it, so as it is it's far from perfect. You should not only block the list scrolling, but the up and down swipe events.
Also it initalizes badly, only works the second time. But the concept could be something like this.

Animation with display flex

When I open the item-accordion I have used the animation .But the item-accordion has the image that is wrap in the multiple row using display flex property of the CSS3. Whenever I open the accordion the extra content is displayed on the right during transition.So can anyone suggest what can be done to solve it?And this happens when width of the content is small
Another problem is i have used the animate-repeat animation to delete the item.But when i open the item-accordion the animation is applied to them also hence animating the image as a list.
.list .item-accordion {
-webkit-transition:0.09s all linear ;
transition: 0.09s all linear;
This is the animation I am using.
The demo of the code is over here:
I have had similar issues when having to meet complex animation requirements. I have used greensock for more complex animations but that doesn't seem to be needed here. The general concept is that you are going to want to animate something but change/alter the properties before and after the animation has completed. You are going to have to be using a few callback promises to run additional animation after the first part of the animation has completed or do some manual calculations and adjust properties before starting or ending.
Angular Animate
Ionic Animate
It seems like ionic is allowing for onStart and onEnd callbacks. I would hide or force certain properties onStart and reset them onEnd so that you can get around what you are trying to work with. If you are not wanting to work with a fixed width or height you are going to have to grab window/screen size and so some basic calculations based on that. So you would get your window size set the size based on the window for the animation then reset back to auto when completed.

Slider in codenameone

Can any one please tell me how i can add slider and moving form in codename one (with sample lines of code) and also want to know are these features supported by all types of devices?
I think you mean how to animate forms changes
Next, you should handle some "finger slide" event.
To add a slider you can use the following code
Slider jSlider = new Slider();
jSlider.setProgress(50); // Set the starting value
jSlider.setEditable(true); // To it works as a slider instead of a progress bar
Now you have created a slider which you can add to your component like you would in Swing. You can type 'jSlider.' in eclipse to find out which other methods you can use, or you can go to the API:
I think min/maxValue are selfexplenatory though :)
If you want to open a new form, simply create a new class extending form or do it in code like
Form form = new Form();
form.animate(); // To make it "slide in";
Also noteworthy, the slider doesn't work with the lumia skin per default, though you can make it work. I actually asked this question on here as well:
Slider doesn't draw (CodeName One) with Windows phone skin
