ObservableCollection gets reset (item count 0) going between 2 views - wpf

I am very new to MVVM so hopefully this isnt a hard problem.
Basically I have two Views:-
1. Holds a Data Grid which displays everything inside the ObservableCollection object
2. The second view basically has two text boxes which adds to the ObservableCollection when the user presses OK on the form.
Bascially what I am doing is showing the 2nd view from the 1st view with a button click, button labelled "Add Project"
Then I enter the information I need to add to the ObservableCollection in the 2nd view. When I press OK on the form, It calls a method "AddMProduct" which basically adds a item to the collection inside the ViewModel.
But the problem is by doing this its creating a new ViewModel() object so therefore reinitialise the ObservableCollection. So therefore the collection gets reset back to zero.
So in the MVVM model, how do I basically retain the collection, between the 2 views and the ViewModel?
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
private void btnAddProjectGroup_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// Open new window here to add a new project group
AddProductGroup dlg = new AddProductGroup();
ProductGroupBindable newProduct = new ProductGroupBindable();
ProductsViewModel viewModel = null;
public AddProductGroup()
viewModel = new ProductsViewModel();
private void btnOK_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
newProduct.Id = System.Guid.NewGuid();
newProduct.Name = txtName.Text;
newProduct.Description = txtDescription.Text;
class ProductsViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
private ObservableCollection<ProductGroupBindable> m_ProductCollection;
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
private void NotifyPropertyChanged(string name)
if (PropertyChanged != null)
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(name));
public ObservableCollection<ProductGroupBindable> ProductCollection
return m_ProductCollection;
m_ProductCollection = value;
private void Test()
m_ProductCollection.Add(new ProductGroupBindable { Description = "etc", Name = "test12" });
public ProductsViewModel()
if (m_ProductCollection == null)
ProductCollection = new ObservableCollection<ProductGroupBindable>();
public void AddProduct(ProductGroupBindable newProduct)

Consider this simple option to fix the problem. Create an overload constructor of the dialog view that accepts ProductsViewModel as parameter. With that you can pass existing viewmodel object from MainWindow to the dialog, hence avoid instantiating new empty viewmodel :
//in MainWindow
private void btnAddProjectGroup_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
//Open new window here to add a new project group
AddProductGroup dlg = new AddProductGroup(this.viewmodel);
//in AddProductGroup :
public AddProductGroup(ProductsViewModel vm)
viewModel = vm;


OnPropertyChanged wont change when used wth observable collection and single property

Loads the dataGrid and populates the Datagrid a row of 1'
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
//this.DataContext = this;
CricketEvent events = new CricketEvent();
private void update()
events.updateList(new CricketEvent[1] { new CricketEvent(){Runs="1"} });
DG1.ItemsSource = events.RunsList;
private void DG1_SelectedCellsChanged(object sender, SelectedCellsChangedEventArgs e)
Window1 windowToOpen = new Window1();
var selectedUser = this.DG1.SelectedItem;
Main class that loads the OnPropertyChanged I have a List property and string property that calls the OnPropertyChanged but I want the individual "Runs" property to be updated on its own rather than the whole collection.
class CricketEvent : INotifyPropertyChanged
private ObservableCollection<CricketEvent> runsList;
public string runs { get; set; }
public CricketEvent(string numofRuns) {
this.Runs = numofRuns;
public CricketEvent() { }
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
public ObservableCollection<CricketEvent> RunsList
get { return this.runsList; }
if (value != this.runsList)
this.runsList = value;
public string Runs
get { return runs; }
runs = value;
// Call OnPropertyChanged whenever the property is updated
protected void OnPropertyChanged(string name)
PropertyChangedEventHandler handler = PropertyChanged;
if (handler != null)
handler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(name));
public ObservableCollection<CricketEvent> updateList(CricketEvent []events)
runsList = new ObservableCollection<CricketEvent>(events.ToList());
return runsList;
This is the update window that brings up a text box and should change the "1s" In the previous window to whatever is typed into the textbox
public partial class Window1 : Window
public Window1()
CricketEvent events = new CricketEvent();
MainWindow main = new MainWindow();
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
events.updateList(new CricketEvent[1] { new CricketEvent(txt1.Text.ToString()) });
main.DG1.ItemsSource = events.RunsList;
The Button_Click event in Window1 does not use the instance of MainWindow that is show - it creates a new Window instance (that is not shown) and adds the updated list to the DG1.ItemsSource property. To solve that, pass the original instance of Window to the created Window1 in constructor and use that.
However, you should review your update strategy (and code style) because there is potential for improvments:
It is not a good idea to create a new collection if you want to update just one property of one item. Observable collections provide change notification, so you dont have to recreate the collection at all.
Instead of assinging the collection in code behind, use databinding to bind the collection to the ItemsSource. DataBinding results in automatic update of GUI elements if the collection or one item of you collection changed.

Catel and setting usercontrol's DataContext

I've tried to find a solution myself but I was not able, for some reason the DataContext is not correctly set up in the usercontrol's viewmodel
The idea is to have a single usercontrol that permits to perform a query on a fixed collection and allows the user to drop a treeviewitem that holds an item of the collection (in case the user have the treeview open)
In my main view I've defined :
<views:PortfolioChooserView x:Name="PortfolioChooserView" DataContext="{Binding PortfolioCompleteBox}" Height="25" LoadDefaultValue="True" />
Where PortfolioCompleteBox is a ViewModel defined in the MainViewModel as
public PortfolioChooserViewModel PortfolioCompleteBox
get { return GetValue<PortfolioChooserViewModel>(PortfolioChooserViewModelProperty); }
set { SetValue(PortfolioChooserViewModelProperty, value); }
public static readonly PropertyData PortfolioChooserViewModelProperty = RegisterProperty("PortfolioCompleteBox", typeof(PortfolioChooserViewModel));
public MainViewModel(ICreditLimitRepository creditLimitRepository, IDynamicContainer dynamicContainer)
this.creditLimitRepository = creditLimitRepository;
this.dynamicContainer = dynamicContainer;
LoadCreditLimitsCommand = new Command<object>(OnLoadCreditLimitsExecute, (() => OnLoadCreditLimitsCanExecute));
var viewModelFactory = this.GetServiceLocator().ResolveType<IViewModelFactory>();
PortfolioCompleteBox = viewModelFactory.CreateViewModel<PortfolioChooserViewModel>(null);
Model = new FiltersLoadModel();
My problem is that on the PortFolioChooserView I've the DataContext set to null (and I got 2 calls to the PortFolioChooserViewModel, one from the MainViewModel and the other one from the PortFolioChooserView's viewmodel locator)
public partial class PortfolioChooserView
private PortfolioChooserViewModel viewModel;
readonly bool isFirstLoad = true;
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PortfolioChooserView"/> class.
/// </summary>
public PortfolioChooserView()
if (isFirstLoad)
PortfolioCompleteBox.AllowDrop = true;
DragDropManager.AddPreviewDragOverHandler(PortfolioCompleteBox, OnElementDragOver);
DragDropManager.AddDropHandler(PortfolioCompleteBox, OnElementDrop);
isFirstLoad = false;
this.Loaded += PortfolioChooserView_Loaded;
this.DataContextChanged += PortfolioChooserView_DataContextChanged;
void PortfolioChooserView_DataContextChanged(object sender, System.Windows.DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
int t = 0;
void PortfolioChooserView_Loaded(object sender, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e)
viewModel = (PortfolioChooserViewModel)this.DataContext;
private void OnElementDragOver(object sender, Telerik.Windows.DragDrop.DragEventArgs e)
var options = Telerik.Windows.DragDrop.DragDropPayloadManager.GetDataFromObject(e.Data, TreeViewDragDropOptions.Key) as TreeViewDragDropOptions;
if (options != null)
var visual = options.DragVisual as TreeViewDragVisual;
if (visual != null) visual.IsDropPossible = true;
e.Handled = true;
private void OnElementDrop(object sender, Telerik.Windows.DragDrop.DragEventArgs e)
var context = ((IPortfolioAutoComplete)this.DataContext);
public static readonly DependencyProperty LoadDefaultValueProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(
"LoadDefaultValue", typeof(bool), typeof(PortfolioChooserView), new PropertyMetadata(default(bool)));
public bool LoadDefaultValue
get { return (bool)GetValue(LoadDefaultValueProperty); }
set { SetValue(LoadDefaultValueProperty, value); }
What am I doing wrong?
Don't try to manage your own vm's
Catel will automatically accept a parent-vm as it's own vm as long as they are compatible. You don't need to handle this manually in your view loading in the view.
Instead of creating a VM in the parent VM, use a model only (so the vm only cares about what the VM itself should do). Then set the DC of the PortfolioChooserView to the model. Then the vm of the child view can accept the model in the ctor and be managed on it's own.
There are much better ways to communicate between vm's then trying to micro-manage like you are doing now. As always, see the docs.

change main form controls by trigger event inside canvas

I am currently working on a project that required me to use a canvas in order to draw rectangles around specific places in a picture (to mark places)
Each rectangle (actually "rectangle" since it is also a custom class that I created by inheriting from the Grid class and contain a rectangle object) contains properties and data about the marked place inside the picture.
my main form contains controls such as TextBox ,DropDownLists and etc.
Now what I am trying to do is that for each time I am clicking on the "rectangle" object the main form controls will be filled with the object data.
I do not have access to those controls from the canvas class.
this code is inside the costume canvas class to add the object into the canvas:
protected override void OnMouseLeftButtonDown( MouseButtonEventArgs e)
testTi = new TiTest();
startPoint = e.GetPosition(this);
testTi.MouseLeftButtonDown += testTi_MouseLeftButtonDown;
Canvas.SetLeft(testTi, e.GetPosition(this).X);
Canvas.SetTop(testTi, e.GetPosition(this).X);
and by clicking an object that is placed inside the canvas i want to get the information.
for now just want to make sure i am getting the right object with a simple messagebox
void testTi_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
this is my costume "Rectangle" class
class TiTest:Grid
private Label tiNameLabel;
private Rectangle tiRectangle;
private String SomeText = string.Empty;
private String version = "1.0";
private String application = "CRM";
private String CRID = "NNN";
public String SomeText1
get { return SomeText; }
set { SomeText = value; }
public Rectangle TiRectangle
get { return tiRectangle; }
set { tiRectangle = value; }
public Label TiNameLabel
get { return tiNameLabel; }
set { tiNameLabel = value; }
public TiTest()
this.SomeText = "Hello World!!";
this.TiNameLabel = new Label
Content = "Test Item",
VerticalAlignment = System.Windows.VerticalAlignment.Top,
HorizontalAlignment = System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Left
TiRectangle = new Rectangle
Stroke = Brushes.Red,
StrokeDashArray = new DoubleCollection() { 3 },//Brushes.LightBlue,
StrokeThickness = 2,
Cursor = Cursors.Hand,
Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 111, 0))
Background= Brushes.Aqua;
Opacity = 0.5;
is there any way to access the main form controls from the costume canvas class or by the costume rectangle class?
Thanks in advance
You can have your main window be binded to a singletone ViewModel holding the properties of the rectangles.
public class MainWindowViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
#region Singletone
private static MainWindowViewModel _instance;
private MainWindowViewModel()
public static MainWindowViewModel Instance
if (_instance == null)
_instance = new MainWindowViewModel();
return _instance;
#region Properties
private string _someInfo;
public string SomeInfo
return _someInfo;
if (_someInfo != value)
_someInfo = value;
if (PropertyChanged != null)
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("SomeInfo"));
#region INotifyPropertyChanged Members
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
In main window xaml
<TextBox Text="{Binding SomeInfo}"/>
Also set the view model as your main window data context (in main window constructor for exmaple)
this.DataContext = MainWindowViewModel.Instance;
Finally, from where you handle the click event of the rectangles (testTi_MouseLeftButtonDown), access the MainWindowViewModel instance and set it's properties accordingly.
MainWindowViewModel.Instance.SomeInfo = myRectangle.SomeInfo;
This will trigger the PropertyChanged event, which will update your control's on the main window.
If you are not familiar with the MVVM (Model, View. View Model) pattern you can read about it here
Hope this helps

Frame ContentLoaded event

I'm new at Silverlight.
I've created a sort of master page using a Page with a frame where the content is loaded. As I handle multiple UserControls at the time (only one is shown, but I want to keep the state of the opened before) I'm setting Content property instead of Navigate method. That way I can assign a UserControl (already created, not a new one as it would be using Navigate with the Uri to the UserControl).
Now I want to take a picture as shown here from the frame when its content changes. If I do it immediately when the content set, the UserControl won't be shown in the picture because it takes a few secs. Frames have the event Navigated, but it doesn't fire with property Content (it just fires when the method Navigate is used, as it name says).
How can I know when new Content is loaded?
If it helps I'm using Silverligh 5.
I've a solution but I don't really like it, so I'm still looking for other ways.
public class CustomFrame : Frame
private readonly RoutedEventHandler loadedDelegate;
public static readonly DependencyProperty UseContentInsteadNavigationProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("UseContentInsteadNavigation", typeof (bool), typeof (CustomFrame), new PropertyMetadata(true));
public bool UseContentInsteadNavigation
get { return (bool)GetValue(UseContentInsteadNavigationProperty); }
set { SetValue(UseContentInsteadNavigationProperty, value); }
public CustomFrame()
this.loadedDelegate = this.uc_Loaded;
public new object Content
get { return base.Content; }
if (UseContentInsteadNavigation)
FrameworkElement fe = (FrameworkElement)value;
fe.Loaded += loadedDelegate;
base.Content = fe;
base.Content = value;
void uc_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
((UserControl)sender).Loaded -= loadedDelegate;
public delegate void ContentLoadedDelegate(Frame sender, EventArgs e);
public event ContentLoadedDelegate ContentLoaded;
private void OnContentLoaded()
if (ContentLoaded != null)
ContentLoaded(this, new EventArgs());

Silverlight child windows in MVVM pattern

I am trying to find the right way to get the data from a ChildWindow/popup using a MVVM pattern in Silverlight (3). For example: I have a main page with a data entry form and I want to open a popup with a list of customers. When user selects a customer I want to transfer selected customer into the main page. This is what the (example) code which I am using at the moment:
Main page
public partial class MainPage : UserControl
public MainPageViewModel ViewModel { get; private set; }
public MainPage()
ViewModel = new MainPageViewModel();
DataContext = ViewModel;
private void SearchCustomer_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
public class MainPageViewModel: ViewModel
private string customer;
public string Customer
get { return customer; }
set { customer = value; RaisePropertyChanged("Customer"); }
public void SearchCustomer()
// Called from a view
SearchWindow searchWindow = new SearchWindow();
searchWindow.Closed += (sender, e) =>
if ((bool)searchWindow.DialogResult)
Customer = searchWindow.ViewModel.SelectedCustomer.ToString();
Child window
public partial class SearchWindow : ChildWindow
public SearchWindowViewModel ViewModel { get; private set; }
public SearchWindow()
ViewModel = new SearchWindowViewModel();
DataContext = ViewModel;
private void OKButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
DialogResult = ViewModel.OkButtonClick();
private void CancelButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
DialogResult = ViewModel.CancelButtonClick();
public class SearchWindowViewModel: ViewModel
private Customer selectedCustomer;
private ObservableCollection<Customer> customers;
public ObservableCollection<Customer> Customers
get { return customers; }
set {customers = value; RaisePropertyChanged("Customers"); }
public Customer SelectedCustomer
get { return selectedCustomer; }
set { selectedCustomer = value; RaisePropertyChanged("SelectedCustomer"); }
public SearchWindowViewModel()
Customers = new ObservableCollection<Customer>();
ISearchService searchService = new FakeSearchService();
foreach (Customer customer in searchService.FindCustomers("dummy"))
public bool? OkButtonClick()
if (SelectedCustomer != null)
return true;
return null; // show some error message before that
public bool? CancelButtonClick()
return false;
Is this the right way or is there anything more "simple"?
More problematic here is the use of View specific terms and types in your VMs. Click events, DialogResults should not be anywhere near your ViewModels.
With regards to the question, I had a similiar question about this here:
Handling Dialogs in WPF with MVVM
The answer I accepted was the use of the Mediator pattern to get around this. Have a look. :)
A good MVVM library which supports opening child window is Chinch mvvm helper library. You can look at a sample at http://www.codeproject.com/KB/silverlight/SL4FileUploadAnd_SL4_MVVM.aspx.
