extjs desktop - how to hide a window when it is created? - extjs

I am storing values of extjs desktop window in a database.
When user minimized a window and logs out,
the window should stay minimized when he logs in again.
Now on logon the before minimized window pops up
The values are all there! But I cant find the property to set...
I tried hidden:true, but no effect.

I was looking for a property to set when creating the window for extjs-desktop. But a superior function is invoking creation, takes window as response and does "win.show()". At this point i am checking the "minimized" value delivered by AJAX.


Open a copy of the same window using WPF

I am working with a WPF application.I have two text boxes and a button in my first window.Based on some DB operations i need to open the copy of the first window(if possible open like a new tab) provided both windows can be accessed simultaneously.I used
var MainWindow = new MainWindow();
var MainWindow = new MainWindow();
both of them doesnt meet my expectations.Can anyone help me.
When you use ShowDialog(), it opens a single modal dialog that is expected to be closed when complete.
If you want to open multiple windows and not block form control, try using Show() instead.
var window = new MainWindow();
I would advise you to read all of the relating pages on MSDN so that you can learn how everything works.
For the Show method:
Opens a window and returns without waiting for the newly opened window to close.
For the ShowDialog method:
Opens a window and returns only when the newly opened window is closed.
From the Remarks section of the Window.Show Method page:
When the Window class is instantiated, it is not visible by default. Show shows a window and returns immediately, without waiting for the window to be closed. Consequently, the opened window does not prevent users from interacting with other windows in the application. This type of window is called a modeless window. Common examples of modeless windows are properties windows, toolboxes, and palettes. To restrict a user to interacting with a specific window, the window must be opened by calling ShowDialog.
Calling Show achieves the same end result as setting Visibility property of the Window object to Visible. However, there is a difference between the two from a timing perspective.
Therefore, for your solution, I would recommend that you use the Show method instead.

Prevent ShowDialog from closing the window in WPF

I have a WPF window myWindow, which I open using myWindow.ShowDialog() ?? true and listen to the DialogResult (DialogResult = true) to execute some code.
When I set it to either true or false, the window is disposed, is there a way I can prevent this window from closing while also getting the DialogResult? Also, is there a another way I can approach this problem?
What do you want to happen? For example:
You might want a modal dialog (so users can't interact with the rest of the UI while it is visible) but you want code to run in the main program in response to some user action in the dialog. In this case, add events to your dialog that the main program can respond to.
Or you might actually want a modeless dialog, which lets users interact with the rest of the program without completing the dialog. In this case, don't use ShowWindow, just show an owned window.

How to let the parent window of a child window (a.k.a. owned window) stay active with winapi?

I am writing a small C application using winapi. There I've got a window with a child window (toolbox). I am able to keep it inside this window and so on, but my question is: How to keep the main window active, if the child window gets focused?
The main window gets grayed out in this moment.
The windows get created by:
hMainWindow = DialogBoxParam(.......);
hChildWindow = CreateDialogParam(..., hMainWindow, ...);
ShowWindow (hChildWindow, SW_SHOW);
Here a little image of the behaviour of the two windows:
I've found out that simply creating it as WS_CHILD and explicitly NOT as WS_POPUP solves that. It also turns the absolute window coordinates to relative ones so that I dont have to care about the window position anymore by moving the parent window.
// Solved
Create the child window as a modeless dialog box instead of a modal one. So instead of using DialogBox, use CreateDialog
Sorry, that's just the way Windows works: one active window at a time.
You can see this in Visual Studio if you bring up Find and Replace as a tool window, you'll see that it gets activated and the main VS window goes inactive.
Trying to have them both active at the same time could confuse users and accessibility tools like screen readers.

The whole wpf application is blocked after i call Show() for new window

I am developing a WPF-application using mvvm pattern. And a strange problem occurred to me.
There is a form, which contains a devexpress DXGrid control. There is a command binded to double click gesture in presenter. When the command triggers a new window is created and shown through factory class(the Show() method is used).
So, it happens from time to time that the whole application(all application windows) is blocked when this window is shown. This lockup disappears after i focus any other application.
For the first time this problem occurred after updating devexpress version. Then this problem occurred any time new window was shown after double click on grid row. The problem was partially fixed by setting new window`s Owner property.
Now this problem occurs from time to time. It seems as if threads are involved here, but i dont understand how. =(
there is one more strange thing, when new window is shown and no lockup-problem occurred, the first window is still focused and i have to click on newly shown window before i can use any controls, placed on it.
I have tried:
set ShowActivated property
call Activate() after Show()
newform.Dispatcher.CheckAccess() to
determine which thread calls Show()
check newform.IsActive property after
show (value = true)
Could you tell me how to fix, please?
Thank you.
Well to fix the issue of first window being focused rather than the newly shown window, you need to do the following, after calling the show method for the new window:
Hopefully the issue would be resolved.

Changing window procedure for console window

I want to make console window with a functional tray icon. I figured out that most probably it is necessary to replace initial console's window procedure so I will be able to control all messages including notify area events. But SetWindowLong() function returns 0, and GetLastError() tells that access is denied.
hwndFound = GetConsoleWindow();
SetWindowLong(hwndFound, GWL_WNDPROC, (long)WndProc);
What could it be, or maybe there is some other way to control tray icon manipulations?
If all you want to do is create a notification icon for a console application, there's nothing that says your Shell_NotifyIcon call has to point to the console window. Create an invisible dummy window with your own window class and procedure instead. Note that you'll probably have to do this from a secondary thread in order to run its message loop. (The console window is special, as it's hosted outside your process by conhost.exe/csrss.exe.)
No, you just need a window. Best thing is to startup a thread so you can pump a message loop and receive the icon notifications. Create a little hidden window that you can use for the Shell_NotifyIcon() call.
Which version of Windows are you using? I know that prior to Vista, console windows are treated specially, and can't be manipulated in many of the standard ways. This article by Raymond Chen might shed some further light.
