scsi err codes and translation to strings - c

I wonder what would be the best way to map Error codes to strings for instance in the SCSI protocol the errors are always returned as numbers. like this:
00h GOOD
08h BUSY
I wonder what would be the best way to translate these codes on the fly to there string counterpart? I thought about doing an array or something but Ig would have to make an array of length 40h even though I wont use most of the indices. So is the best way to just make a function which takes the number as input and returns a string?

That's a bit tricky but you can try to use a X-macro.
#include <stdio.h>
#define SCSI_ERR_TABLE \
X(GOOD, "good", 0x00) \
X(CHECK_CONDITION, "check condition", 0x02) \
X(CONDITION_MET, "condition met", 0x04) \
X(BUSY, "busy", 0x08) \
#define X(ERR, STR, ID) ERR = ID,
enum {
#undef X
#define X(ERR, STR, ID) {.id = ID, .string = STR},
static const struct {
int id;
char string[32];
} scsi_err_strings[] = { SCSI_ERR_TABLE };
#undef X
const char *scsi_get_err_string(int error)
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(scsi_err_strings) / sizeof(scsi_err_strings[0]); i++) {
if (scsi_err_strings[i].id == error)
return scsi_err_strings[i].string;
return NULL;
int main(void)
int err;
printf("%d -> %s\n", err, scsi_get_err_string(err));
err = BUSY;
printf("%d -> %s\n", err, scsi_get_err_string(err));
return 0;

Here's an example on how to define some codes as macros and then using another macro function to get the string value of the macro:
#include <stdio.h>
#define GOOD 0
/* more codes here */
void print_scsi(int code) {
char *scsi_string;
switch (code) {
case GOOD:
scsi_string = STR_VALUE(GOOD); break;
scsi_string = STR_VALUE(CHECK_CONDITON); break;
scsi_string = STR_VALUE(CONDITION_MET); break;
/* ... */
printf("code: %d string: %s\n", code, scsi_string);
int main(void) {
Running this gives:
code: 0 string: GOOD
code: 2 string: CHECK_CONDITON
code: 4 string: CONDITION_MET
If the list of codes is long, define the macros in a separate header file, along with STR_VALUE and include it your main program.


Good way to have an enum string value

I find myself doing the following pattern quite a bit in C:
enum type {String, Number, Unknown};
const char* get_token_type(int type) {
switch (type) {
case String: return "String";
case Number: return "Number";
default: return "Unknown";
Are there any nice alternatives where I can sort of wrap the two up in one?
Here's one more way, it uses a global and not sure how 'clean' it is but at least I can set up everything up at the top in one copy-paste job.
enum type {String, Number, Unknown};
char type_string[][40] = {"String", "Number","Unknown"};
const char* get_token_type(int type) {
return type_string[type];
The ugly and slow switch solution should be replaced by a readable a look-up table:
const char* const type_string[] = {"String", "Number","Unknown"};
typedef enum {String, Number, Unknown, type_size} type;
type something = ...;
if(something > 0 && something<type_size)
puts( type_string[something] );
A less recommended but possible solution is "X macros". They are hard to read and mostly used when you have no option to change a program that you are maintaining, in order to centralize all data to a single place in the program.
It would look like this:
#include <stdio.h>
#define TYPE_LIST(X) \
X(String) \
X(Number) \
X(Unknown) \
typedef enum
#define X(x) x,
#undef X
} type;
const char* const type_string[] =
#define X(x) [x] = #x, // array designated initializer using enum constant as index
#undef X
_Static_assert(sizeof type_string/sizeof *type_string == type_size,
"type and type_string mismatch");
int main (void)
printf("%d %d %d\n", String, Number, Unknown);
printf("%s %s %s\n", type_string[String],
// or if you really like X macros...
#define X(x) printf("%d is %s\n", x, #x);
#undef X
(This only works in standard C, not C90, due to the trailing comma in enum language defect in C90)
Here is a set of macros you can use to access and enumerate the enumeration names and/or values:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define ENUM_DEF(e, ...) e __VA_ARGS__,
#define ENUM_VAL(e, ...) e,
#define ENUM_STR(e, ...) #e,
#define ENUM_CASE(e, ...) case e: return #e;
#define ENUM_COUNT(e, ...) +1
/* this macro contains the names and values of the enumeration members */
#define type_ENUMERATE(V) V(String,) V(Number, = 2) V(Unknown,)
/* the actual enum type definition */
enum type { type_ENUMERATE(ENUM_DEF) };
/* array type_value contains the values in the enumeration */
enum type type_value[] = { type_ENUMERATE(ENUM_VAL) };
/* array type_value contains the names of the enumeration members */
const char *type_name[] = { type_ENUMERATE(ENUM_STR) };
/* type_count is the number of elements in the enumeration */
#define type_count (ENUM_COUNT(e, ...))
const char *get_token_type(int type) {
switch (type) {
/* can only use a switch if all enumeration values are distinct */
return "Error";
int main() {
printf("The type names and values are:\n");
/* format %d might be inappropriate if the enumeration values are too large */
for (int i = 0; i < type_count; i++) {
printf(" %s: %d\n", type_name[i], type_value[i]);
printf("String: %s -> %d\n", get_token_type(String), String);
printf("Number: %s -> %d\n", get_token_type(Number), Number);
printf("Unknown: %s -> %d\n", get_token_type(Unknown), Unknown);
printf("-1: %s -> %d\n", get_token_type(-1), -1);
return 0;
This works only for enums which are continously enumerated. If you have enums like V1 = 2, V2 = 5, ... it will not work, or you would have to manullay count them.
In this case you will get a compiletime error when you add or remove an enum, and you forgot to add/remove the name string. If you rename an enum you will get also an error, because the previous name no longer exits.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define xstr(s) TOSTRING(s)
#define TOSTRING(s) #s
typedef enum
} Values;
typedef struct namemap
const char *name;
Values enumValue;
} NameMap;
const NameMap valueNames[] =
static_assert((__COUNTER__) == VALUE_MAX, "Name missing in enum name array");
int main()
printf("%s\n", valueNames[VALUE1].name);
return 0;

How to use C macro for both numbers and strings?

if (termAttributes.c_lflag & OPOST)
puts("c_lflag = OPOST");
if (termAttributes.c_lflag & OLCUC)
puts("c_lflag = OLCUC");
I have some code like the above. I want to simplify it as something like this.
TCFLAGPRINT(termAttributes, c_lflag, OPOST)
TCFLAGPRINT(termAttributes, c_lflag, OLCUC)
Could anybody show how to define TCFLAGPRINT?
Here is one way to do it:
#define TCFLAGPRINT(tio, field, flag) \
do { \
if ((tio).field & (flag)) \
puts(#field " = " #flag); \
} while (0)
The do { } while (0) wrapper is a common idiom that forces you to add a semicolon to the end of the macro call. (In this case, it also prevents you adding else after the macro call.)
The # operator before a macro parameter name in the replacement text of the function-like macro converts the parameter name to a string literal.
The #field " = " #flag is concatenating three string literals into a single string constant.
I print bit masks quite a lot so I've come up with my own mechanism for this.
I use a struct table and some functions.
I've pulled in some of my code from a library to illustrate:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <termios.h>
typedef struct {
unsigned long tgb_val;
const char *tgb_tag;
const char *tgb_reason;
} tgb_t;
#define TGBEOT \
{ .tgb_tag = NULL }
#define TGBMORE(_tgb) \
_tgb->tgb_tag != NULL
#define _TGBFORALL(_tgb) \
; TGBMORE(_tgb); ++_tgb
#define TGBFORALL(_tga,_tgb) \
_tgb = _tga; TGBMORE(_tgb); ++_tgb
#define TGBDUAL(_sym) \
{ .tgb_val = _sym, .tgb_tag = #_sym },
tgb_t lflag_tgb[] = {
// tgbmskdcd -- decode mask value
char *
tgbmskdcd(char *buf,const tgb_t *tgb,unsigned long val)
const char *tag;
int sep;
char *bp;
int len;
bp = buf;
*bp = 0;
sep = 0;
for (TGBFORALL(tgb,tgb)) {
if ((val & tgb->tgb_val) == 0)
if (sep)
*bp++ = ' ';
sep = 1;
tag = tgb->tgb_tag;
len = strlen(tag);
bp += len;
return buf;
struct termios term;
char buf[100];
printf("c_lflag: %s\n",tgbmskdcd(buf,lflag_tgb,term.c_lflag));
return 0;
Here's the output:
c_lflag: OPOST OLCUC

How to define an array of structs at compile time composed of static (private) structs from separate modules?

This question is something of a trick C question or a trick clang/gcc question. I'm not sure which.
I phrased it like I did because the final array is in main.c, but the structs that are in the array are defined in C modules.
The end goal of what I am trying to do is to be able to define structs in seperate C modules and then have those structs be available in a contiguous array right from program start. I do not want to use any dynamic code to declare the array and put in the elements.
I would like it all done at compile or link time -- not at run time.
I'm looking to end up with a monolithic blob of memory that gets setup right from program start.
For the sake of the Stack Overflow question, I thought it would make sense if I imagined these as "drivers" (like in the Linux kernel) Going with that...
Each module is a driver. Because the team is complex, I do not know how many drivers there will ultimately be.
Loaded into contiguous memory (an array)
Loaded into memory at program start
installed by the compiler/linker, not dynamic code
a driver exists because source code exists for it (no dynamic code to load them up)
Avoid cluttering up the code
Here is a contrived example:
// myapp.h
struct state
int16_t data[10];
struct driver
char name[255];
int16_t (*on_do_stuff) (struct state *state);
/* other stuff snipped out */
// drivera.c
#include "myapp.h"
static int16_t _on_do_stuff(struct state *state)
/* do stuff */
static const struct driver _driver = {
.name = "drivera",
.on_do_stuff = _on_do_stuff
// driverb.c
#include "myapp.h"
static int16_t _on_do_stuff(struct state *state)
/* do stuff */
static const struct driver _driver = {
.name = "driverb",
.on_do_stuff = _on_do_stuff
// driverc.c
#include "myapp.h"
static int16_t _on_do_stuff(struct state *state)
/* do stuff */
static const struct driver _driver = {
.name = "driverc",
.on_do_stuff = _on_do_stuff
// main.c
#include <stdio.h>
static struct driver the_drivers[] = {
{drivera somehow},
{driverb somehow},
{driverc somehow},
int main(void)
struct state state;
struct driver *current = the_drivers;
while (current != 0)
printf("we are up to %s\n", current->name);
current += sizeof(struct driver);
return 0;
This doesn't work exactly.
On the module-level structs, I could remove the static const keywords, but I'm not sure how to get them into the array at compile time
I could move all of the module-level structs to main.c, but then I would need to remove the static keyword from all of the on_do_stuff functions, and thereby clutter up the namespace.
In the Linux kernel, they somehow define kernel modules in separate files and then through linker magic, they are able to be loaded into monolithics
Use a dedicated ELF section to "collect" the data structures.
For example, define your data structure in info.h as
#ifndef INFO_H
#define INFO_H
#if defined(__LP64__)
struct info {
long key;
long val;
} __attribute__((__aligned__(INFO_ALIGNMENT)));
#define INFO_NAME(counter) INFO_CAT(info_, counter)
#define INFO_CAT(a, b) INFO_DUMMY() a ## b
#define INFO_DUMMY()
#define DEFINE_INFO(data...) \
static struct info INFO_NAME(__COUNTER__) \
__attribute__((__used__, __section__("info"))) \
= { data }
#endif /* INFO_H */
The INFO_ALIGNMENT macro is the alignment used by the linker to place each symbol, separately, to the info section. It is important that the C compiler agrees, as otherwise the section contents cannot be treated as an array. (You'll obtain an incorrect number of structures, and only the first one (plus every N'th) will be correct, the rest of the structures garbled. Essentially, the C compiler and the linker disagreed on the size of each structure in the section "array".)
Note that you can add preprocessor macros to fine-tune the INFO_ALIGNMENT for each of the architectures you use, but you can also override it for example in your Makefile, at compile time. (For GCC, supply -DINFO_ALIGNMENT=32 for example.)
The used attribute ensures that the definition is emitted in the object file, even though it is not referenced otherwise in the same data file. The section("info") attribute puts the data into a special info section in the object file. The section name (info) is up to you.
Those are the critical parts, otherwise it is completely up to you how you define the macro, or whether you define it at all. Using the macro is easy, because one does not need to worry about using unique variable name for the structure. Also, if at least one member is specified, all others will be initialized to zero.
In the source files, you define the data objects as e.g.
#include "info.h"
/* Suggested, easy way */
DEFINE_INFO(.key = 5, .val = 42);
/* Alternative way, without relying on any macros */
static struct info foo __attribute__((__used__, __section__("info"))) = {
.key = 2,
.val = 1
The linker provides symbols __start_info and __stop_info, to obtain the structures in the info section. In your main.c, use for example
#include "info.h"
extern struct info __start_info[];
extern struct info __stop_info[];
#define NUM_INFO ((size_t)(__stop_info - __start_info))
#define INFO(i) ((__start_info) + (i))
so you can enumerate all info structures. For example,
int main(void)
size_t i;
printf("There are %zu info structures:\n", NUM_INFO);
for (i = 0; i < NUM_INFO; i++)
printf(" %zu. key=%ld, val=%ld\n", i,
__start_info[i].key, INFO(i)->val);
For illustration, I used both the __start_info[] array access (you can obviously #define SOMENAME __start_info if you want, just make sure you do not use SOMENAME elsewhere in main.c, so you can use SOMENAME[] as the array instead), as well as the INFO() macro.
Let's look at a practical example, an RPN calculator.
We use section ops to define the operations, using facilities defined in ops.h:
#ifndef OPS_H
#define OPS_H
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#if defined(__LP64__) || defined(_LP64)
#define ALIGN_SECTION __attribute__((__aligned__(16)))
#elif defined(__ILP32__) || defined(_ILP32)
#define ALIGN_SECTION __attribute__((__aligned__(8)))
typedef struct {
size_t maxsize; /* Number of values allocated for */
size_t size; /* Number of values in stack */
double *value; /* Values, oldest first */
} stack;
#define STACK_INITIALIZER { 0, 0, NULL }
struct op {
const char *name; /* Operation name */
const char *desc; /* Description */
int (*func)(stack *); /* Implementation */
#define OPS_NAME(counter) OPS_CAT(op_, counter, _struct)
#define OPS_CAT(a, b, c) OPS_DUMMY() a ## b ## c
#define OPS_DUMMY()
#define DEFINE_OP(name, func, desc) \
static struct op OPS_NAME(__COUNTER__) \
__attribute__((__used__, __section__("ops"))) = { name, desc, func }
static inline int stack_has(stack *st, const size_t num)
if (!st)
return EINVAL;
if (st->size < num)
return ENOENT;
return 0;
static inline int stack_pop(stack *st, double *to)
if (!st)
return EINVAL;
if (st->size < 1)
return ENOENT;
if (to)
*to = st->value[st->size];
return 0;
static inline int stack_push(stack *st, double val)
if (!st)
return EINVAL;
if (st->size >= st->maxsize) {
const size_t maxsize = (st->size | 127) + 129;
double *value;
value = realloc(st->value, maxsize * sizeof (double));
if (!value)
return ENOMEM;
st->maxsize = maxsize;
st->value = value;
st->value[st->size++] = val;
return 0;
#endif /* OPS_H */
The basic set of operations is defined in ops-basic.c:
#include "ops.h"
static int do_neg(stack *st)
double temp;
int retval;
retval = stack_pop(st, &temp);
if (retval)
return retval;
return stack_push(st, -temp);
static int do_add(stack *st)
int retval;
retval = stack_has(st, 2);
if (retval)
return retval;
st->value[st->size - 2] = st->value[st->size - 1] + st->value[st->size - 2];
return 0;
static int do_sub(stack *st)
int retval;
retval = stack_has(st, 2);
if (retval)
return retval;
st->value[st->size - 2] = st->value[st->size - 1] - st->value[st->size - 2];
return 0;
static int do_mul(stack *st)
int retval;
retval = stack_has(st, 2);
if (retval)
return retval;
st->value[st->size - 2] = st->value[st->size - 1] * st->value[st->size - 2];
return 0;
static int do_div(stack *st)
int retval;
retval = stack_has(st, 2);
if (retval)
return retval;
st->value[st->size - 2] = st->value[st->size - 1] / st->value[st->size - 2];
return 0;
DEFINE_OP("neg", do_neg, "Negate current operand");
DEFINE_OP("add", do_add, "Add current and previous operands");
DEFINE_OP("sub", do_sub, "Subtract previous operand from current one");
DEFINE_OP("mul", do_mul, "Multiply previous and current operands");
DEFINE_OP("div", do_div, "Divide current operand by the previous operand");
The calculator expects each value and operand to be a separate command-line argument for simplicity. Our main.c contains operation lookup, basic usage, value parsing, and printing the result (or error):
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "ops.h"
extern struct op __start_ops[];
extern struct op __stop_ops[];
#define NUM_OPS ((size_t)(__stop_ops - __start_ops))
static int do_op(stack *st, const char *opname)
struct op *curr_op;
if (!st || !opname)
return EINVAL;
for (curr_op = __start_ops; curr_op < __stop_ops; curr_op++)
if (!strcmp(opname, curr_op->name))
if (curr_op >= __stop_ops)
return ENOTSUP;
return curr_op->func(st);
static int usage(const char *argv0)
struct op *curr_op;
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [ -h | --help ]\n", argv0);
fprintf(stderr, " %s RPN-EXPRESSION\n", argv0);
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Where RPN-EXPRESSION is an expression using reverse\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Polish notation, and each argument is a separate value\n");
fprintf(stderr, "or operator. The following operators are supported:\n");
for (curr_op = __start_ops; curr_op < __stop_ops; curr_op++)
fprintf(stderr, "\t%-14s %s\n", curr_op->name, curr_op->desc);
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
double val;
size_t i;
int arg, err;
char dummy;
if (argc < 2 || !strcmp(argv[1], "-h") || !strcmp(argv[1], "--help"))
return usage(argv[0]);
for (arg = 1; arg < argc; arg++)
if (sscanf(argv[arg], " %lf %c", &val, &dummy) == 1) {
err = stack_push(&all, val);
if (err) {
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot push %s to stack: %s.\n", argv[arg], strerror(err));
} else {
err = do_op(&all, argv[arg]);
if (err == ENOTSUP) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Operation not supported.\n", argv[arg]);
} else
if (err) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Cannot perform operation: %s.\n", argv[arg], strerror(err));
if (all.size < 1) {
fprintf(stderr, "No result.\n");
} else
if (all.size > 1) {
fprintf(stderr, "Multiple results:\n");
for (i = 0; i < all.size; i++)
fprintf(stderr, " %.9f\n", all.value[i]);
printf("%.9f\n", all.value[0]);
Note that if there were many operations, constructing a hash table to speed up the operation lookup would make a lot of sense.
Finally, we need a Makefile to tie it all together:
CC := gcc
CFLAGS := -Wall -O2 -std=c99
LDFLAGS := -lm
OPS := $(wildcard ops-*.c)
OPSOBJS := $(OPS:%.c=%.o)
PROGS := rpncalc
.PHONY: all clean
all: clean $(PROGS)
rm -f *.o $(PROGS)
%.o: %.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $^
rpncalc: main.o $(OPSOBJS)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $^ $(LDFLAGS) -o $#
Because this forum does not preserve Tabs, and make requires them for indentation, you probably need to fix the indentation after copy-pasting the above. I use sed -e 's|^ *|\t|' -i Makefile
If you compile (make clean all) and run (./rpncalc) the above, you'll see the usage information:
Usage: ./rpncalc [ -h | --help ]
Where RPN-EXPRESSION is an expression using reverse
Polish notation, and each argument is a separate value
or operator. The following operators are supported:
div Divide current operand by the previous operand
mul Multiply previous and current operands
sub Subtract previous operand from current one
add Add current and previous operands
neg Negate current operand
and if you run e.g. ./rpncalc 3.0 4.0 5.0 sub mul neg, you get the result 3.000000000.
Now, let's add some new operations, ops-sqrt.c:
#include <math.h>
#include "ops.h"
static int do_sqrt(stack *st)
double temp;
int retval;
retval = stack_pop(st, &temp);
if (retval)
return retval;
return stack_push(st, sqrt(temp));
DEFINE_OP("sqrt", do_sqrt, "Take the square root of the current operand");
Because the Makefile above compiles all C source files beginning with ops- in to the final binary, the only thing you need to do is recompile the source: make clean all. Running ./rpncalc now outputs
Usage: ./rpncalc [ -h | --help ]
Where RPN-EXPRESSION is an expression using reverse
Polish notation, and each argument is a separate value
or operator. The following operators are supported:
sqrt Take the square root of the current operand
div Divide current operand by the previous operand
mul Multiply previous and current operands
sub Subtract previous operand from current one
add Add current and previous operands
neg Negate current operand
and you have the new sqrt operator available.
Testing e.g. ./rpncalc 1 1 1 1 add add add sqrt yields 2.000000000, as expected.

How to use global variables on a state machine

I made this state machine :
enum states { STATE_ENTRY, STATE_....} current_state;
void (*const state_table [MAX_STATES][MAX_EVENTS]) (void) = {
{ action_entry , action_entry_fail , action_entry_repeat }, /*
procedures for state 1 */
void main (void){
event = get_new_event (); /* get the next event to process */
if (((event >= 0) && (event < MAX_EVENTS))
&& ((current_state >= 0) && (current_state < MAX_STATES))) {
state_table [current_state][event] (); /* call the action procedure */
printf("OK 0");
} else {
/* invalid event/state - handle appropriately */
When I modify a global variable in one state the global variable remain the same , and I need that variable in all the states . Do you now what could be the problem ?
My Global variable is this structure:
#if (CPU_TYPE == CPU_TYPE_32)
typedef uint32_t word;
#define word_length 32
typedef struct BigNumber {
word words[64];
} BigNumber;
#elif (CPU_TYPE == CPU_TYPE_16)
typedef uint16_t word;
#define word_length 16
typedef struct BigNumber {
word words[128];
} BigNumber;
#error Unsupported CPU_TYPE
BigNumber number1 , number2;
Here is how I modify:
//iterator is a number from where I start to modify,
//I already modified on the same way up to the iterator
number2.words[i]=(nr_rand1<<21) | (nr_rand2<<11) | (nr_rand3);
This is just in case you may want to change your approach for defining the FSM. I'll show you with an example; say you have the following FSM:
You may represent it as:
void function process() {
fsm {
fsmSTATE(S) {
/* do your entry actions heare */
event = getevent();
/* do you actions here */
if (event.char == 'a') fsmGOTO(A);
else fsmGOTO(E);
fsmSTATE(A) {
event = getevent();
if (event.char == 'b' || event.char == 'B') fsmGOTO(B);
else fsmGOTO(E);
fsmSTATE(B) {
event = getevent();
if (event.char == 'a' ) fsmGOTO(A);
else fsmGOTO(E);
fsmSTATE(E) {
/* done with the FSM. Bye bye! */
I do claim (but I believe someone will disagree) that this is simpler, much more readable and directly conveys the structure of the FSM than using a table. Even if I didn't put the image, drawing the FSM diagram would be rather easy.
To get this you just have to define the fsmXXX stuff as follows:
#define fsm
#define fsmGOTO(x) goto fsm_state_##x
#define fsmSTATE(x) fsm_state_##x :
Regarding the code that changese number2:
number2.words[i]=(nr_rand1<<21) | (nr_rand2<<11) | (nr_rand3);
I can't fail to note that:
i is never incremented, so just one element of the array is changed (iterator+1) over an infinite loop;
even if i would be incremented, only the a portion of the words array it's changed depending on the value of iterator (but this might be the intended behaviour).
unless iterator can be -1, the element words[0] is never changed (again this could be the intended behaviour).
I would check if this is really what you intended to do.
If you're sure that it's just a visibility problem (since you said that when you declare it as local it worked as expected), the only other thing that I can think of is that you have the functions in one file and the main (or where you do your checks) in another.
Then you include the same .h header in both files and you end up (due to the linker you're using) with two different number2 because you did not declare it as extern in one of the two files.
Your compiler (or, better, the linker) should have (at least) warned you about this, did you check the compilation messages?
This is not an answer - rather it is a comment. But it is too big to fit the comment field so I post it here for now.
The code posted in the question is not sufficient to find the root cause. You need to post a minimal but complete example that shows the problem.
Something like:
#include <stdint.h>
typedef uint32_t word;
#define word_length 32
typedef struct BigNumber {
word words[4];
} BigNumber;
BigNumber number2;
enum states { STATE_0, STATE_1} current_state;
enum events { EVENT_A, EVENT_B } event;
void f1(void)
int i;
current_state = STATE_1;
for (i=0; i<4; ++i) number2.words[i] = i;
void f2(void)
int i;
current_state = STATE_0;
for (i=0; i<4; ++i) number2.words[i] = 42 + i*i;
void (*const state_table [2][2]) (void) =
{ f1 , f1 },
{ f2 , f2 }
int main (void){
current_state = STATE_0;
event = EVENT_A;
state_table [current_state][event] (); /* call the action procedure */
printf("%u %u %u %u\n", number2.words[0], number2.words[1], number2.words[2], number2.words[3]);
event = EVENT_B;
state_table [current_state][event] (); /* call the action procedure */
printf("%u %u %u %u\n", number2.words[0], number2.words[1], number2.words[2], number2.words[3]);
return 0;
The above can be considered minimal and complete. Now update this code with a few of your own functions and post that as the question (if it still fails).
My code doesn't fail.
0 1 2 3
42 43 46 51

Printing name of #define by its value?

I have a C program with some definitions for error codes. Like this:
#define FILE_NOT_FOUND -2
#define FILE_INVALID -3
#define ...
#define ...
Is it possible to print the name of the definition by its value? Like this:
// output
In short, no. The easiest way to do this would be something like so (PLEASE NOTE: this assumes that you can never have an error assigned to zero/null):
//Should really be wrapping numerical definitions in parentheses.
#define FILE_NOT_FOUND (-2)
#define FILE_INVALID (-3)
#define INTERNAL_ERROR (-4)
typdef struct {
int errorCode;
const char* errorString;
} errorType;
const errorType[] = {
{NULL, "NULL" },
// Now we just need a function to perform a simple search
int errorIndex(int errorValue) {
int i;
bool found = false;
for(i=0; errorType[i] != NULL; i++) {
if(errorType[i].errorCode == errorValue) {
//Found the correct error index value
found = true;
if(found) {
printf("Error number: %d (%s) found at index %d",errorType[i].errorCode, errorType[i].errorString, i);
} else {
printf("Invalid error code provided!");
if(found) {
return i;
} else {
return -1;
Additionally, if you wanted to save on typing even more, you could use a preprocessor macro to make it even neater:
const errorType[] = {
Now you only have to type the macro name once, reducing the chance of typos.
You can do something like this.
#include <stdio.h>
#define FILE_NOT_FOUND -2
#define FILE_INVALID -3
const char* name(int value) {
#define NAME(ERR) case ERR: return #ERR;
switch (value) {
return "unknown";
#undef NAME
int main() {
printf("==== %d %s %s\n", FILE_NOT_FOUND, name(FILE_NOT_FOUND), name(-2));
No, that's not possible. What would this print?
#define FILE_NOT_FOUND 1
#define UNIT_COST 1
Kinda ...
static char* error_codes(int err) {
static char name[256][256] = {
int base = .... lowest error code;
return name[err - base];
#define PRINT_NAME(N) error_code(N)
Why not elect to use an enumeration instead?
enum errors {FILE_NOT_FOUND = -2, FILE_INVALID = -3, INTERNAL_ERROR = -4};
FILE *fp = fopen("file.txt", "r");
if(fp == NULL) {
Not automatically. The name is losing during compilation, and only the constant number remains in the code.
But you can build something like this:
const char * a[] = {"","","FILE_NOT_FOUND","FILE_INVALID"};
and access it by using the define value absolute value as index.
Use designated initializers of C99 for this, but a bit of care is necessary if your error codes are negative.
First a version for positive values:
#define CODE(C) [C] = #C
char const*const codeArray[] = {
enum { maxCode = (sizeof codeArray/ sizeof codeArray[0]) };
This allocates an array with the length that you need and with the string pointers at the right positions. Note that duplicate values are allowed by the standard, the last one would be the one that is actually stored in the array.
To print an error code, you'd have to check if the index is smaller than maxCode.
If your error codes are always negative you'd just have to negate the code before printing. But it is probably a good idea to do it the other way round: have the codes to be positive and check a return value for its sign. If it is negative the error code would be the negation of the value.
This is how I do it in C:
< MyDefines.h >
#pragma once
// Switch-case macro for getting defines names
#define BEGIN_DEFINE_LIST const char* GetDefineName (int key) { switch (key) {
#define MY_DEFINE(name, value) case value: return #name;
#define END_DEFINE_LIST } return "Unknown"; }
// Macros for declaring defines
#define BEGIN_COMMAND_LIST /* nothing */
#define MY_DEFINE(name, value) static const int name = value;
#define END_COMMAND_LIST /* nothing */
// Declare your defines
< MyDefineInfo.h >
#pragma once
const char* GetDefineName(int key);
< MyDefineInfo.c >
#include "MyDefines.h"
Now, you can use the declared switch-case macro wherever like this:
< WhereEver.c >
#include "MyDefines.h"
#include "MyDefineInfo.h"
void PrintThings()
// etc.
