Understanding Make in C - c

I am a seasoned developer in Java and I had learned C in my College days, however I am brushing up my C skill and am following a tutorial from Here
I am trying to follow a tutorial on makefile here is what the author says:
Does the file ex1 exist already?
No. Ok, is there another file that starts with ex1?
Yes, it's called ex1.c. Do I know how to build .c files?
Yes, I run this command cc ex1.c -o ex1 to build them.
I shall make you one ex1 by using cc to build it from ex1.c.
But I am unable to grasp, what is a makefile and why is it used? What are the parameters to the same? Also what are CFLAGS? What is CC? I am new to Ubuntu although.

Good explanation would be very long.
Short explanation: makefile is a set of instructions on how to compile / build an executable. It includes all relationships. For example, "executable A needs object files B and C. B is compiled from files X.c X.h Y.c and Y.h; C depends on K.c". Now if someone modifies K.c, you know you need to recompile C but you don't need to recompile B (just link B and C into A at the end).
As projects get more complicated this becomes more important.
As for flags - there are all kinds of ways to control your compiler. Sometimes you will want to change these - say, you want to include more debug, or increase level of optimization; or change the target architecture. All these things are controlled with flags. By setting a variable to contain these flags, you can replace the flags in many commands at the same time.
You can even change what compiler you want to use - you might have different ones as your source code might contain more than one language (mixtures of C and FORTRAN are still encountered in many numerical analysis libraries, for example.)
cc is a C compiler. So is gcc (the Gnu C Compiler). Other compilers include g++ (for C++), g77 (for FORTRAN77), etc...
All of this means that using a makefile is great for maintaining control and flexibility when compiling large and complex projects.
But really - you need to read up about this properly and not rely on something that was written late at night...


How do I get a full assembly code from C file?

I'm currently trying to figure out the way to produce equivalent assembly code from corresponding C source file.
I've been using the C language for several years, but have little experience with assembly language.
I was able to output the assembly code using the -S option in gcc. However, the resulting assembly code contained call instructions which in turn make a jump to another function like _exp. This is not what I wanted, I needed a fully functional assembly code in a single file, with no dependency to other code.
Is it possible to achieve what I'm looking for?
To better describe the problem, I'm showing you my code here:
#include <math.h>
float sigmoid(float i){
return 1/(1+exp(-i));
The platform I am working on is Windows 10 64-bit, the compiler I'm using is cl.exe from MSbuild.
My initial objective was to see, at a lowest level possible, how computers calculate mathematical functions. The level where I decided to observe the calculation process is assembly code, and the mathematical function I've chosen was sigmoid defined as above.
_exp is the standard math library function double exp(double); apparently you're on a platform that prepends a leading underscore to C symbol names.
Given a .s that calls some library functions, build it the same way you would a .c file that calls library functions:
gcc foo.S -o foo -lm
You'll get a dynamic executable by default.
But if you really want all the code in one file with no external dependencies, you can link your .c into a static executable and disassemble that.
gcc -O3 -march=native foo.c -o foo -static -lm
objdump -drwC -Mintel foo > foo.s
There's no guarantee that the _exp implementation in libm.a (static library) is identical to the one you'd get in libm.so or libm.dll or whatever, because it's a different file. This is especially true for a function like memcpy where dynamic-linker tricks are often used to select an optimal version (for your CPU) at run-time.
It is not possible in general, there are exceptions sure, I could craft one so that means other folks can too, but it isnt an interesting program.
Normally your C program, your main() entry point is only a percentage of the code. There is a bootstrap that contains the actual entry point for the operating system to launch your program, this does some things that prepare your virtual memory space so that your program can run. Zeros .bss and other such things. that is often and or should be written in assembly language (otherwise you get a chicken and egg problem) but not an assembly language file you will see unless you go find the sources for the C library, you will often get an object as part of the toolchain along with other compiler libraries, etc.
Then if you make any C calls or create code that results in a compiler library call (perform a divide on a platform that doesnt support divide, perform floating point on a platform that doesnt have floating point, etc) that is another object that came from some other C or assembly that is part of the library or compiler sources and is not something you will see during the compile/assemble/link (the chain in toolchain) process.
So except for specifically crafted trivial programs or specifically crafted tools for this purpose (for specific likely baremetal platforms), you will not see your whole program turn into one big assembly source file before it gets assembled then linked.
If not baremetal then there is of course the operating system layer which you certainly would not get to see as part of your source code, ultimately the C library calls that need the system will have a place where they do that, all compiled to object/lib before you use them, and the assembly sources for the operating system side is part of some other source and build process somewhere else.

gcc generating a list of function and variable names

I am looking for a way to get a list of all the function and variable names for a set of c source files. I know that gcc breaks down those elements when compiling and linking so is there a way to piggyback that process? Or any other tool that could do the same thing?
EDIT: It's mostly because I am curious, I have been playing with things like make auto dependency and graphing include trees and would like to be able to get more stats on the source files. And it seems like something that would already exist but i haven't found any options or flags for it.
If you are only interested by names of global functions and variables, you might (assuming you are on Linux) use the nm or objdump utilities on the ELF binary executable or object files.
Otherwise, you might customize the GCC compiler (assuming you have a recent version, e.g. 5.3 or 6 at least) thru plugins. You could code them directly in C++, or you might consider using GCC MELT, a Lisp-like domain specific language to customize GCC. Perhaps even the findgimple mode of GCC MELT might be enough....
If you consider extending GCC, be aware that you'll need to spend a significant time (perhaps months) understanding its internal representations (notably Generic Trees & Gimple) in details. The links and slides on GCC MELT documentation page might be useful.
Your main issue is that you probably need to understand most of the details about GCC internal representations, and that takes time!
Also, the details of GCC internals are slightly changing from one version of GCC to the next one.
You could also consider (instead of working inside GCC) using the Clang/LLVM framework (but learning that is also a lot of time). Maybe you might also look into Frama-C or Coccinnelle.
Another approach might be to compile with debug info and parse DWARF information.
PS. My point is that your problem is probably much more difficult than what you believe. Parsing C is not that simple ... You might spend months or even years working on that... And details could be target-processor & system & compiler specific...

Can you add preprocessor directives in assembly?

I would like to execute some assembly instructions based on a define from a header file.
Let's say in test.h I have #define DEBUG.
In test.asm I want to check somehow like #ifdef DEBUG do something...
Is such thing possible? I was not able to find something helpful in the similar questions or online.
Yes, you can run the C preprocessor on your asm file. Depends on your build environment how to do this. gcc, for example, automatically runs it for files with extension .S (capital). Note that whatever you include, should be asm compatible. It is common practice to conditionally include part of the header, using #ifndef ASSEMBLY or similar constructs, so you can have C and ASM parts in the same header.
The C preprocessor is just a program that inputs data (C source files), transforms it, and outputs data again (translation units).
You can run it manually like so:
gcc -E < input > output
which means you can run the C preprocessor over .txt files, or latex files, if you want to.
The difficult bit, of course, is how you integrate that in your build system. This very much depends on the build system you're using. If that involves makefiles, you create a target for your assembler file:
assembler_file: input_1 input_2
gcc -E < $^ > $#
and then you compile "assembler_file" in whatever way you normally compile it.
Sure but that is no longer assembly language, you would need to feed it through a C preprocessor that also knows that this is a hybrid C/asm file and does the c preprocessing part but doesnt try to compile, it then feeds to to the assembler or has its own assembler built in.
Possible, heavily depends on your toolchain (either supported or not) but IMO leaves a very bad taste, YMMV.

Why call static linker instead of preprocessor?

Suppose we have a static library and we want to use it for our main.c file, now the question is
Why we must call the linker (ld) ? since all we do is copy - pasting the code from our static lib in our main.c file ?
Couldn't the preprocessor deal with that ?
It could do it, in exactly the same way you could use a fish to fell a tree. It's not really the job it was designed to do.
The preprocessor phase is meant to morph the source code before being given to the compilation phase. Though some may complain about how deficient it seems, it does actually do this job reasonably well.
The linker, on the other hand, does not understand source code at all. It's primary purpose is to tie together object files (which may come from C, C++, nasm, gfortran, BCPL or even more bizarre compilers) to create an executable capable of running on the target system.

How to write your own code generator backend for gcc?

I have created my very own (very simple) byte code language, and a virtual machine to execute it. It works fine, but now I'd like to use gcc (or any other freely available compiler) to generate byte code for this machine from a normal c program. So the question is, how do I modify or extend gcc so that it can output my own byte code? Note that I do NOT want to compile my byte code to machine code, I want to "compile" c-code to (my own) byte code.
I realize that this is a potentially large question, and it is possible that the best answer is "go look at the gcc source code". I just need some help with how to get started with this. I figure that there must be some articles or books on this subject that could describe the process to add a custom generator to gcc, but I haven't found anything by googling.
I am busy porting gcc to an 8-bit processor we design earlier. I is kind of a difficult task for our machine because it is 8-bit and we have only one accumulator, but if you have more resources it can became easy. This is how we are trying to manage it with gcc 4.9 and using cygwin:
Download gcc 4.9 source
Add your architecture name to config.sub around line 250 look for # Decode aliases for certain CPU-COMPANY combinations. In that list add | my_processor \
In that same file look for # Recognize the basic CPU types with company name. add yourself to the list: | my_processor-* \
Search for the file gcc/config.gcc, in the file look for case ${target} it is around line 880, add yourself in the following way:
tmake_file="${tmake_file} my_processor/t-my_processor"
Create a folder gcc-4.9.0\gcc\config\my_processor
Copy files from an existing project and just edit it, or create your own from scratch. In our project we had copied all the files from the msp430 project and edited it all
You should have the following files (not all files are mandatory):
create a path gcc-4.9.0/build/object
run ../../configure --target=my_processor --prefix=path for my compiler --enable-languages="c"
make install
Do a lot of research and debugging.
Have fun.
It is hard work.
For example I also design my own "architecture" with my own byte code and wanted to generate C/C++ code with GCC for it. This is the way how I make it:
At first you should read everything about porting in the manual of GCC.
Also not forget too read GCC Internals.
Read many things about Compilers.
Also look at this question and the answers here.
Google for more information.
Ask yourself if you are really ready.
Be sure to have a very good cafe machine... you will need it.
Start to add machine dependet files to gcc.
Compile gcc in a cross host-target way.
Check the code results in the Hex-Editor.
Do more tests.
Now have fun with your own architecture :D
When you are finished you can use c or c++ only without os-dependet libraries (you have currently no running OS on your architecture) and you should now (if you need it) compile many other libraries with your cross compiler to have a good framework.
PS: LLVM (Clang) is easier to port... maybe you want to start there?
It's not as hard as all that. If your target machine is reasonably like another, take its RTL (?) definitions as a starting point and amend them, then make compile test through the bootstrap stages; rinse and repeat until it works. You probably don't have to write any actual code, just machine definition templates.
