Extjs4 Ext.selection.CheckboxModel with Ext.grid.property.Grid - extjs

First of all, I am using Extjs 4.1.
I have a grid with property grid and I want to add a column of checkbox into the grid. The property grid code is as follows:
var grid = Ext.create('Ext.grid.property.Grid', {
selModel: Ext.create('Ext.selection.CheckboxModel',{mode: 'MULTI'}),
columnLines: true,
renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
source: {
"grouping": false,
"autoFitColumns": true,
"productionQuality": false,
"created": Ext.Date.parse('10/15/2006', 'm/d/Y'),
However the checkbox selection model does not show up in the grid.
anyone can point me to the correct direction or property grid does not work with checkbox ?

Although the selModel property is documented in Ext.grid.property.Grid, this is only because Ext.grid.property.Grid extends Ext.grid.Panel. The problem is that this type of grid only has a fixed selModel and namely of type cellmodel. You can see its behaviour by clicking on a property (the property editor gets the focus and e.g a date proeprty shows a date picker). The cellmodel selModel is hard coded in the source code in the initComponent() method, so if you want to change that, you should write your own subclass in which you overwrite that.


checkcolumn grid cell border conditional change in accordance to disable-enable state in sencha 6.0.2

I have a grid with two checkcolumns (apart from the rest columns) and I want to make conditional change of cell (adding specific CSS: making thicker borders of this cell if checkcolumn is enabled and default look if it is disabled) in accordance to disable / enable state.
Unfortunately with using Renderer function I end up with strange outcome (displayed object text or true/false values) because of override native Renderer of checkcolumn I presume. Overwriting checkcolumn renderer is also bad practice which I'm not allowed to do.
I've also tried to use listeners like beforeactivate, beforeDisable etc but they seems not being called whenever state of cell change (disabled <> enabled). I thing that it is possible that its because of using specific bind property as seen bellow.
Is there any method to do it clear (without to much of code repetition and without overriding and adding new method to checkcolumn renderer)??
here is code for one of two checkcolumns in my grid:
localized: {
dataIndex: 'ebv',
width: 50,
bind: {
disabled: '{!changeContextEditMode.active}'
sortable: true,
filter: true,
xtype: 'checkcolumn',
listeners: {
beforecheckchange: 'checkIfCheckChangePossible'
I will appreciate any help

Extjs LabelAlign 'top' click issue

We have ExtJs fields in which LabelAlign is configured as 'top', but when we click on label it focusses the field, this creates problem if the field is checkbox, as on click of checkbox label it checks/unchecks the checkbox field. I have searched for some configs to disable the same , but couldn't find out. Later i used pointer-events:none CSS property on labels but not sure it will be correct solution. please guide.
Fiddle Example illustrating the above issue
You can prevent the click on the label from affecting the checkbox by removing the for attribute from the label. This will break the association between the label and the checkbox. To do this in ExtJS:
Ext.query('label[id^=checkbox]').forEach(function (item) {
This will find all of the labels for checkboxes and remove the for attribute so the label is no longer associated with the checkbox.
If you want to implement this for all fields, not just checkboxes, change it to search for all labels:
Ext.query('label').forEach(function (item) {
This code should be executed after your form is created.
See updated fiddle here.
There is no as such solution as far as i know for that because it will happen in every field not only in checkbox but there is a workaround that, you can add two xtypes as label and field needed and arrange them in vbox layout and give that label a 'html' config as that fieldlabel of the next field.
For e.g,
html:'Email Address'
name: 'email'
With this the container that will be made by extjs for checkboxfield will be different for label and field so when you click on label that's a different control for it and hence won't check the checkboxfield.

How to develop Extjs component like date Picker?

I'm ExtJs 6.0 framework developer.
I want to develop a component like date that when user click it, It open a window and this window have some textfields and other Extjs components. My problem is when I want to use this component as a grid cell editor. it does not show the component. In other words, I want to develop a custom picker.
How do I do?
You can extend Ext.form.field.Picker and implement createPicker:
An abstract class for fields that have a single trigger which opens a
"picker" popup below the field, e.g. a combobox menu list or a date
picker. It provides a base implementation for toggling the picker's
visibility when the trigger is clicked, as well as keyboard navigation
and some basic events. Sizing and alignment of the picker can be
controlled via the matchFieldWidth and pickerAlign/pickerOffset config
properties respectively.
You would not normally use this class directly, but instead use it as
the parent class for a specific picker field implementation.
Subclasses must implement the createPicker method to create a picker
component appropriate for the field.
It can look like:
Ext.define('Fiddle.view.FooPicker', {
extend: 'Ext.form.field.Picker',
xtype: 'foo-picker',
createPicker: function(){
return Ext.widget('container',{
padding: 20,
floating: true,
items: [
xtype: 'textfield'
xtype: 'box',
html: 'Foo'

Single Selection not working in Extjs Grid

This is how I set up my selection model for my grid :
var selM = Ext.create('Ext.selection.Model', {
mode: 'SINGLE',
toggleOnClick: true,
And then in my table I add this as a configuration paramater :
var packageGrid = Ext.create('js.grid.MyGrid', {
selModel: selM
The MULTI selection is disabled, which is great. However now nothing remains selected. If I click on a row the highlighting disappears as soon as I move the mouse away.
This could be an extjs bug. I have tried the other parameter 'SIMPLE' as well.
Here is a fiddle which shows my problem :
RowModel is the default so you can simply use:
selModel: {
mode: 'SINGLE'
Example: http://jsfiddle.net/8mra2het/1/
It's not a bug, Ext.selection.Model is the abstract class - which shouldn't be instantiated directly. Normally - when you specify the selModel declaratively, the grid component will implement one of the grid-context appropriate sub-classes:
I updated your fiddle using RowModel to demonstrate.

In extjs4 how to get edited values of combobox

i am working in extjs4. I have view with component as=
xtype : 'comboboxselect',
id : 'Id1',
displayField: 'emailAddress',
typeAhead: true,
editable : true,
forceSelection: false,
i want to allow users to enter new emailIds also. So i kept editable as true. But when i am trying to get combobox's selected value on sumbit button click, its not giving me newly inserted emailsId's in combobox.I tries it as =
Ext.getCmp('Id1').getSubmitData() or Ext.getCmp('Id1').getRawValue()
But its not giving me newly inserted emailId's. So how to perform this in extjs4
If this is Ext.form.field.ComboBox (xtype:'combobox') then getValue() returns the current value of the combobox. More info available on sencha docs
