Drupal 7 Taxonomy Multiselect box size - drupal-7

I have couple of taxonomies that have few hundred terms in. A content type has multiple of these taxonomy multiselect boxes.
Problem is, that select box size is about 5 (so it shows only 5 at the time). How can i increase the size? Because now treelike use is impossible, because you won't see parent after you've scrolled a bit back.
The problem is in the admin / editor view, and are not related to end-user.

If it's really about the height of that select box, why don't you add it via CSS?
#your-form-id .form-select[multiple] {
height: 300px;
Alternatively, implement hook_form_alter in your module:
function YOURMODULE_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
$form['YOURFIELD']['#size'] = 30;

Have you tried any of these?
edit - ah ok I'll explain:
OP asked a question about changing sizes of select boxes because there were hundreds of options available and hinted at hierarchy issues in their post. The above modules provide more rich interfaces for users to select multiple options, hence why I listed them. I shall explain more next time soz!


How to force two instance of the same app (DNN/2sxc) to read from the same stream?

Sorry if my question is silly but I'm new to DNN/2sxc, I've spent the whole day trying to figure this with no success..
I have two instances of the same app, one in the home page and the other on its own page, each one must have its own view template (I use Razor).
My problem is I cannot figure a way to make the two apps read the same data, so every add/edit/remove/re-sort in one of them will be reflected to the other, currently each app has its own data and therefore they are unusable in my case.
I've tried to use a 'EntityTypeFilter' inside a 'Data Query' and use it in both views (as in the News-Simple demo video), it worked and gave me all the items in the two views, but another two problems come with this solution:
1- now I'm unable to use the toolbar to (add/remove/reorder,.. etc) any of the items , as you can see in this image, which is a show-stopper for me,
note: this is the toolbar I use:
#foreach(var item in AsDynamic(Data["Default"]))
#Edit.Toolbar(target: item, actions: "new,edit,replace,remove,moveup,movedown,instance-list")
2- the 'Content Demo Item' is also visible in the list, but it is not that important since I can delete it and use one of the real data items as a demo item.
I appreciate any kind of help.
Thank you.
So the first thing you should know is the difference when using content-items as data (to query, etc.) and when using it as assigned-items (where each module-instance has a subset of items). Here's the blog that should help you understand the difference: http://2sxc.org/en/blog/post/12-differences-when-templating-data-instead-of-content
So when you want the "manually and easily control the exact items displayed, their ordering etc." you want to use the "content-assigned-to-instance" which also gives you the simple add, delete buttons, as these don't really delete anything, but just remove the assignment from the module-instance.
Now your case is a bit special, in that you want to re-use the exact same set in another module-instance. There are a few ways you can do this:
Same View
if it's exactly the same view etc. just duplicate the module using DNN-features (the add-existing-module-to-another page)
different view
if it's a different view (maybe more compact, etc.) you again have multiple options. The first is to mirror / duplicate using the dnn-feature, and just put an if-im-on-this-page-then-show-differently or inject another CSS. That's probably the easiest without any dev-know-how.
The harder, but possibly nicer way, is to actually to use a new template, and tell it to retrieve the items in the way they are configured in the other module - let's say module 1 is the original, module 2 has a different template wanting to access the items of module 1 in exactly the same order as given in 1. They way to do this is simple, but requires a few lines of C# code in Module 2.
You need to create a new ModuleDataSource (https://2sxc.org/en/Docs/Feature/feature/4542) object and tell it that it's from Module 1. If you've never done this, it's basically that your code can create a query just like the visual designer, but you have more control - see the wiki https://github.com/2sic/2sxc/wiki/DotNet-DataSources-All. The Module-Data-Source in the visual-query-designer doesn't allow you to "switch" modules (a advanced setting we may add in the future) but the object has a ModuleId property which you can set before accessing the data, making it "switch" to that Module. here's the Pseudo code in your Module#2 razor...
var otherModData = CreateSource<ModuleDataSource>();
otherModData.ModuleId = 1;
foreach(var itm in AsDynamic(otherModData["Default"])) {
That should do it :)

Drupal 7: How do I extract specific field in a taxonomy page

How do I extract specific field for display in a taxonomy page?
I have a custom content type called "film" and each film has a Term Reference field called "casting". As expected I can click on a "casting" (tag) it brings me a page where all films are listed wherever this tag is associated. For expample if I click on "Kate Winslet" from movie Titanic, I land on a page http://localhost/mysite/tags/kate-winslet where other movies of Kate Winslet are listed. Up to this point everything is just fine.
I do not want Drupal to pull in and show default fields like just Title and Body in its own display format. Rather I want it so that I can display a photo from each film, year of release and of course the title and trimmed version of the body. I only want to customize the content of this page so that I have the control over What to Show and Where To Show a specific field value.
This is what I tried:
I cloned and put page.tpl.php in my theme's template folder. Renamed it as page--vocabulary--tags.tpl.php. Then I took out the following line of code (<?php print render($page['content']);?>) from my page--vocabulary--tags.tpl.php. The intention was to check whether the overridden template is actually being accessed by Drupal or not. It does!
But I am not been able to extract fields like field_photo or field_release_date from $page['content]. To get an idea about defined variables and how they are placed I used the following line of code:
<pre><?php /*print var_export(get_defined_vars(), TRUE);*/ ?></pre>. But even from there I could not extract a particular field like I mentioned above. The fields look to be somewhere inside $page['content']['system_main']['nodes'], but I don't know how to get to a specific field directly.
I also created a template.php with the following preprocess hook function:
function introduction_preprocess_page(&$vars) {
if (arg(0) == 'taxonomy' && arg(1) == 'term' && is_numeric(arg(2))) {
$term = taxonomy_term_load(arg(2));
$vars['theme_hook_suggestions'][] = 'page__vocabulary__' . $term->vocabulary_machine_name;
$vars['content'] = $vars['page']['content']['system_main']['nodes'];
Both <?php print render($content) ?> and <?php print render($page['content']) ?> print the same result but I want something like <?php render($content['photo_field'])?> which I am not been able to.
I am sorry for making this too long. I have just stepped into Drupal. So wanted to make sure that what I am trying to explain matches exactly what I want to accomplish.
You are probably trying the long way to this.
You can use Views module. It allows to create custom listings querying the database, but also override existent ones, like the case of the taxonomy term page listing.
Once you have the module installed (if it's not yet), particularly the Views UI module, go to /admin/structure/views and scroll to bottom, where disabled views (grayed rows) are. You'll find one called Taxonomy term, described as 'A view to emulate Drupal core's handling of taxonomy/term.'
Click Enable on the right of it and then go to the same place where the Enable link is, click the arrow to unfold and choose Edit.
Once you're in the view edit page, you can manipulate the listing at your convenience, adding/removing fields or whatever you want to do in your particular case. If you are not familiar with Views, I recommend you to learn about it, there is a lot of related content on the web and it is close to essential for Drupal development.
Also, if you want to add more customisation to the page, you can use the same approach with the Panels module, who allows to override system pages (not just listings like Views).

Common Exposed filter for each tab in drupal 7

I have different fields and showing in different blocks, and want to apply exposed filter to all but my problem is it shows different exposed filters for each different block. I want to make it common for each block.
Below are the steps,
I made 5 blocks to be displayed for each buttons.
Added exposed filter for languages for each block.
Now each block showing its different exposed filter.
But I want the exposed filter should be shown above the buttons and should work for each block display. Attached screenshot for the issue.
I installed Views Global Filter but is gives Session error.
I was just about to suggest the Views Global Filter.
Another way is to set a contextual filter on all your blocks that pulls from the url, so they each pull the same value.
This is an active issue in the views issue queue, with a few people who have made it work:
Comment #6 has some simple code, and that would be applied here
After 3 days, I haven't found the solution, even by programmatically.
Then what I had the last option(in my mind, huh) is,
I get all the fields in one block only, not creating the different blocks for different tab or buttons.
Used the description of Better Exposed Filters, in which I pasted my buttons/tab UI HTML as its.
Now on changing the language all the fields are fetched according to the selected language. But in this case my active tab/button get lost its activeness.
Now, I need to get the last active tab/buuton, so that I can click it again to get the active tab after filtering my languages.
Below is the piece of code which is need to my js file.
// Active target element to make the tab/button active after
// ajax responds in filter
var activeTargetElement;
Drupal.behaviors.events = {
attach: function (context, settings) {
$('#views-exposed-form-MY_VIEW_MACHINE_NAME-BLOCK_NAME', context).ajaxStart(function () {
// my tabs/button are active on the basis of data-target attribute,
// so need to memorise which tab/button is active before fitering any language
activeTargetElement = $('#MY_TABS li.active a').data('target');
}).ajaxSuccess(function () {
// if any target is memorised, then simply click it or trigger a click event for it

Atk4 form Columns

I'm trying to use columns in a form.
I have the next code, that produces the
The code is this:
the fields of the columns, are based on form fields. I whant to add more than one field to the columns (ex. 2 fields on left column and 4 fields on right columns).
I have seen some examples about this, like
Why the fields are duplicated ?
What does the method addColumn(2) does ?
Very thanks
If you havent gone to far with development using atk 4.1, you could download 4.2 and look at the examples here. There is a lot of new functionality in 4.2 which you can take advantage of and the demos and examples are being updated to reflect these changes.
In 4.2, there is an example of styling with two columns like this
class StylingForm extends Form {
function init(){
->setFieldHint('Click "Register" to see error');
->validateField('filter_var($this->get(), FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)')
.. .. ..
functoin init() {
// Stacked class puts labels on top of fields
$form->addClass('stacked atk-row');
In atk4.1, the form is a view so it has a template in atk4/templates/shared/view/form.html and some code in atk4/lib/View/form.php
In the example of the slot machine that you mention from here the addColumns(2) is being used to set the width of the views to 20% of the available screen width but in the example, each column will contain a view of the slot machine. If you wanted to forms on the same page, you could use the same functionality, but what you appear to want is a single form across two columns with a single submit button.
If you have to continue to use atk4.1, you need to look at the form.html. Romans may be able to suggest how you could create a two column form in that version. I can see there are some classes defined in the css such as atk-form-vertical-2col and atk-form-vertical-3col and there is a function setFormClass to set them but i cant see what tags you would set to put fields into the right hand side - by default, everything goes to the left.

Can extjs Control/toggle groupField data?

here is the example edited by crop grid:
1st i view like a normal grid like this image
then i create a check box name as "Cuisine:American" and check it to reload become image like this
the group data "Cuisine:American" can be group it and expand
then other data still remain the normal grid view
Does any one know a example or possibility for controlling the groupView like in the example i've shown ?
Hope u all can understand my question
It's harder than it should be, because ext is not calling Ext.util.Grouper.getGroupString method. I've managed to bypass this. Here is working sample: http://jsfiddle.net/bP7Y2/
I am basing on Grouped Grid Example from Ext JS site. I've created CuisineGrouper which is extending Ext.util.Grouper. There are 2 important methods: getGroupString which returns gruping string and sorterFn which sorts in that way that grupped elements are on the top. For example when there is grouping by 'Cuisine:American' getGroupString returns 'American' or '' depending on cuisine value.
Another important bit is overriden getGroupString method on Restaurants store, so now it calls Ext.util.Grouper.getGroupString.
Last thing I've modified is groupHeaderTpl of groupingFeature.
(Update) It's possible to hide Others grouping header with some hacks. Example: http://jsfiddle.net/bP7Y2/1/
