cakephp plugin for google login (cakephp 2.x)? - cakephp

I started to configure google login on my new application.
but i keep getting the following error:
Error fetching OAuth2 access token, message: 'invalid_grant'
this is where google redirects it
if I removed the ? mark from the url this works fine. Please help me with this.


In outlook add-ins make salesforce oauth2 auth request getting CORS error

I have developed react js framework outlook add-ins , In that i need to add salesforce log in , so i was make the salesforce oauth2 auth request from client Side getting the cors error
i have tried the jsforce script , This is solve this issue but in this refresh token not getting
i have added the cors Allowed origins in salesforce still i am getting error
Any thoughts about this please share me
Note : Add-ins developed using javascript and this issue occur on local environment

Authentication issue DRF, Firebase, React

I am developing a web app which is using Django-rest for the backend, react-admin for the frontend, and firebase for authentication. Currently, I am developing the user part and have faced an issue. I have not used firebase before and the docs provided in firebase are not very clear to me.
The problem that I am having is that when I try to log in from the frontend it gives me access and lets me inside the website for a second and then it kicks me giving a 401 unauthorized status error and on the screen, a message pops up saying that my session has expired. When I check the console, everything is synced up and reads all of my credentials, generates a uid but somehow it denies it.
Here is the code.
This is the view from django
This is my react-admin setup
Could someone experienced help with my issue or guide me somehow, please?

Snowflake 403 error using Google as Identity Provider IdP

I'm trying to configure google IdP on my Snowflake following this tutorial from Snowflake community:
After the whole configuration is complete when I click on the SSO button on the login page
SSO Screen
I receive the following error:
Error Message
I have already double-checked the SAML configuration on both platforms
SAML Configurations
And APP configuration on Google seems correct
Google Snowflake App configurations
Google Snowflake App configurations
But the 403 error still persists.
How can I identify exactly where is the problem (Snowflake or Google) and how to fix it?
Is there any log I should be checking or any configuration missing?
We ran into this error as well, but fortunately the solution was rather simple in our case:
Either use incognito mode
Or log out & back in to the Google account
Afterwards, it works flawlessly! 👌
I found this article from Google Support:
403 app_not_configured_for_user To resolve the 403
app_not_configured_for_user error:
Verify that the value in the saml:Issuer tag in the SAMLRequest
matches the Entity ID value configured in the SAML Service Provider
Details section in the Admin console. This value is case-sensitive.

Salesforce Oauth Error. 1814 : An unexpected error has occured during authentication

I am creating a meteor app which has login through salesforce using oauth. The login happens through a community app. For the oauth credentials I created a connected app on salesforce(sandbox) with full access.
Initially the login was working fine but then after a few days I started getting the following error.
We can't authorize you because of an OAuth error.
1814 : An unexpected error has occured during authentication. Please try again
But after this when I attempt the login again (i.e. going back to app screen from the salesforce error screen)from my app, I receive the access code from salesforce and I am able to fetch data through salesforce apis.
I tried looking for this error but did not find anything useful.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Firebase authentication timeout with Google account login

Please can anyone help with config/troubleshooting for Firebase authentication with GAE Python apps.
I've tried to get the Firenotes app working ( but when the app loads there's a popup with the error: The operation has timed out. Dismiss.
The email authentication works fine, all OK: can login, save notes, logout.
The problem is with the Google OAuth login.
Clicking on the Google sign button gives an error:
This site can’t provide a secure connection. didn’t accept your login certificate, or your login certificate may have expired.
The project was imported into the firebase project and as far as I can tell the config of main.js and app.yaml is correct.
The GAE has been added to the OAuth authorized doamins
The same error is if running local or deployed to GAE.
If you go to the 'Overview' section of your firebase console. You can select to "add firebase to your web app". A screen pops up with the config information for the frontend main.js file.
Mind you, the apiKey in the client config needs to be set to the google cloud platform api key for the app engine project your using.
This will enable the login.
