Get value of SPAN - Selenium-WebDriver - selenium-webdriver

I want to get the value of SPAN using Selenium-WebDriver. The value that I want get is this: 00000632/14
My code HTML is this:
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span9">
<h3 class="subTitulo"></h3>
<div style="margin-top: 20px;">
Tu número de contacto es:
Is there any method in Selenium-Webdriver to get "00000632/14" ? Thanks in advance.

If this is the only <span> element in the HTML document, then you can simply use:
String text = driver.findElement(By.tagName("span")).getText();
If you have several <span> elements, and you want to get the text from all of them, then you can use:
List<WebElement> spans = driver.findElements(By.tagName("span"));
for (WebElement span : spans)
String text = span.getText();

The following will work,
String text = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector(".span9 > div > div > span")).getText();


capture an html element with data-attribute - javascrit ".querySelector"

const footer = article.querySelector('footer'); //gets the node correctly
comments = footer.querySelector('span[data-sigil="comments-token"]'); //doesn't capture the node
this is the fragment i'm trying to traverse (where a span element with a data-sigil="comments-token" attribite exists)
<footer class="_22rc" data-ft="{"tn":"*W"}">
<div class="_2ip_ _4b44" id="feedback_inline_2988733091416038" data-sigil="mufi-inline">
<div class="_34qc _3hxn _3myz _4b45"><a
role="button" data-sigil="feed-ufi-trigger">
<div class="_rnk _77ke _2eo- _1e6 _4b44" id="u_0_3f" data-sigil="reactions-bling-bar">
<div class="_1w1k" data-sigil="reactions-sentence-container"><span class="_qfz _77kf">
<div class="_1g05 _77lc" style="z-index:3"><i class="img sp_t0F5GNpHI8g sx_bb89e7"
role="presentation"><u>Mi piace</u></i></div>
<div class="_1g06" aria-label="4 ha aggiunto reazioni, tra cui Mi piace">4</div>
<div class="_1fnt"><span class="_1j-c" data-sigil="comments-token">Commenti: 5</span></div>
<div class="_52jh _7om2 _15kk _15ks _15km _4b47 _4b46" data-sigil="ufi-inline-actions">
<div class="_52jj _15kl _3hwk _4g34"><a class="_15ko _77li touchable"
aria-pressed="false" role="button" data-ft="{"tn":">"}" id="u_0_3g"
data-sigil="touchable ufi-inline-like like-reaction-flyout" data-autoid="autoid_40"
<div class="_1ekf" role="link" tabindex="-1" data-sigil="screenreader-reactions-trigger">Vedi altre
<div class="_52jj _15kl _3hwk _4g34"><a class="_15kq _77li"
data-sigil="feed-ufi-focus feed-ufi-trigger ufiCommentLink mufi-composer-focus">Commenta</a></div>
The examples you gave work. See
Perhaps the article.querySelector('footer'); is finding another footer section and not the one you're expecting. Try article.querySelectorAll('footer'); or document.querySelectorAll('footer'); to see how many results you get, or try making that part more specific like document.querySelector('footer._22rc');
You might as well just select what you want directly though instead of going through two queries.
document.querySelector('footer span[data-sigil="comments-token"]');

Is there a way to generate new span elements for each value we iterate in *ngFor Angular 8?

I want to generate a span element for each saved tag from my collection tag's array.
I use firebase and get in *ngFor loop i get one big span element with all saved tags separated by comma, instead of getting a span for each tag. Is there any way that i can't prevent this from happening. Also i have created an interface for Saved.
Thanks in advance.
<div class="card">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title text-center">{{saved?.title}}</h5>
<hr />
<div *ngFor="let tag of saved.tags">
<span class="badge badge-pill badge-primary">{{saved?.tags}}</span>
<hr /> View
//Saved interface in Saved.ts file
export interface Saved {
id: string;
title: string;
tags: string[];
Try having your code like this. This should make the span element repeat rather than the div and then make sure to reference the individual tag rather than the array inside.
If the tag has a name / title attribute swap {{ tag }} for {{ tag.title}}
looking at the interface its just {{ tag }}.
<span *ngFor="let tag of saved.tags" class="badge badge-pill badge-primary">
Reference to Angular docs on using *ngFor to display data.
At the moment, you are referencing the array inside your *ngFor. So, as a result, you should see the whole list of n tags, for n times. If you switch from {{saved?.tags}} to {{tag}}. You will see one div per tag including one span and a single tag inside.
So for getting one span per tag, use it like the following:
<div class="card">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title text-center">{{saved?.title}}</h5>
<hr />
<span class="badge badge-pill badge-primary" *ngFor="let tag of saved.tags">
<hr />

How to bind a part of a variable already binded

I have a loop ng-repeat that displays sevral icons.
<div class="box">
<div class="box-body">
<div class="row" >
<div class="col-sm-6" style="margin-bottom: 5px;" ng-repeat="record in newlayout.display" align="center">
<a class="btn btn-app" ng-href="#newlayout/{{newlayout.url}}{{newlayout.itemValue}}" >
<span class="badge bg-yellow" style="font-size:22px;">{{record.numberOfSamples}}</span>
<i class="fa fa-{{newlayout.labStyle}}"></i> {{record.lab}}
My issue is that the second part of the binded variable itemValue should be dynamic
In my Js, I have this
newLayout.url = 'sublabs/?labName=';
newLayout.itemValue = 'record.lab';
The URL is dynamic.
When I click on the first displayed Icon, the url should look like this :
But it didn't work as I had a compilation error..
Does someone have an idea how to fix this:
http://localhost:8181/#/newlayout/sublabs?labName=PIA/C1 - Shiftlabo
Where the record value "PIA/C1 - Shiftlabo" change.
So basically here if I change
<a class="btn btn-app" ng-href="#newlayout/{{newlayout.url}}{{newlayout.itemValue}}" >
{{newlayout.itemValue}} by {{record.lab}} it would work..but the {{record.**lab**}} should be dynamic as it will have another value when I click on the icon. It will change to {{record.subLab}}
Use property acccessor bracket notation inside the binding:
var isSublab = false;
$scope.labOrSublab = "lab";
$scope.clickHandler = function() {
isSublab = !isSublab;
$scope.labOrSublab = isSublab ? 'subLab' : 'lab';

ng-if showing empty DOM element when condition is not true

I have the following in a view file:
<p class="presentation black">Sections:
<span data-ng-if="currentTab == 'tab1'">
<div ng-repeat="question in filtered = (template.questions | unique:'sectionName')"></div>
<p class="presentation black">{{filtered.length}}</p>
<span data-ng-if="currentTab == 'tab2'">
<div ng-repeat="sheet in filtered = (template.sections[0].sheets | unique:'name')"></div>
<p class="presentation black">{{filtered.length}}</p>
When tab1 is selected, the information is displayed correctly. However when on tab2, it appears that <p> element in both spans is being displayed - an empty value in displayed for the <p> element related to tab1. By looking at the DOM tree it also seems that when on tab2, the ng-if condition is not displaying: <!-- end ngIf: currentTab == 'tab2' -->. Can anyone see where the issue may be? Let me know if more code is required.
The "p" shouldn't be in a "span" according to HTML5 specs. Change the "span" to a "div".
<p class="presentation black">Sections:
<div data-ng-if="currentTab == 'tab1'">
<div ng-repeat="question in filtered = (template.questions | unique:'sectionName')"></div>
<p class="presentation black">{{filtered.length}}</p>
<div data-ng-if="currentTab == 'tab2'">
<div ng-repeat="sheet in filtered = (template.sections[0].sheets | unique:'name')"></div>
<p class="presentation black">{{filtered.length}}</p>

Recover value of field in ng-repeat

Sorry for the english, i'm french student :(
I would like create a comment system with AngularJS for a project.
I would like recover a value of an object who is in ng-repeat loop.
<section ng-controller='AnnouncesCtrl' ng-show='!showActions' ng-swipe-left='showActions=true'>
<header class='header'>
<span class="return"><a href='#newAnnounce'>8</span>
<div class='loader' ng-show='loader'></div>
<section class='panel'>
<div ng-repeat='a in dept.announce' class='announces'>
<span class='title'>{{}}</span>
<span class="date">{{}}</span>
<span class="msg">{{a.desc}}</span>
<div class="showrep" ng-click="show=true" ng-show='!show'>Montrer les réponses</div>
<div class="allrep" ng-show="show" ng-repeat='answer in a.answers'>{{answer}}<br/></div>
<div class="formrep">
<form ng-submit='addComments()'>
<input type='text' placeholder='Écrire une réponse'><input type='submit' ng-click='a.btn={{}}' value='Répondre'>
JS :
function AnnouncesCtrl($scope,$http,$rootScope,$location){
var dept="";
alert('Impossible de récupérer le numéro étudiant. Veuillez vous reconnecter');
$location.url("/connexion"); // On redirige
Screenshot :
I don't quite understand what your project is about (I don't know French). You are iterating over the array "announce" which is supposedly a property of "dept". When you type:
ng-repeat = 'a in dept.announce'
you are creating a temporary variable "a" in the scope that is meant for ng-repeat (like counter variable in a for loop).
If "btn" is supposed to be a unique value, then use:
ng-click = "btn ="
or if "btn" is specific to each value of "a in announce", use:
ng-click = "btn[$index] =";
You can get the value of btn in your JS file by using $scope.btn
