Focus an element inside a window without activating it - wpf

I've got a window (which acts as a kind of popup window) with a couple of buttons inside. The popup disappears after some time. However, when the window is activated I don't want it to disappear until it is deactivated. I achieve this by listening to the Activated and Deactivated events.
The problem arises when I start calling Focus() on the elements inside the window. This focuses the element as expected, however, additionally IsActive of the window seems to change to true.
This is not the behavior I am after. Surprisingly, this is also not visible in the UI. The window does not get styled as if it is activated (black shadow).
Can I move the focus in a window, without activating it?


Show Winforms Contextmenu over ChromiumWebBrowser

I'm working on a Winforms project that uses CefSharp as a Gui. For several reasons I would like to implement a custom context menu using the Winforms ContextMenu class; rendering the menu in Html or customizing the ChromiumWebBrowser's context menu (using CefSharp.IContextMenuHandler) are not an option.
The context menu it triggered by Javascript code that calls a method on a .net object I passed to RegisterAsyncJsObject; the default context menu is prevented using Javascript. I'm invoking the method call on the Gui thread, because the call over the "javascript bridge" to the registered object comes from a different thread.
My problem: when manually showing the Winforms context menu over the CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser the context menu does not get the keyboard focus (e.g. selecting items with the arrow key doesn't work nor can I close the contextmenu using Esc); instead the keyboard focus remains with the ChromiumWebBrowser control. And, if I click on the ChromiumWebBrowser's control area the context menu doesn't close either. I can only close the context menu by selecting an item with the mouse or clicking on another control within the form (in which the ChromiumWebBrowser is contained) or somewhere completely else (e.g. desktop or another application).
If I trigger the context menu from elsewhere in my code - ultimately using the same method that calls myContextMenu.Show() - the context menu gets the keyboard focus as desired. But one problem still remains: it doesn't close when I click within the ChromiumWebBrowser control.
I haven't used IFocusHander, IContextMenuHandler, IKeyboardHandler - should I?
I'm using CEF 3.2454.1344.g2782fb8, Chromium 45.0.2454.101 and .net 4.5.1.
Unfortunately extracting demo code isn't reasonably possible.
Anyone any ideas?
After reading the comments, I decided to describe the code flow more precisely:
When right clicking Javascript sends a message to the registered .net object, containing the mouse coordinates. The default context menu is prevented by setting preventDefault on the MouseEvent arguments of the ContextMenu event.
The registered .net object receives the messages and calls windowForm.Invoke(Sub() ... ), because the message is not received on the Main/Gui thread, but must be processed there for the context menu to appear correctly.
The contextmenu is created and assigned to the ContextMenuStrip property of the UserControl that contains the actual ChromiumWebBrowser control.
It is displayed using ContextMenuStrip.Show(location) method.
The context menu has no keyboard-focus.
All mouse events appear to be "swallowed" by the ChromiumWebBrowser: clicking there does not close the context menu.
Opening the context menu identically except for using a different "trigger" works fine, except for the 2nd issue.
In the end the solution is simple; everything works as implemented and desired, if the following steps are added:
Before showing the context menu disable the UserControl with the ChromiumWebBrowser and set the focus to the owning form; something like this:
Private Sub showContextMenu(position As Point)
Me.ctrlCefBrowser.Enabled = False
End Sub
That takes the focus away from the ChromiumWebBrowser, giving the context menu a chance to respond to the keyboard inputs. And also, by disabling the control, the mouse events are not "swallowed" anymore so clicking on the browser area causes the context menu to go away again.
Then, finally, add an event handler to the context menu to re-enable the browser control again:
Private Sub myContextMenu_Closed(sender As Object, e As ToolStripDropDownClosedEventArgs) Handles myContextMenu.Closed
Me.ctrlCefBrowser.Enabled = True
End Sub
That did the trick for me, now I have a fully customizable Gdi context menu for my webbrowser control :o)
A similar problem arises when using other menus as well, e.g. in a main menu or tool bar: clicking on the ChromiumWebBrowser control will not close the menu (because the mouse event is also "swallowed"). The same solution can be applied: when opening a drop down menu deactivate (Enabled = False) the web browser control. And when it closes, reactivate it. For my menus I used a derived class (Inherits ToolStripMenuItem) that adds listeners to the according events. That takes care of the problem in a global and simple way.
The proposed solution above left the problem that the click on the disabled browser control closed the menu as intended, but got lost, i.e. the browser couldn't process it. My current workaround now is:
Do not disable the browser control.
Using the openening events of menu items and context menus, keep track of which menu is currently open.
When the browser receives the focus (obtainable by intercepting WndProc messages) close the opened menu.
Implementing the actual solution caused some headaches in the details, but maybe that helps someone along anyhow...

WPF window and element focus

I've got a WPF form inside a window and a short series of events like this:
1) 1st form has series of selection buttons
2) Clicking a button brings up a progress bar window over the existing window
3) Progress window closes and 1st form switches to a new 2nd form using page navigation
The problem is that the 2nd form (and the entire window) no longer has any focus and what's really killing me is that the window is no longer getting OnKeyDown() calls (it's still the top winow). If I hit the tab key the first menu option is highlighted and the following key stroke will fire a OnKeyDown(). Also, if I alt-tab to another app and then alt-tab back to my window it will begin receiving OnKeyDown() again.
How do I figure out where the focus is after the dialog?
If you are using navigation then the focus will have switched to the Page that you have navigated to, assuming that it is Focusable.
You can check that by setting up a breakpoint in a Focused event handle for the Page.
Alternatively you can use an explicit control.SetFocus() in the page.Navigated handler.

WPF menu and multitouch

I have a menu that is implemented in a way that when a menu item is pressed, a popup containing it's sub-items is open.
When running with touch screen, occasionally user touches 2 menu items at the same time with his fingers - and this leads to one of the menuitems have a touch capture which is not released until another window gets focus, making the app seem stuck.
How can I prevent such a case?
You could use a queue that contains delegates:
When triggering a command, add the delegate to the queue.
Then grab the first delegate of the queue and flush it afterwards.
Now you only have 1 "command".
I found the cause for the problem: the popup used to display submenu items had StaysOpen set to false.
This causes the Popup to capture input so it can know when to close itself once a click was made outside its boundaries.
Setting its StaysOpen property to True fixed the issue.

When Modal Dialog is shown in WPF and a user clicks on the parent window, make the modal dialog flash, blink or shake

New Thought, Maybe I am looking at this totally incorrectly. So Here is exactly what I am trying to do in case there is another option I am not aware of.
I have a WPF app, the main window shows a smaller dialog window using ShowDialog(), when a user clicks on the parent window that showed the dialog, I need to make the dialog window, flash, shake or blink.
AresAvatar posted a link that looks like it might be able to use, but is there another option I am not aware of?
My original Question.
Mouse click event when Modal window's parent is clicked in WPF app?
I have a wpf app that shows a modal window using ShowDialog().
I would like to fire an event when the user tries to click the parent window that is now disabled.
Is it possible on the parent to receive a click event when it has shown a modal window?
When I attempted this using an interaction trigger, the events never fired on parent window.
Otherwise, what suggestions / options are there.
No WPF events are sent under these conditions. The only Windows message I can see that gets sent is WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING. You could check for that message, and check if the window was disabled when it occurred. Here's a good article on checking WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING.
Edit: that link seems to be dead. Here's an example on StackOverflow of checking window messages.
I know this is an old question but I'll post my solution in case any one needs it.
Set the dialog.owner prior to calling ShowDialog().
var dialog = new DialogWindow();
dialog.owner = MainWindow;
The result is that clicking on the main window, brings the dialog window to the front and makes the dialog window flash.

Silverlight click event registered a second time before first event completed

I have a button which launches a "modal dialog" - it just creates a transparent grid covering everything, with the "dialog" created on top of that.
However I have a strange issue - if I double/triple click the button really fast (or add some delay in the event code), the button click event is executed multiple times, creating multiple overlapping modal dialogs. If the first action in my event is to disable the button (IsEnabled=false) it seems to prevent this.
My guess is that Silverlight is being multithreaded with input - it is not only recording the second click in another thread (while the button's click event is running), but it is jumping the gun by evaluating which control should be the target before the previous event has finished executing. Even though that event alters what control is at those mouse coordinates, it doesn't matter.
Does anyone know anything about this behavoir, or a way around it? If I have something like a save window, where the user clicks a save button, a blocking grid ("Saving...") is placed up while it saves, and then the whole "window" is closed, I'd like to avoid the user being able to queue up multiple save event clicks (this could lead to unpredictable program behavoir).
If you've ever worked with WinForms or WPF, this is expected behavior. Your button is broadcasting its Click event until your modal dialog covers it up. Unfortunately, there is some amount of time between your first click and when the modal dialog covers the button which allows multiple clicks to the original button.
You have two solution choices:
Disable the button after the first click and then re-enable after the modal dialog returns. You've already mentioned that this works.
Write code in the Event Handler of the button to determine if a modal dialog is already being displayed. This way, you're putting the responsibility in one location rather than splitting it up (disabling and re-enabling the button). This would be my preferred solution.
I think what you're seeing is the behaviour of Silverlight's routed events.
You can set the Handled property of the event arguments to true to prevent the event from bubbling.
