Compile a project (say, Emacs) to LLVM bytecode - c

I cloned the Emacs source, with the intention of compiling to LLVM bytecode. I have been fiddling with Makefile flags for hours, but with no luck. Whenever I Google this, I get completely unrelated results about compiling .el files.
So I ask you this: how can I compile a project like Emacs to LLVM bytecode?
I am on OS X 10.9 Mavericks.
EDIT: I ran these commands:
CC=clang CFLAGS=-emit-llvm ./configure --with-jpeg=no --with-gif=no --with-tiff=no
CC=clang CFLAGS=-emit-llvm make
Then I got this error:
xml.c:23:10: fatal error: 'libxml/tree.h' file not found
#include <libxml/tree.h>
1 error generated.
When in fact libxml2 is already installed.

-emit-llvm only tells clang that you want any emitted assembly to be in LLVM IR. However, you still need to inform clang that you would like it to emit assembly to start with. This is done by using the -S flag. Additionally, to compile to LLVM bytecode, you need to use llvm-as. Lastly, you will have to do this for every single file, since AFAIK you cannot link LLVM bytecode files together, meaning that you will have many, many LLVM bytecode files.
Enough blabbering though, here's how you would do it for a given file (in the shell, not in the makefile, mind you):
$ clang -c foo.c -S -emit-llvm # additional options as necessary
$ llvm-as foo.s
$ ls
foo.bc foo.c foo.s
$ clang -c foo.c
Compile foo.c by itself without linking.
$ clang -c foo.c -S
Generate assembly and, if no output file is specified, save the results in foo.s.
$ clang -c foo.c -S -emit-llvm
Generate LLVM IR instead of native assembly.
$ llvm-as foo.s
Assemble foo.s and, if no output file is specified, save the results in foo.bc.
Apparently, this works too:
$ clang -c foo.c -emit-llvm -o foo.bc
The -o foo.bc above is because otherwise clang will output a .o file.


Why gcc compiler giving the complied file a new name?

I have reinstalled mingw in my system and downloaded the gcc compiler.
I was shocked after compiling the first file which was "subject.c" but the name of the compiled file which gcc returned was "a.exe". It should be "subject.exe" but do not know why this happened.
Can anyone please explain the reason behind this ?
gcc subject.c
subject.c subject.exe
gcc subject.c
subject.c a.exe
-o can be used to give the name of the output file.
For example,
gcc -Wall -Wextra -pedantic subject.c -o subject.exe
(Do enable your compiler's warnings!)
gcc names its output files, in the absence of other instructions, a.out or a.exe depending on system environment because that is what it's supposed to do.
To override this default behavior, you can use the -o flag which tells gcc that the next argument is the desired name for the output file. For instance:
gcc -o subject.exe subject.c
There is no automatic functionality built into gcc to strip a source file of its file extension and add .exe to the end but this can be done manually with Makefiles or other similar scripts, for instance you can write a Makefile with the following contents:
%.exe: %.c
gcc -o $# $<
Then a command like make subject.exe would be translated to gcc -o subject.exe subject.c, which may be what you're looking for.
There is functionality built into gcc to strip source files of their extensions during different parts of the compilation process, which may have been what confused you. For instance a call like gcc -c subject.c can be expected to produce an object file called subject.o, likewise gcc -S subject.c can be expected to produce an assembly language file called subject.s, however this does not apply to executable files not only for historical reasons, but because programs can be compiled from multiple source files and there is not always a clear way to choose a name for the executable output.

Compile Multiple C Files on Mac?

I am new to C and using GCC. How do I compile multiple C files and then run them? I have multiple miles and each has different functions and they are supposed to run through the main.c file. My friend showed me through Windows but I am having issues figuring out how to do it on Mac.
What I was told:
Compile both files individually first:
gcc -Wall -c .\main.c
gcc -Wall -c .\file.c
Then compile both together into an executable:
gcc -o program file.o main.o
Then run executable with .\program.exe
You should probably investigate makefiles, but this is quite easy. The following should do the trick.
gcc -o program file.c main.c
Feel free to add in whichever -W warning flags you want.
Note also that Macs do not use \ as a directory separator but rather /, and executable files do not typically end in .exe.

How to install 32 bit glibc on 64 bit ubuntu

I am trying to learn the C Calling conventions in assembly language. To do so, I made a simple program using the puts function from the C standard library.
I assembled and linked the program with the following commands :-
nasm -f elf file.asm
gcc -m32 file.asm -o file
The nasm produces the right object file but when running the gcc to link the object files, I am getting error.
Looking at the error I have figured it out that I don't have the 32 bit version of glibc on my system. How can I install it. I already have installed this package installed.
I have 64 bit ubuntu 12.04 as my OS.
EDIT :- I have installed the following packages, but the problem is still not solved :-
2) libc6-i386
This command will install the 32bit glibc libraries on 64 bit Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install gcc-multilib
This is the proper syntax for linking assembly object code into an executable using gcc:
gcc -m32 objectfile.o -o executablefile
(nasm -felf32 already creates objectfile.o; the .asm file should not appear on GCC's command line. GCC can assemble+link a .S file in one step using GAS syntax, but NASM is a separate package.)
I assembled and linked the program with the following commands :-
nasm -f elf file.asm
gcc -m32 file.asm -o file
This is wrong. Your first nasm command is probably creating a file.o file (and you should check that, e.g. with ls -l file.o). The second gcc command does not do what you wish.
But gcc does not know about *.asm file extensions (it knows about .S for preprocessable GNU assembler syntax, and .s for assembler code, but probably handle unknown extensions like .asm as ELF object files by default, however file.asm is not an ELF object file). You should try linking with
gcc -Wall -v -m32 file.o -o file
Notice that you give to GCC an object file in ELF (for the linker invoked by gcc) which you previously produced with nasm.
(you might later remove the -v option to gcc)
Alternatively, use the GNU as assembler syntax (not the nasm one), name your file file.S (if you want it to be preprocessed) or file.s (without preprocessing) and use gcc -v -Wall -m32 file.s -o myprog to compile it.
BTW, to understand more about calling conventions, read the x86-64 ABI spec (and the similar one for 32 bits x86 ...), make a small C example file some-example.c, then run gcc -S -fverbose-asm -O some-example.c and look into the produced some-example.s with an editor or pager.
Learn also more about ELF then use readelf (& objdump) appropriately.
You want to install a package called 'ia32-libs'

How to make clang compile to llvm IR

I want clang to compile my C/C++ code to LLVM bitcode rather than a binary executable. How can I achieve that?
And if I have the LLVM bitcode, how can I further compile it to a binary executable?
I want to add some of my own code to the LLVM bitcode before compiling to a binary executable.
Given some C/C++ file foo.c:
> clang -S -emit-llvm foo.c
Produces foo.ll which is an LLVM IR file.
The -emit-llvm option can also be passed to the compiler front-end directly, and not the driver by means of -cc1:
> clang -cc1 foo.c -emit-llvm
Produces foo.ll with the IR. -cc1 adds some cool options like -ast-print. Check out -cc1 --help for more details.
To compile LLVM IR further to assembly, use the llc tool:
> llc foo.ll
Produces foo.s with assembly (defaulting to the machine architecture you run it on). llc is one of the LLVM tools - here is its documentation.
clang -emit-llvm -o foo.bc -c foo.c
clang -o foo foo.bc
If you have multiple source files, you probably actually want to use link-time-optimization to output one bitcode file for the entire program. The other answers given will cause you to end up with a bitcode file for every source file.
Instead, you want to compile with link-time-optimization
clang -flto -c program1.c -o program1.o
clang -flto -c program2.c -o program2.o
and for the final linking step, add the argument -Wl,-plugin-opt=also-emit-llvm
clang -flto -Wl,-plugin-opt=also-emit-llvm program1.o program2.o -o program
This gives you both a compiled program and the bitcode corresponding to it (program.bc). You can then modify program.bc in any way you like, and recompile the modified program at any time by doing
clang program.bc -o program
although be aware that you need to include any necessary linker flags (for external libraries, etc) at this step again.
Note that you need to be using the gold linker for this to work. If you want to force clang to use a specific linker, create a symlink to that linker named "ld" in a special directory called "fakebin" somewhere on your computer, and add the option
to any linking steps above.
If you have multiple files and you don't want to have to type each file, I would recommend that you follow these simple steps (I am using clang-3.8 but you can use any other version):
generate all .ll files
clang-3.8 -S -emit-llvm *.c
link them into a single one
llvm-link-3.8 -S -v -o single.ll *.ll
(Optional) Optimise your code (maybe some alias analysis)
opt-3.8 -S -O3 -aa -basicaaa -tbaa -licm single.ll -o optimised.ll
Generate assembly (generates a optimised.s file)
llc-3.8 optimised.ll
Create executable (named a.out)
clang-3.8 optimised.s
Did you read clang documentation ? You're probably looking for -emit-llvm.

Linux Novice Question: GCC Compiler output

I am a complete novice with Linux. I have Mint on a laptop and have recently been playing around with it.
I wrote a simple C program and saved the file.
Then in the command line I typed
gcc -c myfile
and out popped a file called a.out. I naively (after years of Windows usage) expected a nice .exe file to appear. I have no idea what to do with this a.out file.
Name it with -o and skip the -c:
gcc -Wall -o somefile myfile
You should name your sourcefiles with a .c extension though.
The typical way of compiling e.g. two source files into an executable:
#Compile (the -c) a file, this produces an object file (file1.o and file2.o)
gcc -Wall -c file1.c
gcc -Wall -c file2.c
#Link the object files, and specify the output name as `myapp` instead of the default `a.out`
gcc -o myapp file1.o file2.o
You can make this into a single step:
gcc -Wall -o myapp file1.c file2.c
Or, for your case with a single source file:
gcc -Wall -o myapp file.c
The -Wall part means "enable (almost) all warnings" - this is a habit you should pick up from the start, it'll save you a lot of headaches debugging weird problems later.
The a.out name is a leftover from older unixes where it was an executable format. Linkers still name files a.out by default, event though they tend to produce ELF and not a.out format executables now.
a.out is the executable file.
run it:
