Small YAML/JSON parser in C [closed] - c

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I've been looking for a small YAML/JSON parser, preferably a single-file solution, so i can easily embed it on my application. I'm looking for a small and simple solution since i intend to use it on different platforms, and building libyaml and other solutions will be a huge pain in the ass.
Also, is TinyXML a good alternative? What is fastest to parse?

I was looking for something similar sometime last year. This is the one I settled on:
It's not a single file solution, but it's not very big either. I has some features like JSON formatting and syntax checking that you might see as feature bloat, but they don't bother me.


How did you learn BackboneJS? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm having a difficult time understanding its tutorials.
Either they are too advanced or do not work
If you are an advanced user, please tell me how you started off.
Derick Bailey has a blog post on this, although it's a bit old:
They way I started (although with Marionette which is built on top of Backbone) was to create some small projects to see how the various parts worked together:
To help other people along, I then wrote a book that builds a non-trivial application step by step:
If you learn best by digging in source code, you can see it here:

Example code for blowfish encryption [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I need to encrypt a char* string in C using blowfish or twofish in Windows.
I can't find a straight forward solution for that.
I don't want to install something like OpenSSL; I need it be a standalone as possible.
Unfortunately Googling for C code results in C# and C++ code.
Can anyone give me a straightforward function for encryption/decryption?
Have you taken a look at "" on Bruce Schneier web site? He has reference implementations, as well as optimized implementations of the algorithm. It's been a few years since I looked at it, but you might find it useful.

C Language Data Structure Visualisation [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Are there any C-language static analysers out there that create graphical diagrams of the data structures in a body of C code?
I'm thinking along the lines of the data displays in the DDD (Data Display Debugger) but that work from static analysis of the source code.
Any diagram notation welcome (UML etc.) and it can run on any platform.
Take a look at Enterprise Architect. It is fairly inexpensive and does just this and comes with a 30 day free trial. And no, I don't work for them :) .
Understand is also a great tool for diagraming existing C / C++ code, to help you understand it.

image to barcode recognition [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I know this has been discussed a few times on stackoverflow but I wasn't able to find a sufficient answer. For a project, I am seeking the best possible piece of software/api/library that can recognise barcode numbers from the input image. It will be used on mobile phones(iphone, windows mobile, android etc.) so it should be good at catching barcodes from bad angles, blurry images and such bad conditions. Being open source or commercial doesn't matter as long as it does the job well (indeed open source would be better :) )
If you have any experience with this topic, please share with us:)
Google has an Open Source project for this zxing
I'm familiar enough with it to know if it will do everything you need it to do, but I imagine it would be a really great place for you to start.

Where Can I find a good tutorial for IJG libjpeg [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I need to do some work with this library and I'm finding the documentation at to be deficient (incomplete function signatures, etc). Does anyone know of some other sides or have some example code illustrating common tasks?
I also found this question with an example, but any others would be helpful.
Try using libjpeg library. Example how to use it is in this blog.
I don't know what you're using, but we use the C++ wrapper at Smaller Animals Software, and we're happy with it. If nothing else, it might work as example code.
