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Closed 8 years ago.
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I downloaded Wordnet2.0full set. But, i need owl files
I Tried Manchester Converter for rdf to owl converting.
however, It doesn't work on company device
How to use Wordnet Test??
I need schema owl file and data owl files
The beginning of wnfull.rdfs looks like this:
<owl:Ontology rdf:about="">
So it looks like it's already an OWL ontology, although with an rdfs file extension. You should be able to load it as an OWL ontology regardless of the extension - or you can change the extension to .owl if you prefer.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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Would it be technically possible to build a pdf splitter on appengine or is there some part of it that couldn't be done? I was thinking of a function where you just upload the pdf file, choose which pages you want and the output is e.g. one chapter from a book and this can be done online. I think it can be a good service but I don't know whether it is technically feasible or whether the best choice first this would be Java, Python, PHP or Go?
I cannot see why not. Splitting a PDF should be possible in all 4 languages so it's up to you what you pick. I know that Python performs faster than Java. PHP doesn't sound like a good fit for me and Go isn't that widely used.
I'd go with Python. There is also a Python library that allows you to split a PDF.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'd like to store text in a file and work on it with vim. It would be something very simple, like a .txt on Windows. But I'd like to get basic syntax highlighting. Which file extension and syntax should I use?
VIM understands reStructuredText, Markup, and other notations for writing structured text using plain UTF-8 (one would have said "ASCII" a while ago).
I find that plain-text structured documentation is perfect for my work, besides it being a requirement for sites like GitHub, Bitbucket, or PyPi, and the trend in in doc-comments.
I am using the Vim Outliner plugin, which is handy to create short list with sections. The default style has different colours for different levels.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm new to ontology, my requirement is to gather the Insurance domain concepts and relations between them and I'm using Protege to capture domain concepts. Now I have OWL file of insurance domain.
Now, I want to know what are the benefits I can get it from. I searched in the net and got to know that reasoning is a benefit.
Can OWL file be used in web application?
How far Ontology has significance over data base?
may be I'm wrong with the questions? Need guidance to better understanding of Ontology.
We have used GATE (General Architechture of Text Engineering), a text analysis tools for parsing OWL Files.
Here we had created OWL files for Medical Domain and run those over a set of corpus using OntoGazetteer, Onto Root Gazaetteer plugin and made annotations of texts. After these we have extracted those information for further use those with our structured (Database) and non-structured information (Documents) to link and made service available to public through web service.
Please take a look in - for better understanding.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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According to carrot2 FAQ we should acknowledge project users about using Carrot2.
Can I use Carrot2 in a commercial project? Yes. The only requirement
is that you properly acknowledge the use of Carrot2 (on the project's
website and documentation) and let us know about your project. Please
also remember to read the license.
But we don't have and site or documentation because we are building closed project.
How can we integrate carrot2 in these circumstances?
I've revised the text on the license and FAQ pages to make the acknowledgment optional, but you still need to include Carrot2 license file in your binary distribution. A common practice is to put the license file next to the relevant JAR file.
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Questions asking us to recommend or find a tool, library or favorite off-site resource are off-topic for Stack Overflow as they tend to attract opinionated answers and spam. Instead, describe the problem and what has been done so far to solve it.
Closed 8 years ago.
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Starting a new big C multiplatform project, what rules should one follow to avoid difficulties later? For example, as a new developer, I can have difficulties to navigate myself around Linux Kernel source code - which is a good example of highly evolvable but hard-to-step-in software structure with incosistent directory structure (e.g. sound directory and arch in the same directory level).
As a project-architect, what should I do to avoid later traps? Of course, I need very intuitive and self-consistent naming convention for C lexems and files. But what is the good style and what is not? Should I have one-only directory or tens of them? Should I place all header files in a common include directory?
Can you please give me a reference to a very good example? (any open source C project)
You can probably refer to OpenSSL. Their file organization and distribution of functionalities across files is very good. So is their file naming convention which clearly indicates the functionalities. But, since it is based on SSL code, it might take some time to understand. Good Luck to you for your project! : )