Silverlight Multipage Printing - silverlight

I am implementing silverlight printing using PrintDocument. My UI is generated runtime using XamlReader which parse xaml which I have stored in db.
Here is code:
string str = sb.ToString();
newUI = XamlReader.Load(sb.ToString()) as FrameworkElement;
newUI.DataContext = ReportData;
grdPreviewArea.Height = pageHeight;
grdPreviewArea.Width = pageWidth;
Grid.SetColumn(newUI, 1);
Grid.SetRow(newUI, 1);
Now to print I am setting newUI as e.PageVisual in my print event handle.
This works fine if rendered UI is fits single page , but I am not able to print second page if it does not fits single page.

First you need to work out how many pages are needed
Dim pagesNeeded As Integer = Math.Ceiling(gridHeight / pageHeight) //gets number of pages needed
Then once the first page has been sent to the printer, you need to move that data out of view and bring the new data into view ready to print. I do this by converting the whole dataset into an image/UI element, i can then adjust Y value accordingly to bring the next set of required data on screen.
transformGroup.Children.Add(New TranslateTransform() With {.Y = -(pageIndex * pageHeight)})
Then once the number of needed pages is reached, tell the printer to stop
If pagesLeft <= 0 Then
e.HasMorePages = False
Exit Sub
e.HasMorePages = True
End If
Or if this is too much work, you can simply just scale all the notes to fit onto screen. Again probably by converting to UI element.
Check out this link for converting to a UI element.
Hope this helps


Looping Through a Bitmap Array

Dim bmpNew As Bitmap = Nothing
Dim Bitmaps(15) As Bitmap
For b = 0 To Bitmaps.Count - 1
If Bitmaps.Contains(bmpNew) Then
If Bitmaps(b) Is Nothing Then
If Bitmaps(b) Is bmpNew Then
Bitmaps(b) = bmpNew
End If
End If
End If
I am developing an application that generates random images every time the button is pressed. After generating the image, it loops through an array of bitmaps which are initially empty. What it should do is fill the array with every new image that it creates while making sure to not add it if it already exists in the array. I have tried many attempts and this method is the only one that actually makes sense and is very close to what I am trying to achieve, but it still produces duplicates in my array.
What am I missing?

Concurrency Error WinForms Binding Source Navigator

I have a form with customer info that needs to be processed one transaction per page. I'm using the binding navigator to manage my pagination.
It works in all but some cases. In the cases where it doesn't work, I have to open a different window to look up information and return it to the main form. Here is the code for that:
// save current work
// Open a window and get new customer info
// CurrentCustomer is returned from the opened window
using (SqlConnection cx = new SqlConnection(GetConnectionString()))
DataRowView dataRow = (DataRowView)procBindingSource.Current;
dataRow["CUSTOMER"] = CurrentCustomer;
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(
#" select acct_no from cust_processing where id = #id ", cx);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#id", (int)dataRow["ID"]);
var results = cmd.ExecuteScalar();
if (results != null)
dataRow["ACCT_NO"] = results.ToString();
updateDataItems(); <------ CONCURRENCY ERROR
The error I am getting is a concurrency error. I think that I have more than one version of the row possibly ? I thought I was making sure that I was on the most recent version of the row by calling updateDataTable(). I am the only user so I know I am creating the problem myself.
Here is my update method which is called when I change pages or save and exit or want to write the commit the data:
void updateDataItems()
I have tried executing updateDataItems from various places such as after I assign dataRow["ACCT_NO"] = results.ToString() or before and after assigning that.
I'm pretty much down to guess and check so any thoughts, help and advice will be appreciated and +1.
Okay -- so the problem was that I was trying to update the current row from the program and also using the binding navigator. They were not working together properly.
The solution was to add a text box to the form in the forms designer and set visible = false and bind it to ACCT_NO. Once I got the results from my other form, I just needed to set the .text property of the ACCT_NO textbox to the new value and the binding navigator managed all my updates for me correctly.
txtAcct_No.text = results.ToString();

Devexpress: how to add points to Chart Control at runtime?

i'm trying to build a telemetry software using Winform and Devexpress library. Specifically i'm working on a Line Chart Control and what i would like to do is to configure the chart so that it is able to display a data changing in real time.
The graph is generated reading some external sensors that send informations at a rate of 10 values per second.
This is my code for initialize the chart:
series1 = new Series("test test", ViewType.Line);
series1.ArgumentScaleType = ScaleType.Numerical;
((LineSeriesView)series1.View).LineMarkerOptions.Kind = MarkerKind.Triangle;
((LineSeriesView)series1.View).LineStyle.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dash;
((XYDiagram)chartControl1.Diagram).EnableAxisXZooming = true;
chartControl1.Legend.Visibility = DefaultBoolean.False;
chartControl1.Titles.Add(new ChartTitle());
chartControl1.Titles[0].Text = "A Line Chart";
chartControl1.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
And this is the one that add a new point and remove the first point available so that the amount of points in my chart is always the same (after a minimum amount of points is reached) and it keeps updating itself displaying the last X seconds of values and discarding the old values.
series1.Points.RemoveRange(0, 1);
series1.Points.Add(new SeriesPoint(time, value));
AxisXRange.SetMinMaxValues(newFirstTime, time);
AxisRange is the following
Range AxisXRange
SwiftPlotDiagram diagram = chartControl1.Diagram as SwiftPlotDiagram;
if (diagram != null)
return diagram.AxisX.VisualRange;
return null;
**The problem ** is that this code works temporarily. After some seconds, the chart stop working and a big red cross is displayed over it.
Is there something that i'm missing with its configuration?
Do you know any better way to realize my task?
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you
I think you doing it nearly right. Devexpress has an Article about RealTime-Charts. They doing it the same way but using a timer for updating the data. Maybe this would fix your painting problems.

Printing text in Silverlight that measures larger than page

I have a silverlight application that allows people to enter into a notes field which can be printed, the code used to do this is:
PrintDocument pd = new PrintDocument();
Viewbox box = new Viewbox();
TextBlock txt = new TextBlock();
txt.TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap;
Paragraph pg = new Paragraph();
Run run = new Run();
pg = (Paragraph)rtText.Blocks[0];
run = (Run)pg.Inlines[0];
txt.Text = run.Text;
pd.PrintPage += (s, pe) =>
double grdHeight = pe.PrintableArea.Height - (pe.PageMargins.Top + pe.PageMargins.Bottom);
double grdWidth = pe.PrintableArea.Width - (pe.PageMargins.Left + pe.PageMargins.Right);
txt.Width = grdWidth;
txt.Height = grdHeight;
pe.PageVisual = txt;
This simply prints the content of the textbox on the page however some of the notes are spanning larger than the page itself causing it to be cut off. How can I change my code to measure the text and add more pages OR is there a better way to do the above where it will automatically create multiple pages for me?
There are several solutions to your problem, all of them under "Multiple Page Printing Silverlight" on Google. I was having a similar problem and tried most of them. The only one that worked for me was this one:
But honestly you should look at Google first and see whether there are better solutions to your specific problem.
Answering your question, there is a flag called HasMorePages that indicates you need a new page. Just type pe.HasMorePages and you will see.
Hope it helps
First you need to work out how many pages are needed
Dim pagesNeeded As Integer = Math.Ceiling(gridHeight / pageHeight) 'gets number of pages needed
Then once the first page has been sent to the printer, you need to move that data out of view and bring the new data into view ready to print. I do this by converting the whole dataset into an image/UI element, i can then adjust Y value accordingly to bring the next set of required data on screen.
transformGroup.Children.Add(New TranslateTransform() With {.Y = -(pageIndex * pageHeight)})
Then once the number of needed pages is reached, tell the printer to stop
'sets if there is more than 1 page to print
If pagesLeft <= 0 Then
e.HasMorePages = False
Exit Sub
e.HasMorePages = True
End If
Or if this is too much work, you can simply just scale all the notes to fit onto screen. Again probably by converting to UI element.
Hope this helps

Dynamically add forex data points to Shield UI Chart

I need is to dynamically add the points I’ve received from a forex provider to s Shield UI Chart. According to the documentation, there isn’t the possibility for dynamically adding of points At least there is no such method, something like: AddPoint or similar.
How can I still achieve a web page using Shield UI Chart, which to constantly show a couple of exchange rates?
You are right, that there is no addPoints method of the Shield UI Chart. However we can add the incoming data values to an array instead. You might find useful following code:
We need some arrays- as many as we need to show.
var EURUSD = new Array();
var USDCAD = new Array();
var GBPUSD = new Array();
In the body of the function, that will actually display the data we will have the following code:
EURUSD[EURUSD.length] = parseFloat(data.ticks.EURUSD);
USDCAD[USDCAD.length] = parseFloat(data.ticks.USDCAD);
GBPUSD[GBPUSD.length] = parseFloat(data.ticks.GBPUSD);
it will actually put the new data to the designated arrays. You can note, that each time data is received, it has been added to the last index of each array:
Since we don’t want our arrays to grow too large, it is good to specify how many points we need to keep. Once that limit is reached, we remove the oldest point:
if (EURUSD.length > 50)
EURUSD = EURUSD.splice(1, 49);
if (USDCAD.length > 50)
USDCAD = USDCAD.splice(1, 49);
if (GBPUSD.length > 50)
GBPUSD = GBPUSD.splice(1, 49);
At the end we need to recreate the chart, referencing the appropriate container:
var containter = $("#EURUSDChart").swidget();
and than create the chart again.
