How to get multiple repeated using Joins? - sql-server

I have a temp table with the following structure:
1 5
and need to map the values from it to the table below:
StudentID DEPT
1 1
1 2
2 3
2 4
So the output should be like this:
1 1 5
1 2 5
2 3 NULL
2 4 NULL
Do I need to use join or merge my table consisits of million record?
I have tried using joins but i am not getting exact what i need?

a JOIN. like this:
SELECT S.StudentId, S.Dept, V.Value
FROM Student AS S
ON V.StudentId = S.StudentId
ORDER BY V.StudentId

SELECT table2.StudentID
FROM table2
ON table2.StudentID = #TEMP.StudentID


Insert into table with where condition

I have two tables
OfficeID OfficeName
1 UK
2 JP
3 US1
4 US2
5 US3
6 US4
OfficeID is an identity auto increment column.
I need to add couple of more offices (e.g. US5,US6) into table1:
insert into Table1 (OfficeName)
values ('US5'), ('US6')
I have another table2
OrgID OfficeID
1 1
2 2
3 3
3 4
3 5
3 6
After inserting the US5 and US6 the new data in table 1 will be
OfficeID OfficeName
1 UK
2 JP
3 US1
4 US2
5 US3
6 US4
7 US5
8 US6
After this, I would like to insert officeID into table 2 so that my table 2 would look like this:
OrgID OfficeID
1 1
2 2
3 3
3 4
3 5
3 6
3 7
3 8
Here is how I'm trying to do this
insert into Table2 (OfficeID)
select OfficeID
from table1
where OfficeID in ((7), (8))
and table2.OrgID = 3
How to achieve this? Thanks
You should define all columns you want to insert:
insert into Table2 (OfficeID, OrgID)
select OfficeID, 3 from table1 where OfficeID in ((7),(8))
If you want identity column to be inserted into Table2 try OUTPUT clause
Insert into Table1 (OfficeName)
OUTPUT inserted.OfficeID, 3 INTO Table2 (OfficeID, OrgID)
try to make a inner join to the table 2 because you are trying to filter by column on table 2 and are inaccesable in the select statement, try this
INSERT INTO Table2 (OfficeID)
SELECT OfficeID FROM table1 INNER JOIN table2 ON (CLAUSE) WHERE table1.OfficeID in ((7),(8))
AND table2.OrgID=3

How to select the value from the table based on category_id USING SQL SERVER

How to select the value from the table based on category_id?
I have a table like this. Please help me.
Table A
ID Name category_id
1 A 1
2 A 1
3 B 1
4 C 2
5 C 2
6 D 2
7 E 3
8 E 3
9 F 3
How to get the below mentioned output from table A?
ID Name category_id
1 A 1
2 A 1
4 C 2
5 C 2
7 E 3
8 E 3
Give a row number for each row based on group by category_id and sort by ascending order of ID. Then select the rows having row number 1 and 2.
;with cte as (
select [rn] = row_number() over(
partition by [category_id]
order by [ID]
), *
from [your_table_name]
select [ID], [Name], [category_id]
from cte
where [rn] < 3;
Kindly run this query It really help You Out.
SELECT,, tbl.category_id FROM TableA as tbl WHERE IN(SELECT FROM TableA tbl2 GROUP BY HAVING Count(> 1)
Code select all category_id from TableA which has Name entries more then one. If there is single entry of any name group by category_id then such data will be excluded. In above example questioner want to eliminate those records that have single Name entity like wise category_id 1 has name entries A and B among which A has two entries and B has single entry so he want to eliminate B from result set.

Using Recursive CTE with GroupBy

I am new to the recursive CTE concept and a problem at hand, I got a tiny feeling that the problem can be solved by using recursive CTE. Let me know what you guys think.
Two tables:
Table one is a self referencing Location table with ID, ParentID, Level and Description.
Table two is an asset table which records individual assets and has a foreign key to Location table ID field.
ID Description ParentID Level
1 Site1 NULL 1
2 Site2 NULL 1
3 Building1 1 2
4 Building2 1 2
5 Floor1 3 3
6 Floor2 3 3
7 Floor3 4 3
8 Place1 5 4
9 Place2 7 4
ID Description Quantity LocationID
1 Desk 3 8
2 Lamp 1 8
3 PC 10 9
I would like to create a stored procedure with a input parameter of #Level and returns all the Location records at that level and the number of assets within the location (including sub levels).
For example, if #Level = 3, the stored procedure should return:
ID Description AssetCount
5 Floor1 4
6 Floor2 0
7 Floor3 10
If #Level = 2, the stored procedure should return:
ID Description AssetCount
3 Building1 4
4 Building2 10
If the problem is not clear, please let me know.
Well, nothing special here, just a recursive CTE joined with the other table, and the results are what you expected:
declare #level int = 3
;with CTE as (
select id as origid, id, Description, parentid
from table1 where level = #level
union all
select CTE.origid,, CTE.Description, t1.parentid
from CTE join table1 t1 on = t1.parentid
select origid, CTE.description, isnull(sum(t2.Quantity),0) as Quantity
from CTE left outer join table2 t2 on = t2.locationid
group by origid, CTE.description
SQL Fiddle

SQL Update row column with random lookup value

I am trying to update a lead table to assign a random person from a lookup table. Here is the generic schema:
TableA (header),
ID int,
name varchar (30)
TableB (detail),
ID int,
fkTableA int, (foreign key to TableA.ID)
recordOwner varchar(30) null
other detail colums..
TableC (owners),
ID int,
fkTableA int (foreign key to TableA.ID)
name varchar(30)
TableA has 10 entries, one for each type of sales lead pool. TableB has thousands of entries for each row in TableA. I want to assign the correct recordOwners from TableC to and even number of rows each (or as close as I can). TableC will have anywhere from one entry for each row in tableA or up to 10.
Can this be done in one statement? It doesn't have to be. I can't seem to figure out the best approach for speed. Any thoughts or samples are appreciated.
TableA has a 1 to many relation ship with TableC. For every record of TableA, TableC will have at least one row, which represents an owner that will need to be assigned to a row in TableB.
int name
1 LeadSourceOne
2 LeadSourceTwo
int(id) int(fkTableA) varchar(name)
1 1 Tom
2 1 Bob
3 2 Timmy
4 2 John
5 2 Steve
6 2 Bill
TableB initial data
int(id) int(fkTableA) varchar(recordOwner) (other detail columns)
1 1 NULL ....
2 1 NULL ....
3 1 NULL ....
4 2 NULL ....
5 2 NULL ....
6 2 NULL ....
7 2 NULL ....
8 2 NULL ....
9 2 NULL ....
TableB end result
int(id) int(fkTableA) varchar(recordOwner) (other detail columns)
1 1 TOM ....
2 1 BOB ....
3 1 TOM ....
4 2 TIMMY ....
5 2 JOHN ....
6 2 STEVE ....
7 2 BILL ....
8 2 TIMMY ....
9 2 BILL ....
Basically I need to randomly assign a record from tableC to tableB based on the relationship to tableA.
UPDATE TabB SET name = (SELECT TOP 1 coalesce(,'') FROM TabC INNER JOIN TabA ON TabC.idA = WHERE tabA.Id = TabB.idA )
Should work but its not tested.
Try this:
SET recordOwner = (SELECT TOP(1) [name]
WHERE recordOwner IS NULL
I ended up looping thru and updating x percent of the detail records based on how many owners I had. The end result is something like this:
create table #tb_owners(userId varchar(30), processed bit)
insert into #tb_owners(
select userId = name,
processed = 0
from tableC
where fkTableA = 1
select #percentUpdate = cast(100 / count(*) as numeric(8,2))
from #tb_owners
while exists(select 1 from #tb_owners o where o.processed = 0)
select top 1
#userFullName =
from #tb_owners o
where o.processed = 0
order by newId()
update tableB
set recordOwner = #userFullName
from tableB ptbpd
inner join (
select top (#percentUpdate) percent
from tableB
where recordOwner is null
order by newId()
) nd on ( =
update #tb_owners
set processed = 1
where userId = #oUserId
--there may be some left over, set to last person used
update tableB
set recordOwner = #userFullName
from tableB
where ptbpd.recordOwner is null

SQL Stored Procedures : Count, Join and group by but it is shown 'NULL'

I got stuck something about stored procedures I write a stored that i need to shot three columns of products count like this
Count([TPDTN].[ProductName]) as 'Product Count',
[TPDCN] ON [TPDTN].[CategoryID] = [TPDCN].[libDocumentID]
[TPDTN].[CategoryID], [TPDCN].[libDocumentID]
It shows results like this:
Product Count CategoryID
2 1
9 2
2 3
2 4
1 5
But I don't know how make it show
Product Count CategoryID libDocumentID
2 1 123456789
9 2 123456789
2 3 123456789
2 4 123456789
1 5 123456789
Producer ID (LibdocumentID) is from other table but when I SELECT [TPDCN].[libDocumentID] the value is NULL
Product Count CategoryID libDocumentID
2 1 NULL
9 2 NULL
2 3 NULL
2 4 NULL
1 5 NULL
How can I solve it? Thank you
Just add it to the select, and if you don't need the NULL you need an INNER JOIN:
SELECT Count([TPDTN].[ProductName]) as 'Product Count',[TPDTN].[CategoryID], [TPDCN].[libDocumentID]
inner join [TPDCN]
ON [TPDTN].[CategoryID] = [TPDCN].[libDocumentID]
GROUP BY [TPDTN].[CategoryID],[TPDCN].[libDocumentID]
