Force upload with several google appengine applications sharing files - google-app-engine

I have two Google App Enginge application id:s, let's say App1 and App2. App1 is version for beta testers, App2 is public version of the same application. Idea is to deploy application first with application id 'App1', beta test it, and then deploy the same application with application id 'App2'.
I have problems with this sequence:
I do changes for beta testing and deploy it to App1 -> All changed
files deployed OK
Beta testing is done using App1 -> Beta testers are happy
I deploy the same application (just change application id in
Eclipse's 'Deploy to App Engine' dialog) to App2, because I want it
public. Now the problem is that no files are deployed. Is the reason
that there are already the same files deployed to app engine? But
they are in App1, so App2 does not work.
Any suggestions how to do force upload for all files? Or any other way around this problem?
BR, Seppo

Try also altering the version to something not previously used when deploying to the second Application ID. Alternatively it may help to delete the version you're about to deploy to (although you cannot delete the default version). Such changes might flush some cache in Eclipse of assumptions about what was previously deployed.
The uploader seems to transfer only what is newer than the destination. That suggests another potential cause of your problem. Your symptoms might occur if the local computer's clock is somewhat behind the one in AppEngine. It is not very likely, but possible.


How to mix Cloud Run and App Engine deployments in one project?

I have a Quarkus application already deployed on Google Cloud Run.
It depends on MySQL, hence there is an instance started on Cloud SQL.
Next step in my deployment process is to add keycloak. From what I've read the best option seems to be Google App Engine.
The approved answer in this question gave me some good insight of what needs to be done ... mostly.
What I did was:
Locally I made a sub-directory in the main project.
In that directory I added the app.yaml and the Dockerfile (as described here for instance).
There I executed the said two commands: gcloud init and gcloud app deploy.
I had my doubts about this set up and they were backed up by the error I got eventually:
ERROR: ( INVALID_ARGUMENT: The first service (module) you upload to a new application must be the 'default' service (module). Please upload a version of the 'default' service (module) before uploading a version for the 'morph-keycloak-service' service (module).
I understand my set up breaks the overall structure of the project but I'm not sure how to mix those two application with the right services.
I understand keycloak is a stateful application, hence cannot live on Cloud Run (by the way the intention is for keycloak to use the same database instance shared with the application).
So does any one know a more sensible set up, or what can I move in mine in order to fix it?
In short:
The answer really is in reading the error message (thanks #gaefan) - about the error itself it explains enough. So I just commented out the service: my-keycloak-service line in the app.yaml (thus leaving gcloud to implicitly mark it as the default one) and the deployment continued.
Eventually keycloak didn't connect to the database but if I don't manage to adjust the configurations that would probably be a subject to a different question.
On the point of project structure and functionality:
First off, thanks #NoCommandLine and #guillaume-blaquiere for your input!
#NoCommandLine the application on Cloud Run is sort of a headless REST API enabled backend. Most of the API calls are secured by keycloack. A next step in the deployment process would be to port an existing UI (React) client on the Firebase hosting (or on another suitable service - I'm still not completely sure which approach is best) and in order for the users to work with this client properly they must make an SSO through keycloak first.
I'm quite new to GCP and the number and variants of the available options are still overwhelming to me - one must get familiar with the nuances but I guess it takes time. So I'm still taking suggestions on how to adjust my project structure to fit better the services stack. Thanks!

Is there a URL for the latest version of a google cloud app engine deploy?

I've recently done a UI update for my website, the backend is all identical. I want to access the latest deploy (with the no-promote flag) from '' but still access the 'normal' site from ''. Ideally this would dynamically serve the latest version, but if not could I set it statically to the URL with project ID? I have bought my domain from 123reg. Is there a way to direct to the latest version regardless of it's traffic serving status?
TL;DR Can you set up a 'beta' site at while still being able to access the live version on on google cloud?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I don't think that can be done like that.
You could deploy to a different appengine project by putting a different project id and then have route to that project instead. The nice thing about this option is everything else would be isolated (i.e. no chance of your beta changes causing bad data in your production database, or tasks in your queues)
Another option would be to deploy to a different service within your project and use your dispatch.yaml to route to it
A third option would be to put beta as your version-id, and have your DNS redirect to However, when the user goes to they would ultimately see in the URL bar. Also, when you're ready to go live, you would want to redeploy and promote that new version id and not promote the beta version-id.

Moving Instances Across Projects in Google App Engine Projects

How do I move instances from one project to the next?
Problem: I have frontend production instance and backend production instance in 2 separate project. I would like to have my production instances (both frontend and backend) in the same project.
How do I move instances from one project to the next within Google App Engine?
You could have the 2 apps run as 2 separate services inside the same project. To do that you'd have to deploy the app from the project that will disappear as another service in the project that will remain. Some code changes might be required, depending on how the app is coded. Typically they're small changes, though.
IMHO it would be simpler to keep the project currently hosting the frontend and move the backend over from the project to be retired. The reason is that the frontend is typically better fitted to play the default service role and it is already setup as such, changes should be smaller. Performing the move in the other direction would mean both services would need to changed.
You might need a dispatch.yaml file to route incoming packets, unless the URL mappings of the services are really well done. Not a big deal.
If you're using custom domains, with a bit of care it is possible to make the move (almost) transparent - by having the new service up and running before retiring the old project. DNS propagation time becomes rather irrelevant - both old and new services being simultaneously ready during the transition.
Note: technically you wouldn't be "moving" instances, you'd just stop the ones serving the project to be retired and start new ones for the service added to the project to be kept.
More or less related:
Change runtime from Python to Go in App Engine standard environment
Can a default service/module in a Google App Engine app be a sibling of a non-default one in terms of folder structure?

Google Cloud App Engine - Edit 1 file

I am new at Google Cloud and I would like to know if there is a way to edit only one file inside of an App Engine application.
This is my problem:
I am migrating from a normal hosting to google cloud and I am having some problems with my PHP code, I am using the same version like locally but I am getting some error in the cloud, so I need to change 1 or 2 files, update them and test the app, so is there any way to change that file directly on the server? To deploy i am using this command:
gcloud app deploy
But it takes about 10 minutes to deploy so is too slow my testing. Any suggestions?
For the standard environment the answer is no, you need to deploy a new version of the app to modify a file. So the advice would be - make the most of testing your app locally. See somehow related Google AppEngine - updating my webapp after deploy
For the flexible environment (possibly your case as you mentioned 10 min deployment time, typical for the flexible env) there might be stuff to try, but tedious, see Google AppEngine - updating my webapp after deploy
There is a way to edit directly into the instance.
ssh into your instance and then start shell on your running docker as guided in this url.
After login you can see your php source files.
Basically you will not have any editor. So do
$> apt update
$> apt install nano
$> nano index.php // edit your files
you can see something like
There is no way to change 1-2 files on the server so that it would update the app. Deployment is the process of updating the live app. If you want some changes to be made to the app that is already deployed, you will have to redeploy - there is no way around it. This is why it is recommended to test the app locally before (re)deploying so that you are sure everything is working fine.
If locally everything works fine and issues start happening only when the app is deployed, this should be investigated further and I would advise you to open a new question and provide as much details as possible regarding the problems, including full stack trace of the error, related code parts, your app.yaml contents as well.

web page folder inside war in google app engine project?

I am working on Restful Web application. I am maintaining different project for web client code and Google app engine server code.
When ever i made changes in the client code, i rebuilt the client code and places inside the war folder of server project through build scripts.
Here i dont want to place all files directly to war folder and i wanted to put them under folder called 'Publish' for better maintainence. How can do it?
Is there any better way to maintaining client code and Google app engine server code?
The structure also works well for Mobile application in future.
I am still new to this too, but there is versioning. If you change the version number in your project manifest file, it does not become the default (i.e., visible to your original public URL). It is public and accessible for you to test. When you are ready to "publish" just switch the new version to be the default. Use the Manage section of the Dashboard and set the Version to be the default when you are ready.
To test any of the earlier versions, you access through the Manage and click on the specific version. I don't know if the persistent storage is versioned with this same mechanism -- I can image problems if you have a huge DB.
