adding heterogeneous members to an array - c

I am playing with a custom threads api, i want to spawn a new thread with two pointers to message channels and an integer.
spawn_thread(Proctype Procedure, int argc, char *argv[]);
I am using 'channels' as an shared area between threads.
i have three variables:
`Chan *return, Chan *receive and an int n'
Could i simply cast all of the values i want to store in *argv[], to chars?
The reason i haven't done this is the width of the char is only 8 bits so a max value of 255, which isn't enough to hold pointer or large values.

One common approach to storing heterogeneous data in a C array is with tagged unions:
typedef enum {chDataReturn, chDataReceive, chDataInt} ChannelDataType;
struct ChannelData {
ChannelDataType type;
union {
ChanReturn ret;
ChanReceive rcv;
int num;
} data;
Now your spawn_thread prototype would look as follows:
spawn_thread(Proctype Procedure, int argc, struct ChannelData *argv);
Users would put the data into the array of argvs, "tagging" each item with its type, like this:
struct ChannelData *data = malloc(3*sizeof(struct ChannelData));
data[0].type = chDataReturn;
data[0].data.ret = myReturn;
data[1].type = chDataReceive;
data[1].data.ret = myReceive;
data[2].type = chDataInt;
data[3].data.num = 12345;
spawn_thread(myProc, 3, data);
// Wait for the thread to finish, and then...

char * argv[] passes a char ** which you can just as easily cast to a void ** essentially allowing you to pass an array of void * to whatever you like.
char * argv[] = {&return, &receive, &n};
spawn_thread(Procedure, 3, argv);
Procedure(int argc, char *argv[]) {
char return = *argv[0];
char receive = *argv[1];
int return = *(int *)argv[2];
// ...


Pass String array and indexes using Struct to a thread in C

I am trying to pass a string array and indexes from where to start end searching in the array, I am unable to solve it from the last two days. I am sending to the pthread_create a struct data thread_data, here i am able to send the int and long data, but not the string array, can someone help me, how to pass these.
struct data{
int tid;
unsigned long start;
unsigned long end;
char * word;
char * str;
struct data thread_data[NUM_THREADS];
void *searchString(void *passeddata)
struct data *t_data;
int tid1;
char * str[3];
t_data=(struct data *) passeddata;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
char work[]={"First Line","Second line","Third line"};
while(fgets(arr[index],120, fp)!=NULL){
rc=pthread_create(&threads[index],NULL,searchString,(void *)&thread_data[index]);
To hold the multiple strings you need 2D array.
const char *work[]={"First Line","Second line","Third line", "Fourth Line"};
You need to use pointer to pointer in struct data to hold the above array.
struct data{
const char **str;
size_t lenOfStr;
And pass the length of array explicitly to thread function from main function.
Your sample code may look like below.
struct data{
int tid;
unsigned long start;
unsigned long end;
char * word;
const char **str;
size_t lenOfStr;
struct data thread_data[3];
void *searchString(void *passeddata)
struct data *t_data;
int tid1;
const char **str = NULL;
t_data=(struct data *) passeddata;
int i = 0;
for (i = 0;i<t_data->lenOfStr;i++)
printf("%s\n", str[i]);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
const char *work[]={"First Line","Second line","Third line", "Fourth Line"};
int index = 0;
pthread_t threadid=0;
thread_data[index].lenOfStr = sizeof(work)/sizeof(*work); // Calculate the size of work here
int rc=pthread_create(&threadid,NULL,searchString,&thread_data[index]);

Block signature for block that takes a function pointer and returns a block

I am using clang on linux.
What is the correct way to format this block?
(int ^(int, char**)) (^f2b)(int, char**) = (int ^(int, char**)) ((int (*func)(int, char**)))
return int ^(int argc, char** argv){ func(argc, argv)};
I am getting an error
error: type-id cannot have a name
int (^f2b)(int, char**) = (int ^(int, char**)) ((int (*func)(int, char**)))
The error underlines (*func).
I am trying to create a block that takes in a function pointer named func as a parameter and returns a block that calls that func using the arguments it is passed.
The key is the Block_copy function from <Block.h>1. That puts a copy of a block on the heap, which allows the block to be returned.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <Block.h>
typedef int (^block_t)(int, char **);
typedef int (*func_t)(int, char **);
block_t (^createBlock)(func_t func) = ^(func_t func)
return Block_copy( ^(int argc, char **argv) { return func(argc, argv); } );
int showFirst(int argc, char *argv[])
printf("%s\n", argv[0]);
return argc;
int main(void)
int argc = 3;
char *argv[] = {"hello", "world", NULL};
block_t block1 = createBlock(showFirst);
int count = block1(argc, argv);
printf("count=%d\n", count);
createBlock takes a function pointer as its argument, and returns a block with the signature int (^block)(int, char **).
showFirst is just one possible implementation of the function that can be passed to createBlock. It displays the first string in the argv array and returns the value in argc.
The main function creates a block from the showfirst function. It then invokes the block, prints the returned value, and releases the block.
The output from the code is:
1 I was not aware of <Block.h> until reading OP's answer. helped a lot.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <Block.h>
int fake_main(int argc, char** words)
printf("%s\n", (char*)words);
return argc;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
typedef int(*main_type_func)(int, char**);
typedef int(^main_type)(int, char**);
typedef main_type(^f2b_type)(main_type_func);
f2b_type f2b = ^ (main_type_func func)
return Block_copy(^ (int apple, char** ban)
return func(apple, ban);
printf("%d\n", f2b(fake_main)(1, "words worked"));
This is a minimum example of accomplishing the goals I outlined in the question.
The trick is the typedefs. Simplify the type signature by creating typedefs to help. I recommend that you use these whenever you want to accept and/or return a function pointer/block pointer.
Block_copy() moves the block from the stack into the heap.
It would be more correct to save the block pointer returned from
Then after use call
On it.
Your type syntax is incorrect. Based on your usage, I'm guessing you are declaring f2b to be a pointer to a block, which takes a pointer to a function that takes an int and a char ** and returns an int, and the block returns another block that takes an int and a char ** and returns an int.
The proper syntax for that declaration would be:
int (^(^f2b)(int (*) (int, char **)))(int, char **)
The syntax for more complicated C types is often counter-intuitive, especially in cases of multiple levels of functions and arrays.
The ever-useful website supports blocks: declare f2b as block(pointer to function(int, pointer to pointer to char) returning int) returning block(int, pointer to pointer to char) returning int (they say "block" whereas I say "pointer to block")
Your block definition written out using full block literal syntax (including return types) would be something like this (remembering to copy the block in order to return it):
int (^(^f2b)(int (*) (int, char **)))(int, char **) =
^int (^(int (*func)(int, char **)))(int, char **) {
return Block_copy(^int (int argc, char **argv) {
return func(argc, argv);
Return types may be omitted in block literals, so it could be written like:
int (^(^f2b)(int (*) (int, char **)))(int, char **) =
^(int (*func)(int, char **)) {
return Block_copy(^(int argc, char **argv) {
return func(argc, argv);

Compare argv[] to list of allowable elements

I want myprogram to take user-entered arguments and see if each argument matches a hard-coded list. I am looking for a better alternative to a long switch statement or a series of if else.
Here is a minimal example of what I'm attempting using enum:
$ ./myprogram blue square
int main(int argc, char ** argv){
//many allowable colors and shapes
enum colors_t {blue, red, /*...*/ green};
enum shape_t {square, circle, /*...*/ triangle};
//how do I check if argv[1] is on the list of colors?
if(COMPARE(argv[1], colors_t)
colors_t user_color = argv[1];
printf("%s is not a usable color\n",argv[1]);
//same question with shapes
if(COMPARE(argv[2], shape_t)
shape_t user_shape = argv[2];
printf("%s is not a usable shape\n",argv[2]);
return 0;
I need help with the COMPARE() function to see if argv[i] matches a member of its corresponding enum list.
One way to do this would be to use qsort and bsearch (well, if you don't mind making sure the array is sorted yourself, you don't need qsort). Something like (using your enum color_t):
struct color_picker {
char const *name;
enum colors_t id;
} acolor[] = { {"blue", blue}, {"red", red}, {"green", green} };
const unsigned acolor_count = sizeof acolor / sizeof acolor[0];
int cmp_color(struct color_picker const *l, struct color_picker const *r)
return strcmp(l->name, r->name);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
struct color_picker *ptr;
qsort(acolor, acolor_count, sizeof acolor[0], cmp_color);
ptr = bsearch(name, acolor, acolor_count, sizeof acolor[0], cmp_color);
if (NULL == ptr) {
printf("%s is not a usable color\n",argv[1]); }
/* the value for `enum color_t` is in `ptr->id` */
return 0;
You could also use hash tables here, but there is not support for those in the C standard library, so you'd have to code it yourself, or use some third-party library.

C Function pointer parameter not the same when function exits

I am having a problem with passing a pointer to a function. When the function returns the pointer seems to be different than what it is in the function.
So I pass a pointer to the function which gets raw image data which should then be stored in the memory referenced by the pointer.
If I then pass the pointer from inside the raw image function to a function to create a JPEG file from the raw data then it works correctly.
If I first wait for the raw image function to finish and then call the JPEG function using the pointer I passed to the raw image function then it fails to create the image.
A simplified version of the code is below:
int getRawImage(unsigned char *pBuffer);
int writeJPEGBFile(unsigned char *idata, char *ofile);
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
unsigned char *rawData = NULL;
char filename[MAXPATHLEN] = "/home/user/tst/img.jpg";
// This does not work
writeJPEGBFile(rawData, filename);
return 0;
int getRawImage(unsigned char *pBuffer) {
void *hDevice;
hDevice = scanOpenDevice();
// Removed code for simplification
scanGetFrame(hDevice, pBuffer, NULL)
// This Works!!
//char filename[MAXPATHLEN] = "/home/user/tst/img.jpg";
//writeJPEGBFile(pBuffer, filename);
return 0;
int writeJPEGBFile(unsigned char *idata, char *ofile) {
// JPEG code goes here
return 0;
My question is what am I doing wrong and how can I pass the rawData pointer to the writeJPEGBFile() function successfully in the main() function?
The definition for scanGetFrame() is as follows:
typedef void *FTR_PVOID;
The scanGetFrame() function comes from a 3rd party library that I am linking with so I will not be able to change the definition.
Given that rawData is a null pointer in main(), you almost certainly need to revise the interface to getRawImage() so that it takes a char ** and you pass &rawData to it. You also need to think about how the calling code will know how big the data is.
I managed to work it out. Thanks to all for the pointers which led me to the solution:
int getRawImage(unsigned char *pBuffer);
int writeJPEGBFile(unsigned char *idata, char *ofile);
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
unsigned char *rawData; // Removed the NULL assignment
char filename[MAXPATHLEN] = "/home/user/tst/img.jpg";
// Set the size of rawData - loadImageSize() sets the value of the ImageSize class variable.
rawData = (unsigned char *) malloc(ImageSize.nImageSize);
// This works now
writeJPEGBFile(rawData, filename);
return 0;
int getRawImage(unsigned char *pBuffer) {
void *hDevice;
hDevice = scanOpenDevice();
// Removed code for simplification
scanGetFrame(hDevice, pBuffer, NULL)
return 0;
int writeJPEGBFile(unsigned char *idata, char *ofile) {
// JPEG code goes here
return 0;

Equivalent of std::bind in C by hacking the stack

After some research I didn't find a good way to implement the std::bind in C.
I build a small program that implements an equivalent of std::bind in C by hacking the stack.
There's two functions I will try to bind to function with pre-defined arguments.
My problem is this code is only working under Windows. Under Linux, this is a mess. I this the problem is my knowledge of the stack and the way that arguments are store in memory.
Please, find below the code I made:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
The two functions I want to bind :
void test1 (int nombre, char t, int nombre2)
printf ("test 1 : %d%c%d\n", nombre, t, nombre2);
void test2 (char t, int nombre, int nombre2)
printf ("test 2 : %c%d%d\n", t, nombre, nombre2);
Two struct that will store the argument of each function (order of fields is important).
typedef struct {
int nombre;
char t;
int nombre2;
} struct1;
typedef struct {
char t;
int nombre;
int nombre2;
} struct2;
This "fake" struct will be use to write on the stack by dereferencing a structvoid* variable.
// Size must be bigger than every struct*
typedef struct {
int i[10];
} structvoid;
The main function.
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
// Variables to store the two functions and their arguments.
void * functions[2];
structvoid * data[2];
void *func1 = (void *)&test1;
void *func2 = (void *)&test2;
void (*functionPtrc)(structurevoid);
// Definition of the argument of the first function test1
struct1 data1;
data1.nombre = 15;
data1.t = 'c';
data1.nombre2 = 30;
// and storing data.
void *datac = malloc (sizeof (structvoid));
memcpy(datac, &data1, sizeof (struct1));
data[0] = (structvoid*)datac;
functions[0] = func1;
// Same thing with function 2.
struct2 data2;
data2.t = 'a';
data2.nombre = 5;
data2.nombre2 = 10;
datac = malloc (sizeof (structvoid));
memcpy(datac, &data2, sizeof (struct2));
data[1] = (structvoid*)datac;
functions[1] = func2;
// Get the pointer to the first function (test1);
functionPtrc = functions[0];
// All the hack is here. By dereferencing the data, this will write on the stack all arguments need by the test1 function.
functionPtrc = functions[1];
// To check the result.
test1 (data1.nombre, data1.t, data1.nombre2);
test2 (data2.t, data2.nombre, data2.nombre2);
return 0;
Here a new version of the program by calling function via the calling convention. I only wrote the new lines. The problem of this method is I can only store data inside a "void *" field. If I increase the size of structvoid, I got garbage behaviors.
// Structure that memories each argument
typedef struct {
void *i[1];
} structvoid;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
// Variables to store the two functions and their arguments.
void * functions[2];
structvoid * data[2];
void *func1 = (void *)&test1;
// Let's start with a maximum of 5 arguments
void (*functionPtrc)(structurevoid, structurevoid, structurevoid, structurevoid, structurevoid);
// Definition of the argument of the first function test1
struct1 data1;
data1.nombre = 15;
data1.t = 'c';
data1.nombre2 = 30;
// and storing data.
structvoid *datac = malloc (sizeof (structvoid)*5);
memcpy(&datac[0], &data1.nombre, sizeof (data1.nombre));
memcpy(&datac[1], &data1.t, sizeof (data1.t));
memcpy(&datac[2], &data1.nombre2, sizeof (data1.nombre2));
data[0] = datac;
functions[0] = func1;
// Get the pointer to the first function (test1);
functionPtrc = functions[0];
// Call the function with the arguments. The unused argument will be ignored.
functionPtrc(data[0][0], data[0][1], data[0][2], data[0][3], data[0][4]);

