Add filter condition to Dojo ComboBox - combobox

I have a dijit/form/ComboBox control that has a JsonStore as a object store.
// Prepare the datasource for combobox
settings.JsonStore = new JsonRestStore({ target: settings.dataUrl });
settings.ObjectStore = new ObjectStore({ objectStore: settings.JsonStore });
var ComboBox = new ComboBox({
value: settings.value,
style: {
width: settings.width.value + 'px',
display: (settings.visible) ? 'visible' : 'none'
maxHeight: settings.dropHeight.value,
store: settings.ObjectStore,
searchAttr: settings.comboValue,
labelType: "html",
labelFunc: function (item, store) {
var labelText = '....';
return labelText;
onChange: function (evt) {
When I try to query the combobox, the following http request are made:
I would like to know if I can add a filter on the combobox based on the value of another control. Like for example:
I already tried the following, I tried to change the store of the combobox when the filter is changed by changing the url. But it does not work. I tried to reset the store by setting the store value again, and it causes error.

I am finally able to get the answer thru another question here.
Combobox.set( 'query', { 'CustomerNo' : dijit.byId('<Customer control ID>').getValue() } );
The query becomes:


How to select item in dx-treeview use AngularJS

I trying Select item in dx-tree-view, my treeview config:
$scope.treeViewOptions = {
bindingOptions: {
dataSource: 'localArray',
searchValue: "searchValue",
keyExpr: 'id',
displayExpr: 'caption',
parentIdExpr: 'parentId',
dataStructure: 'plain',
selectedExpr: 'isSelected',
onItemClick: function (e) {...
I added selectExpr:'isSelected' option, and trying select my item use it:
$scope.localArray[0].isSelected = true;
$scope.localArray = $scope.localArray;
but it don't works, may be somebody have ideas how i can do it ?
Thanks for Your answers!
In DevExtreme v.15.2 tree view selection works only with the showCheckBoxesMode: 'normal' option.
$scope.treeViewOptions = {
// tree view config...
showCheckBoxesMode: 'normal'
The sample is here.
But, if you want to apply a custom style to the item with the isSelected field, you can do it manually. Just use the onItemRendered event and check if item is selected:
onItemRendered: function(args){
if(args.itemData.isSelected) {
args.itemElement.css("color", "green");

Kendo UI grid dropdown and angular

I try to setup custom dropdown in Kendo UI.
I have a reference to my issue.
My issue is that I do not know how I can setup the selected text in the template attribute? I want to show the text field but save the id as a value. And I do not want to use external datasource. I would like it as inline in the json.
The code is below:
$scope.mainGridOptions = {
dataSource: $scope.dataSource,
pageable: true,
height: 550,
toolbar: ["create"],
columns: [
{ field: "Category", title: "Category", width: "180px",
editor: function(container, options) {
var editor = $('<input kendo-drop-down-list required k-data-text-field="\'cat\'" k-data-value-field="\'id\'" k-data-source="{data:[{id: 1, cat: \'test\'}, {id: 2, cat: \'test2\'}]}" data-bind="value:Category"/>')
editor.css("visibility", "visible");
, template:"selected text in the combo "
], editable: true
Ok, this was a tough one, but I think I could achieve what you want, or at least I got closer:
$scope.mainGridOptions =
dataSource: $scope.dataSource,
pageable: true,
height: 550,
toolbar: ["create"],
columns: [
field: "Category", title: "Category", width: "180px",
editor: function(container, options)
// #1
var editor = $('<input kendo-drop-down-list required k-data-text-field="\'cat\'" k-data-value-field="\'id\'" k-data-source="{data:[{id: 1, cat: \'test\'}, {id: 2, cat: \'test2\'}]}" data-bind="value:Category,events:{ change: onChange }"/>')
editor.css("visibility", "visible");
// #2
editable: true,
// #3
edit: function(e)
var ko = kendo.observable(
onChange: function(e)
var el = $(e.sender.element);
var ddl ="kendoDropDownList");
var ds = $scope.dataSource.getByUid(el.closest("tr").data("uid"));
ds.OptionText = ddl.text();
var widget = $(e.container).find("input");
kendo.bind(widget, ko);
In the code you can notice 3 changes:
data-bind="value:Category,events:{ change: onChange }" Look that I have added an events object in the bind, which I declare onChange as the change event handler. We'll talk about this in the 3rd item below;
For a complex template(with javascript code and logic) I created a script content and rendered it at the template property. The template is this:
<script id="column-template" type="text/x-kendo-template">
# if (data.hasOwnProperty('OptionText')) { #
#: OptionText #
# } else { #
#: "selected text in the combo" #
# } #
In the template I simply check for the property OptionText in the model(dataSource's current item) and: if it exists, use it; else, use the default text. We'll talk about OptionText in the 3rd item, below;
Now, here I have added an edit event to the grid. In that event I created an observable object, where I define the onChange function handler. In that function I seek for the current dataSource(ds) and I add text of the selected item in the dropdownlist in it, as the property OptionText, which I use in the template above explained.
I hope this explains how it works(in fact I hate working with those binders and observables, but sometimes they are needed).
Good luck.

Combobox inside Extjs editor grid panel while populating is invisible sometimes

Hi all I am using Extjs 3.4 my problem is I have one editor grid panel
and inside panel I have one department combobox. So, in first page I
have search grid and on click of grid I am coming to this page and on
load using ajax I am populating combobox value in grid panel. But sometimes
values are not coming, means it is invisible and only after clicking on that
combobox it is appearing. Can some body explain what is the problem.
Thanks in advance, I hope will get reply soon.
While populating I am calling one ajax which is populating values in grid but
there is no issue with other columns, only with combobox it is invisible sometimes
Ext.util.Format.comboRenderer = function(Departmentscombo){
return function(value){
var record = combo.findRecord(combo.valueField || combo.displayField, value);
return record ? record.get(combo.displayField) : combo.valueNotFoundText;
Ext.grid.ComboColumn = Ext.extend(Ext.grid.Column, {
constructor: function(cfg){, cfg);
this.renderer = Ext.util.Format.comboRenderer(this.editor.field ?
this.editor.field : this.editor);
Ext.apply(Ext.grid.Column.types, {
combocolumn: Ext.grid.ComboColumn
var DepartmentsJReader = new
({ root: 'data', id: 'mastercode' },
[{ name: 'mastercode' }, { name: 'description'}]);
Departments_store = new
proxy: new
{ url: '', method: 'GET' }),
reader: DepartmentsJReader, autoLoad: true,
load: function () {
var rec = new Departments_store.recordType({ mastercode:'-', description: '-' });
Departments_store.insert(0, rec);

How do I set a Ext Grid Filter Default?

I have a working sort-able grid using the ext 3.4 grid filter plugin. I would like to default the active column to filter true values. User who needs the inactive records could remove the filter. How do I specify a default filter column and value?
Thanks in advance!
colModel: new Ext.grid.ColumnModel({
defaults: {
sortable: true
// How do I specify a default filter value
// Only show active records unless the user changes the filter...
columns: [{
}, {
}, {
I realise this is an old question but it took me a while to find a solution, therefore I thought I would share.
1) The filter can be set using the value property in the filter.
filter: {
type: 'LIST',
value: ['VALUE TO FILTER']
2) In order to initially filter the data use the filterBy() method in the store. This could be defined in the onRender event handler.
callback: function() {
// filter the store
this.getStore().filterBy(function(record, id) {
// true will display the record, false will not
return == 'VALUE TO FILTER ';
The answer was in the Filter.js source code. The filter object within the column definition can be used to configure the default behavior.
}, {
filter: {
value:1, // 0 is false, 1 is true
active:true // turn on the filter
I have encountered the same problem and I found that #John's answer is right, I can make it work with the sample, for the grid-filter-local.js, just add the code like:
callback: function() {
// filter the store
grid.getStore().filterBy(function(record, id) {
// true will display the record, false will not
return === 'small';
before the original code store.load(), and wipe off the store.load().
Then it will only show the record with size equals 'small' at the first load of the web page. Cheers!
I've made a universal helper class that allows you to set any default values in column definition.
This should work with both remote and static stores. Note that this also works with filterbar plugin.
So your column item is something like:
header: 'Filename',
dataIndex: 'fileName',
filter: {
type: 'string',
// filename that starts with current year
value: Ext.Date.format(new Date(), 'Y'),
And then in your window component you just add something like:
initComponent: function() {
// apply default filters from grid to store
var grid = this.down('grid');
var defaultFilters = Ext.create('Ext.ux.grid.DefaultFilters');

How to apply seriesStyles to piechart in ExtJs dynamically

Am trying to set 'seriesstyles' to piechart dynamically from the JSON data. When the 'oneWeekStore' loads the JSON data, I wish to iterate through the 'color' of each record and setSeriesStyles dynamically to PieChart. Below is the snippet.
var oneWeekStore = new{
fields: ['appCount','appName'],
autoLoad: true,
root: 'rows',
listeners: {load: {
fn:function(store,records,options) {
/*I wish iterate through each record,fetch 'color'
and setSeriesStyles. I tried passing sample arrays
as paramater to setSeriesStyles like
**colors= new Array('0x08E3FE','0x448991','0x054D56');
But FF throws error "this.swf is undefined". Could
you please let me know the right format to pass as
parameter. */
var panel = new Ext.Panel{
id: '1week', title:'1 week',
items : [
{ id:'test12',
xtype : 'piechart',
store : oneWeekStore,
dataField : 'appCount',
categoryField : 'appName',
extraStyle : {
display : 'right',
padding : 5,
spacing: 2, font :color:0x000000,family:
'Arial', size:9},
border:{size :1,color :0x999999},
background:{color: 0xd6e1cc}
} } } ] }
My JSON data looks below:
Your guidance is highly appreciated
You have a classic race condition there - your setting an event in motion that relies on a Component who's status is unknown.
The event your setting off is the loading of the data Store, when that has finished loading it is trying to interact with the Panel, but at that point we don't know if the Panel has been rendered yet.
Your best bet is to make one of those things happen in reaction to the other, for example:
1 ) load the store
2 ) on load event fired, create the panel
var oneWeekStore = new{
listeners: {
load:function(store,records,options) {
var panel = new Ext.Panel({
seriesStyles: colors,
1 ) create the panel (chart)
2 ) on render event of the panel, load the store (remove autoLoad:true)
var panel = new Ext.Panel({
id: '1week',
listeners: {
render: function(pnl){
Hope that helps.
