I have trigger to delete records which execute after I change the status. Is it possible to delete the records after some 10 mins after I change the status.
10 minutes exactly im not sure, but you can delay it for an hour using time based triggers in a workflow rule.
In your trigger, instead of deleting a record, mark a boolean field "For Delete" as true, and make a worflow rule that, when that field is set to true fires a time based action 1 hour after workflow activation, marking a new field, "deleting" and a new trigger on the same object to delete any record that has that checkbox filled.
In addition to the other answer I'd like to point you to help related to batch jobs on salesforce. You could have a scheduled task running say every 10 minutes, checking if there's something to delete (and maybe lastModifiedDate is ealier than 10 mins ago) and wiping it out.
Or you can use System.scheduleBatch() call to put given job in the queue of future executions only once (so it wouldn't be running all the time, only when you queued it from your trigger).
We are facing DUPLICATE_VALUE error while assigning permission set .
We are having 1 future method called from event trigger and another from user trigger.
for salesforce internal users its working fine , because that time event trigger is not triggering.
But for community user both future method executing in same transaction.
So basically
futurePermissionSetAssignment1 executes from UserTrigger , so it assign permission set
futurePermissionSetAssignment2 executes after futurePermissionSetAssignment1 , although we are verifying if permission is not assigned to user already but it didnt take result of futurePermissionSetAssignment1.
Experts please guide if it can be handle.
PS: I cant put community user check.
Your description is bit messy and some code samples would help.
If it looks like you have parallel execution problem (operation A running a query, deciding to do X, in meantime operation B changes the state faster and A will fail because it works on old query results)...
You could do your thing as "save what you can" with Database.insert(myAssignments, false);: https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.apexcode.meta/apexcode/langCon_apex_dml_database.htm
Have a look at record locking with "FOR UPDATE". If both your futures start with say SELECT Id FROM User WHERE Id IN :... FOR UPDATE they should detect a lock and one will wait for the other to finish (or will fail after 10 seconds)
I have an order object with delivery date.
I have a process builder flow that runs when the date is > 14 days from today.
When it evaluates to true, it creates a scheduled process to run an apex class 14 days before the delivery date.
The above all works fine until i start changing the date. since you cannot use scheduled tasks unless you check the advanced option, now it wont reevaluate if the last time it ran it evaluated to true.
So if i change the date to a later date, the currently schedualed apex will still run 14 days before the original date, and not the new one.
Any workaround would be really appreciated.
I was thinking to have a trigger run on order update. If delivery date is changed then delete the process from que and then the process builder will reevaluate on its own. However i cant seem to find if thats possible.
I think this is a perfect scenario for a batch job, just put the process builder logic into a batch job and run it on a daily basis.
I'm a beginner with SQL Server. For a project I need CDC to be turned on. I copy the cdc data to another (archive) database and after that the CDC tables can be cleaned immediately. So the retention time doesn't need to be high, I just put it on 1 minute and when the cleanup job runs (after the retention time is already fulfilled) it appears that it only deleted a few records (the oldest ones). Why didn't it delete everything? Sometimes it doesn't delete anything at all. After running the job a few times, the other records get deleted. I find this strange because the retention time has long passed.
I set the retention time at 1 minute (I actually wanted 0 but it was not possible) and didn't change the threshold (= 5000). I disabled the schedule since I want the cleanup job to run immediately after the CDC records are copied to my archive database and not particularly on a certain time.
My logic for this idea was that for example there will be updates in the afternoon. The task to copy CDC records to archive database should run at 2:00 AM, after this task the cleanup job gets called. So because of the minimum retention time, all the CDC records should be removed by the cleanup job. The retention time has passed after all?
I just tried to see what happened when I set up a schedule again in the job, like how CDC is meant to be used in general. After the time has passed I checked the CDC table and turns out it also only deletes the oldest record. So what am I doing wrong?
I made a workaround where I made a new job with the task to delete all records in the CDC tables (and disabled the entire default CDC cleanup job). This works better as it removes everything but it's bothering me because I want to work with the original cleanup job and I think it should be able to work in the way that I want it to.
Rather than worrying about what's in the table, I'd use the helper functions that are created for each capture instance. Specifically, cdc.fn_cdc_get_all_changes_ and cdc.fn_cdc_get_net_changes_. A typical workflow that I've used wuth these goes something below (do this for all of the capture instances). First, you'll need a table to keep processing status. I use something like:
create table dbo.ProcessingStatus (
CaptureInstance sysname,
LSN numeric(25,0),
IsProcessed bit
create unique index [UQ_ProcessingStatus]
on dbo.ProcessingStatus (CaptureInstance)
where IsProcessed = 0
Get the current max log sequence number (LSN) using fn_cdc_get_max_lsn.
Get the last processed LSN and increment it using fn_cdc_increment_lsn. If you don't have one (i.e. this is the first time you've processed), use fn_cdc_get_min_lsn for this instance and use that (but don't increment it!). Record whatever LSN you're using in the table with, set IsProcessed = 0.
Select from whichever of the cdc.fn_cdc_get… functions makes sense for your scenario and process the results however you're going to process them.
Update IsProcessed = 1 for this run.
As for monitoring your original issue, just make sure that the data in the capture table is generally within the retention period. That is, if you set it to 2 days, I wouldn't even think about it being a problem until it got to be over 4 days (assuming that your call to the cleanup job is scheduled at something like every hour). And when you process with the above scheme, you don't need to worry about "too much" data being there; you're always processing a specific interval rather than "everything".
I'm designing a library management database schema, let's say there is a table "Borrow"
expired_day (number of days after the book is expired)
Can the SQL Trigger implement the following circumstances?
1.Compare the due_date with Today, if it's same-->send email-->mark isExpired to true
2.If isExpired is marked to true-->compare the difference between today and due_date, and update expired_day--->update fine (expired_days * 5)
A trigger only fires when something happens on the table or row. It won't fire continuously (or daily). If nothing happens to the table then your trigger will never fire so your checks can't be done.
So, the trigger you describe would work when you first insert a record into the row, but there's no automatic way with a trigger for it to fire after the due date period to check for the expiry and fine.
You would most likely need to setup a stored procedure that contained your code and find a way to run that on scheduled basis.
The following link goes over how to set that up:
Scheduled run of stored procedure on SQL server
Since you want to check all the records of the library daily and want them to be updated accordingly, it is better to make a daily job and schedule an agent and set a particular time so that this daily job would be executed everyday automatically.
pls Note : You should keep in mind to choose that time when you feel your application would be least used during the entire day.
Creation of Agent : http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms181153(v=sql.105).aspx
If a user inserts rows into a table, i would like SQL Server to perform some additional processing - but not in the context of the user's transaction.
e.g. The user gives read access to a folder:
UPDATE Folders SET ReadAccess = 1
WHERE FolderID = 7
As far as the user is concerned i want that to be the end of the atomic operation. In reality i have to now go find all child files and folders and give them ReadAccess.
EXECUTE SynchronizePermissions
This is a potentially lengthy operation (over 2s). i want this lengthy operation to happen "later". It can happen 0 seconds later, and before the carbon-unit has a chance to think about it the asynchronous update is done.
How can i run this required operation asychronously when it's required (i.e. triggered)?
The ideal would be:
EXECUTEASYNCHRONOUS SynchronizePermissions
Right now this happens as a trigger:
EXECUTE SynchronizePermissions
and the user is forced to wait the 3 seconds every time they make a change to the Folders table.
i've thought about creating a Scheduled Task on the user, that runs every minute, and check for an PermissionsNeedSynchronizing flag:
UPDATE SystemState SET PermissionsNeedsSynchronizing = 1
The scheduled task binary can check for this flag, run if the flag is on:
DECLARE #FlagValue int
SET #FlagValue = 0;
UPDATE SystemState SET #FlagValue = PermissionsNeedsSynchronizing+1
WHERE PermissionsNeedsSynchronizing = 1
IF #FlagValue = 2
EXECUTE SynchronizePermissions
UPDATE SystemState SET PermissionsNeedsSynchronizing = 0
WHERE PermissionsNeedsSynchronizing = 2
The problem with a scheduled task is:
- the fastest it can run is every 60 seconds
- it's suffers from being a polling solution
- it requires an executable
What i'd prefer is a way that SQL Server could trigger the scheduled task:
EXECUTE SynchronizePermissionsAsychronous
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.SynchronizePermissionsAsychronous AS
EXECUTE sp_ms_StartWindowsScheduledTask #taskName="SynchronousPermissions"
The problem with this is:
- there is no sp_ms_StartWinodowsScheduledTask system stored procedure
So i'm looking for ideas for better solutions.
Update: The previous example is a problem, that has has no good solution, for five years now. A problem from 3 years ago, that has no good solution is a table that i need to update a meta-data column after an insert/update. The metadata takes too long to calculate in online transaction processing, but i am ok with it appearing 3 or 5 seconds later:
UPDATE FundsTransfers
SET TotalOrderValue = (SELECT ....[snip]....),
TotalDropValue = (SELECT ....,[snip]....)
WHERE FundsTransfers.FundsTransferID IN (
SELECT i.FundsTransferID
And the problem that i'm having today is a way to asychronously update some metadata after a row has been transitionally inserted or modified:
SET CDRValue = (SELECT ....[snip]....)
Update 2: i've thought about creating a native, or managed, dll and using it as an extended stored procedure. The problem with that is:
you can't script a binary
i'm now allowed to do it
Use a queue table, and have a different background process pick things up off the queue and process them. The trigger itself is by definition a part of the user's transaction - this is precisely why they are often discouraged (or at least people are warned to not use expensive techniques inside triggers).
Create a SQL Agent job and run it with sp_start_job..it shouldn't wait for completion
However you need the proper permission to run jobs
Members of SQLAgentUserRole and SQLAgentReaderRole can only start jobs
that they own. Members of SQLAgentOperatorRole can start all local
jobs including those that are owned by other users. Members of
sysadmin can start all local and multiserver jobs.
The problem with this approach is that if the job is already running it can't be started until it is finished
Otherwise go with the queue table that Aaron suggested, it is cleaner and better
We came across this problem some time ago, and I figured out a solution that works beautifully. I do have a process running in the background-- but just like you, I didn't want it to have to poll every 60 seconds.
Here are the steps:
(1) Our trigger doesn't run the db update itself. It merely throws a "flag file" into a folder that is monitored by the background process.
(2) The background process monitors that folder using Windows Change Notification (this is the really cool part, because you don't have to poll the folder-- your process sleeps until Windows notifies it that a file has appeared). Whenever the background process is awoken by Windows, it runs the db update. Then it deletes the flag file(s), goes to sleep again and tells Windows to wake it up when another file appears in the folder.
This is working exactly as you described: the triggered update runs shortly after the main database event, and voila, the user doesn't have to wait the extra few seconds. I just love it.
You don't necessarily need to compile your own executable to do this: many scripting languges can use Windows Change Notification. I wrote the background process in Perl and it only took a few minutes to get it working.