So I have a website I'm making that I need to be uploaded by Friday. The last version of it that I made I was able to upload to a Google App Engine domain that I created for it no problem. In fact, I was able to upload it multiple times a day. But now I need to update it and it won't let me. It keeps saying I already have a transaction going on, even though I don't. Help!
Try to rollback the update [options] rollback <app-directory>
Undoes a partially completed update for the given application. You can use this if an update was interrupted, and the command is reporting that the application cannot be updated due to a lock.
Yes , you need to rollback using the appcfg from your google sdk: Here is my full command that I run from my war folder in the comand prompt:
"D:\programs\eclipse-kepler\plugins\\appengine-java-sdk-1.8.8\bin\appcfg.cmd" --no_cookies --passin rollback ./
The same problem in the googles forums:
I recently updated my cron.yaml file and now my cron tasks fail with no entries in the logs.
It is acting like the java servlet at the url is not being run.
I can paste the url into a browser and the servlet runs fine.
My cron.yaml file:
- description: Daily revenues report
url: /revenues
schedule: every day 07:35
timezone: America/Denver
Using below
gcloud config set project ${PROJECT_ID}
gcloud info
gcloud app deploy cron.yaml
Is there an error in my .yaml?
Is there a special task queue set up required?
Is some other configuration or permissions piece missing?
It was running fine last week. I have tried deleting and starting over to no avail.
Shows the job. Result column 'Failed'.
Logs 'View' link shows:
protoPayload.taskName="01661931846119241031" protoPayload.taskQueueName="__cron"
with no log entries.
Is __cron not automatic?
I am at a loss.
App Engine Standard. Java 8.
After installing the latest update of GCloud locally and re-running the deploy cron script. The cron jobs now run as before. 02/02/2021.
'Failed' means that the endpoint /revenues is not returning a success http status code.
Logs 'View' link shows: protoPayload.taskName="01661931846119241031" protoPayload.taskQueueName="__cron" with no log entries
Maybe don't use the premade filter, and just try filtering for /revenues or viewing all the logs at 07:35 am (when it was supposed to have run)
Is there an error in my .yaml?
if there was then gcloud app deploy cron.yaml would fail
Is there a special task queue set up required?
you shouldn't need to do anything, i didn't
I can paste the url into a browser and the servlet runs fine.
When you paste the url into the browser, is there any redirecting (like from /revenues to /revenues/) or anything that your browser is handling for you. Maybe /revenues is expecting there to be cookies present now.
What are there any special app.yaml or dispatch.yaml rules that /revenues would be hitting?
Is /revenues being handled by a service other than the default service?
I had a similar problem: CRON tasks fail without any logs.
The root cause was that the IP address of App Engine was blocked by the App Engine Firewall. Thus I had to update the allow-list, as described here:
I started having the same problem a few days ago on my existing CRON schedules. I've tried everything including tearing my code down to the bare minimum and creating a new GAE project with the Hello World quick start. It still fails. Nothing useful in the logs and the UI just says 'Failed'. I'm pulling my hair out.
Sorry I don't have an answer to contribute but your post makes me think it's on Google's side. I know they're moving CRON jobs to Cloud Scheduler->App Engine Cron Jobs. My gut tells me it's a permissions issue related to this move and IAM. I'm really at a loss.
I made a change to and I'm trying to upload the project and am getting an error. I have used the rollback command as well but I keep getting the error.
Error 409: --- begin server output ---
Another transaction by user admin is already in progress for app: s~test-appx,
backend: urlstat. That user can undo the transaction with "appcfg backends rollback".
--- end server output ---
Does anyone have any idea about this?
This happens on occasion when something terrible happens during a push. If you wait long enough, it will eventually time out and you will be able to update normally again.
The lock is specific to a version of your application. So, if time is short, you can work around this error by pushing to a different version, and then making it the default from the dashboard.
The -V flag allows you to specify which version to target. -V 2 update ./myapp
I had the same error on an "interrupted" update and yes the rollback doesn't help either. What worked for me was to keep updating until the error went away - this isn't a real answer but I don't seem to be able to add comments
I've been using App Engine with Python for a few months. Now that my application has a fair amount of code, I'm trying to solve a problem I've ignored so far:
Each time I turn off my computer, all my development datastore entities are removed.
I would like to keep this data until the next time I launch my development server. But I would also like to be able to turn off my computer without losing all of this data.
How should I proceed?
Thanks a lot
======== UPDATE ==========
When I set the datastore_path flag as explained by #moishe, my development server crashes as soon as it must write into the datastore.
File "/Applications/", line 557, in __WritePickled
os.rename(tmp_filename, filename)
OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied
Therefore, I gave this folder all UNIX permissions
chmod a+w /my_app_folder
But I have now another error which is
OSError: [Errno 21] Is a directory
Obviously the path should not be a directory. So I changed the path to:
And now it works! PFF...
Maybe the default data store path is in a /tmp directory that's being deleted on shutdown? You can manually set the path with the --datastore_path flag in See the docs for details.
This clearing should not be the default behavior.
Check that this application in the Google AppEngine launcher doesn't have the --clear_datastore flag.
Select app in list and select Edit->Applications Settings...
Extra Command Line Flags should be empty.
I once set this to restart some tests and forgot to remove it.
Remove the existing application in the launcher and Create New Application. See if that helps.
Verify the OS isn't deleted the file. If you open the log for the app, then launch it, the output says where the sqlite file is being located (e.g. T:\temp\dev_appserver.rdbms)
flag when starting the dev server:
Path at which all local files (such as the Datastore, Blobstore files,
Google Cloud Storage Files, logs, etc) will be stored, unless
overridden by --datastore_path, --blobstore_path, --logs_path, etc.
found at
I had the same problem, and installing the latest gae SDK solved it.
As in the case here: app engine datastore auto-clears every time project runs
i'm trying to upload my app engine project for the very first time and i have no clue why it is not working. the error from my terminal is:
[me][~/Desktop]$ update ProjectDir/
Application: tacticalagentz; version: 1
Starting update of app: tacticalagentz, version: 1
Scanning files on local disk.
Error 404: --- begin server output ---
This application does not exist (app_id=u'tacticalagentz').
--- end server output ---
i'm using python 2.6.5 and ubuntu 10.04.
not sure if this is relevant, but i just created a google app engine account today. and i also just created the application today (like a couple of hours ago). this is really frustrating because i just want to upload what i have so far (as a demo). in my app.yaml this is my first line:
application: tacticalagentz
Furthermore, i checked on my admin console, and i CLEARLY see the app id right there, and it matches letter for letter with the app id in my app.yaml
could someone please enlighten me and tell me what i am doing wrong? or is it something beyond my comprehension (like indexing issue with Google that they need time to index my app id) ?
thank you very much in advance
apparently adding the "--no_cookies" parameter will work update --no_cookies ProjectDir/
the way i was able to find my answer was by uploading my app from my Mac OS X (thank god i have linux mac and windows). AppEngine on Mac OS X comes with a GUI interface, and it worked for uploading. so then i found the command they used in the console, which included "--no_cookies". perhaps if you run into similar issues in the future, this is one approach to getting the answer
App Engine for Java have the same problem. The problem is about account login.
If you are using Eclipse, use Sign In button.
If u are using command-line, use "-e" option, like this: -e update yoursite/
I had the same problem. When I changed the name of the app I used in the launcher to match the one in the app engine, It worked without any problem. The way I figured out, it was the name mismatch which caused the problem. You can see the name of your registered app in the admin console of app engine.(
Here's what fixed it for me:
i had an instance of myProjDirectory/ on a different terminal.
i guess the scripts are somehow linked and aren't thread safe
An alternate option that worked for me is to just "Clear Deployment Credential" from the Control option of the GUI. When the app was deployed after this, it opened a google page to allow GAE to access the user profile and then deployment was successful.
The key bit is
This application does not exist (app_id=u'tacticalagentz').
which is telling you that doesn't know of an application by that name. The admin console ( shows your applications. Check there. You might have made an inadvertent typo when you registered the app.
I tried to update my app on google appengine by my wireless dropped during the process. When i tried again i got an error "Another transaction by user ajakimov is already in progress for this app and major version." I know i can rollback the update using " -e [mygmail] rollback [war path]" but i was wondering if it's possible to do this via some sort of a web interfiace (i tried the dashboard i couldn't find anything) ?
No. You need to use the command line tools.