I tried to update my app on google appengine by my wireless dropped during the process. When i tried again i got an error "Another transaction by user ajakimov is already in progress for this app and major version." I know i can rollback the update using "appcfg.sh -e [mygmail] rollback [war path]" but i was wondering if it's possible to do this via some sort of a web interfiace (i tried the dashboard i couldn't find anything) ?
No. You need to use the command line tools.
I like that I can use the Logs API (described here: https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/java/logs/) to programatically access and display app & request logs as I see fit--it's great.
Now that I'm using Managed VMs on AppEngine you can see on the Admin Console Logs Viewer that there are a ton of additional logs--including in my case a custom log which I found I could include in the viewer (decribed here: https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/managed-vms/custom-runtimes#logging).
My question is: Is there any way I can use the Logs API (or other pipelines already built?) to access these logs? My Managed VM module includes several components which could produce logs that I want to view:
App logs -- I can get these! No problem here.
Custom log files created by background processes I kick off in _ah/start (like "my_custom_1.log" in the screenshot)
STDERR & STDOUT from my background processes
Relevant Managed VM logs (e.g. for when an instance was restarted due to bad health... other system events like normal restarts?)
Basically I want "the total picture" at the instance level. Anyone tried to tame Managed VMs in this way with success? I'm not looking forward to rolling my own solution. And I wouldn't even know where to start on the problem of capturing STDERR and STDOUT. Any help appreciated.
There is a difference between App Engine logging and Google Cloud logging. Some of the Managed VM logs go to both, but much of it only goes to cloud logging.
Until recently there was not an API to read Cloud logs, only to write them. However, there is a new v2 beta API: https://cloud.google.com/logging/docs/api/introduction_v2
To do things at an instance level, entries in Cloud logging should have metadata set to denote which VM they came from. Both of these values seem to vary on logs from my VMs:
I tried to set up WordPress under Google App Engine earlier tonight (following the instructions here: https://developers.google.com/appengine/articles/wordpress).
It runs fine locally, but when I push to remote I get a database error (visible at https://wp-dot-frontiermediag.appspot.com/). If we throw on a /wp_admin/install.php you get:
This either means that the username and password information in your
wp-config.php file is incorrect or we can't contact the database server
at :/cloudsql/frontiermediag:fmwp. This could mean your host's database
server is down.
Here's the relevant code in wp-config:
/** MySQL hostname */
if(isset($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']) && strpos($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'],'Google App Engine') !== false) {
define('DB_HOST', ':/cloudsql/frontiermediag:fmwp');
define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');
frontiermediag:fmwp is showing "Status Runnable" in Developers Console > Cloud SQL.
I did this once before and it worked so I'm not sure what I'm missing here. I thought it might have been because I'm using WP 3.8.1. but rolled back to 3.5.1 and same thing's happening.
Any ideas? frontiermediag is listed as an authorized application on the :fmwp ACL.
This situation happened to me earlier.However, I edited my Cloud SQL instance , and set "Preferred Location" as "Follow App Engine App" from Google Developers Console. This database connection problem was solved in my case.
I tried the instructions with wordpress 3.5.1 and the instructions seem to work for me. The code snippet you have above seems right and I am not sure what could be wrong without looking at rest of your code. Can you try the instructions from the beginning one more time with 3.5.1?
I had this issue, because "Follow App Engine App" doesn't seem to be an option for second generation instances in my case, and so the instance connection name includes the region setting.
Look at the instance details, and under properties, find "Instance connection name". That is the text that should follow :cloudsql/.
So I have a website I'm making that I need to be uploaded by Friday. The last version of it that I made I was able to upload to a Google App Engine domain that I created for it no problem. In fact, I was able to upload it multiple times a day. But now I need to update it and it won't let me. It keeps saying I already have a transaction going on, even though I don't. Help!
Try to rollback the update
appcfg.py [options] rollback <app-directory>
Undoes a partially completed update for the given application. You can use this if an update was interrupted, and the command is reporting that the application cannot be updated due to a lock.
Yes , you need to rollback using the appcfg from your google sdk: Here is my full command that I run from my war folder in the comand prompt:
"D:\programs\eclipse-kepler\plugins\com.google.appengine.eclipse.sdkbundle_1.8.8\appengine-java-sdk-1.8.8\bin\appcfg.cmd" --no_cookies --email=kdimkov#smartinteractive.fr --passin rollback ./
The same problem in the googles forums:
I am using CapeDwarf JBoss AS7 to host classic GAE+GWT application. On server side, I am logging directly to java.util.Logger framework.
The application works fine, the logs print nice to the console and files.
However, all my logs, together with some http request logs, are also stored in the datastore. Yes, every log line becomes one datastore entity. This should not surprise me, because it is stated in the docs (http://www.jboss.org/capedwarf/docs) and it is needed in order to display logs in gae-like admin console of CapeDwarf.
I was looking for a way to disable this useful but expensive feature. I cannot find any docs that would tell me what to do if I do not need/want my logs in the datastore (e.g. right now 98.3% of my datastore are __org.jboss.capedwarf.LogRequest__ and __org.jboss.capedwarf.LogLine__ entities!). Does anyone happen to know how to do it?
Already answered on our forum: https://community.jboss.org/message/810735#810735
When i deploy my application in GAE , i get this error
This application does not exist (app_id=u'qsse-ss').
scenario is that this application is already deployed to GAE by some other user , now i have made some changes and i want to update in GAE, so now when i right click on my app in eclipse and go to "deploy to appengine " it gives me this error
Am i doing something wrong , whats the correct way of doing it
That happened to me as well when I provided a username that wasn't an owner/developer, and even specifying a different account with -e or --email didn't work. What fixed was this:
appcfg.py update . --no_cookies
(same as: https://stackoverflow.com/a/10004722)
You have to login under developer or owner to deploy application. This is bottom left icon in eclipse.
Also check your application name. If id of application correct and user you login has role owner/developer for this application - you will deploy.
You have to make sure that application name in your GAE local client matches the one in your Google account. Check the app.yaml file to make sure that the name of application matches there as well.
That also happend to me when I change the email to create new appid for goagent.
My solution is delete cookie file in the server directory:
rm server/.appcfg_cookies
then, everything is ok!
Deleted .appcfg_oauth2_tokens c:/usrs/etc worked for me after a long overdue upgrade to python27.
At least as of 2017-06-22, it's not enough to create a cloud project. You have to go to the App Engine section of cloud console and choose a language. When it's done saying "Preparing your App Engine services..." then you can deploy.
the problem was different name which i changed from rightClick project ->appenginesettings->ApplicationId .
this name should be same in your google account
Removing the oauth2 token file ~/.appcfg_oauth2_tokens or specifying a different token store file file with the flag "--oauth2_credential_file" might be a permanent solution. MacOSX GoogleAppEngineLauncher.app does not let you change this flag/path when you push the deploy button.
appcfg.py --oauth2_credential_file=~/.appcfg_oauth2_tokens_myappid
I had same error message:
This application does not exist (project_id=u'xxxx-123456'). To create an
App Engine application in this project, run "gcloud app create" in
your console.
I solved it by executing below command:
gcloud app create
It will create app inside your project and assign selected region.