Building a trivial program with dpkg-buildflags - c

I'm trying to build a very simple C program for inclusion into a .deb package. The bulk of the project is in Python. When this program is included into a .deb package, lintian gives me the hardening-no-fortify-functions warning.
On further reading, it appears that Debian expects you to include certain flags while building C programs, and that these flags can be retrieved using dpkg-buildflags --get CFLAGS.
My initial build flags looked like this:
gcc -Wall -pedantic -o somefile somefile.c
Now, I'm building with
CFLAGS=`dpkg-buildflags --get CFLAGS`
gcc $CFLAGS -o somefile somefile.c
However, I continue to get the hardening-no-fortify-functions warning. What am I doing wrong here? Is this now a false positive? Can I just add an override and forget about it?

There are several possibilities of which the third seems most likely, but I've mentioned 1 and 2 in case they are causing you problems too:
dpkg-buildflags --get CFLAGS is returning the wrong thing. On my system it returns:
-g -O2 -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -Wformat -Wformat-security -Werror=format-security
If you just execute it from the command line, what do you get?
Your value of CFLAGS is not being passed to gcc. I assume you are using a Makefile here; are those two statements actually adjacent? Do you not want CFLAGS = (with a space) if so? Or are you setting CFLAGS at the command line in which case you should know the debian build tool stuff strips the environment of most things that don't start DEB_, so you will need to set CFLAGS inside whatever builds the package.
The CFLAGS aren't sufficient to eliminate the hardening error. Let's have a look at the lintian error: and note it says 'Certainty: wild guess'. That does not inspire confidence that it is correct. However, I suspect the actual problem is this: you are not bringing in LDFLAGS. Try:
$ dpkg-buildflags --get LDFLAGS
-Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions -Wl,-z,relro
You'll need those on your linker line.
This approach would seem to work (i.e. at least compile):
gcc `dpkg-buildflags --get CFLAGS` `dpkg-buildflags --get LDFLAGS` main.c -o main


C compiler confusion

okay so I'm on OS and I use terminal to compile my c code. Whenever I make a file using nano or vim called "tst.c" (or whatever the name might be ) then I compile using (my teacher told me to use this everytime so I don't think this is the problem:
gcc -Wall -std=c99 -o tst.c ./tst.c
then it turns into binary I'm guessing. But when I try to edit it again, it has all these weird encryptions I'm guessing like:
So, question is, how do I revert so I can edit and not make a new file every time???????
You're overwriting your original source file with the compiled executable because of the -o option:
gcc -Wall -std=c99 -o tst.c ./tst.c
You'll need to specify a different output file name in the -o option:
gcc -Wall -std=c99 -o tst tst.c
Otherwise, you can leave the -o option off entirely, and the compiled executable will be written to a file named a.out.
Eventually, you'll want to automate all of this with the make utility, but for now just be aware of how the -o option works.
the -o (name) flag means you are storing the output into whatever you used for name.. so if you add .c to the end of the name you'll see lots of interesting stuff. Man pages are pretty awesome when learning about what each flags do.

Can't name executable with specified optimization

I have to turn off optimizations while compiling c code I wrote while using the gcc compiler on a linux. I have found that I can compile the code but I can only get the code to compile without the executable name specified (default to a.out).
So this works:
gcc -O0 Problem04b.c
But my problem is that I have to submit this assignment and I can't submit an executable called a.out because my instructor needs to know which problem it is. I realize I can probably just run
cp a.out Problem04b
rm a.out
but I want to know if there is a way I can just compile the code directly into the executable Problem04b. I've tried to run the command like this:
gcc -O0 Problem04b Problem04b.c
but I'm having no luck.
Thanks for your help.
It's the -o flag:
gcc -O0 -o Problem04b Problem04b.c
To specify the output file, you need to use the -o <filename> option with gcc.
Note : Please mind the lower case here
In your case, it should be
gcc -O0 -o Problem04b Problem04b.c
For reference: From gcc manual
-o file
Place output in file file. This applies to whatever sort of output is being produced, whether it be an executable file, an object file, an assembler file or preprocessed C code.
Actually, you also want to get warnings (that won't change the produced executable, but it is very helpful to you), so compile with
gcc -O0 -Wall -Wextra Problem04b.c -o Problem04b
The -Wall option asks for nearly all warnings, the -Wextra option asks for even more of them.
To run your thing (the ./ is useful because of possible PATH issues):
Notice that -O0 is optional (since it is the default), you could remove it.
gcc -Wall -Wextra Problem04b.c -o Problem04b
If you want real optimization, e.g. for benchmarking, use e.g. -O1 or -O2 or -O3
You probably want to compile with debug information, then
gcc -g -Wall -Wextra Problem04b.c -o Problem04b
and of course you need to learn how to use the GDB debugger. So read some tutorial about that, then type
gdb ./Problem04b
You'll get a (gdb) prompt. Try help at that time.
You probably want to read the chapter about invoking GCC of the GCC documentation.

gcc is working, but not yielding executable

My C compiler was working a second ago and making executables, but I started working on a new .c file and suddenly it won't work anymore. I haven't changed anything and I'm still using the same commands, Gitbash version, etc. The compiler is still able to catch errors, so gcc works, but after calling:
gcc -std=c99 my_file.c
there is no executable called my_file.exe. Help sites online suggest installing additional software to fix the error, but I'm hesitant to do so because everything was working fine earlier and I don't want to aggravate the problem with additional software.
Since you have not specified the name of the file to output, GCC will output a.exe.
If you desire output named something else, you must use the -o flag, for example:
gcc -std=c99 -o my_file.exe my_file.c
On Unix, that compiler command would generate an executable a.out. You may find that there is an executable with a default name — but I don't have Windows to check what that name is. Guesses might include a.exe, a_out.exe, aout.exe, etc.
To get my_file.exe:
gcc -std=c99 -o my_file.exe my_file.c
If you don't specify an output -o flag you will get a.exe by default (a.out on other platforms),
gcc -std=c99 my_file.c
If it is working, produces
I think you wanted
gcc -std=c99 -o my_file.exe my_file.c

C gcc compilation question and makefiles

Not even quite sure what my question is. The short of it is, for a class I'm supposed to add some functionality to this c file, and it came with a handy makefile.
CFLAGS=-DUNIX -lreadline -lcurses -ansi -pedantic-errors
all: shell
shell: shell.c parse.c parse.h
gcc $(CFLAGS) $(DEBUG) shell.c parse.c -o shell
rm -f shell *~
I have to add features to shell.c. I'm very new to C (usually use c++ or c#) so I'm testing out little things in a separate little tests.c file. Things like, see what exactly certain system calls return, how to printf them right, etc. Anyway, tests.c seems to be conforming to different c compiler standards or I'm compiling it wrong. If I accidentally use // to comment something out or declare a variable somewhere other than at the start in shell.c, the compiler yells at me. It doesn't care in tests.c.
I compile tests.c with "gcc tests.c -o tests"
If I compile the shell using "gcc shell.c parse.c -o shell" it compiles fine, but running it simply gives me a segmentation fault. I would love to ask my TA about this, but every time I as him something he answers a completely different question...
Any thoughts on what's going on here? Perhaps a point in the right direction at least?
The problem is that your makefile includes -ansi -pedantic-errors flags for the compiler. This forces it to use a very old version of C. Perhaps this Makefile was provided by your instructor and he wants like that? It is not uncommon.
To use these new features (// comments, automatic variables anywhere in a block) just drop these two flags. If you have the freedom, I recommend also using -std=c99 -Wall.
To get GCC to accept C99 conventions, tell it to do so:
gcc -std=c99 ...
gcc -std=gnu99 ...
So, add -std=gnu99 to your CFLAGS value, and remove -ansi which is equivalent to -std=c89. If you must code to C89 standards, do not use // comments.
We can't tell what causes the core dump - but it could be that you're trying to modify a string literal somewhere, or any of a large number of other problems.
The -ansi -pedantic-errors prevents the impurities like // and variable definitions in the middle of the function. Remove that and you should be able to sin away.
As for the segmentation fault, your best bet is to run your program through gdb to see where it crashes.
Why are you compiling by calling gcc directly instead of using the makefile? The makefile adds a number of additional command-line gcc options which are most likely important. Do you see the same behavior if you compile using make all?
Since you are new to C, I would recommend adding -Wall to the CFLAGS line. This will enable all compiler warnings, which may alert you to a subtle error that you might have otherwise missed.

compile with -ansi -pedantic -Wall switches automatically with gcc

We are required to compile C source codes using gcc in this manner:
gcc -ansi -pedantic -Wall program.c
I'm wondering how can I 'automate' this so when I enter:
gcc program.c
It will automatically compile with the 3 switches. Is this possible?
You can also use the implicit rules of make, so that you don't have to write a makefile for every program. Make will automatically call the compiler if you say make foo and there exists a foo.c file in the current directory. To add flags to this define the variable CFLAGS in your environment, e.g. in bash add export CFLAGS="-Wall -pedantic -ansi" to .bashrc.
If your program depends on multiple files however you'll have to create a makefile, but for C compilation you can get away with just listing dependancies so long as one of them has the same base name as a target.
For example for this makefile:
# Makefile
foo:foo.o bar.o
running make will execute the commands
gcc $CFLAGS -c -o foo.o foo.c
gcc $CFLAGS -c -o bar.o bar.c
gcc -o foo foo.o bar.o
without you having to add any rules.
To automate the build of any number of build steps / complex parameters, you should use a makefile.
Once you have a makefile you simply need to type: make
alias gcc="gcc -ansi -pedantic -Wall"
But as #Brian said, you really should use a makefile, or better, a build system like CMake or SCons.
A makefile would be the traditional way, especially as part of a larger build process.
If you frequently want to build without a makefile, you could define an alias in your .bashrc or equivalent: alias gcc=gcc -ansi -pedantic -Wall.
You can use a shell script that takes some cues by how its called and invokes make after setting CFLAGS appropriately for the occasional one-off build.
Lets say you have /usr/bin/compile , which is a shell script that looks at $0 to see what name actually invoked it. You then make symbolic links to it named pedantic, fullwarn, etc.
In the shell script itself, something like:
WHATAMI=$(basename $0)
case "$WHATAMI" in
export CFLAGS="-Wall -pedantic -ansi"
make $#
exit $?
export CFLAGS="-std=c99 ... ... ..."
Then, to compile foo.c with the extra naggy flags:
pedantic foo
This is handy, as I said for one-off builds, e.g trying to compile code that someone posted in a question, or working out how to use a new library, etc.
For anything else, just use a makefile, as others have said.
