Blend for visual studio. Can't create WPF controll library project - wpf

In other computer there was Blend for visual studio 2012 and I could create wpf and silverlight projects. On my computer (also have Blend for visual studio 2012) when I want to create new project there are two options: HTML (Windows Store) and XAML (Windows Store). But there is no WPF which I need to create wpf contoll library. Why is that? Do I have some wrong version of Blend or some plug-in not istalled?


Is it possible to develop an XBAP application with Visual Studio 2019?

Is it possible to develop an XBAP application with Visual Studio 2019 ? The project template is not shown when creating a new project.
if you mean wpf for the web i think it's limited to visual studio 2010
Yes you can , The project template named WPF Browser App
Visual studio 2019 version:

WPF Application - Xamarin Visual Studio

I am trying to create a desktop application for windows using Xamarin Visual Studio but i cannot find WPF application. I saw in other S.O questions that Visual Studio does support.
Do i have to install any plugin?
Open the Visual Studio 2017 installer and select modify. Make sure the windows workflow is selected and press continue. This will add support for WPF and windows forms apps
WPF is not supported in Visual Studio for Mac
WPF is not cross-platform, it is Windows desktop only. And there is no "plugin" that changes this.
So if you want to create a WPF desktop application you should use Visual Studio on Windows and nothing else.

cannot open project file in blend in visual studios 2012

Hello I've been switching between blend and visual studio for designing and coding and I heard that you can right click an XML file and click open in blend I've looked on the context menu and it isn't there. Any help is appreciated.
The Blend in Visual Studio 2012 is for Windows Phone and Windows Store apps only,
Blend will continue to ship as a standalone tool with Visual Studio
2012, as part of a consolidated designer/developer offering. Blend for
Visual Studio 2012 provides a rich design-centric environment for
building Windows Store apps and Windows Phone apps. In addition,
Visual Studio 2012 Update 2 and later adds support for Silverlight and
WPF editing, as well as SketchFlow.
You will have to install Update 2 as suggested by Microsoft.

How to open a WPF project with Blend in Visual Studio 2012?

I'm using Visual Studio 2012 Professional Edition and have a WPF project.
I'd like to open my WPF project with Blend but the option doesn't exist in my visual studio.
Should I install Blend separately? How can I make the option visible and enable it?
Look at this video:
there is an "Open for Blend" option when right clicking on the project.
You can initiate a new instance of blend 2012 and open the corresponding project in that.. This is very basic.. is it not working?
I have had this same exact problem with using VS2013 Ultimate SP2.
It would appear that this only actually works when it's a Silverlight project, but once you open up Blend for Visual Studio you're able to go to File -> Open Project/Solution... and select the project you want to design with Blend.
As far as I am aware this is the only way to open Blend without looking through the VS 2012/2013 program folders. I have tried it several times with WPF (even right-clicking on specific XAML files) with no success.
This may have been fixed, so I will be updating VS2013 to the latest version (SP3) and update this answer with my findings.

why some WPF controls do not appear in the toolbox

Some WPF control do not appear in the toolbox panel in the visual studio 2008 sp1, like webbrowser.
Is this by design?
Some controls were added in WPF version 4 (Visual Studio 2010). For example, WebBrowser. That is why it does not show up in Visual Studio 2008 (which supports only upto WPF 3.5 SP1).
