How to generate a multiplicative space vector in Matlab? - arrays

I am trying to generate "automatically" a vector 0.01, 0.03, 0.1, 0.3, 1, 3, 10, 30 (in multiplicative space).
I know linspace and logspace functions, but I couldn't find any similar function for multiplicative space.
Is there any? Otherwise, how to generate a vector like the one I need?

An easy way with bsxfun, also considering multiplication to smaller spaces:
x = [0.01,0.03,0.05] % initial vector, works for various lengths
n = 12; % times it should get multiplied in rising direction
m = 3; % times it should get multiplied in falling direction
Z = bsxfun( #times, x(:), 10.^(-m:n) )
Z = Z(:)
% if preferred, bulky one-liner:
% Z = reshape( bsxfun( #times, x(:), 10.^(-m:n) ) , 1 , [])
I assumed a multiplication with the multiplication vector, e.g.:
10.^(0:n) = 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 ....
But custom vectors Y are also possible:
Z = bsxfun( #times, x(:), Y(:)' ) Z = Z(:)

A function that might help you achieving this in a very easy and compact way is the Kronecker tensor product kron.
You can use it to rewrite thewaywewalk's answer as:
v = [0.01;0.03;0.05]; % initial vector
emin = -3; % minimal exponent
emax = 12; % maximal exponent
Z = kron(10.^(emin:emax)',v(:))
which should give you the exact same result.

not very efficient but this will generate what you want. inputvec is your initial vector [0.01 0.03] in this case, multiplier is 10. length of the required string n is 8. n should be a multiple of nn (length of the input vector)
function newvec=multispace(n,inputvec,multiplier)
for i=1:n/nn-1


MATLAB Vectorised Pairwise Distance

I'm struggling to vectorise a function which performs a somewhat pairwise difference between two vectors x = 2xN and v = 2xM, for some arbitrary N, M. I have this to work when N = 1, although, I would like to vectorise this function to apply to inputs with N arbitrary.
Indeed, what I want this function to do is for each column of x find the normed difference between x(:,column) (a 2x1) and v (a 2xM).
A similar post is this, although I haven't been able to generalise it.
Current implementation
function mat = vecDiff(x,v)
diffVec = bsxfun(#minus, x, v);
mat = diffVec ./ vecnorm(diffVec);
x =
v =
1 3 5
2 4 6
vecDiff(x,v) =
0 -0.5547 -0.6247
-1.0000 -0.8321 -0.7809
Your approach can be adapted as follows to suit your needs:
Permute the dimensions of either x or v so that its number of columns becomes the third dimension. I'm choosing v in the code below.
This lets you exploit implicit expansion (or equivalently bsxfun) to compute a 2×M×N array of differences, where M and N are the numbers of columns of x and v.
Compute the vector-wise (2-)norm along the first dimension and use implicit expansion again to normalize this array:
x = [1 4 2 -1; 1 5 3 -2];
v = [1 3 5; 2 4 6];
diffVec = x - permute(v, [1 3 2]);
diffVec = diffVec./vecnorm(diffVec, 2, 1);
You may need to apply permute differently if you want the dimensions of the output in another order.
Suppose your two input matrices are A (a 2 x N matrix) and B (a 2 x M matrix), where each column represents a different observation (note that this is not the traditional way to represent data).
Note that the output will be of the size N x M x 2.
out = zeros(N, M, 2);
We can find the distance between them using the builtin function pdist2.
dists = pdist2(A.', B.'); (with the transpositions required for the orientation of the matrices)
To get the individual x and y distances, the easiest way I can think of is using repmat:
xdists = repmat(A(1,:).', 1, M) - repmat(B(1,:), N, 1);
ydists = repmat(A(2,:).', 1, M) - repmat(B(2,:), N, 1);
And we can then normalise this by the distances found earlier:
out(:,:,1) = xdists./dists;
out(:,:,2) = ydists./dists;
This returns a matrix out where the elements at position (i, j, :) are the components of the normed distance between A(:,i) and B(:,j).

Check subset sum for special array equation

I was trying to solve the following problem.
We are given N and A[0]
N <= 5000
A[0] <= 10^6 and even
if i is odd then
A[i] >= 3 * A[i-1]
if i is even
A[i]= 2 * A[i-1] + 3 * A[i-2]
element at odd index must be odd and at even it must be even.
We need to minimize the sum of the array.
and We are given a Q numbers
Q <= 1000
X<= 10^18
We need to determine is it possible to get subset-sum = X from our array.
What I have tried,
Creating a minimum sum array is easy. Just follow the equations and constraints.
The approach that I know for subset-sum is dynamic programming which has time complexity sum*sizeof(Array) but since sum can be as large as 10^18 that approach won't work.
Is there any equation relation that I am missing?
We can make it with a bit of math:
sorry for latex I am not sure it is possible on stack?
let X_n be the sequence (same as being defined by your A)
I assume X_0 is positive.
Thus sequence is strictly increasing and minimization occurs when X_{2n+1} = 3X_{2n}
We can compute the general term of X_{2n} and X_{2n+1}
v_0 =
v_1 =
the relation between v_0 and v_1 is
M_a =
0 1
3 2
the relation between v_1 and v_2 is
M_b =
0 1
0 3
hence the relation between v_2 and v_0 is
M = M_bM_a =
3 2
9 6
we deduce
v_{2n} =
v_{2n} = M^n v_0
Follow the classical diagonalization... and we (unless mistaken) get
X_{2n} = 9^n/3 X_0 + 2*9^{n-1}X_1
X_{2n+1} = 9^n X_0 + 2*9^{n-1}/3X_1
recall that X_1 = 3X_0 thus
X_{2n} = 9^n X_0
X_{2n+1} = 3.9^n X_0
Now if we represent the sum we want to check in base 9 we get
9^{n+1} 9^n
___ ________ ___ ___
X^{2n+2} X^2n
In the X^{2n} places we can only put a 1 or a 0 (that means we take the 2n-th elem from the A)
we may also put a 3 in the place of the X^{2n} place which means we selected the 2n+1th elem from the array
so we just have to decompose number in base 9, and check whether all its digits or either 0,1 or 3 (and also if its leading digit is not out of bound of our array....)

Matlab Convert Vector to Binary Matrix [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Create a zero-filled 2D array with ones at positions indexed by a vector
(4 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I have a vector v of size (m,1) whose elements are integers picked from 1:n. I want to create a matrix M of size (m,n) whose elements M(i,j) are 1 if v(i) = j, and are 0 otherwise. I do not want to use loops, and would like to implement this as a simple vector-matrix manipulation only.
So I thought first, to create a matrix with repeated elements
M = v * ones(1,n) % this is a (m,n) matrix of repeated v
For example v=[1,1,3,2]'
m = 4 and n = 3
M =
1 1 1
1 1 1
3 3 3
2 2 2
then I need to create a comparison vector c of size (1,n)
c = 1:n
1 2 3
Then I need to perform a series of logical comparisons
M(1,:)==c % this results in [1,0,0]
M(4,:)==c % this results in [0,1,0]
However, I thought it should be possible to perform the last steps of going through each single row in compact matrix notation, but I'm stumped and not knowledgeable enough about indexing.
The end result should be
M =
1 0 0
1 0 0
0 0 1
0 1 0
A very simple call to bsxfun will do the trick:
>> n = 3;
>> v = [1,1,3,2].';
>> M = bsxfun(#eq, v, 1:n)
M =
1 0 0
1 0 0
0 0 1
0 1 0
How the code works is actually quite simple. bsxfun is what is known as the Binary Singleton EXpansion function. What this does is that you provide two arrays / matrices of any size, as long as they are broadcastable. This means that they need to be able to expand in size so that both of them equal in size. In this case, v is your vector of interest and is the first parameter - note that it's transposed. The second parameter is a vector from 1 up to n. What will happen now is the column vector v gets replicated / expands for as many values as there are n and the second vector gets replicated for as many rows as there are in v. We then do an eq / equals operator between these two arrays. This expanded matrix in effect has all 1s in the first column, all 2s in the second column, up until n. By doing an eq between these two matrices, you are in effect determining which values in v are equal to the respective column index.
Here is a detailed time test and breakdown of each function. I placed each implementation into a separate function and I also let n=max(v) so that Luis's first code will work. I used timeit to time each function:
function timing_binary
n = 10000;
v = randi(1000,n,1);
m = numel(v);
function luis_func()
M1 = full(sparse(1:m,v,1));
function luis_func2()
%m = numel(v);
%n = 3; %// or compute n automatically as n = max(v);
M2 = zeros(m, n);
M2((1:m).' + (v-1)*m) = 1;
function ray_func()
M3 = bsxfun(#eq, v, 1:n);
function op_func()
M4= ones(1,m)'*[1:n] == v * ones(1,n);
t1 = timeit(#luis_func);
t2 = timeit(#luis_func2);
t3 = timeit(#ray_func);
t4 = timeit(#op_func);
fprintf('Luis Mendo - Sparse: %f\n', t1);
fprintf('Luis Mendo - Indexing: %f\n', t2);
fprintf('rayryeng - bsxfun: %f\n', t3);
fprintf('OP: %f\n', t4);
This test assumes n = 10000 and the vector v is a 10000 x 1 vector of randomly distributed integers from 1 up to 1000. BTW, I had to modify Luis's second function so that the indexing will work as the addition requires vectors of compatible dimensions.
Running this code, we get:
>> timing_binary
Luis Mendo - Sparse: 0.015086
Luis Mendo - Indexing: 0.327993
rayryeng - bsxfun: 0.040672
OP: 0.841827
Luis Mendo's sparse code wins (as I expected), followed by bsxfun, followed by indexing and followed by your proposed approach using matrix operations. The timings are in seconds.
Assuming n equals max(v), you can use sparse:
v = [1,1,3,2];
M = full(sparse(1:numel(v),v,1));
What sparse does is build a sparse matrix using the first argument as row indices, the second as column indices, and the third as matrix values. This is then converted into a full matrix with full.
Another approach is to define the matrix containing initially zeros and then use linear indexing to fill in the ones:
v = [1,1,3,2];
m = numel(v);
n = 3; %// or compute n automatically as n = max(v);
M = zeros(m, n);
M((1:m) + (v-1)*m) = 1;
I think I've also found a way to do it, and it would be nice if somebody could tell me which of the methods shown is faster for very large vectors and matrices. The additional method I thought of is the following
M= ones(1,m)'*[1:n] == v * ones(1,n)

MATLAB function to replace randi to generate a matrix

I have a matlab problem to solve. In have two vectores that limit my space, x_low and x_high. The matrix pos needs to have values within this spaces and each column of the matrix has different bounds given by the two vectores. Now my problem is that randi gives valus between two integers but i need to change the bounds for each columns. There is another way to use randi or a different matlab function to do this?
I know there are better codes to do this but i'm starting to use matlab and i know to do it this way, any aid is welcome
x_low = [Io_low, Iirr_low, Rp_low, Rs_low, n_low]; % vector of constant values
x_high = [Io_high, Iirr_high, Rp_high, Rs_high, n_high]; % vector of constant values
pos = rand(particles, var);
var = length(x_high);
for i = 1: particles % rows
for k = 1: var %columns
if pos(i, k) < x_low(k) || pos(i, k) > x_high(k) % if the position is out of bounder
pos(i, k) = randi(x_low(k), x_high(k), 1); % fill it with a particle whithin the bounderies
If I understand correctly, you need to generate a matrix with integer values such that each column has different lower and upper limits; and those lower and upper limits are inclusive.
This can be done very simply with
rand (to generate random numbers between 0 and 1 ),
bsxfun (to take care of the lower and upper limits on a column basis), and
round (so that the results are integer values).
Let the input data be defined as
x_low = [1 6 11]; %// lower limits
x_high = [3 10 100]; %// upper limits
n_rows = 7; %// number of columns
r = rand(n_rows, numel(x_low)); %// random numbers between 0 and 1
r = floor(bsxfun(#times, r, x_high-x_low+1)); %// adjust span and round to integers
r = bsxfun(#plus, r, x_low); %// adjust lower limit
gives something like
r =
2 7 83
3 6 93
2 6 22
3 10 85
3 7 96
1 10 90
2 8 57
If you need to fill in values only at specific entries of matrix pos, you can use something like
ind = bsxfun(#lt, pos, x_low) | bsxfun(#gt, pos, x_high); %// index of values to replace
pos(ind) = r(ind);
This a little overkill, because the whole matrixd r is generated only to use some of its entries. To generate only the needed values the best way is probably to use loops.
You can use cellfun for this. Something like:
x_low = [Io_low, Iirr_low, Rp_low, Rs_low, n_low];
x_high = [Io_high, Iirr_high, Rp_high, Rs_high, n_high];
pos = cell2mat(cellfun(#randi, mat2cell([x_low' x_high'], ones(numel(x_low),1), 1), repmat({[particles 1]}, [numel(x_low) 1)])))';

What's the fastest way to remove or change large number of entries in arrays in MATLAB?

I want to change a number of values in a 4D array M_ ijkl to NaN using MATLAB.
I use find to get the indices i and j that meet a certain condition for k = 2 and l = 4 (in my case it's the y component of a position at time t_4). I now want to set all the entries for these i and j combinations and for all k and l to NaN.
I used this method to do it (example by nkjt):
% initialise
M = zeros(10,10,2,4);
% set two points in (:,:,2,4) to be above threshold.
% find and set to NaN
[i,j] = find(M(:,:,2,4) > 4);
M(i,j,:,:)= NaN;
% count NaNs
sum(isnan(M(:))) % returns 32
This method is is very slow as this example illustrates:
M = rand(360,360,2,4);
threshold = 0.5;
% slow and wrong result
[i,j] = find(M(:,:,2,4) > threshold);
M(i,j,:,:) = NaN;
Elapsed time is 54.698449 seconds.
Note that the tic and toc don't time the find so that is not the problem.
With Rody's and njkt's help I also realized that my method doesn't actually do what I want. I only want to change entries with the combinations i and j i found with find (for all k and l), i.e. [2,4,:,:] and [6,8,:,:], but not [2,8,:,:] and [6,4,:,:]. In the first example sum(isnan(M(:))) should return 16.
Have you checked your results? Because I think they are wrong. For example, if you have
A = [...
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9];
and you want to set element A(1,1) and A(2,3) to NaN. What you are doing is
A([1 2], [1 3]) = NaN
but that gives
A =
NaN 2 NaN
NaN 5 NaN
7 8 9
The easiest and fastest way around this is to not use find, but logical indexing:
M = rand(360,360,2,4);
maximum = 0.05;
M(M(:,:,2,4) > maximum) = NaN;
Which gives on my PC:
Elapsed time is 0.003547 seconds.
Much faster for me by reshaping M:
M = rand(360,360,2,4);
M = reshape(M,[360*360,2,4]);
maximum = 0.05;
n = find(M(:,2,4) > maximum);
M(n,:,:) = NaN;
M = reshape(M,[360, 360, 2, 4]);
M(i,j,:,:)= NaN; sets all combinations of i, j to NaN for all k,l (as explained in Rody's answer).
So for example:
% initialise
M = zeros(10,10,2,4);
% set two points in (:,:,2,4) to be above threshold.
% find and set to NaN
[i,j] = find(M(:,:,2,4) > 4);
M(i,j,:,:)= NaN;
% count NaNs
sum(isnan(M(:))) % returns 32
e.g. '(2,4,l,k) = NaN' but also '(4,2,l,k) = NaN'.
If this is what you want, reduce the size of i,j with unique after find.
In terms of logical indexing, basically, it's often better to do something like A(A>2)=NaN; instead of n = find(A>2); A(n)=NaN;. In the reshaped case you could do M(M(:,2,4)>maximum,:,:) = NaN;. I didn't tic/toc it so I don't know if it would be faster in this case.
